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Philippine Normal University

National Center for Teacher Education

College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

Selected Annotated Bibliography for Integration of Education for Sustainable

Development (ESD) in Social Studies Teaching

Canarias, J. (2005) Environmental Awareness level of Selected Second Year High School
Students: Bases for Development of Lesson Exemplars for Teachers.

The study was conducted in Antonio A. Maceda Integreted High School and it was
revealed that the selected second year students have moderate knowledge of the key
concepts of environmental issues and has low awareness on the advocacy that the
government implemented as well as the sustainable development being pursued by the
United Nations. The study revised the scale to measure environmental awareness used
by Philippine Normal University on freshmen students to fit its respondents level of
education. The study also included a lesson exemplars for the teachers

Garcia, E.B. (2000) The initiatives on Environmental Protection and Preservation of Southeast
Asia Countries: Prospects for Sustainable Development in the Region

The study recommended that environmentalism should be integrated in all school

subjects not only in the Science and Social Sciences. Curriculum writers should realize
that a relevant curriculum will make a student pro-active. Environmental concepts and
issues should be integrated in the teaching of Science, Social Science, Values, Health
etc. Raising environmental awareness should also mean manifesting actions for the
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

Garcia, E.B. (1997) Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Environmental

Awareness of College Freshmen at the Philippine Normal University

The study conducted was able to enumerate and determine the different indicators of
environmental awareness. The study also indicates that the college freshmen of PNU
seem to be moderately aware of the environmental issues and seldom do the
task of formulating solutions to problems and manifests low degree of commitment and
advocacy to the environment. The researcher further recommended to have a separate
course in environmental education to be set up in the curriculum of Social
Science Department at PNU.

Longhurst, J. (2014) Education for sustainable development: Guidance for UK Higher Education
Providers. London.

Education for sustainable development is the process of equipping students with the
knowledge and understanding, skills and attributes needed to work and live in a way that
safeguards environmental, social and economic wellbeing, both in the present and for
future generations. Education for sustainable development means working with students
to encourage them to: consider what the concept of global citizenship means in the
context of their own discipline and in their future professional and personal lives consider
what the, concept of environmental stewardship means in the context of their own
discipline and in their future professional and personal lives think about issues of social
justice, ethics and wellbeing, and how these relate to ecological and economic factors
develop a future-facing outlook; learning to think about the consequences of actions, and
how systems and societies can be adapted to ensure sustainable futures.
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

Mabunga, M. M. (2007) Perceptions on Sustainable Development of Social Studies Teachers in

Selected Secondary Schools in Metro Manila: Bases for Enhancement of Lesson

The study used Likert Scale to measure the perceptions, knowledge and attitude on
Sustainable Development of Social Studies Techers in Metro Manila. The study revealed
that the respondents had a significant high level of knowledge of the different scope of
sustainable development. In general, it can be inferred that the respondents have
either very good level of knowledge of different aspects of sustainable development. The study
also revealed that the teachers attitude towards sustainable development is positive.

Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines (2008) Republic Act 9512 National
Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008. Retrieved from

Section 3. Scope of Environmental Education. The Department of Education (DepEd),

the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA), the Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD), in coordination with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and other relevant
agencies, shall integrate environmental education in its school curricula at all levels,
whether public or private, including in barangay daycare, preschool, non-formal,
technical vocational, professional level, indigenous learning and out-of-school youth
courses or programs. Environmental education shall encompass environmental
concepts and principles, environmental laws, the state of international and local
environment, local environmental best practices, the threats of environmental
degradation and its impact on human well-being, the responsibility of the citizenry to the
environment and the value of conservation, protection and rehabilitation of natural
resources and the environment in the context of sustainable development. It shall cover
both theoretical and practicum modules comprising activities, projects, programs
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

including, but not limited to, tree planting; waste minimization, segregation, recycling and
composting; freshwater and marine conservation; forest management and conservation;
relevant livelihood opportunities and economic benefits and other such programs
and undertakings to aid the implementation of the different environmental protection

Philippine Council for Sustainable Development Education (2015). Chapter III: Delivering the
Promise of a Good Life for all Filipinos: SD Operational Framework Retrieved

Education for sustainable development is geared towards the realization of the full
potential of the human being as an individual and as an integral member of a family,
community, and society as a whole. Besides developing economic, ecological,
political, and cultural literacy and competence, education also promotes human well-
being, develops emotional and mental intelligence as well as moral an spiritual
potentials of the human being. Moreover, education motivates the human being to
place ones developed capacities in the service of the Supreme Being, nature,
society, and sustainable development.

Quisumbing L. R. et al. (2009) Learning to Know for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future.
UNESCO-APNIEVE and APCEIU Source Book for Educators and Learners

The author introduced four dimensions of Education for Sustainable Development.

First is Social Dimension, which implies understanding of social institutions and their
role in change and development. Second, Cultural Dimension: the awareness and
appriciation of the peoples history, tradition and lifestyle. Learning sustainability
must include understanding diverse traditions, values and social history. Third is the
Economic Dimension; which shows sensitivity to the limits and potential of economic
growth and their impact to the society and environment. Lastly is the Environmental
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

Dimension; that spreads awareness of the resources, the fragility of the physical
environment and on how human activities and decision affect it.

Solis, A.G. (2014) Development and Validation of Modules Integrating Education for Sustainable
Development (ESD) in Araling Panlipunan 7

The main concern of this study is the integration of ESD in Araling Panlipunan 7 through
the development of instructional materials or modules. The primary objective and core
value which is to empower students to make decisions and take actions towards
sustainable future. The researcher developed six modules and seventeen lessons. The
study employed descriptive method of research and utilized four stages in developing
instructional material; 1) Planning Stage 2) Development Stage 3) Validation Stage 4)
Finalization Stage. Interpretation of data revealed that the developed instructional
materials were valid and passed the criteria of good instructional materials. It was also
regarded as an effective, appropriate and useful for people to live a sustainable lifestyle.

Soliven, P.(2006) Philippine Initiatives and Directions on Education for Sustainable

Development. Retrieved from

The progress in the Philippines in terms of the promotion of literacy and enhancing
quality education for sustainable development is linked with eradicating poverty;
promoting peace and development; respecting, valuing and preserving the
achievements of the past; appreciating the multi-cultural diversity of the peoples of the
earth, living in a world where all people have sufficient food for a healthy and productive
life; assessing and caring for and restoring the state of our Planet; creating and enjoying
a better, safer, more just world, and be caring citizens who exercise their rights and
responsibilities locally, nationally and globally.
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

Thienemann, E.C.R.(2014) Education for Sustainable Development in Technical and Vocational

Education and Training A qualitative case study on the integration of Education for
Sustainable Development in a Philippine TVET institution

The study considered three dimensions of sustainability - the economic, environmental

and the social sustainability findings from the interview and document analysis can be
related to UNESCOs ESD concept. However, the findings imply small awareness of the
concept among the stakeholders. Nonetheless, the research findings reveal efforts to
foster human development through empowerment and training, which is adapted to the
local needs of the students. Possible barriers to the successful integration of UNESCOs
ESD concept in the institution are explored, such as industrial and national legislation
and demands. Hence, the interviews implied the participants personal values and needs
in Technical Vocational Education and Training and revealed the significant role of
religion in the case at hand.

UNCED (1992). Agenda 21. 1992. United Nations Conference on Environment & Development.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992. Retrieved from

The negative impact of human development has never been greater as at the present
stage. UNESCOs ESD concept aims to overcome present global economic,
environmental and social challenges. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
fosters both formal and non-formal education to achieve "environmental and ethical
awareness, values and attitudes and behaviour consistent with SD and for effective
public participation in decision-making" (United Nations, 1992). ESD should be
recognised as a process to provide a concept to learn towards sustainability and to
support societies to reach their fullest potential
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin
UNESCO (2017) Education for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

Sustainable development cannot be achieved by technological solutions, political

regulation or financial instruments alone. We need to change the way we think and
act. This requires quality education and learning for sustainable development at all levels
and in all social contexts. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is about
enabling us to constructively and creatively address present and future global challenges
and create more sustainable and resilient societies. Empowering learners to live
responsible lives and to address complex global challenges means that education has to
promote competencies like critical thinking, imagining future scenarios and making
decisions in a collaborative way. This calls for new approaches to learning, the
development of vibrant green economies and societies, and the emergence of a global

UNESCO (2012). Education for Sustainable Development. Sourcebook. Education for

Sustainable Development in Action. Learning & Training Tools N4 - 2012. Retrieved

Education is utilized to achieve SD there is a general agreement that education plays an

essential role as we move towards more just and sustainable relationships and hence
world order .Based on the emphasis to increasing awareness and recognition of SD and
to support the pivotal role of education to achieve SD, the UN adopted the resolution to
establish the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD). The United
Nations General Assembly declared in December 2002 the period between 2005 and
2014 as the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (DESD)
in order to emphasize the critical role of education in moving towards a more sustainable
world. Additionally, DESD aims to integrate values inherent in sustainable development

into all aspects of learning to encourage changes in behaviour that allow for a more
sustainable and just society for all
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

UNESCO-APNIVE (2002) Learning to be: A Holistic and Integrated Approach to Values

Education for Human Development: Core Values and the Valuing process for
Developing Innovative Practices for Values Education Toward International
Understanding and a Culture of Peace. Bangkok

The source book proposed a holistic and integrated learning model that was which is
most appropriate for Education for Sustainable Development since it focuses on the total
development of the human person and not only of his intellectual faculties. This holistic
and integrated approach aims to develop a whole person and enable learners to become
catalysts for improving peoples quality of life and initiating positive societal
transformation for the future generations.
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

Development and Validation of Modules Integrating Education for

Sustainable Development (ESD) in Araling Panlipunan 10

Mga Kontemporaryong Isyu

Need for Further Study:

Teaching strategy for integrating ESD in AP 10

Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin
Question: How to develop and validate instructional modules integrating ESD in AP 10?

Education for Sustainable Development in

Integrating Technical and Vocational Education and
Education for Training
Sustainable A qualitative case study on the integration of
Development Education for Sustainable Development in a
Philippine TVET institution. (E. Thienemann ,
into Secondary 2014)
Social Studies Education for Sustainable Development.
TEACHI Curriculum in Sourcebook. Education for Sustainable
Development in Action. Learning & Training
NG Southeast Asia. Tools (UNESCO 2012)
(SEAMEO 2010)
Education for
UNESCO-APNIVE (2002) Learning to
STRATE Sustainable be: A Holistic and Integrated
GY Development Approach to Values Education for
Country Guidelines Human Development: Core Values
for Changing the and the Valuing process for
Climate of Developing Innovative
Teacher Education to Practices for Values Education
Toward International
Understanding and a Culture of
Sustainability Peace. Bangkok
(UNESCO 2011)
Philippine Normal University
National Center for Teacher Education
College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research
A.Y. 2016-2017

Research and Scientific Writing (Education 503)

Submitted to: Victoria B. Uvas, Ph.D,
Submitted by: Anne Rosalie V. Besin

Soliven, P.(2006) Philippine

Initiatives and Directions on
Education for Sustainable
Development. Retrieved from
Development and
Validation of Modules /322898/philippine-initiatives-
Integrating Education and-directions-education-
for Sustainable sustainable-development
Development (ESD)
in Araling Panlipunan
Development and Validation of
7 (A.G. Solis, 2014) a Scale to Measure
Environmental Awareness of
College Freshmen at the
VALIDATION OF Philippine Normal University
INSTRUCTIONAL (E.B. Garcia, 1997)
Philippine Council for
Sustainable Development
Education (2015). Chapter III:
Araling Panlipunan Delivering the
Promise of a Good Life for all
Curriculum Guide Filipinos: SD Operational
(DepEd, 2012) Framework Retrieved from

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