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Introductions to Your Human Design By Chef Jemichel

The creation of individualized BodyGraphs plus video-taped presentations.

Originally Published on January 4, 2016 with additions through:

March 21, 2017 - the following quote of Ra deserves to be right on top!:

March 8, 2017 - "Human Design oers a mechanical understanding of the nature of being. With
understanding comes a genuine revolution, the realignment of a life and the awakening of awareness.
Human Design oers a methodology uniquely tailored to your design that liberates you from 'not-self
conditioning (and the accompanying conflicts, pains and suerings that is inevitably part of that
identification). It is called Strategy & Authority and it is the catalyst of transformation. Most important
to recognize is that this is knowledge to be experimented with. There is a way' but it can only be your
way. Allow this work to guide and inform you and then, if it is correct for you, enter into the most
extraordinary journey of your life. Ra Uru Hu Ibiza, Spain March 1, 2011[22]

I have seen others skepticism expressed on dierent sites and from now on when I do see them (and
especially the most caustic ones) I intend to respond (from my Defined Sacral Center) with the above
quote. I've seen what appears to be accusations of a cult of HDS. How does a "cult" form when there
is a continuous and free invitation to enter into your own true authentic being? There is no coercion
here! There is no duress! There is no usurpation! Everything these naysayers say is all about them!
(See the second of The Four Agreements.)[23]


Back to "the beginning":

1/4/2016 With Mercury about to go Retrograde there's not a moment for me to delay posting this.

I'm inspired to create mini "sound and light" presentations on the Human Design BodyGraphs of
individuals. My vision is to create individualized charts by hand that are large enough to use as display
charts for presentations that I will video-tape for each individual. These Human Design BodyGraphs
would also include the corresponding Gene Keys. Most charts would also include description of
Channel Definitions.

It is my intention to use mercury retrograde as the time for my research on the particular approach
that I will take for the graphic production of these individualized charts. I have thought of silk-screen
printing the outlines of the basic BodyGraph and then filling in the rest of the individualized Design by
hand. However I think there is a better way for doing the "outlines".


January 9th, 2016 -

I've begun having my initial Human Design introductions to individuals start with a presentation on the

"Unlike the traditional Chakra system of the ancient Hindus, Human Design is composed of nine
centers. The (Hindus) seven Chakra system was based upon a seven planet solar system. This system
was accurate for its time, as humanity had only evolved to the development level of the seven
centered being. Humans ... continue to evolve. Our last evolutionary shift occurred in 1781, when we
evolved from a seven centered being to a nine centered being. This evolutionary shift corresponded to
the discovery of Uranus..."[1]

April 1, 2016 - Happy All Fools Day!
April 1, 2016 - Happy All Fools Day!

("Day after day alone on the hill")[2]

The G-centre, (AKA The Self Center)

the ground of being in form,

the location of eight basic hexagrams,

archetypes of man.[3]

These eight hexagram gates and their corresponding Gene Keys all deserve to be familiarized.


April 5th -

Just got a reply from a local energetic healer who wrote: "... I have had my HD done in the past and I
believe it is one of the most accurate 'manuals' for our own energy makeup".

Dale Carnegie wrote:

"... even in such technical lines as engineering,

about 15 percent of one's financial success is due to ones technical knowledge and about 85 percent
is due to skill in human engineering-to personality and the ability to lead people."

"Human engineering-to personality"; have you heard that phrase before? (Just got 2,360 results in a
Google search with that phrase!) There is an aspect of Human Design that relates to human
engineering-to personality, however it's more like "reverse engineering" as it undoes the "human
engineering" of societal conditioning as the individual naturally lives as their authentic self in harmony
with their own Design!


April 16th -

The Undefined Throat Center -

According to Lynda Bunnell - "The not-self theme of the undefined Throat Center is Trying to attract
attention. People with undefined Throat Centers are afraid they wont be noticed, so their not-self
mind jumps at any chance to think up ways to attract attention. They can easily succumb to undefined
pressure to talk, to act, to make an impression, to interrupt, ... They dont realize that open Throat
naturally attracts attention, and if they wait, invitations to speak will come to them. In this way, they
will receive the proper attention, at the most opportune time, with no need to waste precious energy
doing something to move the process along. ...


When around others with a defined Throat Center, they may feel uncomfortable and end up doing
most of the talking to relieve the pressure. ..."

If these individuals give into the pressure then what they say will be unpredictable and likely not well
received by others. "When they allow their mind to dictate how and when to attract attention and
when to talk, they are not operating correctly according to their (Design). Their ability to ...
communicate correctly is then deeply aected."[5]
I know an individual with undefined Throat Center who over the course of about a year and a half has
I know an individual with undefined Throat Center who over the course of about a year and a half has
consistently demonstrated the consequences of "the not-self theme" listed above. I feel compassion
for this individual! They have their personality Mars activated at Gate 8 at the second line of "Service"
and a Design "To Do" however the ability to manage their anger is "deeply aected" and consequently
it spoils the "service". It is unfortunate!


April 23rd -

I wish to show you what is most reliable and where your potential wisdom lies within you because "All
you find in books, or knowledge you receive from others, is never truly yours."[6]


June 10th -

"The BodyGraph is made up of these sixty-four gates, which are connected through channels that are
rooted in the Tree of Life design of the ancient Kabbalah. The circuitry map of gates and channels
connect the nine centers which are derived from the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system. These elements
creates a quantum field, one in which the Rave Mandala reveals a unified view of the individual that
could not be reached by any one element of this synthesis. It is the quantum of the mechanics itself
that allows anyone to see their genetic highlighting, the map of their uniqueness."[7]


12th -

Inspired by Kim of Love Your Design to search Mercury. "Mercury symbolizes your ability to connect
with your soul or your Higher Self"[8] My Personality Mercury is at Crown Gate 64 Line 5. Design
Mercury is G 15.4.


September 21, 2016 -

A friend has his G-7 activated by Design Earth at Line 5. I also have this Gate with Design Pluto and
Design Venus and therefore have a personal interest in continuing my understanding of it. For these
two reasons I am reading a lecture by Ra.[9]

"...The Alpha says, 'This is the way to go,' and it means that every logical gate carries within it this
quality. This quality of 'this is the way to go.' And because it is shared, because that is the inherent
quality of it, and because logic is argumentative, understand that; it is deeply argumentative. ... That
is, argument can be also expressed as discussion, however we want to put it. ...

But it is something to understand about what happens to logic. The moment logic says, 'This is the
way,' somebody logical says, 'Are you sure?' There is nothing sadder than a king without his people, if
you know what I mean. The Alpha is noth- ing without its ability to be able to influence the other,
which means that The Alpha in its understanding of the pattern cannot simply benefit from the pattern
alone; it's pointless.

In order for them to be able to fulfill what is their role they need to get others to follow the pattern.
And in order to do that they're going to have to deal with the basic thematic of logic, which is to
debate. You see that in the buildup to political elections in democracies where you have this debating
that takes place. This is classic logic, two Alphas trying to influence you in terms of which one will
provide you with a better future. ...
In any kind of understanding of this role it is really leading you to appreciate something that logic
In any kind of understanding of this role it is really leading you to appreciate something that logic
brings to us that is very profound. It brings an insistence on our ability to be able to express ourselves
and to be able to express ourselves well to the other. When you're looking at the logic system,
because of the 62nd (Throat) gate, you see that within logic in order to be able to express the diversity
of patterns that language, words, had to be added. That language had to be expanded, vocabulary
had to be expanded in order to be able to express all the possibilities of the pattern.

It's one of the great gifts that we have as beings. And it is something to see very clearly about what
The Alpha brings is that the assumption with an Alpha, because the word has many meanings, the
assumption about The Alpha is that this is, like the 1st line of the 7, just a pure authoritarian force, but
it's not. ... And its ability to be eective as an Alpha is going to be conditioned on its verbal ability to
be able to influence others. And that verbal ability to be able to influence means it has to be able to
defend its pattern positions. And of course, with this comes the development of logical linguistic
skills, skills for debate, skills for argumentation, and skills for presenting your positions, on and on ....
But what were getting out of that is something very special. Logic brings us a tremendous advantage
in the development of our communicative skills."


October 3, 2016 -

My "community" and "High Ideals" advocacy has been calling for "Vision Statements" from both
individuals and groups. Recent reading of Bob Proctor's article on "Purpose, Vision and Goals"
informed me of the importance of knowing one's Life Purpose. Knowing that a friend has apparently
been struggling with writing his Vision Statement I took to Bob's statement that: "When you have the
right purpose, you'll easily develop the right vision."[11]

Our Life Purpose is designed into our Self Center aka "G" or "Ji" Center -

"... The Self Center relates to giving us direction, purpose and the sense of connectedness with our
reality here on Earth. The Self Center also gives us connection to our sense of Love through the
incarnation called 'The Vessel of Love.[10]

Plus: "Your incarnation cross gives definition and foundation to your overall energy design and is a
cornerstone in your life purpose."[12]

I'd work with both a complete understanding of one's Self Center as well as their Incarnation Cross as
foundational reference and then build on that as needed, especially including the Sabian Symbols for
each degree of the Gate/Hexagrams.

In my Human Design BodyGraph my Incarnation Cross is completely located within my Self Center.


5th -

Our uniqueness includes our unique mode of thinking and conceptualizing.[13] The first layer
indication of uniqueness is whether the Head/Crown Center and the Ajna Center are defined or not.


November 25, 2016 -

The uniqueness of your Human Design is manifest through your aura, an energy field that
encompasses your whole being. "The more resonant your aura becomes with the earths natural
frequencies, the wider your aura spreads, bringing you into contact with many of the hidden realities
and kingdoms within nature. Eventually, as the frequency of your aura comes into perfect resonance it
and kingdoms within nature. Eventually, as the frequency of your aura comes into perfect resonance it
interlocks with the earth grid itself and your consciousness expands exponentially, becoming one with
Gaia and all creatures."[14] Therefor - the process of realizing our oneness with humanity and all
creatures is a matter of our resonance with Gaia.


December 16, 2016 - Regarding the new Gene Keys Society

"Noting that Chinese New Year is Saturday 28 January, some of us wondered if the Gene Keys
transmission might be aiming to return itself to source? Invited to comment about website timing,
Richard Rudd said:

'The new Gene Keys global re-launch seems to be aiming itself towards the end of January, which is
an auspicious time. The sun enters the 41st Gene Key each year towards the end of January. This
Gene Key represents the Start Codon in our DNA, which is the beginning of every new string of
genetic code. The symbolism of this moment is therefore potent and real and it is a natural time for
new projects to be born. If you have New Years resolutions, its best to make them at the end of
January rather than at the beginning!'


December 20, 2016 -

Even with the Human Design System plus the Gene Keys "... it (still) takes years to know another,
truly, deeply ... Human Design can be a tool to help us understand people, but is mostly and most
importantly a system to help you navigate your interaction style and decision-making in the world."
[15] "


31st -

I'm predicting that I'll discover that Robert Heinlein's Human Design BodyGraph has a Defined Sacral

3:14 AM - I don't yet have a verified time of birth however the day he was born may give him:

"The Left Angle Cross of Individualism" -

39 (The Provocateur) 38 (The Fighter) 51 (Shock) 57 (Intuitive Insight)

You are here to be an individual. The energies in your Cross are all individual in nature. This is not
about being social or in community. Not that you can't, but ultimately you are here to march to your
own drummer. This is a valuable contribution to society as it gives us a chance to view your
expression and adopt parts of it if we are inspired to. However it can annoy others who are more
community-minded, as it is vastly dierent from what they accept, so it may be provoking. That
provocation is ultimately what leads to change.[16]


January 1, 2017 -

"... the only stable thing for an undefined self center is nature.

The sea is the best, seating under a tree or walking in the forest is soothing."[17]

A friend with an Undefined Self Center leaves the city as often as he can on the weekends to hang out
A friend with an Undefined Self Center leaves the city as often as he can on the weekends to hang out
in nature. Another friend also with " " " leaves the city on the weekends and stays in a second home
across from a hot springs. I'm noting this especially to keep this in mind when I introduce people to
their Human Design.


January 7, 2016 -

Just commented at the Thrive site:


And according to the Human Design System the evolutionary change (that started as a central topic
here) will begin to occur genetically within the next decade. The preparation for the genetic mutation
is in understanding our nine-centered 'mechanics' and especially that of the young people who will be
the parents of the children bearing 'the genetic mutation'. A most significant aspect of this preparation
is de-conditioning ourselves from the societal demands that all of us were raised under. This is a
seven-year process in itself. Fortunately we have the time now to de-condition and prepare the way
for the new human design that humanity is genetically destined for!"[18]


January 15th -

I'm finding considerable validation and a lot of enjoyment from my intuitive connection with the
Human Design System! I'm noting this now after just having confirmed my intuitive hunch on two
particulars in an individual's BodyGraph. After hearing the individual express their upset feelings
about other people's behavior I suspected that they had their Self Center Gate 10 activated and sure
enough they have Gate 10 activated and by their Personality Earth! I also had previously made note
regarding their Heart Center, suspecting that it wasn't defined and once again verified that it is
Undefined! I've verified my hunches a number of times now and the more I do the more grateful I am
to be all the more connected with the Human Design of others!


January 18th, 2017 -

"...In the first few days after conception, the Throat Center is the energetic foundation for the fetus,
and ultimately aects the formation and operation of all the other Centers, throughout the bodys


19th -

A Psychic friend asked me how I was doing (my Design truly does a lot better with questions that
require a "yes/no" answer) and although I sincerely was open to receiving that as my self-inquiry
contemplation however before I could get to contemplating - he told me what he saw. He said he saw
a "village" in my throat. I found that remarkable in light of the fact that I had just blogged about the
Throat Center (posted immediately above). In addition I am seeing my "High Ideal": Cheeta Village
vision possibly have some "expression" through a site that my friend has recently moved onto. In fact
just this past day he let me know he'd welcome some of my compost.

Now I have new insight that might be meaningful only to me yet I find it noteworthy for my public
I Am Living in 'The Village' that's in my Throat Center!
I Am Living in 'The Village' that's in my Throat Center!

My Psychic friend said the village was dark (as in the night) and that we could bring in more light. I
immediately agreed! In fact I've already begun to expand my light into this village.:

I Am Light in 'The Village' that's in my Throat Center!

I Am Love in 'The Village' that's in my Throat Center!

I Am Warmth in 'The Village' that's in my Throat Center!

I Am Joy in 'The Village' that's in my Throat Center!

etc., etc.!


January 26, 2017 -

Since I included a reference to the "Not Self" earlier (above here) I now can add an explanation of
what this pertains to:

The Not-Self is a collection of adaptive strategies the mind uses to try and convince us to do what it
thinks you should do, rather than what is in alignment with your authentic nature. Conditioning results
in us making decisions from the openness in our (Human Design) charts, which is inconsistent and
can cause problems leading to further adaptive strategies.

Once you begin to grasp the information within your own Human Design you come to realize the
power of your mind and how heavily your decisions have been influenced by your conditioning. -

An Introduction to Discovering Your Self * The 5 Steps to Transformation

(Available at

The "Not Self" can be thought of as a kind of "mind game" that is not in your best interest and that
you would be better o not playing. However the only way I know of out of that "game" is to follow
your Human Design "mechanics" just as it is revealed in your BodyGraph. My BodyGraph shows that I
have a Defined Solar Plexus Center which makes me an emotional being. (Knowing this one part of
my Design has been such a relief for me as up until I saw this I had been resisting and resenting my
own "mechanics" and essentially punishing myself with my own self judgement for generating such
intense emotions.) Now I know that my way "out of the mind game" is to wait for my emotional clarity
before making any decisions that are of any importance to me.


February 3, 2017 -

I value maturity! I accept that maturity is an "organic" process that nay not be predictable for any
individual. In my case all the early childhood conditioning by my parents to be my father's "little man"
did not add anything to genuine maturity and on the contrary I see all that conditioning as an obstacle
to maturity. In any case the parenting of about two generations ago was inherited from a long-
standing model based on the seven-centered being even though:

"... The 1781 Uranian body is a dierent package. ... it has an 84-year cycle. ... And if you're looking at
it in relationship to the seven-centered being and the way it lived its life, the seven- centered being
reached its half point in life at (age) 15. That was maturity. Think about that. And the nine-centered

being? Well, somewhere around 40, the Uranus Opposition. Because Uranus has unusual movement,
being? Well, somewhere around 40, the Uranus Opposition. Because Uranus has unusual movement,
it's between 38 and 44 years old. That's the beginning of maturity in the nine-centered being."[20]

I checked the transits for "the Uranus Opposition" in my astrology and it occurred at 40 1/4 years.


February 18, 2017 -

"The moment that you begin to trust in the nature of your vehicle is the moment that you can begin to
be secure in this life regardless of what your design is, regardless of what your configurations are,
because the moment you're operating out of your Strategy and Authority you're tapping into deep
cognitive resources within you that know how to guide you on this plane, know how to eliminate the
resistance to keep you healthy, to bring you into contact with the right forces."[20]


February, 28th -

It is easy (IMO) to get access to your Human Design information. It is another thing to enter into the
great experiment! I have shared introductory Human Design information with a certain number of
people now to the point where I feel my function as a mentor rising above just the information. I
appreciate what Ra has said in this regards:

Human Design is "not something that you dabble with. You either do it or you don't. You either
experiment with it and you find out for yourself or walk away and live in your homogenized life. But
don't fool yourself that because you're learning and because you're taking in information about
Human Design that this is actually making the dierence for you. It is not. So many people search for
the truth and avoid it at the same time. The truth is in you. ... It's in you. It's your truth that has to
emerge, not somebody else's. Not somebody else's authority, not my authority that says you do this.
It's you. You either experiment or you don't, but that's what it's about, nothing else, and then once
you're in that process then we can talk."[20]


March 7, 2017 -

HDS presents a comprehensive "update" of the 7-chakra system by showing that the human vehicle
has evolved from a seven-centered to a nine-centered form. This evolution of our form requires a
transition in how we navigate our life as nine-centered beings. The challenge in this transition now is
that the predominant systems of the world were established for 7-centered beings. Consequently "we
have a problem", especially in the Western world, in how we approach living in relation to our evolved
vehicle's nine-centered form within a world on a course that was created for seven-centered beings.

The contribution that the HDS perspective could make in an individual's life and well-being can be
truly awesome since only about 37% of people have what Human Design identifies as a Defined Heart
Center. In HDS the physical heart is included within the Heart Center and also includes the Ego, the
Will and one's orientation to the material world. This means that close to 67% of the world's
population is vulnerable to the conditioning influences by way of the typical demands for will-power -
at least in the work world - and these individuals are therefore most likely subject to exhausting their
Heart Center's energy in their continued attempt to prove themselves. People without the consistent
reliable definition of their Heart Center are not designed to be exerting their will forces in the ways that
the world demands for their will-power. Consequently the overextending of the Heart Center's Will and
Ego forces has a weakening impact on the form's biological well-being and that in turn eects specific
organs connected to the four Human Design Gates of the Heart Center. The gate most pertinent to our
"problem" is Heart Center Gate 21 - associated with the physical heart.
"problem" is Heart Center Gate 21 - associated with the physical heart.

Just in case you haven't heard - the leading cause of death is heart disease.[21] When the physical
heart is seen from a more all-encompassing perspective of mind/emotions/will-body/organ (as a
number of practitioners have been discovering and telling us) as well as how external conditioning
impacts us then given the present state of how we live in tremendous conflict is it any wonder that the
number one disease shows up right in the heart?


March 11, 2017 - It's About Communication!

"To live in the Maya ("illusion") is to live in a unique mental reality, where language seems to be the
only civilized tool for bridging the bubbles of consciousness in which we live. Nothing is more
constraining than feeling mentally imprisoned within your own body. That is why communication is the
most eective medicine for the human soul.[24]

"Tell me something that is on your heart" - has been one of the dyads that I've applied in private
sessions as a mentor and have seen a lot of value in activating over the years.


March 17, 2017 -

Inhabiting your body - reuniting with its intelligence - is one of the most potent political statements
you can make.[25]

To be fully "inhabiting your body" is to live and love your Human Design.


March 21, 2017 -

The Sun is transiting the Hexagram Lines through Gate 25 and on Wednesday the 22nd enters Line 5
(description following):

"Gate 25


Gate of the Spirit of the Self

The Spiritual Warrior

The perfection of action through uncontrived and spontaneous nature. To love everything equally.
Triumph and survival enrich the spirit and result in the wonder of being.

Left Angle Cross of Healing

Godhead - Michael

Line 5 - Recuperation

When innocence is sapped of its vitality, healing is the first priority.

Exaltation: The ability to recognize the inner meaning of an aiction and to withdraw until it is healed.
The power of the spirit to heal and be healed.
Detriment: Hypochondria and the need to be healed by others. The weakness of the spirit which
Detriment: Hypochondria and the need to be healed by others. The weakness of the spirit which
requires healing from others."[26]






[4] How To Win Friends And Influence People -

Revised Edition. See: "How This Book Was Written-And Why"


[5] Living Your Design by Lynda Stone





[10] Chetan Parkyn -




[13] Lynda Bunnell, The Definitive Book of Human Design in "Head Center" of Section Two.

[14] Gene Keys, p 108:


Plus my comment:





[20] Ra Uru Hu - The Complete Guide to the Human #SanDiegoSustainableDesignSymposium inspired

many of us. System



[23] "What others say and do is a projection of their own dream." - Don Miguel Ruiz


[25] - Philip Shepherd in The Manifesto:

[26] The Daily View:



Human Design system, human design BodyGraphs, Gene Keys, logic, alpha, life force, decision
making, throat center, communication, dyads, mentor

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