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Mass & Heat Transfer Lab DKK1761

Faculty of Chemical & Natural Resources Engineering

Experiment 4



Matric No.





SEM II - Session 2016/2017


1. Study the diffusion coefficients.

2. Determination mass transfer rate without convective effects.
Mass & Heat Transfer Lab DKK1761


The rate of diffusion in gases increases with the temperature approximately T 3/2 and are
inversely proportional to the pressure. The inter-diffusion coefficients of gas mixtures are
independently to the composition. Kinetic theory shows that the self-diffusion coefficient of a pure
gas is inversely proportional to both the square root of the molecular weight and the square of
molecular diameter.

The diffusivity of the vapor of a volatile liquid in air can be conveniently determined by
Winklemanns method in which liquid is contained in a narrow diameter vertical tube, maintained at
a constant temperature and an air stream is passed over the top of the tube to ensure that the partial
pressure of the vapor is transferred from the surface of the liquid to the air stream by molecular

The rate of mass transfer is given by

where CA = Saturation conc. At interface (kmol.m-3)
CBM = Logarithmic mean molecular concentration of vapor (kmol.m-3)
CT = Total molar conc. = CA+CBM (kmol.m-3)
L = Effective distance of mass transfer (mm)
D = Diffusivity (m2s-1)

Considering the evaporation of the liquid:

where L = density of the liquid

Integrating and putting L = L0 at t = 0
Mass & Heat Transfer Lab DKK1761




where M = Molecular weight (kg/kmol)

t = time (s)

CT =

CA =

CB1 = CT

CB2 =
Ts = Standard temperature (K)
Ta = Experimental temperature (K)
Pa = Atmospheric pressure (kN/m2)
Pv = Vapor pressure (kN/m2)
Kmol volume = (m3)


1. LS-32136-A Gas diffusion coefficient apparatus


1. Pour tap water into the acrylic water bath tank. Fill the water till the water level is
25mm below the top of the tank.
Mass & Heat Transfer Lab DKK1761

2. Fill the test liquid into the glass T-tube using pipette. The level of the test liquid
should not exceed the water level. (Test Liquid- ethanol)
3. Switch on the main switch on the panel.
4. Turn on the heater, and let the water heat up to 70oC.
5. Connect the air tube which connected with the blower to T-tube.
6. Switch on the blower to high air flow.
7. Adjust the telescope until it focusing the test liquid level at the T-Tube.
8. Wait till the water reached the set temperature. Record down the initial height of
the test liquid level in the T-tube (or you may tare zero the reading of the scale).
9. Start the stopwatch, at the same time keep an eye on the liquid level.
10. After 5 minutes, read the new test liquid level in the T-tube. Record the value.
11. Repeat the steps 10 in order to get 5 sets of data.


Initial Effective distance of mass transfer, Lo (mm) =

Test Fluid =

Time , t Change New effective L+Lo t/(L+Lo) L-Lo

(seconds) of height, distance of mass
transfer, L (mm) (s/mm) (mm)

(mm) Lo + L




1. Plotagraphof t/(L+L0) vs L-L0 anddeterminethegasdiffusioncoefficient,Dfromtheslope

Mass & Heat Transfer Lab DKK1761

2. Comparetheexperimentalvaluewiththeoreticalvalueofthegasdiffusioncoefficient.

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