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A Plant

Basic Terminology

Steven E Smith and Kandres Halbrook |


We present a basic introduction to genetic terminology that

has implications for growers and users of native plants. An
G enetics is the field of study that deals with variation and
its transmission from parents to their progeny, that is,
inheritance. Understanding the principles of genetics
may be important in many activities involving native plants and
understanding of underlying genetic concepts is essential restoration tactics. For example, familiarity with genetics may be
for ensuring that plant material of an appropriate source is helpful when devising such things as seed collection and increase
planted on restoration sites. strategies, describing a suitable range of environments for plant-
ing a particular collection, or determining whether deliberate
KEY WORDS selection of plants is appropriate, and if so, how best to conduct it.
terminology, concepts, glossary The goal of this primer is to explain some of the basic concepts of
genetics applicable to problems that might be encountered by
N O M E N C L AT U R E restorationists, land managers, seed and plant producers, plant
USDA NRCS (2004) breeders, propagators, and collectors working with native plants. 105

N AT I V E P L A N T S | F A L L 2004
Photo by Steven E Smith

Genes are the fundamental physical and

functional units of inheritance. They are
essentially segments of the molecule
DNA, the chemical sequence of which is
ultimately responsible for producing all
growth and development processes of an
organism. Particular genes usually occur
at a specific location, referred to as a locus
(plural loci), on chromosomes. Chromo-
somes are the threadlike DNA and pro-
tein-based structures in cells whose
function is the orderly duplication and Figure 1. A portion of an ear of corn (Zea mays L.) exhibiting numerous grains with a variety of
distribution of genes during cell division. endosperm color patterns (phenotypes). These phenotypes represent examples of easily recognizable
Each species generally has a character- morphological markers that represent different genetic constitutions (genotypes) present among
these grains.
istic number of chromosomes within each
of its body (somatic, nonreproductive)
cells. For example, bluebunch wheatgrass plant genera may contain some polyploid An individuals genotype is the set of
(Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh] A. Lve members. In certain types of plants, such alleles it possesses at a certain locus or
[Poaceae]), a common grass of the Inter- as the irises, saltbushes, sagebrushes, and over particular loci. Genotype can be
mountain and Rocky Mountain regions, sunflowers, various ploidy levels may expanded to reflect allelic constitution
has 14 chromosomes in somatic cells. occur within different species and this can over all of the loci in the individual. In
These are in 7 pairs with 1 chromosome of prevent the production of viable offspring contrast, the appearance or performance
each pair derived from each parent. These following matings (crosses or hybridiza- of an individual is known as its pheno-
pairs of chromosomes are known as tion) between individuals with different type. If different alleles exist at a locus in
homologs or homologous chromosomes. chromosome numbers. an individual, the locus is considered het-
Thus, 7 chromosomes from the sperm erozygous and the individual is a het-
and 7 from the egg unite to form a plant. erozygote for that locus. If alleles at a
This species is considered diploid because ALLELES, GENOTYPE, locus are the same, the locus is homozy-
there are 2 copies of each chromosome. PHENOTYPE, AND gous and the organism is a homozygote.
Collectively, the total chromosomal DNA GENETIC DIVERSITY
of an organism is referred to as its genome
with each set of chromosomes making up The specific composition of DNA at each ASSESSING GENOTYPE
a single genome. A diploid organism, gene is known as an allele. Alleles may dif- WITH MARKERS
therefore, has 2 genomes, one from each fer between chromosomes in a diploid
parent. It is important to note that ge- species or among chromosomes in poly- It is often useful to describe the genotype
nome has also come to refer to the total ploid species. Multiple alleles of a gene of a particular individual or of individu-
chromosomal DNA of a species. Repro- may be generated by mutations, which als in a population and a number of
ductive cells, such as the sperm and the are structural or chemical changes in methods now exist to do so. The simplest
egg and the other cells in pollen and em- DNA. The different forms of individual method uses morphological markers. A
bryo sacs are haploid, meaning they con- alleles are typically symbolized using sin- morphological marker is an easily
tain half the number of chromosomes of a gle letters (for example, A, a, B1, B2). observable genetically determined trait
diploid cell. As mentioned above, particu- Genetic variation (diversity) is the result that identifies, or marks, different geno-
lar genes usually occur at a specific loca- of differences among individuals in a types. Flower and fruit or seed color are
tion on a chromosome and the order of group; it is ultimately a function of allelic commonly used morphological markers
the genes on the chromosome is normally differences resulting from mutations, and in plants (Figure 1). Although morpho-
consistent for all members of a species. the random assortment of alleles during logical markers are generally easy to use,
Many plant species are polyploid meiosis. Meiosis is a special type of cell their usefulness is limited by their avail-
because their body cells have more than 2 division that ultimately leads to the pro- ability. That is, there are typically insuffi-
106 copies of each chromosome. In fact, many duction of sperm and egg. cient morphological markers in a


particular species to be able to uniquely for the enzyme. To use isozymes for geno- genotypes, but this does not indicate
identify individual genotypes. Most well- typing, live plant tissue is ground up and that the difference between them corre-
characterized morphological markers are run through gel electrophoresis. Enzymes sponds to any quantifiable difference in
only available in cultivated species that catalyze reactions; therefore, if the sub- their ability to function in, or even to
have been intensively studied genetically. strate necessary for a specific enzyme to survive in, their environment. Such
Molecular markers identify differ- work is added to the gel, the enzyme will variation is called neutral variation
ences in the genetic code (DNA) among react. If a stain or dye is also added, the because it does not appear to be related
individuals. The process of using molec- location of the enzyme in the gel can be to the performance of the organism.
ular markers to identify individuals is detected. As with DNA markers, the loca-
known commonly as DNA fingerprint- tion of the enzyme in the gel may denote
ing. There are many techniques used to differences among individuals. MATING SYSTEMS AND
fingerprint, however, the basic concept An important consideration when GENETIC VARIATION
is the same for most approaches. Plant describing differences in markers
DNA is segmented by certain enzymes among members of a population is that Plant species exhibit great variability in
called restriction endonucleases. Differ- the genetic differences detected may or sexual reproduction and this has signif-
ent endonucleases recognize different may not be adaptively significant. That icant effects on the genetic constitution
segments of the DNA code. When a par- is, DNA markers may be able to exquis- of individuals, especially the average
ticular endonuclease finds its DNA code itely distinguish between 2 individual heterozygosity or homozygosity that
segment in the plant DNA, it makes a
cut. After the DNA has been cut, the
DNA segments, now called fragments,
are separated by gel electrophoresis.
Electrophoresis separates the fragments
by size with the largest fragment appear-
ing at the top of the gel and successively
smaller fragments below (Figure 2). A
stain is added to the gel that reacts with
the DNA fragments causing the DNA to
become visible. A gel is typically divided
into columns with DNA from one plant
in each column. If all the plants exam-
ined are genetically identical then the
location of the fragments in each col-
umn in the gel will be identical. Con-
versely, if there are genetic differences
among the plants, one or more columns
will have variable numbers or sizes of
fragments. Hence, DNA fingerprinting
is ultimately based on variation in the
length of DNA fragments between two
or more individuals of a species.
Another molecular marker system
directly uses gene products as markers.
Proteins are the products of genes and
thus differences among particular pro-
teins reflect differences in the underlying
DNA that produced them. Isoenyzmes,
commonly known as isozymes, are multi-
ple forms of a single enzyme that catalyze Figure 2. Depiction of electrophoresis gel containing DNA from 8 plants. The DNA has been cut by a
restriction endonuclease, the fragments separated based on their size under electrical current in the gel,
the same reaction but they differ in their
and then stained. The number and size of fragments can be used to characterize genetic differences
genetic sequence. That is, isozymes are among the plants. In this example, 6 genotypes can be identified. Samples A, B, E, and F represent
the product of different alleles of the gene unique genotypes while samples C and H (brown arrows), and D and G (black arrows) share geno- 107


they possess. Reproduction may range apomixis, which is an asexual reproduc- than similarly sized populations of self-
from complete self-pollination, where tive process where seeds are not derived pollinated species.
seeds are derived from pollen that has from the union of sperm and egg (fertil- Inbreeding results from matings
come only from the same plant, to com- ization) but result from the develop- between individuals that are related to
plete cross-pollination, where pollen ment of a body cell into an embryo. each other and therefore possess alleles
that leads to seed is received only from Plants derived from seeds produced by derived from a common ancestor(s).
different plants. Individuals in self-pol- means of apomixis are genetically equal Self-pollination is the most extreme
linated species tend to be highly to the parental plant that produced example of such a mating (Figure 3), but
homozygous. When heterozygosity does them. In apomictic species, a single cross-pollination between other kinds of
occur, either as a result of mutation or genotype may occupy very large areas relatives will also lead to inbreeding.
cross-pollination between genetically and therefore populations may contain Inbreeding can occur even with random
different individuals, repeated self-pol- relatively little genetic variation. cross-pollination provided the matings
lination tends to rapidly reduce the While individual species are often take place between relatives. In many
amount of heterozygosity present characterized as either self- or cross- cross-pollinated species, inbreeding may
within offspring of a given individual pollinated, it is more precise to think of lead to an overall decline in plant per-
(Figure 3). Alternatively, in species that reproduction as a continuum ranging formance that is known as inbreeding
tend to exhibit more cross-pollination, from apomixis to self- to cross-polli- depression (see also outbreeding depres-
heterozygosity is typically much more nated. The mode of reproduction may sion below). Species that are predomi-
common and is generally preserved over fluctuate within a particular group of nately self-pollinated typically do not
generations of sexual reproduction. plants because of factors in the environ- display significant inbreeding depression.
More than 400 plant species, includ- ment and the genetic makeup of the Heterosis, or hybrid vigor, can be
ing many grasses and members of the plants themselves. For example, many thought of as the opposite of inbreeding
sunflower and rose families exhibit apomictic species exhibit facultative depression. Heterosis is observed when
apomixis, wherein some seeds result the performance of offspring from a mat-
from apomixis while the remainder are ing far exceeds that of the parents. Typi-
(half of each type expected) produced from typical fertilization. cally, heterosis is observed in offspring
Unfortunately, our understanding of produced from matings between 2 genet-
mating systems is rudimentary in most ically different parents that will tend to
A1 non-cultivated plant species and this produce highly heterozygous offspring.
may greatly complicate seed collection In many cases, heterosis is greatest when
and increase procedures or such things the parents involved are somewhat
as genetic interpretation of plant per- inbred but differ substantially in their
A1 A1A1 A1A2 formance in these species. allelic constitutions.
The ways in which genetic variation A major concern in many seed collec-
exists within and among plant popula- tion and increase projects with predom-
tions (members of a species that are inately cross-pollinated species is to
A2 A1A2 A2A2 reproductively isolated and genetically collect seeds from a sufficiently large
distinct) is also highly dependent on number of plants so that matings
mating system characteristics. The between relatives, and therefore
actual numerical size of a population is inbreeding, are unlikely during seed
Figure 3. Allelic constitutions (genotypes) largely related to the dispersal distances production. Collecting seeds from at
expected at a single locus in offspring pro- of pollen and seeds, the density of least 50 individuals per population is
duced by self-pollination of an A1A2 heterozy- reproductive plants, and the rate of recommended to reduce the chances for
gote individual. Among these offspring
(shaded area), half are homozygous (black) cross-pollination. Populations of self- inbreeding depression in these species.
and half are heterozygous (white). If each of pollinated species tend to be made up of
the resulting offspring undergo another round many small subpopulations where
of self-pollination, homozygous individuals
half of the original totalwill produce only
neighboring plants are closely related to PHENOTYPE, GENOTYPE, AND
homozygous offspring while heterozygous each other genetically due to self-polli- THE ENVIRONMENT
individuals will again produce half nation. This contrasts with cross-polli-
homozygous and half heterozygous progenies.
nated species where populations are It is important to realize that not all
Thus, each generation of self-pollination
will reduce overall heterozygosity at this locus relatively more homogeneous and most variation observed within a group of
108 across all plants by half. often contain more genetic variation plants is caused exclusively by genetic


development in response to some envi- these individuals contribute alleles to the
ronmental signal. For example, many next generation. Over generations, the
annual plants are able to rapidly shift frequencies of alleles associated with the
from vegetative growth to production of desired phenotypes therefore increase
flowers during an extended drought. A within the population.
B change in phenotype in response to envi- The fidelity of seed or other propag-
ronmental factors such as this represents ule increase activities may be affected by
an example of phenotypic plasticity and natural selection. For example, economi-
this also complicates evaluation of true cal levels of seed production in many
genetic merit. plant species can only be achieved in
environments that are warmer and drier
than those where the seeds will eventu-
EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATION ally be sown. If such seed production
environments differ significantly from
Figure 4. Effect of environmental variability on
Genetic variation that exists among the environments of use and differential
plant height in vegetative propagules of 10
genotypes. A. Genotypes grown at a site with a plants within and among populations is mortality or fertility of plants occurs
relatively consistent environment. Here most ultimately due to actions of evolution, a during seed production, then natural
of the variation among the genotypes would be collection of processes that results in a selection for adaptation to the seed pro-
due to genetic differences, and broad-sense
heritability of plant height (the proportion of change in allele frequencies over time. duction environment may take place and
the total amount of variation in height that is Members of a given population may lead to genetic changes in the population
due to genetic factors relative to that due to exhibit particularly good performance at being increased. Such changes associated
non-genetic effects) would be relatively high.
B. Genotypes grown at a site where the envi-
a location and would be considered with natural selection during increase are
ronment is more variable with plant growth locally adapted. Such a locally adapted known as genetic shifts. In some crop
conditions generally improving as one moves population may be referred to as an eco- species, special rules have been estab-
from genotype 1 to 10, for example, mean soil
type (provenance or ecological race), lished to limit the number of generations
moisture increases throughout the season.
Variation among genotypes is due to both often using the location as the ecotypes or the length of time that a population
genetic (see Figure 5) and relatively large envi- name. The Lassen ecotype of antelope may be grown for seed production pur-
ronmental effects, and broad-sense heritability bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata [Pursh] poses outside its area of adaptation to
of plant height is lower than in A.
DC.), collected in Lassen County, Cali- reduce the potential for genetic shift.
fornia, represents an example of a com- Local adaptation may be the result of
differences among individual plants. The mercially available ecotype. Evolution the isolated action of individual fitness-
environment in which each plant grows leading to local adaptation is primarily associated alleles at particular loci. It
will have an effect on the phenotype that the result of natural selection. Natural may also be due, however, to the evolu-
it expresses and this effect can be substan- selection is based on fitness, which is tion of complexes of alleles at many dif-
tial. It is possible in some cases to experi- measured by the tendency for an indi- ferent loci that interact in a coordinated
mentally partition variation for a given vidual and its offspring to survive. Fit- fashion to produce high fitness. When
trait into its genetic and environmental ness may be associated with a plants such co-adapted gene complexes are
sources. Following such an exercise, it is longevity, fertility, and its ability to pro- broken up, as could occur following
possible to calculate broad-sense heri- duce highly viable offspring. If variation hybridization of individuals from eco-
tability, which is the proportion of the for a trait associated with fitness is genet- types from very different environments,
total amount of variation for a particular ically based or heritable (heritability > the fitness of the resulting progeny may
trait that is due to genetic factors relative 0), then individuals with higher fitness be much lower than that of either
to that due to non-genetic effects (Figure will leave more offspring on average than parental ecotype. This condition char-
4). One of the major challenges in plant those with lower fitness. This will result acterized by reduced fitness is known as
breeding, and in the assessment of adap- in the genetic constitution of the popu- outbreeding depression. Outbreeding
tation more generally, is to understand lation becoming more similar to that of depression is generally a consideration
the extent to which environmental vari- the more fit individuals. In many ways, when a non-local ecotype is introduced
ability may be masking true genetic dif- artificial selection as practiced in plant into an area where local ecotypes exist.
ferences in performance among breeding programs is directly analogous Hybridization between the ecotypes
individuals or populations (Figure 5). to evolution through natural selection. could result in outbreeding depression
Moreover, in many cases, individual Plant breeders select (retain) plants with due to simple replacement of the local
plants are able to alter their growth or desired phenotypes or genotypes and alleles with those from elsewhere leading 109


will be completely excluded from the
sample and that the frequencies of the
other alleles will differ markedly from
0.1 simply by chance alone. As the size
of the sample increases, we would
expect the sample and the original pop-
ulation to be increasingly similar genet-
ically and therefore less genetic change
due to genetic drift to occur. A desire to
minimize genetic drift is one reason
why most plant and seed collectors try
to sample at least 50 individuals per
population. Founder effects are genetic
changes due to genetic drift that are
associated with the establishment of
Photo by Steven E Smith

new populations from a small number

of individuals.


Figure 5. Field evaluation of different genotypes (individual plants) of whiplash pappusgrass (Pappopho- USDA NRCS. 2004. The PLANTS database, ver-
rum vaginatum Buckl. [Poaceae]) from a single population in an experiment at the USDA Natural
sion 3.5. URL:
Resources Conservation Service, Tucson Plant Materials Center.
(accessed 22 Aug 2004). Baton Rouge (LA):
National Plant Data Center.
to reductions in fitness. Occurrences especially in environments that have been
such as this represent the most common altered by human activities.
type of genetic pollution that may be Processes other than natural selec-
associated with revegetation projects tion can result in genetic changes in
with native plants. Still, simple introduc- plant populations. One of the most
tion of a non-adapted ecotype in the common of these encountered in many
absence of significant hybridization with plant collection and propagation activi-
local ecotypes could also be thought of as ties is genetic (random) drift. This
an example of genetic pollution. occurs when particular alleles are very
Acceptance of the importance of local rare or when population size becomes
adaptation, concerns about outbreeding very small, as may occur with a near-
depression, and a desire to increase the extinction event or during seed collec- Steven E Smith
Associate Professor
likelihood of success in revegetation rep- tion. Under these circumstances, small
resent the primary bases for the develop- random samples will tend to differ sub-
ment of seed transfer rules or seed stantially in allele frequencies from the Kandres Halbrook
(transfer) zones. These describe the par- larger base population simply because Graduate Research Associate
ticular life or climatic zone, or such things of their restricted size. As populations
as the elevation or distance from the site become very small these changes can be School of Natural Resources
of collection that propagules of particular considerable. For example, in a popula- University of Arizona
ecotypes may be planted to increase the tion of 1000 homozygous individuals, Tucson, AZ 85721
probability of successful performance. assume there are 10 different alleles at a
Seed transfer rules are relatively well particular locus with each present at
developed for commercial forestry spe- roughly the same frequency (about 0.1).
cies. Developing realistic seed transfer If a small sample, say of only 8 plants, is
rules is difficult for many other wildland randomly taken from this population,
species because too little is known regard- then chances are quite high (about
110 ing the genetic basis for local adaptation, 43%) that at least one of the 10 alleles



Allele Genetic shift Locus

Specific composition of DNA at each gene. Genetic changes associated with natural selec- Particular location of a gene on a chromosome.
tion during the production of planting seeds.
Apomixis Mating
Seeds are not derived from fertilization but Genetic variation (diversity) Pollination of flower(s) that may lead to fertilization.
result from the development of a somatic cell. Differences among organisms due to factors that
can be transmitted from parents to offspring.
Artificial selection Type of cell division that results in reduction in
Genetics chromosome number and that ultimately leads
People retain individuals with desired pheno-
types or genotypes and these individuals con- Field of study dealing with variation among to the production of sperm and egg.
tribute alleles to the next generation. organisms and its inheritance. Molecular marker
Chromosome Genome Differences in DNA that can be used to identify
Threadlike DNA and protein-based structures different genotypes. See: morphological marker.
Total chromosomal DNA of an organism.
in cells whose function is the duplication and
Genotype Morphological marker
distribution of genes during cell division.
Easily observable genetically determined trait
Alleles an organism possesses at a certain locus
Co-adapted gene complex that identifies different genotypes. See: molecu-
or over particular loci. See: phenotype.
Complexes of alleles at many different loci that lar marker.
interact to produce high fitness. Haploid Natural selection
One copy of each chromosome within a cell.
Cross-pollination Process resulting in alleles from individuals
See: diploid, polyploid.
Pollination where pollen that leads to seed is with higher fitness becoming more common.
received only from different plants. See: self-pol- Heritability Neutral variation
lination. Proportion of the total amount of variation for a
Genetic variation that is unrelated to an organ-
trait that is due to genetic factors relative to
Diploid isms phenotype.
that due to non-genetic effects.
Two copies of each chromosome within each
cell. See: haploid, polyploid. Heritable Outbreeding depression
Overall fitness of offspring from a mating is
Condition where heritability is greater than zero.
DNA much less than that of the parents.
Molecule that encodes genetic information. Heterosis Phenotype
Overall performance of offspring from a mating
Ecotype Appearance or performance of an organism.
exceeds that of the parents. Also known as
Locally adapted population from a given envi- See: genotype.
hybrid vigor.
ronment or locale. Also known as a prove-
nance, or ecological race. Heterozygous Phenotypic plasticity
Extent to which a phenotype changes in
Different alleles exist at a locus. See: homozygous.
Evolution response to changes in the environment.
Processes resulting in change in allele frequen- Homologous chromosomes
cies over time. Ploidy
Chromosomes (usually pairs) derived from
Number of sets of chromosomes within an
maternal and paternal parents.
Facultative apomixis organisms cells. See: diploid, haploid, polyploid.
Condition where some seeds result from Homozygous
apomixis while the remainder are produced Polyploid
Same alleles exist at a locus. See: heterozygous. More than two copies of each chromosome
from typical fertilization.
Hybridization within a cell. See: haploid, diploid.
The process of joining genomes from two differ- Population
Union of sperm and egg.
ent individuals. Members of a species that are reproductively
Fitness Inbreeding or ecologically isolated and genetically distinct.
Measure of the tendency for an individual and
Condition resulting from matings between indi- Seed transfer rules/zones
its offspring to survive and reproduce. viduals that possess alleles derived from a com-
Outline the particular environment where
mon ancestor(s).
Gene propagules of particular ecotypes may be plant-
Fundamental physical and functional units of ed to increase the probability of successful
Inbreeding depression performance.
inheritance. Overall decline in plant fitness that is associat-
ed with inbreeding. Self-pollination
Genetic drift
Genetic change that occurs as a result of for- Pollination where the resulting seeds are
Inheritance derived from pollen that has come only from
mulating new populations from a relatively
Transmission of variation from parents to offspring. the same plant. See: cross-pollination.
small number of individuals.
Local adaptation Somatic cell
Genetic pollution Ability to successfully establish and persist over
Introduction of alleles from a foreign population. Body or nonreproductive cell.
extended periods of time in a given location. 111


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