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Backbase Engage

Superior Digital Experiences. Delivered.

Out-of-the-box apps, ready for the omni-channel future.
The digital banking solution youve been waiting for.
Industry analyst Ovum named
Backbase a Market Leader for
next-generation digital banking
Ovum Decision Matrix for Next-Generation Digital Banking
Platforms, by Jaroslaw Knapik.
Backbase Engage:
Omni-Channel Banking, Ready to Go!
Technologies and digital experiences are evolving at breakneck speed, with no sign of slowing down.
As they struggle to adapt and keep up, financial institutions have had to relinquish control of their own
digital experiences to 3rd parties that make it nearly impossible for banks to differentiate themselves
or engage with the customers. Backbase Engage has a flexible and modular architecture that puts
banks and credit unions back in control of their digital banking experiences and strategy, which puts
financials back in touch with their customers.

By putting their own business and digital marketing teams in the driving seat, financial institutions will
be able to create the types of interactions that boost engagement, resulting in increased retention and
a larger share of wallet, but most importantly - happy customers.

Backbase Engage is a ready-to-go, digital banking solution. It fully supports internet, tablet, and mobile
banking, including omni-channel experiences by facilitating cross-channel customer journeys, plus
seamless handover and orchestration between channels and devices. With its strong focus on user
experience (UX) design, Backbase Engage brings an experience inspired by the likes of Simple to your
banks customers.

Todays banks need solutions that support the

channels that the banks and their customers
require. Key requirements include great customer
experiences; a single view of customers, products,
and services; and often cross-channel capability. In
parallel, even the most strategic channel banking
initiatives need to manage cost.
Forrester Market Overview: Off-The-Shelf Channel
Banking Solutions, by Jost Hopperman, 2013.
Digital Banking Capabilities for Customers:
The Out Of The Box Apps
Backbase Engage comes with all the apps that a full-service direct bank requires and that customers
expect to have: login, two-factor-authentication, account overview, transaction details, PFM, bill-pay,
transfers, P2P payments, message center, address book, and social integration. All Backbase Engage
apps are optimized for regular browsers and are pre-included in the mobile app, which is optimized for
Android, iOS and Windows.

My Banking Dashboard
Create beautiful My Banking Dashboards, targeted
at different customer segments.
Total end-customer control: the power to add and
remove widgets, and create customized dashboards.
Catalog for storing and managing apps.
Personal preferences remembered for every device.

Accounts & Transactions

Easily monitor balances of all accounts.
Dive into transaction details with strong filtering
options, integrated maps, plus tagging and
categorization tools.
Custom grouping of accounts and shared accounts
between account holders.
Ability to add external accounts from other banks.

Transfers & Payments

Intuitive money transfer tools that support multiple
types of transfers, from person-to-person and
account-to-account payments.
Both domestic payments, and international
payments are supported.
Support for scheduled and recurring payments.
Integrates with social address book.
Bill Pay
Check and validate bills emailed directly to the
secure message center for fast, secure payments.
Optical character recognition (OCR) & mobile
scanning capabilities for paper invoices from pre-
selected vendors for speedy payments.

Split n Share
Integrated app to split n share bills and payments
among friends.
Seamlessly integrates with social address books.

Deposits & Loans

View details of deposits and loan agreements.
Check savings, credit card limit, loans and/or
overdraft status, and interest rates, and prioritise
repayments with the smart repayment feature.
Simplify the application process for new loans.

Personal Finance Management

Tightly integrated PFM functionality at the heart of
the banking experience.
Multi-bank and credit card account aggregation.
Easy-to-use budgeting and spending tools for
financial insight.
Expense tracking.
Show trends in spending patterns over time.
Display nearest ATMs and branch offices.
Clear map that is easy to navigate with and
integrated with Google Maps.
Receive relevant messages and offers based on
Ability to overlay all transactions on the map.

Integrated pay-by-link feature to facilitate easy
payments via email / web forms.
Seamless mobile integration to facilitate easy
payment via mobile websites, mobile apps or NFC,
iBeacon, or QR payment options.

Personal Profile
Engage customers by allowing them manage to
their own personal profile.
Easy-to-update contact information and
communication preferences.
Clear overview of purchased products services,
including historical records.
Card management.

My Applications
Track-and-trace feature for all product applications
and service requests.
Direct, real time communication with the bank during
the origination process.
Address Book
Integrated address book for fast, easy payments.
Social integration to import Facebook friends or
Gmail contacts.
Contacts and transfer services linked to facilitate
P2P payments via email address, mobile phone
number, or Facebook profile details.

Secure, real-time communication between bank and
Mobile notifications, push messages, email alerts,
and more.
Option to receive eBills from selected vendor.

Secure Access
Three layered security model.
Integrated multi-factor-authentication (MFA).
Ability to require step-up authentication for high risk
Option for soft-login via social login (Facebook and

Document & Research Center

Integrated latest news feature.
Document library to store all documents, application
administration, scanned receipts, and bills.
Access to research documents and interesting
Digital Marketing Capabilities:
Empower Business & Marketing Teams
Based on the Backbase Customer Experience Platform (CXP), Backbase Engage can be easily
managed and optimized by the business teams at your bank. With full digital marketing and mobile
application development support, plus an intuitive visual editor, content editors and digital marketers
can optimize content, run digital marketing campaigns, and edit the entire website, secure internet
banking platform, and mobile apps in an easy-to-use management environment.

Visual Editor
Easy-to-use in-context-editing capabilities to update
content and apps across marketing sites, secure
internet banking and mobile apps.
Customizable workflows for verification and
publication rules.
Reuse content and content assets across all digital

Targeting & Analytics

Target content, widgets, and apps based on existing
customer segments and customized targeting rules
that use behavioral, contextual, social, and CRM
derived data.
Integrated analytics spanning all channels, including
regular web, mobile apps, and tracking every action,
from page views to events.
A/B and multivariate testing.

Omni-Channel Campaigns
Create and manage omni-channel marketing
campaigns from a centralized dashboard.
Distribute campaigns to your marketing site, internet
banking platform, native mobile apps, social channels,
and 3rd party websites.
Facilitate omni-channel onboarding and track visitors
across channels to ensure consistent messaging and
a singular process.
Mobile Management
Gain full control over the customer journey on
mobile, from updating responsive websites, to pushing
new content and campaigns to native apps.
Instant preview of mobile customer experiences
before publishing.
Advanced mobile and cross-device analytics. Track
a single user as they navigate between devices and

Direct Customer Communication

Communicate directly with your customers via the
integrated message center.
Push important notifications and alerts to
customers mobile devices.
Offer real-time customer/advisor communication
Integrated click-2-chat and click-2-call functions for
easy access to your call center.

Origination & Self-Service

Facilitate cross-channel, onboarding on any device.
Enable customer self-service and self-management.
Empower business teams to create, edit, manage,
and optimize forms and the business logic behind
Mobile First
Backbase Engage is ready to run on any mobile platform out-of-the-box. It is
pre-optimized for cross-channel customer journeys where a transaction begins on
one device but ends on another.

Typically, a customer may begin researching

loan interest rates on their mobile but move on
to another device, such as a tablet or PC, to fill in
the form. They may also contact the call center
for assistance in completing the form, in which
case the service representative can look over the
customers shoulder virtually speaking, and guide
them through the application.

Backbase Engage comes with a responsively

designed marketing website and internet banking
environment that automatically scales to the
screen its being viewed on, whether thats a 24
monitor or a small smartphone. It also includes a
hybrid app, wrapped in native app containers, and
completely native iOS and Android apps that use
back-end APIs to consume the required data.

You can choose one approach or mix and match until you find the mobile strategy
that best suits you and your customers. Backbase Engage supports all the most
commonly used platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows.

Best of Breed Partners & No Vendor Lock-In

To create Backbase Engage, Backbase partnered with the best of breed fintech
providers for back-end services. And since Backbase Engage is based on the
modular architecture of Backbase CXP, you can easily customize it by mixing and
matching services from other fintech providers without worrying about vendor
lock-in or being stuck in a core banking system. Backbase Engage is the ultimate in
control and flexibility for banks.
About Backbase
Backbase was founded in 2003 and is privately funded with
operations in New York, Atlanta, Amsterdam, Singapore, and
London. It is the maker of Backbase CXP, the award-winning
customer experience platform that helps enterprises create omni-
channel, customer-centric digital experiences. Backbase CXP
deploys a new presentation layer over underlying infrastructure
and IT systems, allowing enterprises to deliver personal, relevant
experiences to customers on every device, in any context.
Backbase CXP gives enterprises the tools and functionality they
need to transform their tired online and mobile channels into
engaging customer experiences, holistically managed from a
single platform.

Industry analysts Gartner, Forrester and Ovum recognize

Backbase as a leader in terms of customer experience, mobile
and omni-channel focus, innovation, and time-to-value. Backbase
is the vendor of choice for global organizations such as Bank
Hapoalim, ABN AMRO, Sberbank, Nationwide, Nordstrom, Fidelity,
Bank of America, Barclays, ING, Hiscox and Legal&General.

21 W 46th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10036, United States
Toll-Free Number: +1 866 800 8996
Office Number: +1 646-478-7538

Jacob Bontiusplaats 9
1018 LL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 465 8888
A Market Leader fornext-generation digital
banking platforms.

A Visionary in the Magic Quadrant for

Horizontal Portals.

Backbase awarded Best of Show at

FinovateEurope 2014.


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