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Meaning of Al-Anam
Battle of Haldighat year
Book Sirat e Mustaqeem written by ?
Syed Ahmad Shaheed; Year to attack at Sikhs
Hadiths were collected firstly from Syria, Makkah or Madinah?
Mubeen means ?
First Governor of Lahore.... Malik Ayaz or Qutbudin Aibak?
When Local Body system was introduced by Lord Rippon?
Loyal Mohammadans written in which year ?
First president of Congress?
When Ameer Ali established London Musim League?
When Treaty of Sevres ended ?
Capital of Poland ?
Land if smiles?
Land of Antilles ?
Carribean sea is bordered by ?
Rain on Mountain is called ?
Hakim title of whom ? Abu jaha, Sufyan, Lahab?
Jewish areas completely conquered by which caliph ?
9th wife name of Prophet SAW
How many numbers of Muslims in Ghzwae Badar?
Many Questions related to keys, Abbreviations of Computer

. Libia is Located in _____________ continent

2. Sir Syed became member of Imperial Committee
3. Sick People of Europe is Title of _________
4. Currency of Iran is __________--
5. How many time Jibrael a.s came to the court of Holy
Prophet s.a.w
6. 2nd wife of Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w
7. How many Hadith narrated by Hazarat Abu Huraria.
8. 2 Essential prayers in early days of Islam
9. Structure of Kaaba was built by
10. Best month of Islam according to Quran
11. First Scribe of Wahi in Quresh
12. Important subject of Quran
13. Name of Imam Bukhari
14. No of Gazwa described in Quran Pak
15. The seal of Holy prophet s.a.w was in the custody of
16. Sahabi who didnt participated in Gazwa badar but got
17. Methods for Authenticity of Hadidh
18. No of ayat in 1st wahi
19. Who gathered the ayat of Quran at one place
20. Who gave the shape of book to Quran Pak
21. Greatest Angel
22. No of Books in Kutab al Sitah
23. 3rd Surah of Quran Pak
24. Antonyms Fortitude
25. Stalwart : _________
26. Untoward _________
27. Intrepid _________
28. Dishevelled _________
29. Reckless _________
30. Zealous _________
31. Synonyms : Stringent _________
32. Red Cliff declared on_________
33. Radio Invented by_________
34. TV invented by_________
35. Referendum for Musharaf was held in ___________
36. Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement with America
37. 3 May is Day of _________
38. Member of UN _________
39. Kashmir sold in 1846 to _________
40. Objective of Crips Mission _________
41. Islamic Name of Rattanbai _________
42. Pak Forest Institute Established in_________
43. Which Hindu leader supported Khilafat moment _________
44. Congress won _______ province in 1936-37 elections
45. Harapa is situated on the bank of _________
46. Nothern Cyprus is disputed area between
47. Afghanistan is located in _______ Asia
48. Margrethe II was Queen of __________
49. Founder of Modern Turkey _________
50. EU has ________ members _________
51. Oldest News agency of World _________
52. Currency of Iran _________
53. Currency of France _________
54. Hardest Substance on earth _________
55. Oldest tennis tournament _________
56. Cedi is Currency of _________

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