HOA Minutes July12

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Held: Monday, July 12, 2010 at 7:30 p.m., at Koelbel

Library, 5955 S. Holly, Centennial, CO 80121.

Attendance A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cherry Creek Vista

South Homeowners Association was held. The following
Directors were in attendance:

Brendan Adams
Pam Lukes
Tammy Damrath
Jacqueline Murphy
Priscila Gross
Michael Woodworth

Excused absence: Cliff Corkill

Also present were: residents Darlene Beals, John Salazar, Teddi

Samuel, Karen Becker, Jacquie Taylor, Nancy Sauer, John
Dundon, and Susan Oxman.

Call to Order Director Lukes noted that a quorum of the Board was present and
called the meeting to order; the agenda was approved as revised.

Public Comment Ms. Samuel addressed the Board regarding covenant

enforcement, noting she has been a resident of CCVS for 15
years and is concerned about the deterioration of the condition
of the homes on her street. The Board discussed the constraints
of having a “voluntary HOA,” as opposed to a mandatory HOA
(which is the structure of the other subdivisions neighboring
CCVS), with mandatory assessments the revenues of which can
be dedicated to covenant enforcement. The Board reiterated
that covenant enforcement is a top priority but because CCVS
has minimal funding, it relies on volunteer support in this area.
The Board referred to the form letter that can be downloaded
from the website that outlines the three most common covenant
violations and notifies a resident that they may be in violation,
which can be used by any resident. Ms. Murphy suggested that
a “covenant committee” be formed in this regard. Ms. Samuel
offered to serve on this committee. Director Lukes will follow
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up with Director Corkill regarding the committee upon his

return from vacation. Ms. Murphy also stated that the Board
has initiated contact with an attorney specializing in HOA law
to provide guidance on enforcement options, given the multiple
different filings and voluntary HOA; to the extent possible, it
may be appropriate for the committee to meet separately with
the attorney. An eblast will need to be sent to invite
participation on the committee. One of the first items for the
committee to consider is resurrecting the practice of the
“Welcome Letter” for new residents, which includes basic
neighborhood information and covenant reminders

Ms. Sauer inquired about what is being done to address trash

receptacles not in compliance with the covenants. The Board
again noted the form covenant letter that can be used, and
raised the possibility of polling residents to see if there is
interest in residents paying a fee to the HOA for consolidated
trash service throughout the neighborhood, as is done in
neighboring subdivisions. This will be included on the next
board meeting agenda.

Approval of Minutes Following discussion and upon motion, second and unanimous
approval, the Board approved the minutes of the April 6, 2010

President’s Report Director Lukes acknowledged the help of Stacey Hilzer for
organizing the annual pancake breakfast, which included kids
games/fire truck visit, food, drink and raffle. She noted the
location of the event in Peakview Park proper, was well received
and the event was well attended at roughly 300 neighbors.

Director Lukes introduced resident John Dundon who has

previously attended Centennial Airport Noise Meetings. Mr.
Dundon explained that although the cities of Centennial and
Greenwood Village have representation at the airport commission
meetings, CCVSHOA as a portion of unincorporated Arapahoe
County currently does not. Director Hall volunteered to be the
designee who will attend the meetings and will report back to the
board following each noise meeting. The Board noted that the
airport noise hotline is on the website, and that Ms. Hall’s name
will be added to the website as the CCVSHOA designee.
Director Lukes provided information about the recent Xcel
energy work in the neighborhood.
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With regard to the entrance project, Ms. Sauer inquired about

why the board is doing the entrance project when there are so
many other issues that need to be addressed in the neighborhood,
such as covenant control. Director Gross stated that in effort to
improve the appearance of the neighborhood from the main
entrance and enhance property values (as neighboring
subdivisions have recently done), the Board determined to present
some examples of signage and explore feasibility of the project at
the Pancake breakfast. The response was generally positive, so
the Board has continued to pursue information gathering and
fundraising for the project. It was noted that there are 622
homes in the subdivision and a change to the covenants with
regard to enforcement or otherwise would generally require a
majority vote of the resident members.

The entrance flyer will be revised to address feedback from Ms.

Sauer and others so that it is clear choices A and B are
examples of sample signage and not the ultimate decision of the
board at this point. Ms. Murphy suggested the board host a
neighborhood meeting specifically for the sign project, so
residents can express their desires and concerns before an
ultimate decision is made. In the meantime, the board will
continue to explore ways to get out information about the
project and raise funds for it, such as Baskin Robbins and
Noodles & Co. nights and a Pool Pizza/Music Night at CCV
Pool. An eblast will sent in this regard.

Ms. Murphy acknowledged the help of resident Steve

Gianotsos, who has volunteered as a person with construction
expertise, and who relocated the covenant sign from the median
so it is still visible but not obtrusive.

Director Lukes reviewed the draft annual dues/informational

mailer prepared by Director Woodworth with the board. It was
noted that the entrance project information will be revised based
on the most recent community feedback.

Vice President’s Report In Mr. Corkill’s absence, Director Lukes reviewed recent
consultation with CCVSHOA regarding new roofs and reviewed
pending covenant violations for trailers/boats. Mr. Corkill will be
following up on these upon his return.

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Draft bylaws were provided by Mr. Corkill for preliminary

consideration by the board.

Treasurer’s Report Mr. Adams circulated the most recent financials and solicited
questions from the Board, noting that $735 had been collected
to date for the entrance project.

Secretary Matters Director Lukes advised the Movie in the Park night will be Friday
8-20-10. A “Save the Date” eblast will be sent out to CCVSHOA

There being no further business to come before the Board, and

upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the
meeting was adjourned.









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