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Microsoft Dynamics AX Setting up Bank statement import using format MT940

1. Export Resource files needed later for the setup

a. Open Application Explorer in Visual Studio:

b. Locate Resources and filter by BankStmtInport:

c. Copy following resources to desired destination (ref. example in next step):

I. Right click SampleBankCompositeEntity.xml and choose Open designer

II. Let the cursor rest on the name of the opened file to see the where the resource
file is stored:

III. Go to the folder and search for sample

IV. Copy the file to desired folder:

2. Create data project Bank statement MT940

a. Open AX and go to Data management. Choose Import:
b. Name the data project (Bank statement MT940).
Source data format is XML-Element
Note: the imported file is ASCII (txt file) but it will be transformed to xml document
and imported as xml document
Entity name Bank statements (target entity BankStatementImportEntity)

Upload import files

Click Upload and locate the resource file SampleBankCompositeEntity.xml:

Result after uploading the SampleBankCompositeEntity resource:

c. Choose View map:

d. And on the following page, View map again:

e. On the Map source to staging page, choose TRANSFORMATIONS:

f. Choose New and Upload file:

g. Select file by browsing to the folder chosen in step one. Choose MT940TXT-to-

h. Repeat step g. so you have all the three resources in following order:

i. Finally click Apply transforms

3. Setup Bank statement format MT940

a. Cash and bank management | Advanced bank reconciliation setup | Bank account
statement format

b. Choose New. Give Name and description and add the processing group you have been
setup in the previous steps
4. Test the statement format
a. Cash and bank management | Bank accounts Bank account:

Choose Reconciliation Advanced bank reconciliation = Yes

You might want to setup MT940 as default statement format this is not a mandatory
b. Import statement file:

Choose Import Statement and fill in the bank account and statement format
Browse to the bank statement file
Upload the file

Choose OK


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