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Name of Video: Prenatal and Newborn Source:

Key Relevant Notes/Examples/Explanations from Viewing

Words/Ideas Selection

Inception Inception is when males sperm fertilizes a

females egg
Genetics The egg blocks all other sperm after inception
Women are born with all the eggs they will
Genes ever have
Men begin producing sperm at puberty and
Prenatal produce it for the rest of their life
Development New one-cell entity has 23 pairs of
chromosomes, from the mother and father
Genetic vs Each chromosome contains thousands of
Environmental genes
Genes produce the particular characteristics
Newborn of each person
Genes are composed of sequences of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules
Some genes are responsible for the
development of systems common to all humans, while others
control characteristics that make each human unique
Sex is determined by combination of genes
Zygote is a fertilized egg
Fewer than half of zygotes survive the first 2
The embryonic stage is from weeks 2-8
At 2 weeks, zygote becomes an embryo
By 4 weeks, embryo has developed a
rudimentary beating heart, brain, and intestinal tract
By 8 weeks, embryo is about an inch long,
has distinct arms, legs, and face
The Fetal stage starts at 8 weeks
The embryo is now a fetus
By 4 months, fetal movement is strong
enough to be detected by mother
At 6 months, eyelids open and fetus has well-
developed grasp and taste buds
Fetus reaches age of viability
Point at which it can survive prematurely at
24 weeks
Fetus continues to grow and gain weight
during last two months
There are many genetic factors to disease
Many disease are inherited from parents,
such as PKU and Tay-Sachs disease
Down syndrome occurs when a zygote
receives an extra chromosome at the moment of conception
This causes mental retardation
There are also environmental factors in
Teratogens are environmental agents such
as drugs, chemicals, viruses, or other factors that can produce
birth defects
Rubella and syphilis can have adverse affects
on a pregnant mothers child
AIDS can be passed down from a pregnant
mother to her child
Drug use can cause the child to be born
addicted to the drug
Alcohol causes mental retardation, aka FAS
Smoking can lead to fewer nutrients received
by fetus, resulting in lower birth weight
Newborns are born with a number of
Rooting, sucking, startling, babinski reflexes

Inception is when males sperm fertilizes a females egg. Genes produce the
particular characteristics of each person. Zygote is a fertilized egg. At 2 weeks, zygote
becomes an embryo. The Fetal stage starts at 8 weeks. Fetus reaches age of viability.
There are many genetic factors to disease. There are also environmental factors in
disease. Teratogens are environmental agents such as drugs, chemicals, viruses, or
other factors that can produce birth defects. Newborns are born with a number of

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