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Laboratory Evaluation of PDC Drill Bits

Under High-Speed and High-Wear Conditions

Eddie R. Hoover, Sandia NaIl. Laboratories
John N. Middleton, Sandia Natl. Laboratories

Recently, five experimental polycrystalline diamond turers; American Coldset Corp., NL Hycalog, Smith
compact (POC) bit designs were tested in the laboratory IntI. Inc., and Dresser Industries Inc.lSecurity Div. In a
at 100 and 500 rpm in three different types of rock: Nug- parallel effort, two 6.5-in.-diameter PDC bits were
get sandstone, Crab Orchard sandstone, and Sierra designed and built at Sandia. All of these experimental
White granite. This paper describes the testing pro- drill bits were developed specifically for high-speed
cedures, summarizes bit perfonnance and wear operation (greater than 300 rpm). The five different
characteristics, and correlates these experimental results designs are pictured in Figs. 1 and 2.
with specific design options such as rake angle, bit pro- A typical PDC cutter assembly (Fig. 3) consists of a
file, and material selection. PDC drill blank bonded to a support post or stud using
either General Electric Co. 's high-temperature LS-
Introduction brazing process or a diffusion-bonding technique devel-
The significant improvements in wrbodrill technology oped at Sandia. 4 For purposes of comparison, the 10
over the past few years have generated a great deal of in- drill bits fabricated for this experiment used both bond-
terest in the development of drill bits capable of ing techniques. In addition, both steel and tungsten car-
operating at the high speeds typically associated with bide support posts or studs were used. Six of the bits had
these downhole motors. Because of severe wear of mov- all LS-brazed carbide cutters (a PDC drill blank attached
ing parts such as bearings and seals, tricone rock bits to a tungsten carbide stud using GE's LS-brazing pro-
generally have perfonned poorly on high-speed tur- cess), one had all diffusion-bonded steel cutters, and the
bines. I PDC drag bits, on the other hand, have no mov- other three bits had some combination of LS-brazed car-
ing parts and have been used successfully on turbines in bide cutters, diffusion-bonded steel cutters, and dif-
the North Sea and elsewhere overseas. 2.3 In 1979, San- fusion-bonded carbide cutters. All 10 bits are described
dia NatL Laboratories initiated a program to investigate in detail in Table 1.
the limitations of POC drill bits as applied to high-speed, The full-scale drilling tests were conducted at the
high-temperature geothennal drilling. Drilling Researeh Laboratory in Salt Lake City under at-
Recently, five different experimental PDC bit designs mospheric conditions and using water as the drilling
were tested in the laboratory under atmospheric condi- fluid. The flow rate was held constant at 200 gal/min for
tions at bo~h 100 and 500 rpm. Four of the designs wcre all tests. For these POC bits, the hydraulic pumpoff ef-
developed by commercial bit manufacturers, while the fect was found to be insignificant with respect to the bit
fifth was developed at Sandia. In general, the designs weights used. The bits were tested in Nugget sandstone,
were very diverse and used different bit profiles, cutter Crab Orchard sandstone, and Sierra White granite at two
rake angles, cutter positioning strategies, material selec- different rotary speeds: 100 and 500 rpm. The uncon-
tion rationales, etc. This diversity allowed the com- fined compressive strength of these three types of rock.
parison of different design concepts. was found to be 18,000,20,800, and 24,000 psi, respec-
tively. Depending on the type of rock, rotary speed, and
General Description bit design used, the weight or vertical force on each cut-
ter varied from 30 to 1,500 Ibf.
Two 6.75-in.-diameter PDC drill bits were procured
from each of the following commercial bit manufac-
Discussion of Results
0149-2136181101210326$00.25 The sandstone drilling tests were used to detennine the



Rake Oiffusion- Oiffusion-

Angle L5-Brazed Bonded Bonded
Bit Source Body Type (degrees) Carbide Culters Carbide Cutters Steel Cutters
1 American Coldset matrix -20 35
2 American Coldsel matrix -20 35
:1 NUHycalog matrix -20 25
4 NUHycalog matrix -20 15 10
5 Security steel -25 27
6 Security steel -25 9 9 9
7 Smith steel -20 26
8 Smith steel -20 10 6 10
9 Sandia steel -25 21
10 Sandia steel - 25 21





Fig. 3-Typical POC culter assembly.

Fig. 1- Experimental highspeed POC drill bits: (from left)
Security, American Coldset, NUHycalog, Smith, and

100 rpm
c 120



~ 2 3 <4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 2-Top view of bits: (from left, top row) American Coldset, Fig. 4-Performance characteristics of Bits 1, 3, 5, and 8 at 100
NUHycalog, and Smith, (bottom (ow) Security and rpm in Nugget sandstone.

DECEMBER 1981 2317

perfonnance characteristics of each bit design as a func- The perfonnance of the bits at 500 rpm is consistent
tion of the bit weight and rotary speed. The granite tests, with that found in Nugget sandstone except for the
on the other hand, were used primarily to obtain ac- American Coldset bit.. This bit's perfonnance was much
celerated wear data on the different bits. poorer and may have been caused by poor cleaning due
to the closeness of the cutters on this bit (Fig. 2).
Nugget Sandstone As shown in Fig. 8, the torque requirements of these
drill bits at 500 rpm are low (100 to 400 lbf-ft) and
The drill bits numbered 1, 3, 5, and 8 in Table 1 each
drilled 8 ft in the Nugget sandstone. The perfonnance almost identical with those for Nugget sandstone.
characteristics of each bit at 100 and 500 rpm are given
in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. For a particular weight on Sierra White Granite
bit (WOH), the rate of penetration (ROP) increases with Seven of the 10 drill bits listed in Table ] were tested in
the rotary speed. Sierra White granite to establish their wear
The spread in the curves in. Figs. 4 and 5 is caused in characteristics and to compare the diffusion-bonded cut-
part by differences in the rake angle and the number of ters with the LS-brazed cutters. The test results are sum-
cutters on each bit. For instance, the Smith and Hycalog marized in Table 2.
bits have nearly the same number of cutters and both The American Coldset Hit 1, which had been pre-
have a cutter back rake angle of -20 0 (Table I). dulled by testing in the Nugget and Crab Orchard sand-
Although considerably different in body profile (Fig. 1), stones, was used to drill two 30-in.-deep holes in the
the Smith and Hycalog performances are very similar. Sierra White granite. The American Coldset Bit 2, which
The American Coldset bit, however, has considerably had new, sharp cutters, also drilled two holes in the
more -20 0 back rake cutters .. Thus, for a particular granite. A comparison of the two bits after drilling an
WOH, the load per cutter is much lower and the bit has a equal amount of granite revealed that the sharp bit had
lower penetration rate. The Security bit has about the more diamond spalling and slightly larger wear flats.
same number of cutters as the Smith and Hycalog bits Diamond spall is the loss of a portion of the diamond
but uses -25 0 cutters instead of -20 0 cutters. This in- layer in a plane parallel to the flat face of the PDC.
crease in rake angle decreases the cutter's projected sur- As seen in Table 1, the new Security Bit 6 contained
face area, which decreases the cutting efficiency. In ad- all three types of cutters: PDC drill blanks LS-brazed to
dition, the cutters on the. Security bit are positioned in carbide studs, diffusion-bonded to carbide studs, and
discrete rows such that two cutters may track directly diffusion-bonded to steel studs made out of AISI 4340
behind another cutter. The cutters on aU the other bit steel. One steel stud cutter was damaged severely when
designs are staggered radially and do not track each other the bit accidentally was rammed into the surface of the
except on gauge. Both ofthese factors most likely con- granite block before drilling. However, the loss of a por-
tributed to the Security bit's lower penetration rates. tion of only one cutter did not create a serious drilling
However, the bit hydraulics also may have been an im- problem. At the end of testing with this bit, there was
portant factor . considerable cutter wear, but no clear choice was evident
. The torque requirements at 500 rpm are shown in Fig. between the durability of the three cutter types. With the
6. The Smith and Hycalog bits required much less torque wear flats caused by only 8 ft of drilling, the bit weight
to achieve a particular penetration rate than the American and torque required to maintain a penetration rate of 5
Coldset or Security bit. The Smith and Hycalog bits also ft/hr were 30,000 Ibf and 3,000 ltif-ft. Such high torques
ran "rougher" than the oti1ertwo designs. This appear to be unavoidable in hard rock once the wear flats
"roughness" manifested itself as large oscillations in the have progressed into the cutter stud.
continuous torque readings. The oscillations had a period These three bits-Security Bit 6 and American Coldset
of 1 Hz and a variation of 30 to 50% about the mean Bits 1 and 2-all were tested at both 100 and 500 rpm. It
value in Fig. 6. Inspection of the gauge trimmers on the was found that the cutter wear as a function of depth
Smith bit revealed that they were not concentric about drilled was much higher at 500 rpm than at 100 rpm in
the bit's centerline. This may have been the major cause the Sierra White granite. To reduce the wear rate and
of the roughness. minimize the chance of sudden bit destruction, the re-
As expected, the wear on all four bits was minimal. maining four bits were tested at 100 rpm only.
Except for a minor chip in the cutting edge of one or two The Security Bit 5, which had been preduUed earlier in
cutters in each bit, the wear was characterized by a slight both types of sandstone, drilled about 18 ft in the Sierra
rounding of the diamond cutting edge. White granite at 100 rpm. The penetration rate was held
steady at 20 ftlhr by gradually increasing the WOH to a
Crah Orchard Sandstone maximum of 32,000 Ibf, which is equivalent to a weight
AU four bits used to drill the Nugget sandstone were per cutter of approximately 1,200 lbf. Even though this
tested next in the Crab Orchard sandstone along with the bit drilled much farther than the earlier bits, the cutter
new Sandia Bit 9. Before any perfonnance testing, the wear was even, with very little spalling. The worst cut-
Sandia bit was preduUed by driUiIlg approximately 5 ft in ters barely had worn into the carbide stud material.
the Crab Orchard sandstone. The perfonnance The ,predulled Sandia Bit 9 drilled three consecutive
characteristics of these bits at 500 rpm are shown in Fig. 30-in.-deep holes in the Sierra White granite at 100 rpm
7. Each bit drilled 8 ft during performance testing. with varying bit weight. As shown in Fig. 9, the bit's
Again, none of the five bits exhibited any additional perfonnance decreased rapidly with each hole drilled.
wear except for a few small chips in four POC cutters on After drilling approximately 8 ft in the granite, the wear
the Sandia bit. flats extended slightly into the stud material (Fig. 10).
Feet Drilled Revolutions
Bit Source Condition in Granite Per Minute Wear Comments
1 American Coldset predulled 5 100 and SOO Very little spalling. but diamond layer
sheared off on one POCo
2 American Coldset new 5 500 Braze failed on three LS-brazed cu1ters.
Considerable diamond spalling with
wear into stud.
5 Security predulled 18 100 Moderate wear flots. No cutter damage.
6 Security new 7.5 100 and 500 Cutters on outside 60% of bit had large
wear flats.
8 Smith predulled 9 100 Disastrous wear: 2 diffusion-bonded
carbide studs missing, 1 brazed POC
missing frOm fractured stud, and severe
spalling of all cutter types.
9 Sandia predulled 7.5 100 Moderate wear flats. No cutter damage.
10 Sandia new 22.5 100 Severe wear but no POC stud diffusion-
bond failures.


600 fpn'I &00 ,.,m
180 180
I!!~ 120
~ 80
"I 40

4 7 8 2 3 4 6 8 7 8
WEIGHT ON BIT, Ib x 103 WEIGHT Of\! BIT, Ib x 103

Fig. S-Performance characteristics of Bits 1. 3, 5, and 8 at 500 Fig. 7-Performance characteristics of Bits 1, 3, 5, 8, and 9 at
rpm in Nugget sandstone. SOO rpm in Crab Orchard sandstone.

NUGGET SANlSTOtE 200r----.-----.----,-----r----.-----.

500 rpm


i 120
~ 120
~ z

I 80




0 100 roo 300 400 eoo 100 200 300 400 500 800

Fig. 6-Torque characteristics of Bits 1. 3, 5, and 8 at 500 rpm Fig. 8-Torque characteristics of Bits 1, 3, 5, e, and 9 at 500
in Nugget sandstone. rpm in Crab Orchard sandstone.

DECEMBER 19tH 2319

SMIlIA NO.. 9. 6-1I2-1n. DIAMETER
100 rpm
200 gall"" HOLE NO. 1
E 100 30 in. DEPTH

i 80





Fig. 9-Performance characteristics of Sandia Bit 9 at 100 rpm

in Sierra White granite.

Fig. 12-Close-up of severely worn cutter on Sandia Bit 10

after test in Sierra White granite.

Fig. 10-Photograph of Sandia Bit 9 taken after drilling 8 ft in

Sierra White granite.

Fig. 13-Photograph of Smith Bit 8 after experiencing gross

cutter failures in Sierra. White granite.


eJ B U
400-6001b, 1000-1300 Ib, 1300-15001bf

Fig. 11-Photograph of Sandia Bit 10 taken after drilling 22.S Fig. 14-Typical weight per cutter required to maintain
ft in Sierra. White granite. Note the scalloped wear penetration rate of 20 ft/hr in Sierra White granite at
of diffusion-bonded steel cutters. 100 rpm for various degrees of wear.


One cutter had rotated about 90", but none had spalled or 2. Both diffusion-bonded and LS-brazed carbide cut-
fractured. ters perform equally well when the drilling fluid is water.
The new Sandia Bit 10 with diffusion-bonded steel In hard rock such as granite, the carbide studs have lower
cutters drilled 22.5 ft in the granite at 100 rpm. As with wear rates than the 4340 steel studs.
the Security Bit 5, a penetration rate of 15 to 20 ftlhr was 3. As the bits develop large wear flats in hard rock,
maintained by constant adjustment of the bit weight. the torque becomes much more sensitive to changes in
After drilling only 8 ft, the cutters were worn slightly in- the weight on the bit. Also, the torque required to
to the steel stud and the torque was more than 2,700 lbf- achieve penetration rates such as 20 ftlhr often exceeds
ft. At times, a 10% increase in WOB resulted in a 50% 3,000 ftlbf.
increase in ROP and a 100% increase in torque_ The One should emphasize at this point that the bit perfor-
weight per cutter required to maintain the ROP above 18 mance characteristics were obtained under atmospheric
ftlhr at this point was approximately 1,500 lbf. The cut- conditions. Under actual drilling conditions in the field,
ters gradually wore farther back into the stud as drilling such factors as the overburden pressure and overbalance
continued, but the required bit weight and torque did not conditions will increase significantly the WOB required
increase appreciably _ The cutter wear on this bit is pic- to achieve a particular penetration rate. Also, the use of
tured in Figs. 11 and 12. other mud systems will modify the performance of these
The last bit tested was the predulied Smith Bit 8, bits.
which had a combination of all three types of cutters. One aspect that requires additional study is the effect
The penetration rate was maintained at 20 ftlhr by cons- of lubrication polymers and oil-base muds on the high-
tant adjustment of the WOB. After drilling one 4.5-ft- speed performance of these PDC drill bits. For example,
deep hole, five cutters had been spaUed from Yi6 to l4 in. better lubrication may become extremely important at
down the diamond face. This bit, like the American very high speeds such as 1,000 rpm to prevent thermal
Coldset bits, used cutters with a -20 0 back rake. damage of the synthetic diamonds caused by increased
Although the - 20" back rake was more aggressive than frictional heating.
- 25 a cutters in soft and medium rocks, it showed severe
spalling problems in the harder granite. After drilling Acknowledgment
another 4.5-ft-deep hole in the granite, the bit was worn This work was sponsored by the Div. of Geothermal
rather disastrously over the outer 60 % of the bit diameter Energy of the U.S. DOE.
(Fig. 13). All three types of cutters showed fracturing or
gross wear. The effect of cutter wear on the WOB or References
weight per cutter required to maintain a constant ROP in
l. Fontenot, J.E.: "Turbine Drilling's Potential-l," Oil ana Gas J.
the Sierra White granite is shown in Fig. 14. (June 9, 1975) 3943.
In general, the Sandia and Security bits drilled better 2. Powell, R.o Cooke, G., and Hippman, A.: "The Versatility of the
and with less spalling and wear than the American Cold- Turbodrill in North Sea Drilling," paper EUR 245 first presented at
set and Smith bits in the harder granite. the 1980 European Offshore Petroleum Conference and Exhibition,
London, Oct. 21-24.
3. Juge, P.: "ADMA Uses New Technology forTUIbodrilling." Oil
Conclusions and GasJ. (May 14,1979) 122-137.
4. Jellison, J ,L,: 'Gas Pressure Bonding of Stratapax," paper No. 77
In both types of sandstone, the experimental PDC drag Pet 72 presented at the ASME Energy Technology Conference,
bits drilled relatively smoothly at high speed (500 rpm) Houston, Sept. 18-22, 1977.
with very low torque requirements (100 to 400 lbf-ft) and
low WOB. In particular, the Hycalog, Smith, and Sandia SI Metric Conversion Factors
bits performed especially well and appearto be excellent
ft x 3.048* E-OI = m
candidates for high-speed turbodrilling applications in
gal x 3.785 412 E+OO = dm 3
low- to medium-strength formations. However, in hard
in. x 2.54* E+OO = em
rock such as granite, the PDC bits did not perform well
lbf x 4.448 222 E+OO = N
at high speed and showed extremely high wear rates at
psi x 6.894 757 E+oo = kPa
500 rpm. Therefore, PDC bits are not recommended for
rpm x 1.666 667 E-02 = revls
use on turbines in granite or other very hard formations.
Some of the other major conclusions drawn from these
.Conversion factor t", exact. JPT
tests are summarized here.
1. In sandstone, the -20 0 back rake cutters are more
aggressive than the -25 0 back rake cutters and do not
spall easily. However, in hard granite, the -25 0 cutters Original manuscript reoeived in Society of Petroleum Engineers office July 18, 1981,
Papsr accepted tor publicalion Sept. 28, 1981. Revised manuscript received Oct 22,
are preferable to the - 20'" cutters because of reduced 1981. Paper (SPE 10326) first presented at the SPE 56th Annual Technical Con
spalling, chipping, and wear. ference and Exhibition held in San Antonio Oct. 57, 1981.

DECEMBER 1981 2321

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