World Tourism Organization World Tourism Rankings

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However, water pollution is evitable when a country focuses on economy growth in cases

where the economy of the country depends on soft power such as tourism and service industry.
One good example is Singapore. Singapore is a highly developed trade-oriented market
economy, being the most open, and least corrupted in the world. It has the worlds third highest
per-capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). Its
economy depends on the service industries, which employ almost 80% of the 3.03 million
workers, and employees, which contributes to almost 70% of the countrys GDP. The port of
Singapore is the busiest cargo port in the world. Also, it is known as the Switzerland of Asia as
banking, finance and insurance make up a big part of the economy. Tourism is also a huge
aspect of the Singapore economy as it contributes to 10.9% of the GDP in 2011 and in the same
year, the country has attracted 3,171,303 tourists, over twice Singapore's total population.
According to World Tourism Organization: World Tourism rankings, Singapore ranked 29 out of
all countries. Its economy growth is about 4.9% in the first quarter of 2014, remaining one of the
most competitive economies internationally. Although Singapore has such a prosperity, it its
water supply in the country remain one of the cleanest in the world compare to other countries
such as China. According to the Nation Master, Singapore is one of the least water polluted
country in the world, ranking 48 out of 59 country for water pollution and 50 out of 59 countries
for drinking water pollution. Not only is Singapores water is clean, Singapore has become a
model city for water management and an emerging global hydrohub.
One reason why Singapore water supply is not polluted when the country focuses on
economic development is that its economy is more focused on service rather than production
and primary sector as compared to China. Singapore takes pride in its service industry. Service
industries includes Accountancy, Law and Finance and more which involves the communication
between various people and doing paper work instead of production which involves factory
emitting waste. Due to the nature of the work of service sector, it does not contribute to any
water pollution. Therefore, although Singapore is focused on economic growth, it does not have
water pollution as the service sector does not contribute to it.
Another reason why water pollution is evitable is that the government has effective
measures to combat the issue. For example in Singapore, there is a scarcity of water where
there is no natural source of water and hence the country is very appreciative of the amount of
water it has. In Singapore although there is photochemistry industries, which contributes to
water pollution, the government instill corrective measures which involves the water being
treated in specialized treatment pants.One example is NEWater, where the plant treats
unwanted water into drinkable water. This way, before the unwanted water go into the water
system in Singapore to pollute the scarce water supply in the country, it has already been
treated. Also, other measures that the government implemented strictly is fining people who
litters in the main rivers in Singapore such as the Singapore River and also reservoirs. There
are stricter penalties for people who do not adhere to the law multiple times. There are also
strict rules on what to build near such water sources for example factories are not allowed to
build near Singapore River, and tall buildings are not to be built near reservoirs. In fact, the land
beside the Singapore River is solely for buildings, which are for the service sector. Although the
industries in Singapore are also goal oriented in terms of earning money, they still adhere to the
law strictly. Therefore, with strict and effective implementation of measurements of the
government, it is possible that water pollution is evitable when the country focuses on economy
development. This can be only achieve when the government and its people cooperate together
as of what Singapore has done.

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