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Figures 1 shows the percentage of free time spent by male and females sudents of University
Selatan Malaysia doing free activities each week while table 1 shows the rate of students gained
benefit by doing free-time activities. Overall, playing games, surf internet and sleep activities were
the highest percentage of time used by students both male and female.

Based on figure 1 we can conclude that male students have the highest percentage spending
their time to play games and surf the internet weekly by 80% whilst females spent their time the
hightest by sleeping during free time. The lowest percentage of time spending by males was
cleaning the rooms by 15% following wash their clothes by 20%. Females students spent their time
least by cleaning their rooms. Female students have the constant percentage in do an assigment
and wash clothes that was 50%. In table 1, the most significant rate of benefit gained by male
students was they can be healthy. For females the highest significant rate was releasing stress they
gain by doing those activities. Males have the least significant rating in meet obligations that was 4
rates. Meet obligations, perform well in examination and keep healthy were the lowest rates they
gained by doing free-time activities for females students that was 3 rates only. In gained knowledge,
the females students have the most significant rate of benefit that was 2 and the males was 3.

As the conclusion, the survey shows the activities spent by both male and female students in
activities during their free time in 2016 and the benefit they gained from it. Male students spent their
time more in playing games and surf the internet and they gained benefit from it. Females students
spent more by sleeping which can release their stress.

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