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Unit 1 3 1 m taking/m going to take

2 ll be teaching/ll teach
just bought things by recognising
what the packets looked like. She
3 does ... start knew that cornflakes boxes had a
Reading 4 ll be living yellow cockerel on the front and
5 ll be doing that was the only way she knew
1 c 6 ll be working what she was buying. At the age of
2 1 D 2B 3C 4B 5A 6C 7 ll have been promoted 78, she decided shed had enough
8 ll have left and contacted an adult education
Vocabulary 9 m going to start/ll start centre.
1 2 fancied 10 ll bring I: What exactly made her do that?
3 chatting up 11 is D: She was in a shop one day
4 got on 12 ll need when a man came in and started
5 asked ... out
chatting. Hed come to their village
6 went out Listening with nothing but the clothes on
7 fell out
8 had fallen in love
1 a 12 c one his back. However, hed got a
b six years d none job, which paid for him to go to
9 split up
college and eventually he became
10 made up Audio script a lawyer. Mrs Schofield thought,
11 proposed Interviewer: Most people take If he can do it, why cant I? So
12 got engaged for granted the ability to read a she began to take weekly literacy
13 broke off newspaper or write a letter to a lessons. It was one of the most
14 got back together friend. But ElizabethSchofield, difficult experiences of her life. She
15 got married at the age of 84, is only now spent hours every day sitting at
16 got divorced discovering those pleasures for home practising, and often felt that
2 Suggested answer the first time, after learning to she would never achieve her goal.
Chris met Jane one summer. He read and write. My guest today is However, her friends and teachers
fancied her the moment he saw DanJeffreys, a journalist who has kept motivating and encouraging
her and they soon fell in love. written about ElizabethSchofield. her. Her long-term goal was to be
After a year Chris proposed Welcome. So, MrsSchofield didnt able to write letters and reply to
to Jane and they got engaged. learn to read and write at school, letters from her family who were
They got married recently. then? scattered all around the world and
Dan: No, she didnt. She just sat with whom shed had no contact
Grammar at the back of the class and learnt for a number of years. When she
1 a are you doing how to knit socks. She says that wrote her first letter to a member
b s going to borrow her teachers taught her nothing of her family in America, they
c does ... arrive and that she was left unable to were so happy to receive it that
d s going to stay read a word or even write her they replied straight away, inviting
e m going to play own name. She left school when her to visit.
f ll have she was just 12 years old. But, I: Did she go and see them, then?
g re going to miss now, after six years of lessons at
h finishes, ll be D: Yes, for the first time in her life,
college, Mrs Schofield has received Mrs Schofield travelled abroad and
i are you meeting an Adult Learner of the Year visited her family.
2 a have been studying award, achieving 85 per cent in her
b be sitting literacy exams. I: How has being able to read and
c be seeing write changed her life?
I: What was it like to be unable to
d read read or write for so long? D: Shes been able to start reading
e paid off her local paper something she
D: She brought up her children could never do. She used to have
f have been working
without even being able to read the to get someone to read it to her
words on a packet of cereal. Food or shed just go without knowing
shopping was a nightmare. She what was going on in the area.


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I: She must be thrilled with her d to stop outdoor challenges. The aim is to
achievement. e annoying complete a long trek across a moor.
D: Yes, its totally changed her life. f sending in Although it has to be completed
Instead of being frightened to talk 2 a Our car keeps breaking within 34 hours, it isnt actually a
to people in case she got something down. race. Its a test of endurance.
wrong, she now has the confidence b I really cant face spending  he challenge takes place on
to do anything. But she realizes the whole summer holiday at Dartmoor in the southwest of
that she still has a long way to go home. England. Dartmoor is a wild and
and is determined to do more. c I expect to pass/(that) Ill beautiful area of high moorland,
I: Thanks, Dan. Next in the pass all my exams. and is very popular with walkers.
programme we have d Doctors recommend eating/ It is famous for its tors. These are
that we eat less fatty large hills topped with granite,
2 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 C food and more fruit and which is a very hard rock, and
Use of English vegetables. there are 160 of them. Ive taken
e Try to avoid hurting his part in three Challenges so far, and
1 a It includes the abbreviations feelings. Im preparing for my fourth.
sth and/or sb (meaning f I failed to notice that the
something or somebody). The event takes place every year
traffic lights were red. on a weekend in May. Its a two-
b g Sue didnt dare (to) tell him day trek across Dartmoor, climbing
2 a look in the truth. ten of the tors. Depending on how
b set off h My father gave up smoking old you are, the trek can be 35,
c look down on in 1996. 45 or 55 miles. Ive just done the
d was set upon 3 1 to buy 55-mile route this year for the
e is set back 2 to find second time. You have to travel in
f are looking into 3 to order teams of six people. You sleep on
4 to get Dartmoor overnight, so you have
Unit 2 5 paying
6 criticizing
to carry everything you need with
you, like food and drink, tents and
7 offering spare clothes. So it really helps if
Reading 8 to sound you are fit and strong! You also
4 a crawling have to find your way across the
1 A Canada, Alaska and parts of moor. Each team has to navigate
the north-western USA b coming
B Southeast Asia c slip, fall around the course that it has been
C Florida, California, South d digging given by the organizers. And
Africa and Australia e playing you have to report to the army
D sub-Saharan Africa f grab, disappear checkpoints on each tor that you
E the USA visit. They need to know where
Listening you are, because its very easy to
2 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 D 5 E get lost. And finally, you have to
6 A 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 E 1 a T b F c T get back to the start by 5 p.m. on
2 1 southwest Sunday to complete the race.
Vocabulary 2 fourth
1 to talk about sth that has been 3 May  ou have to train long and hard
4 team for the event. My school organizes
worrying you for a long time so
5 tents training weekends on Dartmoor
that you feel less anxious
6 read a map every year, and you learn how
2 a No b Yes c LIE2 7 rivers to read a map. And you practise
3 Answers for Oxford Advanced 8 backpack hiking with a backpack, of course.
Learners Dictionary 9 high winds The most difficult thing about
(8th Edition) 10 achievement the race for me is getting over the
a pay d cold rivers. You have to wade through
b nerve e brave Audio script ice-cold water with all your kit and
c heart f back try not to get it wet. I dropped my
Im Jilly, and Im just about to take backpack in the water once and
part in the Ten Tors Challenge,
Grammar which is a special event organized we all had to rescue it because
1 a to study by the army for young people aged the water was flowing quite fast.
b sitting between fourteen and twenty. It That was a nightmare, and it
c to tell is one of the most demanding of was twice as heavy to carry after
that! The weather can also make

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life really difficult. It changes 3 a  doctors expect him to Audio script
very quickly on Dartmoor and it pull through. 1
will catch you out if you arent b he pulled them apart. Joy: Happy birthday, Karen!
completely prepared for it. It can c he pulled over.
be hot, cold, windy, foggy and Karen: Thanks, Joy.
d I pulled myself together.
snowy all in the same day! Last e they pulled it off. J: You dont sound too happy. Did
year, for example, the event had to Ben forget your birthday again?
be stopped on the Saturday night, Grammar K: No, he didnt. Hes never
because there were sudden high forgotten my birthday.
winds and torrential rain, which
1 1 a 2ab 3b 4ab
5b 6b 7b 8ab J: So, whats the problem?
made the conditions too dangerous
to continue. The army had to 2 1 A: Have you ever been to K: Well, he bought me this really
evacuate us to safety. It was scary, China? expensive present its a diamond
but quite exciting at the same time. B: Yes, I have. I went there ring.
last year. J: Wow! Whats the problem
 eople ask me why I do it. Well,
P A: What did you think of it? dont you like it?
its an incredible challenge, and B: I loved the countryside
if you finish it, its an amazing K: Its beautiful, but it must have
but I didnt like the cities.
achievement. It really boosts your cost a fortune. And we had an
2 A: Im sorry Im late. Have
self-confidence. This is my last agreement. You see, were saving
you been waiting long?
year doing the Ten Tors Challenge up to buy a new car. So we agreed
B: No, I havent. I arrived
and I want to make sure that it is not to spend much money on
late too!
my best year ever! presents this year.
A: Has the show started yet?
B: No, not yet. In fact, only J: I see.
Use of English half of the audience has K: So for Bens birthday I just
1 a at e to arrived so far. bought him a T-shirt. And now
b to f 3 A: Did you see Sammy last hes bought me a thousand-pound
c at g , week? ring! How are we ever going to
d h at B: Yes, on Tuesday. Hed afford that car?
2 a At d for just arrived back from 2
b after e On holiday. Some of the most interesting
c at f out of A: Oh, thats right. He went interviews that I did were in the
3 a T b F c F to Italy to pick grapes. first few chapters interviews
B: Yes. He told me that hed with jazz musicians especially
4 1 on 5 as
been speaking Italian so
2 of 6 who the ones who were alive during
much that hed forgotten the golden era of jazz, the 1940s.
3 from 7 by
his English. They had some amazing stories
4 was 8 up
3 1 gave to tell about their life on the road,
2 had prepared the characters they met, the music
Unit 3 3 had been
4 began
they were playing. I sometimes
wished Id been making a film,
5 remembered because the soundtrack would
Reading 6 had left have been fantastic. But I think
1 a Mumbai, Dr Kataria 7 took somehow the stories work better
b around an hour and a 8 had made in print and hopefully, will come
quarter 9 printed alive in the mind of the reader.
c 27,000 children and their 10 had helped Ive used the musicians actual
families 11 opened words as much as possible, but
2 1 B 2 G 3 A 4 C 5 F 6 E 12 had written also added some research of my
own, to fill in the background
Vocabulary Listening details.
1 a 3 b 6 c 5 d 1 e 4 f2 1 1 B2A 3A 4A 3
5B 6B 7A 8C Stars of the film and music worlds
2 a perfectly honest gathered today in a small town in
b stunningly beautiful
north Wales for one of the most
c bitterly disappointed
eagerly anticipated events of the
d desperately close
year. A temporary media centre
e wildly inaccurate
has been constructed, of the kind
f seriously injured

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you normally only see at major 6 thought that one day, I might help
sporting competitions. For most I dont get on badly with my to discover something significant
local people, the event completely family. I mean, we argue from that makes peoples lives better.
overshadowed the local elections, time to time all families do, The research were doing here
which also took place today. The dont they? I have the most really matters.
guests were all friends of Yasmin disagreements with my dad, over 2 1 expensive
Clarkson and Kirk Moon, who have silly things, like not locking the 2 chapters
finally decided to become husband garage door. He gets quite annoyed 3 guests
and wife. And Yasmin insisted with me, but not for long. We 4 portions
that they return to the town of her usually end up laughing about it 5 angry
birth, for this special occasion. later. Thats the thing about our 6 laugh
4 family we like a good laugh. 7 possessions
Jack: Have you eaten at Hampers My mum and I often share a joke. 8 significant
before? My sister wants to be a comedy
Tony: Yes, I had lunch there on
actress, in fact, but I dont think Use of English
shes got much chance shes got
Saturday. It isnt the greatest food
a good face for comedy, but I dont
1 a NO b NO c YES
in the world, is it?
think shes great at acting. 2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 D
J: No, it isnt. But it isnt bad 5B 6D 7C 8C
and at least you dont have to wait
WPC: So, Brian, where were you
long for it. The waiters are really
fast and efficient.
going last night at around 10
T: Are they? They werent on
Saturday. Maybe because it was
Brian: To meet some friends
outside the park.
Units 13
so busy. We had to wait about 20
minutes for our main course. But WPC: Which park? 1 a up e , off
when it came, I was happy half B: The one on Western Lane. b , out f on, out
a chicken, two baked potatoes, c in g ,
WPC: Ah yes, the one that suffered
beans, carrots what a feast! And d out, up h up, back
all that criminal damage last
I was starving hungry, because Id week. So, why were you meeting 2 1
ll have been working
been playing football. your friends? 2 m going to take/m
J: Yes, its a good place to go if taking/ll be taking
B: They wanted to see my new
youre feeling really hungry. And 3 re going
mobile phone. And before you ask,
the prices arent too bad. 4 does ... leave
I did pay for it. Ive even got the
5 ll be sitting
T: No, theyre not. I mean, it isnt receipt. Would you like to see it?
6 will ... have finished
cheap but you get really good WPC: Im not interested in mobile 7 ll leave
portions. phones, Brian. Im interested in
5 jewellery. The jewellery and other
3 a look e set
b set f look
I first started performing when I personal possessions that were
c look g look
was 16 years old in restaurants stolen from 34 Western Lane.
d set h set
or clubs rather than real music B: It wasnt me.
venues. The audience werent
4 a paid through the nose
8 b hes lying through his teeth
really there for the music, and that I started working in a laboratory c shes giving me the cold
was strange, because even though straight from university, and Im shoulder
I was quite a shy girl in every still there ten years later. We do d behind my back
other way, as soon as I was on research into new treatments for e behind his back
stage singing, I wanted everybody tropical diseases. I really love it.
to pay attention. So I really didnt Theres a great team spirit, and
5 a singing d grab, run off
like the fact that everybody carried b spending e to get
my colleagues are all intelligent,
on their conversations while I c to write f eating
interesting people. The work itself
was singing. I mean, of course, I is difficult, but thats part of the 6 a after a fashion
understood why it was happening, attraction knowing that Im b At first sight
but it made me angry. I wanted using my brain! And for me, the c ve been out of touch/
to shout at them: Stop talking! most important thing about my havent been in touch
Listen! Im brilliant, why cant you work the aspect which gives d for the best
understand that? I was only 16. me the most satisfaction is the e On balance

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7 a bitterly I really enjoy Im really enjoying M: Yes, I see. Theyre all different
b desperately my first term at university. Im shapes, arent they?
c perfectly now in the fifth week, and Ive W: A bit like clouds.
d stunningly been making Ive made three or
M: I suppose so. But clouds arent
e wildly four really good friends already.
green and blue.
f seriously My room-mate, Hans, is one of
them. Hes coming He comes W: Its a nice idea but Im getting
8 a pull yourself together from Germany. Weve got loads a stiff neck looking at it!
b pull through
in common, and its feeling M: Yes, so am I. I wish the sheets
c pull off
it feels as though Ive been of material were on the floor!
d pull apart
e pull over knowing Ive known him forever! 2
The only problem with Hans is Man: It depends what you mean
9 a have been learning, started that hes liking he likes listening by the greatest. How can you
b phoned, had just gone out to loud music in the evening compare a comedy with an action
c had been digging when Im trying to read, but hes film? I love films with stunts and
d Have ever been, ve been always turning he always turns it special effects. But would I choose
e used to write down when I ask him to. one? Probably not.
f ve already phoned Ill come Im coming home
Woman: I think its possible to
just for a couple of days next
Unit 4
compare films of different genres.
month to see my aunt, who
Spielberg has directed war films,
will be over from the States.
sci-fi films, thrillers ... and people
Im not sure exactly when its
are always arguing about which
Reading depending it depends on my
is his best film. You need to ask:
exams but I doubt it will be
1 a Central Park in New York
before 15th. It would be great to
How good is the acting? Is the film
b Christo and Jeanne-Claude thought-provoking? Is it moving?
c The Gates meet up, if youre free.
M: Are comedies supposed to be
d 16 days 4 a  ll be having, ll have two
moving? Or are they just supposed
cats and a dog.
2 1 E 2 B 3 G 4 F 5 A 6 D b Have been feeling/Are
to be funny?
W: I think they can be both funny
Vocabulary feeling, felt
and moving. Moreover, the best
c was imagining, imagine
1 a sitcom d consider, is considering comic actors, like Steve Martin can
b chat show make you laugh and cry.
e will be appearing, appears
c sports broadcast M: I dont agree.
d quiz show Listening 3
e cartoon
f soap opera 1 1 a b 5 b c Boy: What are you watching?
g reality TV show 2 a c 6 a c Girl: Its a documentary about
h documentary 3 a c 7 a b Siberia but its just finishing.
4 a b 8 a c
1 news bulletin B: Whats on next?
2 cookery programme 2 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C G: Hang on, Ill have a look at the
3 weather forecast 5B 6B 7C 8C
TV listings. Theres a new sitcom
2 a series Audio script on this channel. First episode.
b guest star 1 B: First episodes are never any
c host Man: Im not sure what were good.
d commentator looking at here. G: Theres a programme about
e contestant President Obama on BBC2 ...
Woman: Its called The emptiness
Grammar of modern life. Its conceptual art, B: What is it? A drama?
according to the guidebook. G: I think its a documentary.
1 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a 7a
M: Yes, but where is it? B: No, I dont fancy that.
2 a disagree d cost
b like e own W: I think that chair is part of it. G: Thats interesting. Beyonc is
c doubt f realize M: Really? Are you sure that isnt the guest star in the sitcom.
3 How are you? I hope your cold just a chair? B: It may be worth watching, then.
is better and youre feeling OK W: Not absolutely sure, no. Oh, Lets give it a chance, shall we?
now. Maybe youre needing you just a moment. Look at the ceiling G: OK, thats fine by me. Pass the
need a holiday. those big sheets of material. remote control.

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4 T: Shall I turn towards the camera 2 a The Mercury Shakespeare
Inventor: Basically, I came up with a bit more? b The War Of the Worlds
this idea because I love oranges D: No, dont do that. It wont look c Citizen Kane
but I hate peeling them! very natural. Look, dont worry 3 1 an
Bank Manager: I see. about it just focus on the acting. 2 the/The
I: So this is an electric orange Ill get the technicians to make the 3 not
peeler. studio a bit brighter. You can take 4 both
a ten-minute break. 5 that
BM: How much would it cost?
7 6 had
I: About 15.
Woman: It was simply amazing. 7 called/entitled/named
BM: I see. Thats a reasonable Ive never seen such wonderful 8 be
price. But, peeling an orange dancing. It was so moving!

Unit 5
isnt so difficult, is it? Why get a
Man: Was it modern dance?
machine to do it?
W: Yes, it was. And the
I: Its quicker.
choreography was excellent. Some
BM: Not when you have to get of the costumes were a bit strange, Reading
the gadget out, plug it in, clean it
but I soon got used to them. What 1 c
most impressed me though was the
I: Well, maybe, but music.
2 1 C 2A 3D 4C 5A
6 D 7 B 8 D 9 B 10 A
BM: Im sorry. I just dont think M: What was it like?
I can invest money in this. I just W: Well, it was a mixture of Vocabulary
dont think it would be popular different styles jazz, classical, 1 Certain to happen:
enough with the consumers. rock but all put together very Its inevitable that
5 carefully. I knew a lot of the tunes, Its bound to
Scientists in Japan have today although I couldnt name them at Theres no doubt that
announced a major breakthrough the time. After the show, I bought Almost certain to happen:
in the treatment of malaria. The the CD of the soundtrack. Ill play Its likely that
new drug, they claim, makes it for you now. The chances are that
the body produce a faint odour M: OK. The odds are that
which cannot be detected by
8 Not at all certain to happen:
humans, but which is apparently
Interviewer: Do you ever find that Its unlikely that
very unappealing to mosquitoes.
you just cant think of a single I doubt that
Although more research needs
idea? The odds are against
to be done, they say, the results
of early tests have been very Writer: Yes, I do although it Certain not to happen:
encouraging among people under doesnt last for long. Usually, if Theres no chance that
the age of 18. In older people, the I cant think of any ideas, I stop Theres no way (that)
effects are much less noticeable. trying. Thats the most important 2 a The odds are that Sandra
However, if it becomes widely thing not to try too hard. I go and Tom will get married in
used, it could save millions of somewhere where there are lots the summer.
young lives in poorer countries, of people, like a shopping centre, b Philip is bound to be late.
where malaria is a major killer. and just sit quietly, have a coffee c The chances are that youll
and watch the world go by. I often be stopped by the police if
see people who give me ideas for you drive that fast.
Director: OK, and action!
characters. And if theres a part of d The odds are against this
Tracey: Whats for dinner, love? the plot that I cant sort out, I just government winning the
Mark: Arent you going to cook? drink coffee and wait for an idea to next general election./
Im not. come. Its really important not to The odds are that this
D: Cut! Look, sorry to stop force it, or to panic. government wont win the
everything. next general election.
Use of English e Theres no way (that) Im
T: Whats the problem? Is it me?
Am I moving around too much? 1 a the e the taking the blame for the
b an, a f a accident.
D: No, its not you, Tracey. Its the
c a, the/ g the, a, f I doubt that Andrew will
lighting. We cant see your face
d the, h The pass all his exams.
very well.

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g Its inevitable that the Audio script was a brief explanation, and two
climate will change a lot Interviewer: Good evening. Im more warnings in the course of
over the next 100 years. joined in the studio by Rachel the play. But many listeners either
h Theres no doubt that Watson. She has just written a didnt hear them or didnt pay
well rely increasingly on book about the famous radio attention.
computers in the coming broadcast by Orson Welles of I: How did the people react?
years. an adaptation of The War of the R: Those that thought that they
Worlds, a novel written in 1898
Grammar by the Englishman, H. G. Wells.
were hearing a live news report
were frightened and confused.
1 a Mike promised that he Welcome, Rachel. Now, before Many went out and asked
wouldnt lose his temper so we discuss the broadcast, what neighbours what was happening
often. happens in the book? remember, many homes didnt
b Martin offered to give Theo Rachel: Its the story of an attempt have telephones at that time. And
a lift to the station. by aliens to invade Earth. A as the rumours spread, it caused
c Joanna asked Sam where to spaceship lands near London, more confusion and panic. Many
park. bringing aliens from Mars. These people fled from their homes.
d William begged Jessica not Martians start to build huge three- Others loaded their guns or hid
to leave him. legged fighting machines. The in cellars. Some people believed
e Richard warned Kirsty not to population is of course seized by that they could smell the poison
go out alone after dark. panic and London is evacuated. gas which, according to the news
f Karen advised David not to The rest of the book tells the story reports, was one of the Martians
buy those shoes. of the battle between humans and most potent weapons, and they
2 a My sister told/said to me these terrible machines. got wet towels and wrapped them
that she was going to town. I: And some 40 years later, the around their heads to protect
b I asked her if she would buy famous film director, Orson Welles themselves.
me a newspaper. dramatized the story for radio. I: Wasnt it rather stupid of them to
c She asked me which be taken in like that?
newspaper I wanted. R: Yes. Welles wasnt that well
known at the time, being just R: Not really. You have to
d I told her I wanted a copy of
23 years old. However, he was remember that nothing like this
the Independent.
beginning to build a reputation had ever been broadcast in the
e On her return she told me
as a theatre and radio director. United States listeners were used
she couldnt find one.
This broadcast brought him to programmes being interrupted by
3 a Sarah told Chris that she instant fame, nationally and newsflashes and took it for granted
didnt want to go to the internationally. that they would be accurate and
leisure centre with him the reliable. And the news bulletins in
following/next day. I: Why did it cause such a stir?
the play were very realistic, with
b Fred boasted that they R: Well, it was done in a actors playing reporters, soldiers,
hadnt lost a single match all documentary style. The scientists, and so on.
season. play started off like a music
programme, which was then I: What happened after the
c He asked her why she hadnt
interrupted by fake news bulletins, programme?
phoned him the previous
night/night before. saying that Martian spaceships R: Reports of the programme
d She complained that he was were landing near New York. appeared on the front page of all
always interrupting her. I: Not London? the big national newspapers and
e She asked him if he had ever there was a huge public outcry.
R: No, they moved the story to Many people accused the radio
been to Rome. America. I expect they felt that the
f She said (to him) that his station of being dangerously
listeners would be more interested irresponsible, but the radio station
postcard had arrived the if the action was set in familiar
previous day/day before. rightly pointed out that they did in
surroundings. The problem was fact warn listeners. However, they
g She asked me how often that many listeners didnt realize
Tom went/goes to the gym. had to undertake never again to use
it was fiction. They believed the this device for dramatic purposes.
Listening news reports, and thought that
the Martians really were invading I: Thank you very much for
1 c Earth. To be fair, the radio station coming in, Rachel, and telling us
did make it clear to the listeners about this historical broadcast.
that it was a dramatization. At the R: My pleasure.
beginning of the programme there
2 1 B 2A 3C 4C 5A 6A 7B

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Use of English c Using a dictionary in the M: Yes, of course. Just a moment.
exam is against the rules. Oh, I hope I havent lost it. I
1 1 anti 4 re d Its against the law (in the thought it was in my jacket pocket.
2 mis 5 under UK) for children under 13 to
3 over 6 semi I: Is that it?
work (in the UK).
M: Oh yes! Here you are.
2 1 recently 5 rarely e The use of mobile phones
2 rethink 6 misunderstood in some train compartments I: Where did you board the train?
3 successful 7 depth is forbidden./is forbidden in M: In London.
4 natural 8 behaviour some train compartments. I: And where are you travelling to?
3 a Can, Could, Would M: Cardiff. This is the train to
Unit 6 b cannot, may not
c Can, Could, May
Cardiff, isnt it?
I: Well, yes, but Im afraid Cardiff
d Would
was the last stop.
Reading e can, could, would
f can, could, may M: What?
1 a 1 France 2 Egypt
3 Thailand 4 Australia I: Youve gone too far!
5 Canada
Listening M: Oh no! I must have been asleep
b underground, boat, plane 1 a 4 b2 c6 d3 when we stopped.
e8 f1 g7 h5
2 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C I: Youd better get off at the next
2 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A station.
Vocabulary 5B 6C 7B 8A M: How silly of me!
1 Audio script 3
bicycle car speedboat A report on the future of transport
boot has caused concern among
Rep: Wilsons Holidays. How may I
brakes environmental campaigners. The
help you?
engine image of the future which many of
handlebars Woman: Well, Im not very happy us have is of clean, hi-tech forms of
ignition with the hotel. travel. But the reality, according to
roof R: Really? Im sorry to hear that. this research, will be very different
saddle The Palace Hotel is normally very and a lot dirtier. Far from
steering popular with guests. The facilities inventing more environmentally
wheel are wonderful. friendly forms of transport, we are
tyres W: Theres nothing wrong with the set to travel more and more by air
windscreen facilities its my room. one of the most polluting forms
R: Oh, I see. of travel. And the congestion on the
2 a boot roads today is nothing compared
b tyres W: It just isnt good enough. to that forecast for 25 years
c ignition R: Have you spoken to the staff at time, when people will typically
d brakes the hotel? spend two hours a day sitting in
e steering wheel W: Yes, I have. They were helpful traffic. Despite government efforts
f handlebars but said the only other rooms to promote healthy options like
3 a went back available are superior rooms, and walking and cycling, the report
b pulled/was pulling away Id have to pay extra. claims that these will hardly grow
c pass R: I see. And can you not do that? in popularity at all.
d hit W: Why should I? When I booked 4
e punctured the holiday, I was told Id have Anne: My sisters just booked
f swerve a sea view. Now I find only the three weeks on a cruise ship in the
Grammar superior rooms have sea views.
Mary: Really? Ive never really
1 1 b couldnt 4 a must
Inspector: Tickets, please! Sir? fancied going on a cruise.
2 d can 5 e cant A: Havent you? I love the idea.
Ticket, please.
3 f ought 6 c should
Man: Sorry, I must have fallen M: No, Id get bored.
2 a We arent/Were not allowed asleep. A: Still, three weeks is a nice long
to wear jeans at this school.
b Swimming is prohibited in I: Can I see your ticket? break.
this part of the river.

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M: Yes, Id love a three-week
holiday. Two weeks isnt long
With my job, you spend most of Review
Units 46
enough and more than three your time on the road. Obviously,
weeks would be too much, I think. you get to know a lot about other
A: I think so too. road users. I know which ones
M: Id love to do a tour of Asia. Id
to be careful of! For example, 1 a show 5
taxi drivers are always stopping b programme 3
start in Japan. Ive always wanted c bulletin 1
suddenly to pick up passengers.
to visit Tokyo. d opera 4
I know they cant help it, but its
A: Ive already been there. Id difficult when youre driving a e forecast 2
rather do a round-the-world trip,
starting in the States.
big lorry because you cant stop 2 a How many times have I

quickly. And people who drive been telling you not to leave
M: Too much flying! sports cars are always overtaking the windows open?
A: Dont you like flying? when there isnt enough room, so b
you have to brake to let them back c Im doubting that Suzie has
M: I hate it! Id want to travel by
in again. Thats annoying. But been learning French for
boat or train as much as possible.
the drivers I have most problems more than a few months.
5 with are minibus drivers. Maybe d Im not buying that book
Of course, when I was a girl, its because they arent used to its costing too much!
there werent any cars or buses in driving large vehicles. Im always e
town. Well, hardly any cars. Only extra careful when Im behind a f I dont understand why you
rich people had them! So getting minibus. Ive seen them involved dont enjoy this meal its
to school in the morning wasnt in lots of accidents. delicious!
easy. My brother had a bike. He
used to cycle and sometimes, I
8 3 a , d an, the
Introducing the Pathfinder b , the e the, a
used to ask if I could ride on the
Convertible, made from space- c a, f , , an, the
handlebars, but he never said yes.
age materials, including our
So I used to walk. That was all I
strongest ever windscreen that can 4 a The chances are that it will
could do. There was a tram, but it rain. 3
withstand a force of three kilos
cost a penny each way and that b Theres no way that Ill pass
per square centimetre without
was a lot of money in those days. this exam. 1
cracking. The automatic roof opens
You could buy a loaf of bread for a c Its unlikely that well get
at the touch of a button, allowing
penny! Not like these days. home before midnight. 2
you to enjoy the sun on your face
6 and the wind in your hair. And d Hes bound to phone sooner
Man: Excuse me. I wonder if I most amazingly of all, the engine or later. 4
could move to a different seat. runs on liquid nitrogen, creating 5 Suggested answers
Flight Attendant: The flights very zero pollution. Zero pollution! No a Please dont tell anyone.
full, Im afraid, so thats going to other car on the road today can b Put your hands on your
be difficult. Does your wife want make that claim. So for a greener, head!
to move as well? leaner lifestyle choose the c How do you make curry?
M: Were not together. Im Pathfinder Convertible. d Ill help you with your
travelling alone. homework.
Use of English e I think you should apply for
FA: Sorry, I thought you were a the job./You ought to apply
couple. 1 a even though
b as for the job.
M: No. f You mustnt contact the
c whether
FA: Well, that makes it a bit easier. d unless police./Youd better not
Did you want a seat by the aisle? e in case contact the police.
M: No, no, I asked for a window f whereas 6 a underdressed
seat. I like looking out of the g after b anti-war
window. 2 a unless we get c remake
FA: So whats the problem? b after her family moved d overconfident
c as he walks/hes walking e misplaced
M: I havent got a great view f semi-detached
the wing is in the way. I was home
wondering if I could move to a seat d in case you lose 7 1 engine
where I can see better? e even though the weather 2 ignition
f whether we want to 3 steering wheel
FA: Ill see what I can do. 4 roof

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5 boot Grammar friends and I rarely send emails to
6 windscreen each other. Whats the point? They
7 brakes 1 1 was discovered just sit there, waiting for you to
2 had been covered access your email account. Texting
8 1 Would 4 could 3 had been written
2 Could 5 May is instant, and you can receive
4 was found them anywhere. They arent too
3 ought to 6 must 5 had been seen expensive either mind you, if you
9 a As 6 were compared send enough of them, the bill really
b in case 7 (they were) deciphered starts to add up. I reckon I spent
c even though 8 is displayed about 30 on my mobile last month,
d unless
e Since
2 a have been worn. and only about 10 of that was on
b be cooked. voice calls. The rest went on texts.
c be stopped. 3
Unit 7 d have been sold.
e have been attacked.
I know it isnt fashionable these
days, but I really like sending
f have been released. letters. I sometimes use emails for
Reading g have been locked. keeping in touch with people, but
1 a the modern printing press. 3 a Tomatoes were once thought they dont have the same personal
b a code designed to help to be poisonous. feel as letters. Which would you
blind people to read. b The Black Death is now rather receive: a love letter or a
c the electric telegraph. known to have been brought love email? If you get a letter, you
d the telephone (and the to Europe by rats. know that somebody has taken
microphone). c Archimedes is believed to the trouble to write it by hand and
e liquid paper. have been born around 287 then post it. You can type an email
2 1 A 2 B 3 E 4 B 5 D BC. and click send without any effort
6 B 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 C d The dinosaurs are now at all. These days, most people
thought to have been wiped never write anything longer than a
Vocabulary out by a meteor impact. postcard and youre lucky if you
e Witches were once believed get one of those!
1 a I didnt want to let (down) to have the ability to change
my parents (down) by failing 4
into cats. I like to visit chat rooms whenever
my exams.
b Youve summed (up) my Listening Im on the Internet. Its a great
opinion (up) perfectly. way to find people with similar
c The shopkeeper ran after the 1 1 F 2H 3B 4D 5C tastes in music who want to swap
thief, shouting. tracks. I often come across the
Audio script same people, and I think of them
d I came across some
interesting facts while 1 as my friends now, even though
researching my project. I didnt have an email address weve never actually met. And I
e They called (off) the match before I started my latest job a guess Im more open and honest
(off) because of the weather. few months ago. Im suspicious of in a chat room than I am when,
f The president stood by his technology in general and Ive for example, I send an email. Its
deputy throughout the crisis. never owned a computer. Now easier to be yourself when you
that Ive got email at work, I like dont know the other person, and
2 a come across d let down sending and receiving personal you dont have to worry about
b stand by e run after emails from friends that Ive given
c sum up f call off what theyll think of you.
my address to. But I really dont
3 a turned on its owner like it when I get a message thats
I used to send a lot of texts, but
b to bring children up been copied to lots of other friends
c cut my grandmother off recently, Ive switched to instant
it seems as if theyre saying,
d carry on this conversation messaging. My friends and I have
This is important information, but
e asked for a newspaper all got the same software on our
I cant be bothered to contact you
f didnt bring it up mobiles, so we can swap messages
all personally. Sure, its easier
instantly, and three or four of
4 b, c, e, g, h but its so impersonal.
us can take part in the same
5 a blink 2 conversation. Whenever I text now
b clapped Sending texts can be really like if I want to get in touch with
c shiver addictive especially if, like me, someone who hasnt got the instant
d ducked you always want to have the last messaging software it seems so
e sighed, waved word. Now that we use texts, my

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slow! I dont know how we used to 2 a Joe cant have gone out. Im so glad I finally made the effort
put up with it! Maybe something b I might be able to lend you to do this. I was getting really
even faster than instant messaging some money. unhealthy and feeling tired all the
will come along soon, and then the c There must have been over time. I feel so much better now
software weve got now will seem 100 people at the meeting. and have so much more energy.
really old-fashioned. d One of the windows must be 3
2 a of b up c in d on e to open. I go about four times a week. Ive
e The petrol tank cant be been doing it for a month now and
Use of English empty. actually, its better than I thought
f Lucy might have been joking it would be. Whats good is that
1 b when she said that. I go with my friend Mick. Hes
2 1 A 2D 3B 4A
3 a so d so good company and we help and
5C 6D 7A 8C encourage each other, which really
b such e such
c so keeps me motivated, because, lets
Unit 8 4 a The weather was so bad
b tasted such good coffee.
face it, gyms are pretty boring
places, arent they? Anyway, Im
c so heavy that I couldnt really noticing a difference my
Reading d such a good footballer clothes fit better and I have lots
more energy. Im glad its working,
1 a encounter that
because I didnt want to have to
b launch e us so long
c phasing out go on a diet. I enjoy my food too
d concedes Listening much.
e consistent with 4
1 a 2 b 8 c 4 d 5/7 e 3
I finally handed in my notice four
f conducted f 5/7 g 10 h 9 i 1 j 6
g cynically months ago. I knew straight away
2 1 D 2 B 3 G 4 F 5 E that Id made the right decision.
2 1 C 2 G 3 A 4 E 5 F 6 D Although the job was well paid, it
Audio script
Vocabulary 1
was stressful and Im sure it was
bad for my health. I worked such
1 a bread and butter I stopped eating meat and fish long hours, and didnt have time to
b table and chairs about six months ago, having cook or eat properly. I was living
c fish and chips thought about it for a long off takeaways, which is terrible.
d knives and forks time. I decided that it was only Now that Ive got more time, Im
e pots and pans laziness that was stopping me going to join a gym and eat more
f salt and pepper from becoming vegetarian. Ive healthily. Anyway Ive had a nice
2 b and 1 f and 7 never liked the idea of animals break and Ive just started helping
c to 2 g in 8 being made to suffer, so I thought out at the local library. The pay
d by 5 h to 4 I should stick by my principles isnt great but I enjoy it.
e to 6 and stop eating meat. Basically,
I believe that farming methods 5
3 a on and on
in this country are all wrong. I was absolutely fed up with city
b bit by bitc from life, so I decided to see if Id be
Theres too much factory farming,
strength to strength happier in the country. Im renting
where animals are kept in terrible
d heart to heart a small cottage on a farm that
conditions. I know theres organic
e side by side belongs to some friends of mine,
meat and good farmers, too, but
f more and more and my company lets me work
there arent enough of them.
g face to face from home and do the same job
h all in all 2 online as I was doing in London.
Ive finally gone on a diet. Ive Which is just great. I love my
Grammar been dieting for a month now and job, but living in London was so
its going really well. Ive been
1 Suggested answers
eating healthily, and cooking
stressful, as I had to commute an
a 5 very healthy. hour and a half each way. Anyway,
b 1 burning. more, using fresh meat, fish and theres not much I miss about city
c 4 cooked properly. vegetables. I used to eat a lot of life, except perhaps my favourite
d 6 read a cookery book. takeaway food and unhealthy Chinese takeaway.
e 2 basil. snacks, but I dont any more. Ive
f 3 help you. lost six kilos and my trousers are
feeling really loose around my
waist now. Time for a new pair!

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Use of English
1 a 
Unit 9 the Arctic Circle, was the
first man to visit both Poles
by land.
Reading 3 and 4
b attract 1 a Poland a 3 I really like the hotel
attraction b Cuba where we stayed last year.
attractive c USA b 1 My brother, who you met
at Christmas, has just got
c enjoy 2 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 D divorced.
enjoyable Vocabulary c 5 The woman whose purse
d offend I found in the street turned
1 a 2 b 4 c 1 d3 out to be my neighbour.
offensive 2 a heatwave d 2 That was the moment
e inform b downpour when it all became clear
information c gale to me. (when can be
informative d blizzard omitted)
f admire 3 a strongest word: freezing e 4 My wife hated the dress
admiration neutral word: cold which I bought for her
admirable/admiring b strongest word: soaking birthday. (which can be
g respect neutral word: wet omitted)
respect c strongest word: foggy 5 a The tall man standing next
respectful/respectable neutral word: misty to the gate is my neighbour.
h imagine d strongest word: gale b To make the shelves I
imagination neutral word: wind need four pieces of wood
imaginative e strongest word: downpour measuring 1.5 m by 20 cm.
neutral word: rain c The youth attacked last
2 a is admirable/fills me with f strongest word: scorching night in the town centre is
b supportive when I lost my neutral word: hot still in hospital.
job. 4 a Dense d You can only eat food
c attracted to him. b Torrential bought in the canteen.
d remarks very offensive. c blustery e Commuting is no fun for
e more imaginative than d gentle people working in London.
adults. e stifling f Id like to own the house
f more respect towards your f mild facing the entrance to the
parents. park.
g enjoyment from listening to Grammar 6 a Thats my cousin talking to
modern jazz. 1 and 2 Jenny.
b They live in a big house
3 1 scientists a Friends, which is my
made entirely of wood.
2 natural favourite sitcom, starts in
3 development five minutes./Friends, which c Lets follow the path
4 unwilling starts in five minutes, is my running across the valley.
5 reluctance favourite sitcom. d I saw a man at the station
6 illness b The tall blond woman (who) trying to get on the train
7 basically you were talking to at the without a ticket.
8 possibility party is Garys girlfriend. e Do you recognize the man
c Can you give me back the seen stealing a car?
CDs (which) you borrowed
about three weeks ago? Listening
d A local man, who we 1 a T b F c F d F e F
happen to know, has won
the lottery. Audio script
e Ranulph Twisleton-Wykeham  oday we are reporting on the
Fiennes, who was the first extraordinary achievement of the
man to visit both Poles by climber, Annabelle Bond, who has
land, has just walked round just flown back to London after
the Arctic Circle./Ranulph becoming the fastest woman ever
Twisleton-Wykeham Fiennes, to climb the highest mountain in
who has just walked round each of the seven continents.

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 he scaled the summits in 360
S  he ascents raised 850,000 for a
T g heart 8
days, the fastest time ever for a cancer charity that was set up in h heart 9
woman and the fourth fastest for a memory of a friend who died of i heart 7
climber of either sex. She said that ovarian cancer. 2 a catch the waitress eye
the best experience of all had been She is swift to point out that its b has set his heart on
seeing the top of Everest. all been something of a team c up to his eyes
 nnabelle Bond is the daughter of
A achievement, the climbs being d broke Sandras heart
Sir John Bond, the former head of completed with guides from a New e never crossed my mind
the bank HSBC. She was born in Zealand adventure company and f make up my mind
Singapore in 1969 and grew up in filmed by a cameraman. However,
Jakarta and Hong Kong, coming to
Europe at the age of eight to attend
boarding school. Her grandmother,
fellow climbers agree that getting
up Everest is a feat in itself. Tom
Prentice, the former editor of
Christine, was a pioneering female
climber in the 1920s.
Climber magazine, said it was a
fantastic achievement for anyone
Units 79
Annabelle spent eight years to have climbed the seven highest 1 a My parents stood by me
working as an estate agent in summits. He added, however, that during the court case.
Hong Kong. It was there that she there were many much harder b The strike was called off
started running mountain half- peaks than some of the summits when the management
marathons and setting records, on the list. increased its pay offer.
fitting her training in between her  hen she returned to London, she
W c At the end of the meeting
appointments with clients. said she was happy to be back but Dave summed up what they
was feeling a bit jetlagged. The had agreed.
Initially, she had been the kind of d Dogs love running after
person who didnt think she could pleasures of life back in London
are those of home comforts like balls or sticks.
exercise for more than a couple
a shower and a loo, and seeing e Their father always picks
of hours. However, she finally
family and friends again after up the children/picks the
decided that buying and selling
nearly a year living mainly in children up from school.
houses wasnt what she really
tents. f Wendy felt angry and let
wanted to do and in 2000 she left
the estate agents and headed for So, what next for Annabelle Bond?
Idaho, to ski and climb. Shes in demand as a celebrity 2 a click
speaker but says that she isnt b stamped
 trip to Everest base camp, where
c gasped
she fell madly in love with the quite sure what shell be doing in
the future. Although she says she d waving
dramatic scenery, further whetted
certainly isnt rushing off to climb e blink
her appetite for climbing and
she decided to attempt to climb any mountains, she nevertheless 3 a Carry on the good work you
the highest peak in each of the wants to do something that will are doing.
seven continents: Mount Everest push her to the limit again. Watch b He called the waiter and
in Asia, Mount Elbrus in Europe, this space. asked for some bread.
Aconcagua in South America, 2 1 continents c I dont know why Catherine
Mount McKinley in North America, 2 bank suddenly turned on me and
Kilimanjaro in Africa, Mount 3 grandmother started yelling.
Kosciusko in Australia and Vinson 4 appointments d My sister and I were brought
Massif in Antarctica. 5 scenery up in a small village.
6 died e The phone company will cut
 he 35-year-old was twice
you off if you dont pay your
admitted to hospital with frostbite 7 fit and healthy
8 guides bill.
and said she felt lucky to survive
9 tents/a tent f Joe brought up the question
Everest after two climbers who
10 speaker of pay at the meeting with
joined their party died on the
his manager./Joe brought
descent. She said that the biggest
problem had been keeping to the Use of English the question of pay up
schedule, as each mountain had to 1 a mind 2 4 a In the past it was thought
be climbed in the right season. It b mind 3 that the world was flat./
was also a challenge to stay fit and c mind 1 In the past the world was
healthy while living on little other d eye 5 thought to be flat.
than freeze-dried food. e eyes 4 b My grandfather was given
f eye eye 6 a gold watch when he

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retired./A gold watch was g set e They say that the simplest
given to my grandfather h sank things in life are the most
when he retired. i is important.
c I was told by the teacher to 10 a freezing g boiling f That was probably the least
hand in my homework by b chilly h warm scary horror film Ive ever
Friday. c soaking i gale seen.
d The two boys were stopped d damp j breeze g The harder I work, the less
and searched by the police. e foggy k downpour time I have for relaxation.
e Last years champion f hazy l shower h Brandon is one of the
was expected to win kindest and most generous
Wimbledon./It was expected people Ive ever met.
that last years champion
would Wimbledon./
Unit 10 2 a Freddie goes to the bank
more often than Simon
Wimbledon was expected
to be won by last year's
Reading (does).
OR Simon goes to the bank
champion. 1 a, b, e less often than Freddie
f It is said that the house is 2 1 D 2 A 3G 4C 5B 6F (does).
haunted./The house is said b Gail spends longer in the
to be haunted. Vocabulary shower every day than
5 a heart to heart 1 positive: cheerful, contented, Kevin (does).
b on and on enthusiastic, grateful c A Porsche 911 GT3 is less
c More and more negative: anxious, depressed, expensive than a Ferrari 599
d strength to strength frustrated, nervous GTB (is).
e All in all OR A Ferrari 599 GTB is
f face to face
2 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 A more expensive than a
g side by side 3 adjective abstract noun Porsche 911 GT3 (is).
anxious anxiety d Lucy did less well than
6 Suggested answers nervous nervousness
a such a good/great/nice Anna (did) in her maths
cheerful cheerfulness exam.
b so hot
contented contentment OR Anna did better than
c so fast/quickly
depressed depression Lucy (did) in her maths
d such a boring/dreadful/slow enthusiastic enthusiasm
e such a nice/lovely/ exam.
frustrated frustration e Sandra drives further to
comfortable grateful gratitude
f so easy/simple work every day than Ben
7 noun adjective 4 1 confusion OR Ben doesnt drive as far
attraction attractive 2 fury to work every day as Sandra
enjoyment enjoyable 3 misery (does).
information informative 4 excitement
admiration admiring/ 5 guilt 3 a This is the most exciting
admirable 6 thrill film that anybody can
imagination imaginary/ remember (seeing).
a misery b Shine-X is the most effective
imaginative b excitement cleaner (that) you can buy.
a imagination c guilty c This is the worst meal
b informative d confusion (that) weve ever had in a
c enjoyment e thrilled restaurant.
d admirable f furious d In my opinion, Salma Hayek
e attraction
Grammar is the most beautiful actress
8 a studying d sitting in the world.
b injured e walking 1 a The older I get, the more I e Your brother is the least
c made f called know. arrogant person (that) Ive
b Shes one of the nicest
9 a cross students in the class.
ever met.
b caught
c London isnt as crowded as 4 1 easier
c make up 2 latest
d see 3 the faster
d Last nights meal was more
e breaks/broke 4 less expensive
expensive than we had
f have 5 the most successful
6 the sooner

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1 Speaker 1: six
upset but I tried not to show it.
I didnt want to hurt my parents Unit 11
Speaker 2: nine
Speaker 3: 11 4 Reading
Speaker 4: eight For my dad to lose his temper was 1 b
really unusual and it was also a
Speaker 5: five
big surprise at the time, because 2 1 A 2C 3B 4D 5A 6C
Audio script I really liked our visitor. He was Vocabulary
1 an old friend of my mothers
It hadnt been a very pleasant who was visiting London and 1 a breakthrough
mum had offered to put him up. b dropout
journey. My mum and dad, I c setback
remember, had been in a bad Anyway, this guy started telling
stories about meeting celebrities. d break-up
mood for most of the way. I think e printout
the problem was, we were going to I was only eight and I liked his
stories, but they infuriated my dad. f break-in
visit some of my mothers relatives g put-down
in Scotland, and my dad didnt Perhaps he thought this man was
showing off. Anyway, one evening, h giveaway
really want to go. Anyway, we
were about an hour away from when our guest was telling one 2 1 break-in
Edinburgh when the car started of his stories, my dad suddenly 2 break-up
making strange noises. My dad started shouting at him, and a 3 breakthrough
was driving, and at first, he said huge row followed. 4 dropout
he didnt want to stop. But then 5 5 put-down
the car started losing power, so I was in town with my sister in 6 setback
he pulled over. The motorway a busy shopping centre, trying 7 giveaway
was really busy. It was quite to find a present for my dad. 8 printout
frightening because I was only six I remember looking in a shop 3 a enter d visit
at the time. window at some toys. When b insert e click
2 I turned round, my sister had c shut down f plug in
I remember feeling sad as we put disappeared. I could see hundreds 4 a havent plugged in
the last few boxes on the lorry. of other faces, but not my sisters. b insert
But I cheered up when I was I started wandering from shop to c clicked
allowed to ride in the lorry rather shop, in tears. Im amazed nobody d dont enter
than in my parents car. The offered to help me it isnt normal e dont shut down
lorry driver couldnt find the new to see a five-year-old wandering f visit
house at first, and we had to ask around alone. Anyway, finally, my
for directions. It seemed so quiet sister found me. She bought me Grammar
some sweets to make up for being
compared to the large city wed
so irresponsible and told me not
1 a true present 3
come from! When we arrived, I b possible future 1
remember wanting to see my room to say anything to our parents! c hypothetical present
straight away. I was annoyed that 2 1 D 2E 3A 4H 5C future 4
it was smaller than my brothers d hypothetical past 2
room he was only five, and I was Use of English 2 a If Hannah hadnt got a job
four years older!
1 ness and tion usually indicate in Spain, she wouldnt have
3 a noun met her future husband.
I loved Formula 1 racing when I b If Kyles brother hadnt had
was younger. I desperately wanted
2 b
flu, he would have gone to
to go to a race, but my parents 3 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 b the concert.
said it would be too expensive. 5a 6a 7b 8b
c If wed known your address,
Anyway, it was a few days before 4 1 national we would have sent you a
my eleventh birthday, and my 2 ability postcard.
dad said something that made 3 Naturally d If you hadnt been late for
me think Id be going to a race 4 convinced the interview, youd have got
at last. I cant remember what he 5 sceptical the job.
said but I was convinced that my 6 unable e If it hadnt rained, the tennis
present was going to be a trip to 7 failure match wouldnt have been
the Grand Prix. But instead, I was 8 abruptly postponed.
given a toy racing car. I felt quite

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3 a 3 would have bought B: Yes, it has. The first proper B: No, but unlike previous types
b 6 wouldnt have got design for a jetpack dates back of jetpack, it can stay in the air for
c 1 wouldnt have watched about a hundred years. A Russian about 30 minutes.
d 2 wouldnt have let inventor called Aleksandr I: And how fast does it go?
e 5 would have got Andreyev invented it. However, he B: About 55 kilometres an hour.
f 4 would have finished never actually built or tested his I: So you cant actually travel that
invention. far with it.
4 a wouldnt be (mixed)
I: So when did the first working B: Well, no. Less than 30
b would have bought (type 3)
c would have heard (type 3) models appear? Im sure I saw kilometres. But in a city, thats
d would know (mixed) them in films. Or were those just probably far enough.
e would still have (mixed) special effects? I: So do you think jetpacks are
f wouldnt have become B: No, they were real. An ever going to be part of everyday
(type 3) American company called Bell life?
g would go (mixed) Aerosystems started designing B: Probably not even when
jetpacks called rocket belts in the price comes down, which it
Listening the 1960s. The US military were probably will. I could be wrong,
quite interested for a while and but thats my own personal view.
1 The Martin Jetpack, made by helped to fund their development. I mean, weve talked about all the
the Martin Aircraft Company They certainly worked and practical difficulties, but theres
The Rocket Belt, made by Bell they even appeared in James another problem. We dont actually
Aerosystems Bond films and, most famously, need jetpacks for anything. They
2 A 2C 3B 4B 5A 6C 7B
1 in the opening ceremony of the just arent a very sensible way
Los Angeles Olympic Games in to get around. But there are lots
Audio script 1984. But they never became of other really cool pieces of
Interviewer: Welcome to Science commercially successful for the technology on the horizon, so the
Matters. Today Ill be talking reasons I mentioned earlier. They future is still very exciting.
about jetpacks with my guest, Ben couldnt stay in the air more than
Hatton. So Ben fifty years ago, a minute, so they werent much Use of English
when you watched science fiction
films, there were people with
good as a form of transport. 1 Human computers were people
I: What about the military interest? who were employed to do
jetpacks flying around. I assumed B: The problem for the military is mathematical calculations.
that by the year 2000, wed all that they wanted to use jetpacks They disappeared when
have one. So what went wrong? for spying missions but theyre mechanical computers became
Ben: Yes, I think I probably incredibly noisy! So that doesnt widespread.
assumed the same thing, when really work.
I was a boy. Well, nothing I: So, is that the end for jetpacks?
2 1 whose
5 which
exactly went wrong. Its just that 2 to 6 were
B: Well, I wouldnt say that. 3 how 7 out
developing a jetpack that really There have been some interesting
works, and is practical, is a major 4 in 8 until
developments in recent years.
challenge. For example, theres the Martin 3 a 6 b 7 c 4 d 1 e 5
I: Why? Jetpack.
B: Well, there are quite a few I: Whats that?
problems. Firstly, humans are not B: Well, an inventor in New
designed to fly. Were too heavy, Zealand called Glenn Martin has
and the wrong shape. So jetpacks been working on a new kind of jet
have to do a lot of work just to get pack for about 30 years. He started
us off the ground. out with just a workshop in his
I: So, they need to be powerful. parents garage. But gradually, he
B: Thats right. And that brings us persuaded people to invest money
to the second problem. Producing in his ideas. And finally, after
all that power needs a lot of fuel, designing and building twelve
and fuel is heavy. So although we different versions, his company
have jetpacks which fly, they only the Martin Aircraft Company has
stay in the air for a minute at the got a jetpack that is actually going
most because any longer than on sale.
that would need too much fuel. I: For how much?
I: But in spite of these problems, B: Probably around $200,000.
the idea has been around for quite I: So it isnt cheap!
a while, hasnt it?

Key 99

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Unit 12 g getting/having/going to get/
going to have it cut
However, there are also completely
peaceful ways of protesting. For
h wouldnt let me go out example, Davidson doesnt eat
Reading i made practise meat, fish, or anything that comes
2 b 5 the room redecorated from animals, like milk or eggs. He
1 Bill Gates: 1955, the Bill and doesnt wear leather shoes. He also
Melinda Gates Foundation c 1 your bedroom tidied
d 2 your eyes tested has a website and he writes articles
Albina du Boisrouvray: 1941,
e 3 meat cooked for newspapers. But Davidson
f 4 the clothes left out believes that these peaceful forms
Abdul Sattar Edhi: 1928, the
g 6 these plates put away of protest are not enough.
Edhi Foundation
Oprah Winfrey: 1954, Oprahs On two occasions, Davidson
Angel Network
Listening himself has been involved in
2 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 D 1 a F bT cF illegal action. He sprayed red paint
over fur coats in a clothes shop
6 D 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 B Audio script in London and he was involved
Vocabulary Police have arrested two members in an attack on a laboratory last
of the Animal Defence Group, the year. He and his fellow activists
1 ADG. They are suspected of being broke into the laboratory, looking
Make Do involved in an attack on a medical for evidence of animal cruelty.
1 a decision somebody a research laboratory in Bristol last They took away video recordings.
favour night. The laboratory was broken Davidson claims that the evidence
2 an arrangement research into and valuable equipment was they found actually put a stop to
3 an excuse your best destroyed. The attack is the latest the research in that particular
4 a mess the housework in a series of attacks on companies laboratory. There are rules to be
5 a suggestion the shopping and science institutions which obeyed even for animal testing,
6 progress carry out experiments on animals and they found that the scientists
in the pursuit of medical and were not following those rules.
2 a do me a favour
Not only did Davidson and his
b made a mess scientific knowledge.
friends take away the recordings,
c do your best I recently spoke to Mick Davidson, they also freed 30 animals. They
d make a decision who is also a member of the ADG
and their spokesperson, and asked took them away with them and
e doing research
him how he could possibly justify they found good homes for them.
f havent made progress
breaking into a medical research Finally, they damaged essential
g made a suggestion
laboratory and causing such science equipment, to stop the
h made an excuse
criminal damage. He conceded testing for as long as possible.
3 a It wont do! When I suggested to Davidson that
b make the most of it. that what the protesters did was
certainly criminal damage in this sort of violence just gives the
4 Suggested answers

the eyes of the law but he animal rights movement a bad
a Its got nothing to do with name, he said that they dont agree
pointed out that using animals
you. with violence, other than against
in experiments is a crime, too.
b cant/wont be able to make property. Their aim is to make
The reason the ADG destroys
it./Im doing something else/ life as difficult as possible for the
property relating to the abuse
Ive made other plans. scientists, but they do not intend to
of animals is to make it really
c have much to do with hurt them. Where people have been
expensive for the firms to use
d has done really well for accidentally injured, they have
animals in experiments. It costs
herself./has really made apologized, as harming people is
a huge amount of money to set
something of herself. not their intention. There are some
up research experiments, so if
e make it extreme activists in the animal
Davidson and his fellow activists
rights movement, but Davidson and
Grammar can sabotage the experiments, the
the ADG do not approve of violence
firms might think its too expensive
1 a had/got it stolen to set them up all over again. against humans, any more than
b got to help me they approve of violence against
c got/had it repaired  avidson is a keen supporter
D animals.
of this kind of direct action.
d made spill
According to him, there are many 2 1 equipment
e they let them go 2 crime
things people can do to highlight
f get started 3 money
the cause of animal suffering,
and direct action is one of them. 4 leather
5 articles

100 Key

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6 (fur) coats 7 a get d have
7 recordings b make e made
8 animals c let f had
9 violence
10 injured/hurt/harmed
8 a Id like these letters signed
Use of English b Do you want these shoes
1 1 B 2D 3B 4C c We need a decision made by
5D 6C 7A 8D Tuesday.
2 a lift d I prefer coffee served
b Raise without milk.
c (has) raised
d lifted
e lift
f raise
g lift

Units 1012
1 1 enthusiasm
2 gratitude
3 frustration
4 thrilled
5 nervous
6 furious
7 guilt
2 a The blue car is less
expensive than the red car.
b The less you pay, the worse
the quality.
c This is definitely the easiest
d Linda drives far more slowly
than Justin.
e I dont go out with friends as
often as my sister.
f Our exams are getting more
and more difficult.
3 a 2 b 4 c 5 d 1 e 3
4 a dropout
b break-in
c setback
d giveaway
e breakthrough
f break-up
5 1 a and b 4 a and b
2 b 5 a and b
3 a 6 b
6 1 do 5 made
2 make 6 do
3 do 7 make
4 make

Key 101

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