How To Write A Critique

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WHAT IS A CRITIQUE? SUMMARY Are the article and the evidence still
A critique is a paper that gives a critical Summarize the authors purpose and main valid or are they outdated, leading to
assessment of a book or article. points/evidence cited that are used for an invalid conclusion?
back up.
Was the author successful in making
STEPS his/her point?
Begin by reading the book or REVIEW & EVALUATE
article and annotate as you read. To critically review the piece, ask the
following questions:
Note the authors main Wrap up by:
point/thesis statement. What are the credentials/areas of
expertise of the author? Stating whether you agree with
Divide the book/article into the author.
sections of thought and write a Did the author use appropriate
brief summary of each thought in methods to gather the evidence? Back up your decisions by stating
your own words. your reasons.
Was the evidence used by the author
accurate? Give a general opinion of the
Start your critique with sentences giving Does the authors use and
the following information: interpretation of this evidence lead
the reader to the same conclusion?
Authors name
Did the author build a logical
Book/Article title and source argument?

Authors thesis statement Is there other evidence that would

support a counter-argument?

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