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The Lost City You are part of an expedition to the ruined city of Lubrid, lost in a

desert wasteland, in search of a cure to the Stygian plague. Welcome to the Sea of
Dunes. An apocalyptic, magic ravaged land where anomalies and strange arcane
storms decimate the landscape leaving it sterile.

Iron, Fire, & Blood You are agents sent to destabilize a city by a shadowy
employer, by any means necessary. Subversion, seduction, sabotage, theft,
assassination, bribery. Everything is permissible.

The Flame in the Flood When spring arrives, a historic flood hits the river basin
and farmlands of the Shire region which you dwell or are travelling through. Many
commoners are stuck on high ground islands, and are displaced as refugees to the
city down river. Bandits use the chaos as an opportunity to raid small townships,
and rafts carrying goblins begin arriving from up river.

The Deeprun Line The Empire and the Dwarven Sky Baronies agree to hire a
company to survey and construct an underground railway connecting Whitecliff to
Zhardum Din. You are hired as company men to survey the best route through the
Underdark. You are given a large allowance for paying off denizens, and the
discretion to eliminate any threats.

The Vaulted Northern Sky Zhardum Din is experiencing unseasonal blizzard

conditions outside, sealing off the passes to the South. Food stores should outlast
the weather, though many are uneasy being trapped in the Dwarven halls. Rumor
has it a company of seven dwarves made it South through a dangerous
underground passage. You are solicited to travel North to retrieve an artifact in
exchange for handsome pay, and information regarding this passage out.

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