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3/24/1 DATE
Felicia Sherif
Title Of Prompt

Writi Character vs. Character

Sherif 1

Felicia Sherif

Mr. Bumphis

ICT II Room 128

24 March 2017

Character vs. Character

I chose Tiana and Snow White. So, they met at a Disney characters convention. They made great conversation and became

great friends. Tiana and Snow White went to the mall one day. They both saw this gorgeous prince. Tiana said, Omg Snow, 12

oclock hottie. Snow White said, come on lets go check him out. Tiana was very excited. Once they entered Hollister they

bumped into him. He said, Oh, excuse my clumsiness! Tiana and Snow White stood there speechless. He said, Uhh hello? Tiana

and Snow White snapped out of their Trans and introduced themselves. Tiana said, Hi, Im Tiana Snow White said, Hi, Im Snow

White He said, You both are beautiful nice to meet you two see you around.

After hours of shopping they saw him again at the food court. Tiana said, Snow I see him. Snow White and Tiana went

back into a Trans. Snow White says, Oh snap, I have to pee! Snow White ran off to pee while Tiana admired the boy. She decided to

go talk to him. The Prince and Tiana talked for a while and he offered a date and Tiana accepted not thinking about how Snow White

felt. Snow White was listening the whole time and was disappointed in Tiana. Once they sat down Snow White asked Tiana about

the date Tiana lied, Snow White hates when people lie so she snapped out on Tiana they end up arguing and getting put out the mall.

They never talked again.

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