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March 4, 2017

I have known Helena Jankowski since September, 2016. Helena is currently a student in
Michigan State Universitys 5th year Internship Program located in Chicago where I serve as her
Field Instructor. Helena earned her Bachelors Degree from MSU in May, 2016.

Helena is from the Michigan area but chose to come to Chicago after visiting here as a freshman
with the Urban Cohort Program. This fueled her desire to teach in an urban environment
understanding and wanting to experience the challenges that it would bring.

Helena is currently teaching is in an elementary school with a student population full of racial,
ethnic, religious and language diversity along with a mentor teacher. Her first semester
placement was in a second grade classroom where she used her passion, enthusiasm and
creativity in developing interactive lessons for her 27 students that were aligned to the State

One of her strengths is in the area of technology in which she has used various resources to
differentiate her literacy lessons. This was evidenced with one of students that were here briefly
from China speaking no English; she did extensive research on various methods to determine the
best way to teach this English Learner.

The second and current placement which started at the beginning of the year is in an upper grade
Resource Room with Diverse Learners. She is collaborating with the general education teachers
individualizing lessons being aware of the IEP modifications, accommodations, resources and
supports while providing the direct services that are needed for her students. She has begun to
use progress monitoring and positive behavior supports with success.

Helena reflects appropriately on her lessons, accepts constructive advice and immediately
implements change, as needed. She is not only involved with her students within the classroom
but is balancing work with graduate classes on Friday and has started an after school girls
mentoring program with another intern.

I have no doubt that Helena would be an asset to your school. Helena has proven to be a team
player, hard worker and has demonstrated a commitment to teaching having gained valuable
knowledge, experience and a deeper understanding of the educational needs of students.

Feel free to contact me if you are in need of additional information at tayl3732@msu.edu or



Bernetta L Taylor Bernetta L. Taylor

MSU Chicago Field Instructor

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