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Technology Teaching Philosophy

By Sara Zajicek

As I am concluding my third year of teaching, I am reflecting on how my first few years

has shaped my teaching philosophy I developed in college through practicums and student

teaching to what it is now. I have modified my philosophy to I will engage all students so they

will learn material in a meaningful way and to foster global citizenship. My teaching

philosophy and technology teaching philosophy will go hand-in-hand. At my school I am a

classroom teacher, and I used to be the technology teacher for my students. Every 8 days we got

a chance to go to the computer lab. While some teachers in my school decided to use that time to

get caught up on material or use it for extra intervention time, I saw there was an importance for

my students to get the opportunity to use the computer lab and learn technology skills to help

them as they move through school. As I have had the opportunity to utilize technology in

lessons, I have developed my technology teaching philosophy. When using technology, I and my

students will utilize it in an engaging and meaningful way to meet learning objectives and goals,

and when using technology, I will foster digital citizenship within my students.

Teaching primary grades, I do not always find it easy to meaningfully incorporate

technology into classroom instruction. My students are just starting to understand what school is

and its purpose. Classroom management has become vital in my room, and classroom

expectations are constantly talked about. Going into the computer lab, or getting and using iPads

or Chromebooks the first time, expectations and behaviors need to be talked about. I also

learned my students needed to learn how to use the device. Its easy to assume students knew

how to use a computer or iPad since those devices are often accessible at home (but not always).

I was surprised when I saw two students try touching the screen to get to my website instead of
using the mouse when I took my first class to the computer lab for the first time. Just like any

skill or concept taught, students need modeling on how use to devices appropriately and


According to a U.S. Department of Education research study, increased student

motivation was an almost universal effect of integrating technology in the classroom. I saw this

effect with one of my favorite technology projects I was able to do with my first graders. This

project was a summative writing assignment. I was not completely satisfied with the first

summative writing assignment my students did. The second time around I wanted to find a way

to assess them while they had fun doing it. I had just been told about the iPad app Chatterpix.

This app lets a person take a picture, record something, and then it puts the two together with the

picture having a mouth. It looks like the picture is talking with the voice of the person saying

what was recorded. When introducing the project to students, I showed them my example to get

them excited for the end product. My students wrote a letter from a melting snow mans

perspective, asking to be rebuilt. My students went through the writing process of planning,

writing a rough draft, editing and revising with a partner, and writing a final draft. They also

worked on reading fluency because they practiced reading their letter several times to partners.

My students were so proud to show their parents their snowman videos at parent teacher

conferences. Seeing my students excited about this project and engaged in their writing made

this a highlight of their year. The U.S. Department of Educations research found that teachers

saw increased motivation in students in specifics subject areas as technology was integrated, and

I see that same increased motivation with my students when technology components are

involved that allows them to demonstrate their learning.

Integrating technology into classroom lessons can allow me to differentiate my

instruction, while keeping expectations high for students. I can help my struggling students get

where they need to be and reach our learning goals, while still providing enrichment to my

students who better understand a concept or topic. Using a blended model of learning in math is

a place I can see putting this model into action. Using instructional videos and targeting the

instruction of small groups on skills that fit the group can help all students reach their fullest

potential. Student learning is always at the center of my lessons, and sometimes a whole group

instruction is not what a majority of my students need. Some are lost and some are bored because

they already know the concept; seldom will all learners be in the exact same spot. So as an

educator, with student learning in the forefront of my mind at all times, I see technology as an

invaluable tool to reach all learners.

Using my technology philosophy will guide me this coming year and the years following

integrating technology more and more into my classroom. When I am using technology to

engage students in a meaningful way, I need to be conscious about making sure what I do aligns

with the curriculum and enhances what I did previously without technology. Digital citizenship

will be a major component of preteaching with technology and a continuing conversation that we

as a class will continue to have to ensure all my students feel safe using technology in the

classroom. I am confident that my technology teaching philosophy will help me grow as a

teacher and my students grow as learners.


Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students. (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2015, from

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