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Appendix D: Annotated Bibliography Entry Template

When you save this document in your Capstone Google shared folder, you are required to
name this as Annotated entry #__ so that it is clear which entry this is and to ensure that it
is easy to find at a later stage in this process. Be sure that you leave a blank copy of this
template in your Google shared folder template file so that you have it available for the next

Two annotated entries are provided in this template for the two required sources due each time
annotated bibliography entries are due.

Entry # 1
Gender and Computing

You are encouraged to use EasyBib to house your citations and then copy and paste from the site. Its
easy and they guarantee that you format correctly. The EasyBib site will default, depending on subject
area you identified when you set up your bibliography page, to either MLA or APA (or other formatting
systems). You should manually select either MLA or APA if you dont like the particular formatting that
EasyBib established and use it consistently.

If you are citing a website, you MUST include the URL (despite what EasyBib will generate and/or
Purdue OWL says).

Jackson, L. A. (2004). Gender and Computing. In W. S. Bainbridge (Ed.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of

Human-Computer Interaction (Vol. 1, pp. 276-281). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing. Retrieved from

Evaluating the source

Before you spend time reading the source, put your source through this brief test and determine whether its worth
using and documenting as part of your research. We are using a customized version of the CRAAP (an acronym for
Currency-Relevance-Authority- Accuracy-Purpose) test, designed by California State University at Chicos Meriam

Put an x (as appropriate) in relevant spaces.


When was the information published or last updated?


___yes __x__no Is my research effort better served by a more recent source?


_x__yes ____no Does the information relate to your topic and/or answer your research question(s)?

__x_yes ____no Is the information at an appropriate level, not too elementary OR too advanced for
your needs?


__x_yes ____no Is there evidence that the author is qualified to write on this topic?

_x_yes ____no If this is an online source, is there anything revealed in the URL (which you have
included in the citation!) about the author or the source (e.g.Is it a .com, .edu, .gov,
.org, .net or something else?)


__x_yes ____no Is the information supported by verifiable evidence and documented through footnotes
and/or a thorough bibliography?
_x__yes ____no Does the source appeared to be reviewed by authorities and experts, not solely by
customers or online comments?


_x__yes ____no What appears to be the purpose of the information in the source? Is it to inform,
sell, entertain, or persuade?
_x__yes ____no Is the information provided fact or opinion? (This does not mean that this is not a
credible source; it just asks if youve identified what the bias might be and are keeping
that in mind as you consume the source.)


a) How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew?
The source explains that discrimination in the classroom is a key contributor to the lack of
women in computing, as my proposal explains. This information suggests that if there were less
discrimination in CS classes, the percentage of women in computing would increase, although it
is by no means the only factor to this problem. I will try to diminish this discrimination by
introducing CS to integrated classrooms in earlier grades. Nevertheless, it is a much larger
problem than just classroom discrimination, which will require raising awareness of sexism and
harassment. The source also mentions the stereotypes that I wrote about in my proposal,
discouraging and steering girls away from computer science majors in college.

b) -What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions?

I got new ideas about how to design a class that is more encouraging to girls. I also learned about
the deeper reasons that girls do not feel encouraged to follow a computer science path, as well as
the importance of having them in engineering, because the engineering field is both unbalanced
and understaffed. The article also taught me that another reason that women are not typically in
computing fields has to do somewhat with online harassment that targets women, such as cyber
sexual predation, causing women to be discouraged from using the Internet, which I had not
thought of initially. I thought that this is particularly interesting, because it shows that the lower
percentage of women in computing stems from not only education but lack of Internet use, out of
fear, not lack of encouragement. I would really like to address this in my presentation, because it
is something that has to change if women are going to feel safe in their professional environments.

c) -What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented?

The information presented in this source taught me that the issue of underrepresentation of women
in computing is extremely complicated and involves many different factors, including not only lack
of encouragement, but sexism, stereotypes, hostile work environments, and cyber sexual
harassment. Because the problem is multifaceted, the solution is not going to be as simple as
introducing CS to younger students, thus beginning to equalize exposure and normalizing female
presence in computing, but will also require a changing view of women in our society. I think that
my presentation can begin to help the problem by introducing CS to younger students, and also
bring the much larger issue of sexism and harassment to light.
d) Can you provide at least two quotes and/or statistical information from your source that you think
might prove helpful and/or relevant to your project?

Of the 24,768 bachelor of science degrees in computer and information sciences awarded in the United
States in 19961997, less than 7,000 went to women. Fewer than one in six doctorates in computer science
go to women. Moreover, the gender gap has been increasing despite considerable efforts to reduce it. In
Europe, for example, female enrollment in computer science courses declined from 28 percent in 1978 to 13
percent in 1985 and to 9 percent in 1998.

Entry # 2

You are encouraged to use EasyBib to house your citations and then copy and paste from the site. Its
easy and they guarantee that you format correctly. The EasyBib site will default, depending on subject
area you identified when you set up your bibliography page, to either MLA or APA (or other formatting
systems). You should manually select either MLA or APA if you dont like the particular formatting that
EasyBib established and use it consistently.

If you are citing a website, you MUST include the URL (despite what EasyBib will generate and/or
Purdue OWL says).

Evaluating the source

Before you spend time reading the source, put your source through this brief test and determine whether its worth
using and documenting as part of your research. We are using a customized version of the CRAAP (an acronym for
Currency-Relevance-Authority- Accuracy-Purpose) test, designed by California State University at Chicos Meriam

Put an x (as appropriate) in relevant spaces.


When was the information published or last updated?


___yes __x_no Is my research effort better served by a more recent source?


_x_yes ____no Does the information relate to your topic and/or answer your research question(s)?

x__yes ____no Is the information at an appropriate level, not too elementary OR too advanced for
your needs?


_x_yes ____no Is there evidence that the author is qualified to write on this topic?

_x_yes ____no If this is an online source, is there anything revealed in the URL (which you have
included in the citation!) about the author or the source (e.g.Is it a .com, .edu, .gov,
.org, .net or something else?)

_x_yes ____no Is the information supported by verifiable evidence and documented through footnotes
and/or a thorough bibliography?
x__yes ____no Does the source appeared to be reviewed by authorities and experts, not solely by
customers or online comments?


_x__yes ____no What appears to be the purpose of the information in the source? Is it to inform,
sell, entertain, or persuade?
__x_yes ____no Is the information provided fact or opinion? (This does not mean that this is not a
credible source; it just asks if youve identified what the bias might be and are keeping
that in mind as you consume the source.)


a) How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew?

The information in this article connects to my ideas of how school contributes to anxiety. It also
gives an example of a successful way of handling stress at school, as well as explaining how
anxiety affects individual students. It also shows that anxiety is something that can be managed if
the effort is made.

b) -What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions?

I got new ideas on how to handle this stress in schools, because the article explains a successful
method implemented at the University of Central Florida. I have heard of programs like this at
other high schools, and have heard very positive results. I think it would be interesting to convert
a program like this into one available for high school students.
c) -What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented?

I have thought about the difficulties of getting students who are shyer and who dont seek out help
themselves to get help from the programs that we can offer. Its hard to reach students who you
dont know need the help if they dont ask for it. Many students with anxiety are ashamed so they
will not actively seek out help. A challenge would be identifying these students and finding ways to
help them.

d) Can you provide at least two quotes and/or statistical information from your source that you think
might prove helpful and/or relevant to your project?

Because of escalating pressures during high school, he and other experts say, students arrive at college
with stress. Accustomed to extreme parental oversight, many seem unable to steer themselves. And
with parents so accessible, students have had less incentive to develop life skills.

"A month into the semester, a student is having panic attacks about coming to class, but the wait list at
the counseling center is two to five weeks out. So something the student could recover from quickly
might only get worse," said Ben Locke, the associate director of clinical services at Penn State
University and the lead author of the Penn State report.

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