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Directions: Please match the following functions with the target expressions from the dialogue.

Customer Respondent

Making the Complaint
1. ______________________
Responding to Complaint
2. Im sorry, but Im not
1. ______________
satisfied with
2. Yes, I see what you mean
3. Unfortunately, theres a
3. I apologize for
problem with

Asking for Details

1. ______________
2. What happened exactly?

3. What seems to be the

Explaining Issue

1. ______________
Asking for Resolution

2. I found that Resolving Issue

1. ______________
2. Can I get a replacement?
Of course. I can.


Customer: Im calling to complain about the camera I purchased.


Respondent: Im sorry to hear that. Could you give me more details, please?
Customer: The problem is that the camera wouldnt work at all. I could not find any
online support for the product. Can you please issue me a refund?

Respondent: Again, I apologize for your experience. I will go ahead and fix it by
sending you a refund. You should receive your refund between 1-3

business days. Is there anything else you need assistance with?


Customer: No, I believe that is all. Thank you for your help.

Respondent: Youre welcome. Have a nice day.

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