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Organization as Political System

View of the organization: an arena for conflict

Key concepts: power & influence, interests, dominant
coalition, stakeholders
Key processes: conflict, negotiation, coalition building
Role of the leader: forging coalitions, identifying and
leveraging interests, negotiating
Stimuli for change: shifts in dominant coalition, in
power of stakeholders
Obstacles to change: entrenched interests

Goals and Interests:

Goal Complexity and Goal Conflict

Contested Interests

Power and Politics:

Power is the ability to get things done in an Organization

Politics is mobilizing the ability to get things done.

Bases of Power and Stakeholders:

Bases of power are invested in and so are at stake

Understanding stakeholders and their bases of power is a key political

Resources and Specialized

Skills and Knowledge that
Scarce or Critical

Formal Power through position,

legal prerogatives, or ownership

Networks that access the

Formal Authority

Control over scarce resources

Rules, structure, regulations, standard operating procedures

Control over decision processesaccess to decision making

Information, knowledge, or specialized (scarce) skills

Gate-keeping or control over the flow of information or access

Ability to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity

Alliancesability to call on powerful resources

Symbolic use of powercreating the perception of influence

Countervailing powerability to create new institutions

Empowerment of weaker partiesuse of third parties or legal rights

Negotiating skillsshaping the process
Stakeholder Analysis Chart

Divisive Issues System Architecture Urgency Capabilities & Open Leadership and Cost and Cost
and EIS Access Roles Allocation
David Carlson

Helen Freeman

Paul Stokes

Jack Morris
Stakeholder Analysis Chart
Divisive Issues System Architecture Urgency Capabilities & Open Leadership and Cost and Cost
and EIS Access Roles Allocation
David Carlson 1You see a corporate 1Youve got to hit 1You want uniformity 1You are in charge 4You dont care how
wide EIS as a competitive Bauers 8 month across all groups. You and your head is on it is paid for.
advantage. You like the deadline and prefer a want open corporation your credibility and
status of MIS as a strategic corporate wide rollout. access. This is your job is o the line.
tool. You see this as a technical vision for the
technical solution. organization.

Helen Freeman 2You see a corporate 2You prefer a timely 2You prefer uniformity 2It is important to 2You prefer cost
wide system as the way to corporate wide rollout across all functions and you to remain the head allocation based on
go. You would be willing so your leadership role open access. of the overall effort required to
to live with a smaller scale will be a success. hardware/software implementespecially
version. accounting analysis. since your system is
almost up and running.
Paul Stokes 3You wish it would go 3You want the time 4You want uniformity 3Carlson is in 1Avoiding cost is
away and use your system line to be extended and in hardware and software, charge and that is a your top priorityso
corporate wide. You want prefer a staged rollout. but local variation to good thing. You costs should be shared
Carlson to prove that the define cost and your own would like a equally. Costs should
new systems is worth the functional analysis. You leadership role in cost not be a proportion of
cost (and their prying strongly oppose an open definitions and revenue.
eyes). corporation. financial analyses.
Jack Morris 4You doubt the value of 4You want a staged 3You want some 4You dont care 3Costs shouldnt be
a corporate wide EIS. Its rollout. You want to uniformity, but local much other than an shared equally. You
expensive, takes too much delay your involvement variation in cost definition ability to influence want Stokes to pay his
of you time, and threatens for a yearuntil after and separation. You want how costs are defined larger share. Share by
to reveal information that much of you growth active participation in and how the revenue or by profits.
you would prefer to keep costs are through the insuring Division functional analysis
hidden. system. specific analyses. will be performed.
Stakeholder Analysis Map




Stakeholder Analysis Map


Stokes Freeman




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