Activity 2-3

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Tiana Harris

LEI 4724

Activity: The Tropical Island Game


Equipment: Paper, pencil/pen

Activity Description:

1. Each participant gets a paper and a pencil/pen

2. Participants are instructed to close their eyes and keep them closed for the entire activity
3. The facilitator instructs the participants to draw:
An island in the middle of their paper
To the left of the island, draw a ship
Around the island draw water
In the water draw fish
Its a nice day, so draw some birds in the sky
Draw a sailor on the ship or the beach
Draw a palm tree with coconuts
Put a nice big sun in the sky
Lastly draw a hula dancer on the island
4. Open eyes to view picture


10 points if the island is in the middle

10 points if the ship is to the left of the island, BUT not touching it
5 points for each fish you drew
5 points for each bird you drew
15 points if your sailor is on the ship or the beach, but NOT in the water
5 points if the coconut(s) is(are) on the tree
15 points if the hula dancer is on the island
20 points if the sun is to the left, 15 points if it on the right, and 10 if it is in the middle

Leadership Considerations:

1. This activity can be conducted with any age group in any setting. This would be beneficial for
individuals with ADHD because it can used to work on concentration and self expression. In
children especially this a unique way to focus on one task.
2. This game can always be adapted to a different scenario other than a tropical island, such as a
park or a library, based on the groups interests.

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