Artifacts of Power 1 (11006012)

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Artifacts of

Power 1
Artifacts are relics of power to be coveted and
feared. These artifacts are some of them and their
creation is almost as fantastical as their power.
These are artifacts that I have either created or turned into D&D items by
converting something from some other game or system, in which case at the
top of the item there will be credit acknowledging where or what the item
was converted from. Artifacts can only be destroyed by very specific means,
of which I have an idea but if you use these then they are in your campaign,
and if you don't like how they must be destroyed or if the process doesn't
match your setting you can change it to match either your desires or
campaign. The same thing goes for any abilities the items may have, if they
don't seem powerful enough or some of their downsides are too much for
you or too little, it's your campaign. I have changed multiple items I myself
have found either because their too powerful in my opinion or not powerful
enough. Like the books of adventures or the rules or even the Player's
Handbook, these are all just guidelines that you can change whenever you
wish to suit your purposes.
Destroying the artifacts:
The Ebony Blade: (Bethesda Studios: Elder Scrolls; Skyrim)

This blade is nigh indestructible, even the motes of magma of the Elemental Plane of Fire cannot
soften the steel of this blade. The only way to destroy The Ebony Blade is to take it to the heart of the
Demon Queen Lolth's lair of the abyss, the Demonweb Pits in the heart of the Demonweb. Once there
you must plunge it to the heart of an elven forge created at the epitome of their time, where it was
created, which is at the bottom of a pit 5000 ft. deep where a mated pair of Ancient Aboleth's lie
cursed, unable to procreate, unable to leave, and bound to Lolth's will.

The Demon's Heart:

This amulet was forged from the dying body of a Demon Lord, and in its death throes its energies were
harnessed and bound into physical form, making it unbreakable. The only way to destroy this artifact is
recall the long lost spirit of the Demon Lord whose body was desecrated in the creation of the Demon's
Heart and bind it to the amulet, which will restore the body of this Demon Lord at full power, and they
will be very pissed, but then they can also be killed by whoever found this amulet.

(In my world this Demon Lord was the Demon Lord of Hallucinations and Nightmares, Dur-Dra-Tajim.
His form is that a mass of liquid in a massive humanoid shape, with spells similar to Prismatic Spray,
Dream, and Phantasmal Killer with physical combat capabilities comparable to a massive ooze like
creature, such as Jubilex, but his damage is both Psychic and Necrotic. In your world he can be
whatever you think of. The ritual to bring his soul back can be whatever you wish, but in mine it
involves a Wish spell and a small ritual that last about 1 minute that also completely incapacitates the
caster who must negotiate with the Demon Lord who is not bound to return or listen to the caster but if
he's convinced to return he is more likely to spare the adventures or being who returned him to life
and may even ask them to help him kill the Demon Lord who ousted him from his title and desecrated
his body. During the ritual a Solar angel will be alerted and come to end the ritual before it is complete
and the Demon Lord is brought back to life.)

The Dying Light:

The Dying Light's physical form is held together by the powerful necromantic magic of Orcus. The only
way to destroy the Dying Light is to for someone to wield the Wand of Orcus and use its ability to cast
Power Word Kill upon the Dying Light, of which the Wand of Orcus is unwilling to do unless commanded
by Orcus to do or is somehow tricked into doing with some type of magic, be it illusory or otherwise.
The real trick is GETTING the Wand of Orcus to actually destroy the Dying Light.

The Primordium:

The Primordium is made of chaotic elemental energy bound into a single form, which makes it nearly
indestructible. The only way to destroy the Primordium is to take it into the heart of the Elemental
Chaos and plunge it into the chaotic depths which will absorb the energy of the Primordium back into
its form, which is a near suicidal journey due to the unyielding and harsh environment that is the
Elemental Chaos which is almost completely unbound and destructive elemental energy that suffuses
the four Elemental Planes of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.

The Spider's Kiss:

The Spider's Kiss was formed to be unbreakable, but due to the physical creature it was made from, it
does have a weakness, fire, but this does not mean it's easy to destroy as the demon whose body
made this dagger is a spiteful and hateful entity. The wielder of the Spider's Kiss must plunge
themselves and the Spider's Kiss into a source of fire, specifically fire and not magma or lava, of at
least 600 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour which will destroy the Spider's Kiss. The amount of heat
needed for the fire is usually only formed somewhere in the Elemental Plane of Fire. The wielder is
likely to die during this process unless they are immune to the natural effects of fire, but the Spider's
Kiss's very presence in the fire will call the attention of any kind of spider like creature near the area to
try and prevent it's destruction or any elemental that is nearby as the Spider's Kiss's essence is
corrupting and an anathema to the elementals that call the heat source home, or just some being that
is aware of what is happening when the process starts and simply wants the Spiders Kiss for
(Bethesda Studios: Elder Scrolls; Skyrim)

The Ebony Blade (Greatsword) (Artifact) (Requires Attunement)

This Ebony Blade is as black as midnight and almost seems to absorb the light and
warmth from the air around it. Upon close examination there seems to be spider-
web designs inlaid all across the blade and hilt of this weapon. While wielding it
almost seems to increase your natural vigor and form. The blade and hilt of this
weapon never become dirty.

The Ebony Blade provides an additional +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it.

Unholy Speed: you may make an attack with this weapon as a bonus action if you
have taken the attack action this turn.

Consumption: This blade almost seems to absorb the blood of those it cuts down.
On a successful hit against a creature the target must make a DC 13 Constitution
Saving Throw or take 10 necrotic damage and have its maximum hit points reduced
by 10 and you gain 10 temporary hit points, giving you a euphoric sense of bliss,
undead and constructs are immune to this effect. Killing an ally increases the power
of this effect by an additional 10 hit points and the DC goes up by 1, to a maximum
of 50 hit points and a DC 18.

Silver Tongue: This weapon makes grants the knowledge of deceit and persuasion,
wanting others to trust you, so that you may feed your power. While wearing or
wielding this weapon you are considered proficient with deception and persuasion if
you are not.

Charm of Change: Each time this weapon increases in power there is a 10%
chance the weapon is flung to some far corner of the universe, roll a d20, on a roll
of 5 or lower it is sent to a different randomly determined plane of existence.

Sentience: The Ebony Blade is a sentient weapon of Neutral Evil Alignment with
and Intelligence of 20, a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 20. The weapon
telepathically communicates with its wielder, and can speak and understand all
languages except for Celestial.
This weapon was forged by Lolth to bring about hurt and heartbreak. It seeks to
convince the wielder to slay those close to it, but will not force the issue unless
commanded to by Lolth. For each 2 allies slain it increases the amount of reduction
and gained hit points from the Consumption feature and Lolth speaks to the wielder,
giving them congratulations. Its wants are simple, kill and betray but it will never let
the wielder know about the betrayal.
The Demons Heart (Requires Attunement)

This amulet was forged from the very heart, bones, and flesh of a Demon Lord so old that
their name has been forgotten to time. It exudes an aura of malice and hatred to all who see
it and to any who touch it, they feel the hatred focus in on the one who would dare use this
artifact. The amulet itself is made of white bone harder than adamantine, in the center is a
crimson gem that perpetually churns with flashes of red light that almost seems to be
glowing blood, and the chord is made of a black fleshy substance that feels warm to the
touch as though the creature that it was made from was still alive, as every now and then
the chord seems to pulse with a heartbeat.

While wearing the Demons Heart you have an additional +2 bonus to your AC and
advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects as part of the natural
protection of the Demon Lords form is now imparted to you.

Demonic Rejuvenation: The healing power of the Demon Lord whose form made this
amulet is now partially transferred to you. At the start of your turn you regain 4 hit points as
long as you have 1 hit point left. This feature does not work if you have taken radiant
damage since your last turn or if this damage was from the Hatred from the Grave Feature.

Fiendish Tongue: While attuned to the Demons Heart the sheer force of personality of the
Demon Lord whose form made this amulet is imbibed within you. Your Charisma score
increases by 2 to maximum of 26. In addition, you may also cast the spell Prismatic Spray
once per day; the spell save DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma

Heart of the Fiend: While wearing this amulet you have a portion of the resilience of the
Demon Lord whose form made this amulet. Once a day if you would fail a saving throw you
may instead choose to succeed on the saving throw. If you roll a 20 on your d20 roll on a
saving throw against an effect originating from a fiend, you may regain the use of this
feature but if you do, you are subjected to the Hatred from the Grave feature.

Hellish Presence: The sheer evil that that is within the amulet corrupts holy water near it.
While attuned to the Demons Heart any holy water within 10 ft. of you is destroyed.

Draining Malice: The malice of this amulet drains your physical defense while carried by
you. While attuned to the Demons Heart you have vulnerability to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage.
Hatred from the Grave: The hatred of this amulet is so powerful that when you first
become attuned to it you take 4d10 psychic damage and while you are attuned to the
Demons Heart you take 4d10 psychic damage every day at dawn.

The Dying Light (Whip) (Requires Attunement):

This whip is made from the sinew and bones of countless dead, formed together with visible
necromantic energy in the form of shadows that are endlessly swirling around the whip in a
haze of inky smoke. The base of the whip has a pristine skull that is pitch black instead of
white with two blood red diamonds set into its eye sockets and two fangs that slightly
protrude from its mouth. When this whip strikes someone, there is a visible flash of energy
as the whip instills the very essence of death into its victim. However, this weapons power
enhances the natural ability of undead that are near it.
The Dying Light provides an additional +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it
and on a successful hit it deals 1d6 slashing damage and 1d12 necrotic damage instead of
the normal damage of a whip.
Deathly Attraction: While attuned to the Dying Light all attacks made by any undead
creatures within 30 ft. of you are made with advantage and saving throws made against
effects originating from undead within 30 ft. of you are made disadvantage unless the
creature making the saving throw is an undead creature.
Blood Pact: When you draw the Dying Light and wish to use it in combat for the first time
or use on of its abilities, you must pay a price in blood. You sink the fangs of the skull on the
hilt into your hand and take 1d12 necrotic damage, which cannot be reduced or prevented in
any way, and your hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the amount of
necrotic damage taken until you complete a long rest.
Deaths Sweet Embrace: While attuned to the Dying Light and it is on your person, you
have resistance to necrotic damage and when you are reduced to 0 hit points you may
instead choose to be reduced to 1 hit point as the Dying Light wishes for you to continue to
use it. Once used, this feature may not be used again until you complete a long rest.
However, when you are making death saving throws you do so with disadvantage, as the
Dying Light wants death, even your death.
The Power of Death: The Dying Light has 8 charges, of which it regains 1d6+4 expended
charges every night at midnight. While holding it, and as an action, you can expend one or
more the charges to cause one of the following effects:
Death Burst (4 charges): A cloud of noxious fumes and death energy burst from a point
that you can see within 30 ft. of you in a 20 ft. radius and each creature in the area must
make a DC 18 Constitution Saving Throw. On a failure the target takes 4d8 necrotic damage
and 4d8 poison damage, and then becomes vulnerable to necrotic damage until the end of
your next turn. On a successful saving throw the target takes half of the damage and doesnt
become vulnerable to necrotic damage. Creatures that are undead have advantage on the
saving throw.
Shroud of Death (3 charges): The inky smoke around The Dying Light expands and
envelops your body giving you a modicum of protection while in the shadows. For the next
minute, while in an area of dim-light or darkness attack rolls made against you have
disadvantage, unless they are made by an undead creature. In addition, whenever an enemy
successfully strikes you a part of the smoke lashes out and distracts them. The creature
must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom Saving Throw or you get an attack of opportunity.
However, while the smoke is enveloping you, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight against targets that are in an area of bright-
light or sun light.
Death Charge (2 charges): You immediately dash forward an amount of ft. equal to your
movement speed in a straight line in a blur of black smoke. All creatures in the line must
succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure they are knocked prone and are
moved 5 ft. either to the left or right of the line and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 3d6
necrotic damage. On a successful save they are not moved or knocked prone and take half
of the damage. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Death Sight (1 charge): For the next 10 minutes you sense the presence and exact
location of any undead creatures within 60 ft. of you as long as they are not immune to
divination magic or effects that reveal their presence.

The Primordium (Leather) (Requires Attunement)

Made from the chaos of the melding of the Elemental Chaos that made the Abyss
this Leather Armor is made of dark yet translucent material that seems to be
swirling with the elemental energies that suffused the Elemental Chaos that seems
to flare when its wearer is struck and lashes out at whoever would dare harm its
While wearing the Primordium you have an additional +3 bonus to your AC, and
while attuned to this armor you are considered proficient with it as its energies
suffuse your body.
Path of The Elements: Whenever you complete a short or long rest you may
choose a type of elemental energy from Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder.
Elemental Absorption: You have damage resistance to the element chosen, but if
you already have resistance to that damage from another source, you gain
immunity, and if you already have immunity to that damage from another source,
you regain hit points equal to half of any of the damage that you are dealt.
Elemental Alteration: Depending on which element you choose; it alters your
physical form.
Acid: Your skin becomes hardened and appears more like rock or stone than
flesh and you have the ability to burrow through non-magical unworked earth
or stone at a speed of 40 ft., while doing so you dont disturb the material you
move through.
Cold: Your skin takes on a slight blue hue and feels as though it was made of
liquid, you have a swimming speed of 40 ft., and you can breathe underwater.
Fire: Your skin becomes warm to the touch and has a slight red glow as if you
had an internal flame and you can walk across Lava, Magma, and other non-
magical heat sources as though they were solid ground, you still take damage
for doing so but not as if you were submerged inside the source.
Lightning or Thunder: A light mist forms around your body. You have a flying
speed of 40 ft., and can hover.
Elemental Attunement: You can use your action to briefly control elemental
forces nearby, causing one of the following effect of your choice:
Create a harmless, instantaneous sensory effect related to air, earth, fire, or
water, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, a spray of light mist, or a
gentle rumbling of stone.
Instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, torch, or a small campfire.
Chill or warm up to 1 pound of nonliving material for up to 1 hour.
Cause earth, fire, water, or mist that can fit within a 5 ft. cube to shape itself
into a crude form you designate for 1 minute.

Elemental Dominance: Any elemental that attempts to attack you has

disadvantage as the Primordiums presence is disruptive to elementals and you
have advantage on saving throws against effects that originate from elementals. In
addition, you may cast the Spell Dominate Monster (Save DC 15) targeting an
elemental that you can see within range of the spell and the elemental has
disadvantage on the saving throw. Once you use this feature it cannot be used
again until the next dawn.
Elemental Retribution: Depending on which element is chosen, whenever you are
touched or hit by an attack by a creature within 5 ft. of you the creature takes 1d10
of that type of damage.
The Spiders Kiss (Dagger) (Requires Attunement):

Forged from the former eye of a Yochol demon named Tordra that served as a
lieutenant of Lolth, this dagger appears almost spider like in appearance. The hilt is
the shape of the abdomen of a spider with a red hourglass on both side, the cross-
guard is made of multiple bands that are thin and spindly like a spiders legs, the
blade is not one but two pronged blades that curves inward like the fangs of a
spider that almost seem to perpetually shine with a liquid substance that appears
like venom, and the entire dagger is crafted out of a black obsidian gem that has
hairline fractures that appear like a spiders web. Upon picking up the dagger one
finds their form lighter than before as they gain spider-like traits.

The Spiders Kiss provides an additional +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it and on a successful hit it deals an additional 2d6 poison damage; this poison
damage ignores resistance and immunity to poison damage unless the target is a
spider-like creature, in which case the target is considered resistant, for Spiders
Kiss enjoys the pain of non-spider like creatures but hates harming any akin to its
form. In addition, you do not have disadvantage for throwing the Spiders Kiss at a
target outside of the weapons short range.

Chaos for the Fly, Perfection for the Spider: The Spiders Kiss has the ability to
ensnare your foes and open up an opportunity for you to strike them. When you
throw the Spiders Kiss you may choose to have a small web connected to your
hand follow it and when the Spiders Kiss successfully strikes the target, the web
explodes from the pommel onto the target. The target must succeed on a DC 18
Dexterity Saving Throw or become restrained by the webs (Escape DC 15). The
webs have an AC of 10, 20 hit points, and are immune to bludgeoning, psychic, and
poison damage but are vulnerable to fire damage. In addition, you may use your
bonus action to pull the dagger back to you, but you may only throw Spiders Kiss
once per turn.

Spiders Blessing: While the Spiders Kiss is on your person you gain the natural
climbing ability of a spider. You have the ability to move up, down, and across
vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. You
also have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, webs do not
cost additional movement to move upon and if you are restrained by webs you may
use an action to end the restrainment.

Spiders Nature: While the Spiders Kiss is on your person you have resistance to
poison damage.

Spiders Frailty: With the strengths you inherit from the blade, you also inherit the
weakness of a spiders form. While attuned to the Spiders Kiss your constitution
score is reduced by 2 and you also have disadvantage on Constitution Saving
Throws and ability checks.

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