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Rabbits are cute animals and have a thick hair. They have two eyes, four legs, two ears, and a
tail. Their hair has become the main attraction so many people buy rabbits because of their hair
color which is really fascinating. You can see a rabbit with a variety of different hair colors such
as white, black, brown, gray, and others. One of the most preferred color is white, because of
white, rabbit symbolized as a clean animal and absolutely adorable. Rabbit eye is very funny and
most of them are back. Some types even have a red color of eye. One of the types of rabbits that
have red eyes are Australian rabbits.

They have two long ears and even theirs can grow up to 10 cm. With their long ears, they could
hear better and know the voices of their predators when approaching. Rabbit ears look so funny
and sometimes moving up. Four feet they have are very strong, especially the hind feet because
those are used as a point for jump. Front feet have 5 fingers while the hind feet have 4 fingers.
Using four legs, they can run very fast and it makes them easier to run away from chasing

They have an enough long body. They can grow between 20 to 50 cm with a weight between 0.4
kg to 2 kg. They has a short tail. Their tails looks like a cotton ball because it is so short. A
female rabbit is pregnant for 30 days. Every birth, rabbits can deliver between 4 to 12 babies.
This is why the rabbit population continues to grow rapidly and they do not become an
endangered species. Females can mate since the age of 6 months, while the males when they
reach the age of 7 months. After mating, the females will then make their nests in the ground to
deliver the babies.

Rabbit population continues to grow to this day due to the reproduction done consistently.
Rabbits even become an important element in the livestock business. Currently, they become pet
and food which are bought and sold continuously throughout the world.

Banana is fruit. Banana skin have yellow color when ripe, and have
green color when unripe. Banana shape oval. Banana meat have white color.
Banana have taste sweet when ripe.
Banana is usually use for snacks, examples sale and cake. Banana
have nutrient very good, and banana also have vitamin A, C, B Kompleks, B6,
and Serotona, However banana protein and banana grease very low.

Banana usually grow in tropical climate and damp. I very like banana.
The Eiffel Tower is situated on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Inherent 1889, it has get to be both a
worldwide symbol of France and a standout amongst the most conspicuous building on the
planet. The tower is the most astounding building in Paris and the most-went by landmark on the
planet; a huge number of individuals visit it consistently. The specialist Gustave Eiffel thought of
his name for this tower. The tower was constructed as the passage curve to the 1889 Worlds Fair.

The tower is 324 meters (1,063 ft) tall, and as tallness as a 81-story building. Upon its finish, it is
higher than the Washington Monument to expect the title of tallest man-made structure on the
planet, a title it held for a long time, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was inherent
1930; be that as it may, because of the expansion in 1957 of the recieving wire, the tower is
presently higher than the Chrysler Building and it is the second-tallest structure in France after
the 2004 Millau Viaduct.

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