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Literatures in English

Unit 2


Past Paper Questions

1. The language used by Hippolyte in Night Vision allows him to convey the tension
between powerlessness and optimism

With reference to at least THREE poems from Night Vision, discuss the extent to which you
agree with this statement.
40 marks

2. The variety of themes explored in Hippolytes poetry is matched by his

experimentation with poetic devices

With reference to at least THREE poems from Night Vision, discuss the validity of this
40 marks

3. The appeal of Kendel Hippolytes Night Vision derives primarily from his depiction
of Caribbean reality

With reference to at least THREE poems from Night Vision discuss the validity of this
40 marks

4. Kendel Hippolyte preoccupation with social disorder shapes the structural

composition of his poetry.

With reference to at least THREE poems from Night Vision discuss the exte3nt to which you
agree with this statement.
40 marks
5. Kendel Hippolyte employs a range of poetic techniques to address universal

With reference to three poems from Night Vision discuss the validity of this statement

40 marks

6. Its primarily Kendel Hippolytes bleak vision that gives power to his poetry

With reference to at least three poems from night vision discuss the extent to which you agree
with this statement

40 marks

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