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Topic: Terrorism

Country: United States of America

Delegated: Tanadech Santipiyakun

School: Muids

In the past decade Terrorism is rapidly growing world trend has been toward

globalisation. Terrorism is one of the main problem in the world that some countries cant

denied. It mostly occur in the country that incentive political, social and religion conflict.

The define of terrorism is the use of violence or threatened use of violence, in order to

achieve political aims. Furthermore, terrorism is consider a threat in many country. They

are very cruel and dangerous than we understand.

There are many cause of terrorism, two main cause that motivate terrorism are:

Social and political injustice and belief that violence will be effective. First, social and

political injustice; when people feel that society dont have justice to them, they will choose

to become terrorism to claim their justice back, because they think that the law cant help to

solve their problem anymore. Second, the belief that violence will be effective because they

wait for the justice answer deliberately but still nothing, so they choose to rise up and take a

violence action. (The Cause of Terrorism, 2014). One of the most terrific event that able to

catch every eyes in the world and make a frightening picture of terrorism in everybodys

mind. The 9/11 event that begin a crash between America and terrorism group. According to

the research of 9/11, Approximately 3000 people were killed from the attack and 200 fire

fighters died and 78 police were reported disappeared.(9/11 Attack,n.d) It is one of the most
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tragic terrorism in the world. This event is to declare how mighty terrorism is. This event

make every country in the world to become more concern about terrorism. In consequence

from the terrorist attack in 11 September 2001 or 9/11 the United States, and the UNSC

(United Nation Security Council) had established a tool to fight against terrorist by

monitoring the sanctions against them. (United Nations Action To Counter Terrorism, n.d).

- (explain a little bit more - one example of exactly what they do)

The United States thinks terrorism is a world wide issue, because the emerged of

terrorist on 9/11 clearly demonstrate how fearless and cruel they are. Furthermore, it is the

reason why America become more strict about immigration and people who can access to

their country. This is the reason why America become more strict about immigration and

people who can access to their country. From this attack George W.Bush the president of

United States at that time, came up and have a speech about this attack. Briefly he say,

thousands of lives have to sacrifice on the despicable act of terror, this act of murder was to

frighten America, but they have failed, now America become stronger. (George W.Bush,

n.d.). After the attack Bush administration declared a war on terrorist War on Terror, they

opened the secret military operation and also new security laws, to block the terrorism. The

successful of this operation was to eliminate Osama bin Laden the leader of terrorist group.

Many people say that this operate didnt work and America are losing war with the Al-

Qaida. However, the failure of this operation was that the administration's failure to change

US national security policy from the framework of the Bush Administrations. Therefore,

America Government have establish the CIAs Counterterrorist Centre to consider the

origins, development, and central themes of U.S. policy. (US Counterterrorism Policy, n.d.)
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As United States have been taken many confront with terrorism around the world

since 9/11. We take action to ratify them as much as we can and sharing information with

others governments as much as we can. Though, all the UN member states with include us,

were encouraged to share our intelligence on terrorist groups to help to combat international

terrorism. This resolution also calls on all states to adjust their national laws to show that all

States should ensure that terrorists acts are established as a serious criminal offences in both

domestic laws and regulations. (United Nations, 2001). However, human rights also one of

the most important thing to concern. Hence, the absence of any specific reference to human

rights considerations was remedied in the Resolution which declared that every States must

ensure that any combat on terrorism need to comply under international laws. (United

Nation Resolution, 2003)


-Zalman, A. (2014, November 25). Are All Terrorist Acts Motivated by 1 of 2 Things?

Retrieved March 09, 2016.

-U. (n.d.). United Nations Action to Counter terrorism, Counter-terrorism, Global counter-

terrorism strategy, general assembly and counter-terrorism, secretary-general and counter

terrorism, SG, UN, SC, terrorism, GA, general assembly. Retrieved March 09, 2016,
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