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When you save this document in your Capstone Google shared folder, you are required to
name this as Annotated entry #__ so that it is clear which entry this is and to ensure that it
is easy to find at a later stage in this process. Be sure that you leave a blank copy of this
template in your Google shared folder template file so that you have it available for the next

Two annotated entries are provided in this template for the two required sources due each time
annotated bibliography entries are due.

Gender in Computer Science

You are encouraged to use EasyBib to house your citations and then copy and paste from the site. Its
easy and they guarantee that you format correctly. The EasyBib site will default, depending on subject
area you identified when you set up your bibliography page, to either MLA or APA (or other formatting
systems). You should manually select either MLA or APA if you dont like the particular formatting that
EasyBib established and use it consistently.

If you are citing a website, you MUST include the URL (despite what EasyBib will generate and/or
Purdue OWL says).

Wanless-Sobel, C. (2006). Gender in Computer Science. In E. M. Trauth (Ed.),

Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technology (pp. 615-621). Hershey, PA:
Idea Group Reference. Retrieved from

Before you spend time reading the source, put your source through this brief test and determine whether its worth
using and documenting as part of your research. We are using a customized version of the CRAAP (an acronym for
Currency-Relevance-Authority- Accuracy-Purpose) test, designed by California State University at Chicos Meriam

Put an x (as appropriate) in relevant spaces.


When was the information published or last updated?


___yes _x___no Is my research effort better served by a more recent source?


_x__yes ____no Does the information relate to your topic and/or answer your research question(s)?

_x__yes ____no Is the information at an appropriate level, not too elementary OR too advanced for
your needs?


__x_yes ____no Is there evidence that the author is qualified to write on this topic?

__x_yes ____no If this is an online source, is there anything revealed in the URL (which you
included in the citation!) about the author or the source (e.g.Is it a .com, .edu, .gov,
.org, .net or something else?)


_x__yes ____no Is the information supported by verifiable evidence and documented through footnotes
and/or a thorough bibliography?
_x__yes ____no Does the source appeared to be reviewed by authorities and experts, not solely by
customers or online comments?


___yes ____no What appears to be the purpose of the information in the source? Is it to inform,
sell, entertain, or persuade?
___yes ____no Is the information provided fact or opinion? (This does not mean that this is not a
credible source; it just asks if youve identified what the bias might be and are keeping
that in mind as you consume the source.)


a) How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew?

b) -What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions?

The source gave me new ideas about how exposure to computers from age 5 or 6 actually plays a
major role in female interest in computer science in later life. I thought it was really interesting
how the simple games that are marketed to girls vs. boys at such a young stage in life affects their
interests for the rest of their lives. I am going to start to look into marketing and gaming as a
factor of low female enrollment in computer science.

c) -What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented?


d) Can you provide at least two quotes and/or statistical information from your source that you think
might prove helpful and/or relevant to your project?

Tacit discrimination begins early in life. Family socialization and early education deprioritize CS
skills and knowledge for girls. In college, tacit discrimination comes in various forms, such as no
safe access to terminals at night in study areas; lack of female professional role models;
insufficient mentoring in CS departments; and an exclusive "hacker elite" in CS departments with
its own patois and supportive male network.

Along with parents advocating for equitable CS socialization for their daughters, various
organizations today are making a concerted effort to encourage CS education for girls and
women. GirlTech; Digital Sisters; Committee on the Status of Women in Computing; and the
American Association of University Women are four notable organizations who approach the issue
through education. Women's CS professional networks are proliferating today to assist in not only
educating women in CS but also promoting CS careers and building networks with other women.

Numerous other socialization factors also dissuade girls from computers: the lack of positive role
models in mass media; the dearth of positive adult female role models in math, science, and CS;
and the negative stereotype of geek and nerd in peer culture. Toys and games also serve to
reinforce this division, especially since computer games typically have been created and
manufactured for boys, reflecting an adolescent male culture with themes of war, crime, and
male-oriented sports. Duke Nukem 3Dis one favorite among boy gamers.

Computers and Humankind

You are encouraged to use EasyBib to house your citations and then copy and paste from the site. Its
easy and they guarantee that you format correctly. The EasyBib site will default, depending on subject
area you identified when you set up your bibliography page, to either MLA or APA (or other formatting
systems). You should manually select either MLA or APA if you dont like the particular formatting that
EasyBib established and use it consistently.

If you are citing a website, you MUST include the URL (despite what EasyBib will generate and/or
Purdue OWL says).

Scott, S. (2006). Computers and Humankind. In H. J. Birx (Ed.), Encyclopedia of

Anthropology (Vol. 2, pp. 541-552). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference. Retrieved

Before you spend time reading the source, put your source through this brief test and determine whether its worth
using and documenting as part of your research. We are using a customized version of the CRAAP (an acronym for
Currency-Relevance-Authority- Accuracy-Purpose) test, designed by California State University at Chicos Meriam

Put an x (as appropriate) in relevant spaces.


When was the information published or last updated?


___yes _x__no Is my research effort better served by a more recent source?


_x_yes ____no Does the information relate to your topic and/or answer your research question(s)?

_x_yes ____no Is the information at an appropriate level, not too elementary OR too advanced for
your needs?


_x_yes ____no Is there evidence that the author is qualified to write on this topic?

_x_yes ____no If this is an online source, is there anything revealed in the URL (which you have
included in the citation!) about the author or the source (e.g.Is it a .com, .edu, .gov,
.org, .net or something else?)


_x_yes ____no Is the information supported by verifiable evidence and documented through footnotes
and/or a thorough bibliography?
__x_yes ____no Does the source appeared to be reviewed by authorities and experts, not solely by
customers or online comments?


___yes ____no What appears to be the purpose of the information in the source? Is it to inform,
sell, entertain, or persuade?
___yes ____no Is the information provided fact or opinion? (This does not mean that this is not a
credible source; it just asks if youve identified what the bias might be and are keeping
that in mind as you consume the source.)


a) How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew?


b) -What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions?

I got new ideas on how to convince my audience that this issue should concern them and to show
them how it is relevant to their lives. I am going to research the specific roles technology play in
our lives currently, as well as how they will change and grow in the future, for the betterment of
mankind. I think that this information will be very helpful to explain why this is an important
issue to fix, because it will affect everyone both now and for future generations.

c) -What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented?


d) Can you provide at least two quotes and/or statistical information from your source that you think
might prove helpful and/or relevant to your project?

The use of computers in our world will continue to grow. For the foreseeable future, we will need
faster and smaller computers to satisfy the ever-growing need for computing power, either for
research, business, education, or for our own personal use.

Robots will assist surgeons because they are more steady and precise. Although robots are being
used to explore our solar system today, their role will become more significant and complicated in
the future.

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