Annotatedbibliography 6

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When you save this document in your Capstone Google shared folder, you are required to
name this as Annotated entry #__ so that it is clear which entry this is and to ensure that it
is easy to find at a later stage in this process. Be sure that you leave a blank copy of this
template in your Google shared folder template file so that you have it available for the next

Two annotated entries are provided in this template for the two required sources due each time
annotated bibliography entries are due.

Harvard Implicit Bias Test

You are encouraged to use EasyBib to house your citations and then copy and paste from the site. Its
easy and they guarantee that you format correctly. The EasyBib site will default, depending on subject
area you identified when you set up your bibliography page, to either MLA or APA (or other formatting
systems). You should manually select either MLA or APA if you dont like the particular formatting that
EasyBib established and use it consistently.

If you are citing a website, you MUST include the URL (despite what EasyBib will generate and/or
Purdue OWL says).

ProjectImplicit. (n.d.). Retrieved December 07, 2016, from

Before you spend time reading the source, put your source through this brief test and determine whether its worth
using and documenting as part of your research. We are using a customized version of the CRAAP (an acronym for
Currency-Relevance-Authority- Accuracy-Purpose) test, designed by California State University at Chicos Meriam

Put an x (as appropriate) in relevant spaces.


When was the information published or last updated?

December 2015
___yes _x__no Is my research effort better served by a more recent source?


_x_yes ____no Does the information relate to your topic and/or answer your research question(s)?

_x_yes ____no Is the information at an appropriate level, not too elementary OR too advanced for
your needs?


_x_yes ____no Is there evidence that the author is qualified to write on this topic?

_x_yes ____no If this is an online source, is there anything revealed in the URL (which you have
included in the citation!) about the author or the source (e.g.Is it a .com, .edu, .gov,
.org, .net or something else?)


_x_yes ____no Is the information supported by verifiable evidence and documented through footnotes
and/or a thorough bibliography?
_x_yes ____no Does the source appeared to be reviewed by authorities and experts, not solely by
customers or online comments?


___yes ____no What appears to be the purpose of the information in the source? Is it to inform,
sell, entertain, or persuade?
___yes ____no Is the information provided fact or opinion? (This does not mean that this is not a
credible source; it just asks if youve identified what the bias might be and are keeping
that in mind as you consume the source.)


a) How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew?


b) -What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions?

This study really opened my eyes to how implicit bias works and how you dont even notice it.
For example, I am actively persuading my audience and consciously believe that women are
equally capable and belong just as much as men in the computer science and engineering field.
My unconscious bias, however, still leans to a slight unconscious association of men and science
and women and liberal arts. I think that this will be very good to explain to the audience that you
cant change your implicit bias, but you can work to not let it influence you and your opinions.

c) -What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented?


d) Can you provide at least two quotes and/or statistical information from your source that you think
might prove helpful and/or relevant to your project?


You are encouraged to use EasyBib to house your citations and then copy and paste from the site. Its
easy and they guarantee that you format correctly. The EasyBib site will default, depending on subject
area you identified when you set up your bibliography page, to either MLA or APA (or other formatting
systems). You should manually select either MLA or APA if you dont like the particular formatting that
EasyBib established and use it consistently.
If you are citing a website, you MUST include the URL (despite what EasyBib will generate and/or
Purdue OWL says).


Before you spend time reading the source, put your source through this brief test and determine whether its worth
using and documenting as part of your research. We are using a customized version of the CRAAP (an acronym for
Currency-Relevance-Authority- Accuracy-Purpose) test, designed by California State University at Chicos Meriam

Put an x (as appropriate) in relevant spaces.


When was the information published or last updated?


___yes _x__no Is my research effort better served by a more recent source?


_x_yes ____no Does the information relate to your topic and/or answer your research question(s)?

_x_yes ____no Is the information at an appropriate level, not too elementary OR too advanced for
your needs?


_x_yes ____no Is there evidence that the author is qualified to write on this topic?

_x_yes ____no If this is an online source, is there anything revealed in the URL (which you have
included in the citation!) about the author or the source (e.g.Is it a .com, .edu, .gov,
.org, .net or something else?)

_x_yes ____no Is the information supported by verifiable evidence and documented through footnotes
and/or a thorough bibliography?
_x_yes ____no Does the source appeared to be reviewed by authorities and experts, not solely by
customers or online comments?


___yes ____no What appears to be the purpose of the information in the source? Is it to inform,
sell, entertain, or persuade?
___yes ____no Is the information provided fact or opinion? (This does not mean that this is not a
credible source; it just asks if youve identified what the bias might be and are keeping
that in mind as you consume the source.)


a) How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew?


b) -What new ideas did you get that extended or broadened your thinking in new directions?

I got a lot of new ideas about how to teach middle schoolers, with more platforms such as Swift
and some of the beginning elements of Java that has been successful for teaching middle schoolers
in the past. It includes an overview of middle school after school CS classes that I can use to
model my own classes.
c) -What challenges or puzzles have come up in your mind from the ideas and information presented?


d) Can you provide at least two quotes and/or statistical information from your source that you think
might prove helpful and/or relevant to your project?

The results, however, indicated significant differences between boys and girls around two
constructs: computer confidence and gender equity (see Table 6). Regarding computer
confidence, boys appeared more confident in their computing skills compared to girls in the
post-administration of the survey. Regarding gender equity, girls exhibited significantly more
positive attitudes in both the pre-administration and the post-administration of the survey.

the majority of students were able to exhibit good computational practices associated with code
organization and documentation and to develop user-friendly programs with smooth functionality.
Importantly, our findings indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in learning
and using CS concepts among boys and girls.

Equitable CS practices have the potential to level the playing field among boys and girls. Our
findings did indicate that boys exhibited higher confidence in their computing skills than girls, but
this finding is consistent with other work showing that boys have higher confidence in computing
than girls (Ericson & McKlin, 2012; Margolis & Fisher, 2002). On a more positive note, our findings
also indicated that girls exhibited stronger attitudes toward gender equity, indicating that they felt
confident about their abilities to succeed in computing in the same way as boys do.

To become well-educated citizens in an increasingly computing-driven world and be prepared for

the demands of the 21st-century economy, students must develop a deeper understanding of the
fundamentals of CS (Wilson et al., 2010). In this work, we presented one approach to helping
students acquire foundational CS concepts in an after-school program designed as part of a
school-university partnership. After-school programs present the first glimmer of opportunity to
explore CS concepts among middle school students, and pedagogy within those programs is key
to broadening participation of females and other underrepresented minorities in computing
(Repenning et al., 2015).

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