Ici Repose Un Géant Endormi, Laissez Le Dormir, Car Quand Il S'éveillera, Il Étonnera Le Monde

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It Can be said that the trully Asian miracle is China .

In the last
decade the world see very amazing progress from china .This
previously even once predicted by napoleon bonaparte . Napoleon
once said Ici repose un gant endormi, laissez le dormir, car quand
il sveillera, il tonnera le monde. ( here a giant asleep , let him
sleep , because when he woke up , he would shock the world .This
was not said by napoleon bonaparte without reason. China have the
big potential as people , resouces , culture technology , culture , etc.
It cannot be denied that china now dominate various sectors
economy and international trades .This can be seen where in china
managed to overtake japan as a second biggest country in scale gdp
, and have become the world largest trading , seen from the total
value of trading who in 2012 reached 2 trillion us dollars.
It was no secret that the increased of China economic led to an
increase in confidence national and self-awareness china to more
participated actively in the domain of international order. China has
significant influence on various aspects .Reputation of china
increasing from time to time give bargaining advantages great and
international stage favorable to china in running their diplomacy.
Building a harmonius world is the ultimate principle china in
setting foreign policy , and the main way that is used diplomacy
that is oriented toward the global development .International
investment , trade , such assistance is shades of modern diplomacy
china at this time
Ellen L. Frost in the article Promise or Threat? Chinas
Commercial Diplomacy in Asia Said that investment it is important
for china in building their economic. It Was recorded at 2.7 percent
of the total 9.7 percent China GDP derived from Foreign Direct
Investment plans .This resulted in the increase the number of jobs
and tax extremely which give advantages to china .Currently
chinese recorded as third largest country in the world for FDI
plans .In addition china are also is a very massive do fdi plans and
trade abroad. China eksport in terms of telecommunication and toys
is the largest in the world.It showed that on one side china is very
need investment to his country, on the other hand also continued to
expand its influence in the world international in a of being a state
investors or state of donors. It has become the concept of economic
development china called regional preeminence and global influence
where an active role china in the international community is a key to
develop national economy.
Investment has become an effective instrument for china .Like two
sides of the coin a favorable , where useful in china national
progress also as an effective way to conducting their diplomacy in
international run. Infrastructure diplomacy is customarily conducted
china in running its international relations. A total investment global
china globally is very high even by 2020 is predicted to be a largest
global investors in the world. All sorts of china investments includes
a variety of global mega project have the political advantages and
great economical as nuclear reactor , port , airport , railway lines ,
Infrastructure Diplomacy has become unique formulation of
diplomacy in xin ji ping regime. Infrastructure diplomacy besides as
a tool of economic development regional china are also as a tool of
China trade in various countries which so effective to china to open
the market in many regions. In addition China infrastructure
diplomacy are also as a strategy to balance of power of usa , japan
and russia in various area. .Call it canal project nicaragua in central
america , dams project in central asia and fast train in indonesia .
Besides China infrastructure diplomacy are also as a transfer
chinese culture to various parts of the world .Infrastructure
development is expected to be instrumental of china of on various
China Infrastructure diplomacy in developing countries perspective
is avorable regard.What is done by china is often also called the
dragons gift. China financing power in terms of investment in
infrastructure it cannot be denied has been used by broad and very
massive. Deborah brautigam , a professor johns hopkins university ,
in his book , the dragon gift said this system has become trend of
china until recent years to assistance distribution to the principle of
mutually beneficial. This Diplomacy model is a brilliant step of china
in have a partnership international relations especially to developing
countries. A big oportunity on developing countries capable of being
viewed well by china. Terms such as a builder in world , dragons a ,
etc is a prime example the success of china .

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