Assignment 1 3 Film Summary John Dewey

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Film Summary: John Dewey

Ramona Torres-Martinez
Fresno Pacific University

Film Summary: John Dewey

The theory of John Dewey transformed and clarified the concept of human learning. His

human learning theory continues to provide a significant influence on todays teaching methods

and childrens learning development. The Video John Dewey: His Life and Work (Davidson

Films, 2001), made and clarified several important points regarding human development and

learning. One point made in the film in regards to human development is that factors like

previous experiences, interaction with the environment, and amount of interest in a concept are

important elements that can have a great influence on the learning process. Another point that

was explained by the video was that learning process of a human is like a circuit. There is

sequence of steps that must occur for learning to occur and become relevant information to the

learner. The video also expressed that democracy is an essential element in the human learning

and development because it provides that social values necessary to work cooperatively towards

a common goal. (Davidson Films, 2001)

In my opinion John Deweys theory was skillfully captured and portrayed by providing

detailed illustrations of the main ideas of his philosophy. The video gracefully portrayed John

Deweys beliefs in regards to the process of human learning. His early life and experiences were

described in detail and the video explained about the influences from other theorist that

influenced his own ideologies of his learning theory. The video also proficiently depicted the

lifelong achievements and contributions that his theory provided back then and how his beliefs

are relevant to todays education system. Lastly, the video knowledgeably summarized John

Deweys enduring inquiry to learn and educate other with his wisdom about learning.
The information presented in the video is likely to have a significant impact on my work

with young children and their families because I was able to gain greater understanding of

Montessoris theory. One way this video is likely to impact my teaching is by renovating my

perspective on how to organize my daily schedule to provide the children in my class with larger

blocks of interrupted play. This video provided helpful information that I can use to design

activities for the children in the classroom using skills that can also be used at home with their

parents for daily life activities.

Davidson Films, Inc. (2001). John Dewey: His Life and Work [video file]. Retrieved on January

13, 2017 from mms://

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