Terry Stewart Character Vs Character

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Title Of Prompt

Stewart 1

Terry Stewart

Professor D.Bumphis

ICT II Room 128

24 March, 2017

Character vs. Character

There were two young men, Naruto and Sasuke, standing atop a two stone statues that represented the
first Hokage and Madara Uchiha. They were arguing about who suffered more in their childhoods. I lost
my family when I was born, I barely even know who my mother is! Youre not the only one who lost your
family! I lost my mother and father and even my own brother! You were famous as a kid, you had
friends! I didnt have anyone! You think that those idiots were my friends? I was never friends with
them! Why do you think I left the village?

Naruto jumped at Sasuke, full of rage, taken by surprise he blocked the blow and attacked back with full
force, knocking back Naruto. Look at all the friends you have now Naruto! I still have no one! If you
would come back to the village you would have friends! Why should I go back to the village? They
kicked my brother out even though he was part of the Anbu and protected the village many times
before! Sasuke continued to attack Naruto non-stop. If it wasnt for that beast that lives inside of you I
would still have my parents and maybe even my brother! Naruto was at a loss for words so instead of
talking he jumped at Sasuke once more but instead of hitting him directly he made a shadow clone and
went behind him. Sasuke blocked and let the Susanoo take over and hit Naruto with a flame control
arrow. Naruto was knocked out cold. Idiot

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