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SO OCU Rm creel) sc Ll Vector Mechanics for Engineers ao ' Ferdinand P. Beer PECs eel olan olan POCOOOO OHH OOOOOEOOOOOOOOEH OOO SOOO OOOHOOHOOOSO LOCO Instructor's Manual to Accompany Vector Mechanics for Engineers | pynamics Fifth Edition FERDINAND P. BEER E. RUSSELL JOHNSTON, sr a ‘ro Tu TstaucTOR: [Az indtonted in Sts preface, VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS: DYNAMICS ie designed for a firat course in dynanics. Nev concepts have therefore been pre~ sented in simple terms and every step explained in detail. Hovever, because of ‘the large number of optional sections which have been included and the maturity of appronch vieh bas been achieved, this text say also be used to tench «course ‘Viich vill challenge the more advanced student The text has been divided into units, each corresponding to a well-defined topic and consisting of one oF several theory sections, one or several Sample Problanc, anda lange musber of problens to te sasigned. To agelot the instructor in uaking up ¢ echedile of ascignnente that vill best fit hie clesseo, the variout Yopice covered fn the text have been Listed in Dable I and a avagested mamber of periods to be spent on each topic has been indicated. Both e minimum and a maxi- Bun number of periods have been suggested and the topics vbieh form the standard Basse course in Dynamics have been feperates from those waich are optional, The total number of periods required to tench the standard course veries fram 27 to Ug, white covering the entire text voulé requfre 0 to ST pertods. In most in- stances, of course, the instructor vill vast to include sone, but not ail of the additional material presented in the tert. Tf allovance 1s aude for the tine Spent for review and’ quizzes, it is seen that this text is equally suiteble for ‘teaching the standard basic Dynamics course in ¥0 to 45 periods and for teaching ‘a nore complete Dynmice course to advanced students. In addition, it should be hoted that STANIOS and DIANTCS may be used together to teach a combined ln or Seoredit-hour course covering all the essential topics in Dynamics, as vell Ghose sections of Statica whieh are prerequiites to the atuty of Dynamics (ace ‘ables VE, VII, and VIII. ‘The problens have been grouped arcording to the portions of material they funastrate and have been arranged in order of increasing difficulty, with prob ens requiring specisi attention indicated by asterisks. The instrictor's attention is eallea to the fact that, in most cases, problans have deen arrenged in groups of ¥ or more, al problens of the sane rdup being closely related. This means that the instructor vill easily find additional protlens to amplity @ particular point vntch he may have brought up in Aiscussing a probler aasimet for honevork. In this new edition of YECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGIEERS, © grou of four problens designed to be solved with » computer has been added tothe review problens at the end of each chapter. The solutions of these problems ‘may be found in this manual; they consist of the required prograna in both BASIC and FONTAN versions and of the tabulated nimerical results. Mo assist in the preparation of homevork ascignnents Table IT provides a brief deseription of all groups of problens and a classification of the problems {in each group accoréing to the unite used. It should also be noted that the anavers to all even-numbered problens are given st the end of the text. Because Of the large number of problene available in both systess of unite, the instruc tor has the choice of assigning problews using SI unite and probleis using U.S. customary units In vhatever proportion is found to be nost desirable for a given class. To {llustrate this point, a sample lesson schedule t= shown in Tables LLL, Iv, and V, together with various alternative lists cf eesiened homework probiens. “ali of the probleme in ench of the four lists sugested in Table TIT fare stated in ST units and hal? in U.S. customary units. On the other hand, the four Lists suggested in Table IV offer a larger muber of proplens stated in SI unite (158 £f all problens are used, and OTF if only the first three oF the Dest three problens of Gach aseignaent are used). Instructors vho prefer-to assign problens in SI units only may use Liste A and D in Sable V, while those wo wish ‘to assign problems in U.S. custonary units only should use Iisty C and Din the ace table Tt should be noted that transperencies for overhead projectors for the solutions of selected problens are available to the instructor upon request. Since the approach used in this text difters in the number of respects trom ‘the approach used in other books, the instructor vill be vell advised to read ‘he preface to VECION MECHANICS FOR RNGINEERS, in whieh the authors have out Lined their general philosophy. Tn addition, the instructor wil find in the following pages & description, chapter ty chapter, of the more significant Features of this text. Ie is hoped that this material vill help the instructor An organizing his course £0 best ft the needs of his students. Tee authors wish to scknowledge the many helpful coments and suggestions offered by the users of the previous editions of YDOTO MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS ‘and of WECHATTCS FOR EXCTIEEHS.” The authors also vish to thank Professor Allen C. Chao of the Departnent of Civil Bneinerring of North Carctina Stato University for checking their solutions and Bruce P. Johnston for assistance in prograsming those problens designed to be solved vith «computer. Ferdinand P. Beer E. Russell dohnston, Jr. “ OOO OCOO COSCO SOOCOOOOOOOOSHO OSES COCOOOOHO OO EOES DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL CONTAINED 10 ‘VECTOR MECHANICS FOR ENGINEERS: DYNAMICS", Fifth Edstion Ll, Kinematics of Particles In this chapter, the motion of bodies is studied without regard to their size; all bodies are desuned to reduce to single particles. The analysis of the effect of the size of s body and the study of the Felative motion of the various particles forsing @ given body are postponed until Chapter 15. Tn order to prosert the simpler topics first, Chepter 11 has een divided nto two parts! rectilinear action of particles, and curvilinear motion of particles. Im Section 11.2, poattion, velocity and acceleration are defined for a perticle in rectilinear motion! They are defined as quantities which my be Sither positive or negative and studente should be varnea sot to confuse position Coordinate and distance traveled, of velocity and epee. The significance of positive and negative acceleration should be stressed. Negative acceleration may Snageate a lose in speed in the positive direction or a gain in spect in the negative direction. As they begin the stuly of @ynanice, many stutents are under the belief luoet the notion of a partiole mat be esther form or uniformly accelerated. Yo destroy this misconception, the action of a particle ie firet described under ‘very general conditions, sstusing a varfabie acceleration which may depend upon the time, the position, ‘or the velocity of the particle (Sec. 11.3). fo Tactic Late the handling of the initial conditions, definite integrals, rather chan in- definite integrals, are used in the lntegration of the equstions of motion. ‘The specisi equations relating to uniform and uniformly accelerated motion fare derived im Sections 112 and 11-5. The students should be warned to check carefully, before using these equations, thet the action under consideration ts Setually @ un{form or a uniformly accelerated motion. ‘Two important concepts are introduced {n Section 11.6: (1) the concept of relative notion, vhich vill be developed further in Sectious 11-12 and 15.5, (2) he concept of dependent notions and of degrees of freedom. ime first part of Chapter 12 ends with the presentation of several graph deal methods of Solution of rectiltnear-notion probiess (Seca. 12-7 and 11-8) ‘Tale material {e optional and may be omitted. Several problene in which the dats are given in graphical form have been Sucluded (e.g., Probe. 21-72 ~ 11.75)+ ‘Te second part of the chapter begins with the Sntroduction of the vectors defining the position, velocity and acceleration of a particle tn curvilinear notion, The derivative of vector function ie defined and introduced at thie point (Sec. 1110), The motion of e particle is first studied in terns of ree~ Zenguler components (Sec. 11.11); it Se shovn thet in many cases (for example, projectiles) the study of curvilinear notion may be reduced to thet of two fh Sependent rectilinear motions. The concept of fixed and soving frames of ref= erence is introduced in Section 11.12 and immediately used 0 trest the relative notion of partiel Sections 11.13 and 21.14 introduce respectively the use of tangentiel and ormel components, and of radial and transverse cosponente. Both systems of Coordinates are fret introduced in two dimension ani then extended vo include ‘hree=dineneional space. SOOOOOOOOSOOHSOOOOOSHOOOOO OOOH SESOOOOOCOOOOOOOOES 12, Kinetics of Particles: Newton's Second Lav As indicated earlier, this chapter and the following tvo are concerned only vith the kinetics of particles and eyetons of particles. They neglect the effect Of the size of the bodies considered and ignore the rotation of the bodies about thelr masg center. The effect of size vill be taken Lato account ia Chapters 16 ‘through 18, Which desl with the kinetics of rigid Bodies: Section 12.2 presente Nevton's second law of motion and introduces the con- cept of @ nevtonian franc of Teference. In Gestion 12.3 the concept of Linear nosentun of a particle is introduced, and Newton's secant lav is expressed in its iternate form, vaich states that the resultant of the forces acting on a particle is equal to the rate of change of the linear momentum of the particle. Section 12.4 revieve the two systens of unite weed in this text and previouely discussed in See. 2.3, namely the SI metric units snd the U.S. customary unite. Ths Pection also exphastzes the difference between an absolute and a gravitetionsl A number of probiene vith tvo degrees of frecion have been included (propieas 12.26 throwgh 12.33), some of vbich require a careful analysis of the accelerations invoived (see tiple Probie 12.4). Section 12.5 applies Wewton'a second lav to the study of the motion of a particle in tems of rectangular cospanente aid tengential nd normal components. En Section 12.6, dynamic equilibrium is presested as en alternate vay of express~ ing lewton's second lav of notion, although it vill not be used in any of the Semple Probless in this text. love that the term inertie vector ts used in pref~ erence to inertie force oF reversed effective force to a¥old any possible con In Section 12.7 the concept of angular momentum of a particle Le introduce’, and tlevion's eecond Taw ie aed to show that the fun of the moments stout a point O of the forces acting on a particle ie equal to the rate of change of the ai gular romentun of the particle soovt 0, ection 12.8 analyzes the sotion of a particle in terms of redial and traneveree components, and Section 12.9 considers Zhe particilar case of the motion of a pertiele under's central force: The early) Unteoduction of the concept of ugular nomentun greatly facilitates the afscugsion of this motion, Gaction 12.20 presents Hewton's lav of gravitation and sts eppli- Cation to the stuty of the action of earth sstellites. Sections 12.11 through 12.13 are optional. Section 12.11 derives the aifrer= ential equation of the trajectory of a particle under a central force, vile Section 12.12 discusses the trajectories of antellites and other space vehicles under the grevitat ional attraction of the earth. Waile the genersl equation of orbital notion is derived (2g. 12,39), ite application is restricted to 1sunchings in which the velocity at burnout is parallel to the surface of the earth, (Golique Leunchings are considered ip Section 13.9.) The periodic tine ie found airectly fron the fundamental cesinition cf areal velocity rather than ty formles requiring © previous knovledge of the properties of conic sections. The instruct Or wilt note tost he may omit Sections 12-11 through 12.13 and yet assign © number OF interesting apace mechanics problene to his seucenta after thoy have reached Section 13.9. COOOL OCOHOOSDOOOEOSTOOOOO OOO ODOE SOO OO OOOOOO ODES 13. Kinetics of Particles: nergy and Momentus Methods After a brie? introduction designed to give to the students sone motivation for the study of this chapter, the concept of work of a force ia introduced in Section 13.2. Attention is called to the fact that the ter work ie always used in connection vith a vell-defined force. Three examples considered are the work of a weight (1.e., the work of the force exerted by the earth on & given body), ‘the work of the farce exerted by a spring on a given body, and the work of © grevitetional force. Confusing statements such es the work done on a body, oF he Work done on a spring are avoided, ‘Me concept of kinetic energy ie introauced in Section 13.3 and the prin ciple of vork and energy ie derived by integration of Newton's equation of notion. In applying the principle of work and energy, the svidente ahould be encouraged to arav separate sketches representing the initial and finel positions of the body (Sec. 13.8). Section 13.5 introsices the concepts of pover end sftiotensy. Sections 13.6 through 13.8 are devoted to the concepts of conservative forces and potentish energy, and to the Principle of conservation of eaeFEy. Potential energy should slvays be nosoctated vith a given conservative force acta ing on e body. By avolding statenente euch aa "the energy contained ins spring” fa clearer presentation of the subject ie olteinsd, vhien will not conflict with ‘he more eavanced concepts that the students may encounter iq later courses. In applying the principle of conservation of energy, the stuients should again be eh couraged to drav scperate sketches represesting the initial and final positions of the body considered. In Section 13.9, the principles of conservation of energy and of conser vation of angular sonentus are applied Jointly to the solution of problems {n= volving conservative ceatrel forces. A large nusber of problem of this type, dealing vith the mation of satellites and cther space vehicles, are availible for Ronevork assignnen:. As noted earlier, these problema (except the last !¥o, Andleuted by astertaks) nay be selved even Sf Sections 12.11 through 12.13 have ‘been omitted, ‘The second part of Chapter 13 $s devoted to the principle of impulse and ‘momentum and to ts epplicstion to the study of the notion of a particle: Section 13.10 introduese the concept of linear impulse and derives the principle of impulse ‘and monentun from Newton's second lav. The instructor shoul empha Size the fact thet impulses and nonenta are vector quantities, Ha should ef= Courage his students to arav three separate eketetes win applying the principle ff impulse and momentum ané show clearly the vectors representing respectively ‘the initial monentun, the y@SHANOAL vomaNTONS Bae, Raa, eit EEE, Ease! eeu wien tare aplttate PCOCOOOOAOHOOOOOOOOOO OOOO OOSOOHOCOOSOOOOOOOOOOO OSES ine of) carson am MSRPIN oF Paw (CTE) =e pote meri ‘wer vo seamgaca reuse ""loace sncering duped fee vibresions ont 7 ‘oa ELC tie rns rain Bigs ict mais peels Ser Bee oI ga = Baise SCCHOOHOOOOOOOOSEEOOOCOSCESOOOOHOSELESSEOCOLOOLOOS 1 ReKARRRR REARRRAR aBRRES! 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Site ona all oe ohare cots £0) 3) eats 12a) 2 9 © 0(4) 4 26-8) it) = 216 Frm actu) Ren lenis Hel) Fyzteob 58 POCOHEO COOH OO OOOO OLOOSOOOO OOH OOOOO SEC OOOOEDOEEOES 8] Kien T= (nea am i= 4m snint 2 ea'cacane @) when & an 2(s)= em mgs Qema,s (tbe) md CDE Besté oe seune Gourmve) eee ae amd laren : or (techn is om 2.0) rt at 8 cries a acme) 2157 i een wiles of Fes EAT F - . . aad T= ot = tombe agetadeoctanpe- orient Tomah fale? aps 0542862 2(0)42 (anken) = 16 nht eu ssasm betiaem a nens Game, «(Or Ve 29 nk) Ra NBeHl |e hove Fy rmag © (05 bY) = ) T= ‘a5 a} 7 wan trate OO eae yKarNorny on al Rema + (05 My)C-0 02h), Re-FEI hly a. 2/2 )rnoemyoresh)" Benen (osm licemel Remey af AARON ncn ag Kress Sine te bag @)azeemg pCa): 0, =(ounXoye 2CBeiNicenh) 6b Jor sine ty=0I5n ond A= i2rad/s, FAos)(id= 01 = BB [sbehibtng tr B nbs Ei) at sang he B= jflamn) +2(220 $Sias-raseres 2088 su BoM Gls oh [F2. | Hadi ompantat of velit 12.88] be en 7 OF Tae, RST fame a ig “ae pi it rope, hea) su the fe ered bye tee on paar EE Seapets es) aes , on tn tht horde here = fi = elasuzatite sentede (a. 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Stating nding £218, Foméiuc (de +a) (| bat Ae aay 7 E-Sh (iw) = [ERE Setting fom ord (3) nt 4) Ei (9 Dohrg (24D, mer by ember: 3 VBE CE «(ttn REE) but Roby» Sabetotig Eth) gts denen Biting (2) by C, member by mem ber: @ yo TOE Pela?) The 21.04 kok) st te ink at Ei ote EST [BEY Pp wr GS fis oo ie PE O | seting # ee 7 Seatac 5 Loouity al Adding ("and (2), member fy mem ber: tt Ls 26M (azn) we tow Tom Bi fn) {Ewe 7 37 Zipticaat Te ee egal ered ee in eens on, Fa eypent eon (84th Ba Give) = gifs) cigar 0m ee soon vias “ ‘Tom da eva Gre g's nsMionersnderanie athe Ce oho = tema sofia poe vee egy Bete yesntl cope At tat See £8) an Sobstibsing the given date “ al Azosiee x10" tow RUBE (BEM 2150 £2050 | sine Ant, es Sitpa ove Dee TES] being Cet Raia ga Fe mck |Sme Rt, = SM One eee Oo athe be Rok 2 Cle htt Foe B93) ef ae eB st CT dnt Whar Me mus of Topiter, We suite Selena ; +f See pessrrith, Goteiante 4 toh) (Ee = (88h 65 buh 2 renvenlapaanialyy he tH06 Ree Wa 108 = 108 (15 eT 0 ext thyentsth 721-9006 Sse ned wate ainsi * ay Sant ae saree * ELIA”, & a 720m rU7l20%n TOOCoNTMOED] — Fick Fania Fie wae apnFin derived im Pots IRE with fat end 64a ete + tie = to? BEET Bae | ia Ae A = ECRANNTBESD, A ge so4e ot TG! peda Mette gst6 Sine Betgyys Gyo den Mgleetla ersten see 3 Je) spotedatica at B LEAGE np — ermal agen Sicmd transfer ac bit ecient oF Pb. 46 wit ne he tes ee nee 12.99) Consider elliptic orbit which brings | * “tg te wornle — F100 Pn NEE | tt i 4a Be Re " anon pets, eg ee hetcke ere UE tine dey, lg eee sues) eet Lees eo Meee a facets cravcertths Tamme, Vee tCe Seb eitany =~t870%b a TEIOU Fat cio ack Renee enisan = pote Er EN poh tote ote sy Bat i : o Tae F = Roane Wik ys Bx0'e v= orm mie athe a te 0 awl oS fleng all toms by (100) A Lig os wifes) © 19 stmt teleee Aa ] ce stn of Pa 8000 pain of GM oot Gt ng RY antes esa hase Me x [ELEETEBIOTE_ 6505p (ee ae Vib an excl bit strobist 300k Oe A : asia Nin = 60208 — (ConTINVED) hi (Ge 2 Baz(anen an) Lat a ar eycun] ibn nh BC Tog ak ame ae = Hsien wea cent Bot Hyg = AE GH = ba eeaanli 6 seen = (955K oud a é os Sine A495 ee fesse = asim (courinven) be of CO OCOOOOOCOOHOOOOOOHOOOOO OOO OOOO OOC OOOO OOO ORE TEST CONTMUED] Seen Temes TE WaT Ps TAS ite 8 ad et Spet eet of ‘Sin ollie of Po 0 he llth on Ciesee bit “hoe e SOR eh Ainnicehon of ey nt (15 Se s3ri = 7 26M 35x + nxt 2 eH e Hy ea, Aenuent Soe hatgis eh> Aw BMI «atoms Siew Botetet Tes Sex EM pana @) Spe ech at Bo Eigse ops tah META =—HBOmp a Ato = He esathes-suearmk = ~ 24th me TB, 02) Tio. aro? 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Fy ts i, eteip ers fnsehim mt = are fy = BEER ty = DEBE (noes =3973.00 Aide 8 230700 0 Boni] Ta [2] taper a perigee te normal the pret poses ve foe trie oF Bee Thin, at nck of Thee ponte ne nove Sue Als, a Mats and a! Rema Glos om one oe Hg BM Go We rail foam Pb. AT ak eral @ Comperny Eye Ci)avet (2), emote fear lat epee er perigee wr how 2-Flg+d) « (22.0) fren Ey. (1839). Wb ay ake rs ths tnt eal eating ban (B46) Hot 4% and fron By (a?) that no, on fs eH Ficoll planets, GH hat toe some ve gine DM reporinelt the rms of the Su nd G18 Cova tons tech, Then foe (azn) < 69 TET] Want ey fe" TZ,117 contnveD| = BH (ite) £ NERA 0, ze) alg ape Carn Siren, 60 Fed petite WE peo: Pwsings 0 £ 2 PeWen@e Whines 02 W (1) Tha: Editi be P foe (0 boone s080= ma. ine (0 TYonsce fa = sicaayneits som see 4 He nt re piace obese Fini ie pnt he cr ere (20, bam g}s ue fe ah i Pa layee getcks? 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Gam he lbh ot HT teced nae An hata no ab Ae H(LS HY ited) 664 Ht pe he Ie Ege os B ty also diel Iida beige “af cote jo (foe i fe Feat ace ea ant ah that $611 Wy 20 and P aztisin dl ery ae ete Pajed alng pmprdioie & 80: f= Peceme Poe beings Mend « Merle that PAB hits bene Rol ts at the tone Fererted Bocvitse fat AL ametration aot pin B wal 70 PRT TLD ite cna dite cuvapres Bae Pinte areey aque hte Bib o fe te che pull trek he hl a, thy iy ire clog thr furvonta pe toe Jied Feect te Baas al bl rhe oe ee fa rb oe se By CT) ape ts, la) Saketite oe Me hme aDinte (0: deasosse Heres = EAS in a YeNOH tee eia34, YE hema: Ws 28 HUSSinIS™ HSB) 0a, nonnpe eWeiniste9 Reiman - weit NeiheWtasea is 0, strat Canis aronsasocere Sher (30 tts an Fa, (1888) Jasumphes of no silty it cretion goed a Bath) Pate ae veld ngrtber aye etd 228 ap PrHS CIS Pies wil slide are es Fesiee teE Rema: Won't ‘Bien Formas) = wos @2 C1644 Wis TEI IZ] Coins te parge Im an eer pt] for te rally atte Qe @ £20" Sve w= sonnet, J Fae meninon Ye a4: Fomysindee sng aml agt 24 (a0 § ene Lites deeemise the deiatice = aiglan agent) Went tt Do a ei intel 481 The, Tacos toe BOOK be fo" ont HeMignegtek mp errs De Oty (eos to 8 Sint ai on Bt rh Sty wr Si and 4490 am) phe goons (E48) [edu =9f fee avn glfteabde Cink ov: figlint te tglens leyszneme,: 7 Toalging =m z Temgere sm Bf — imgsino Mating Te 220g «| Ings imgant 7 T Re Tz] — Blower 8% Cam | Metion of Vehicle seal Egy ale etasig alah =e 45-5 Epaing conserve vee between A Station 5, Reaing Ce Epp woes (9) lide: ste whic oppracches station §, ie wioaty iu ipsk ig. tabie welely oF % fe pe A358 Pie Sy 6G and tebe mink in erate rk ® ime_of vshicle tel mH EET = ap * here a4 (te) Elgs tr) rhs ey Ve Inthe tre €, Sua cesribe me are of exele oF Fenghh Af. 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E BEERESE eb Be COOCOOOOOCEOOSOOOOOOEO OOOO OOOOOOEOOOS OO OOOOOOOOEE wo aaa at ayer ein inary “a wenn rh Te fone $asmer wetter a4) (©) sash Detrnnas Fowey Réseaen Tevet 40m eo me moor freee meme |= By or naswe da me oe wemg Daniiermaeye 1964 racos : trace | FB a i Bhan ty rn ae etn Be E¢reC7 ah Ti bass OF OW SAREE WS. ie = “he anepuaeing) se [22 Ten eemr 7 mrs See aay wrong lone) Bee mas, ake Me) ant ps ome inte Fefwforane's ne Canes oe aerate ene amy | Seri oe aes a ne Z ue Aaziom "83 a cr men ont? ner at wo % ee otlod ny Slabs) Up Pleom)oo.tlodnglios)e tng Jas ane AE shag) % (ninife Ph Gedaeh tmsina Co eteane: we ee ecient oe Eee sai ny) Ti Alom)=0R(0-vagllon)» 2 Teor Trt has one: Fon GSS alse g)= 5498p ie tea ab (eh senna ese zee We ede ME! Tre morsgue «reste a SN franca tt Peokiaon, Tae Sint toe sta hey Weta Peston hi wna Jae veto 1s Tet Hee or hy fora, femgila meee m)> o 2941 mjrHasreera) Sea ne8 we spezuice sy yezsene es ° TE] cam ane: Roma] on ooh Bay ‘ e FFT somo ecru oare 0 wr PAE E Heo § SEIS on ° Sha Aro swans Tr tbe )s e rods ge timn fotioon : & phrtittnam |e Fe “Hoar massot} Aectwre — pgebvmatarys — | Pentre dy rem e ° ves arenmy | Ta AE rant) as z < ie ) ene cxscpmer cemnenrur Fre e Felner) 2 oluatt-anmaut)de 7 a |e Fe br Heed) a re ne 7 Te 200-4) e femedties [ay gree lntoacionh | me teen Peer era Tar eeshIem eee Swit | Gains nokaimn -alorwn)ne | @ ©) Fa Tye etree Lact Lee Bias | ct ine i. Th tter% eae Shr poco = Slwaratosruecsid]- ove 32% = e 0S nena osrwant $ TF 3 "Slos-anu)i-e 7B - aenmns maven marae Gre tances + nme gi wt sme a) ST $ TET [earn tom ans oh 7 wn Nysoty Tyrie Td By oe ea 2 ~ aprons Tye tastunns) ab * Aree slant Pcie tans & ¢hp eee vacate a e (SPF eyenttfumertone| ope Roath « Hale spo Hee e tiie tore ce) ees mar? Ugsronstion)reecine ms Binh 7 Tenis Maatew 200020 yetaigst toy! baey esctnners | @ TEL ee eneH ee a | werenon te aus Te "05, S187 Hos, lel Ewer, yale Nor) 2009 esyim 25% ba aan sree fo nenareenen Be bry Slee ags za 0 2 37 2 1321 @ ® , i 4 a < if t “0 - he 7 lee 18 FeamD ral Frf{raommy), ip (ourow)on “Coast 28 fon laura one $e ae g @ Os eoure C os eer cemovee) fon @ m@: Pe flwrwe) fo te Poneto Bo Hite won) Se eB pe onjne cea wate pein -vibneeeE ae ieyrmoe a8 aa TEPET Rex | pause ftp Poe a, Prema 2 see m Ai nes | mo 2 me Fes Ges or rr avis] unere nome Ponce Meta 3 eos pe aee7aals Bes lbned] sonata tan att Upp mslodn)pmalota) Habit) Prk? teas meicanesitn gy] afer yeaah Prensa 4 moet me ft anty uae Bede fnlessa)s rete gr atm) minnie 2Ve Brthy lareriane: fois yaa, zee Poaltens ent rig (aehemalota army “am gamed Frawnce 2 srosts mB (ese | Het Pern Sem Ber 75 tn eae ks lamer Bm OF Kapono 3 henntes Postma: perme nscem Toe fy Wey ee7 eee] gam stn Tie Bean ee, al gaan gehiink [Ea] Rain me lO 20, 00 Forde nn Tiedt erat OT ietinozee 18 —D pilin) Fe sieerlleast Beteyet | Perec 2 mat ran, (Vine | 0 ra 20 eon manor itr po mom Bonen 2 Uap Pee landers) [porte a[toagie eas? Trdg Te aeegeast eeae geez < BS coo 182) tpane 2 tee tan. temas )ooe Pelee] ~ziiatesed)*] yeas Pace meme Prarae 3 Fame Pree sora Pocimy be Thea wt nen alpe Filgjrbe-s obuabn FeAl )e- conn? A hales taltainae fam toy forsee -ta-ae® Cerin as [reeks Ore-mentccame paealediolerss |eore xe, ayer" neamne Benge aannvenae so oa wget Shear ap aszadenl| 0)60 ime ae ennen ot ae aaen® eae at sat ta Bassani magni Fee SCE emat nwa Cee | soln aegn)-nlgafamarie ‘ew myo boat han 9 lew eshte a. Ter dea float 98) | ims a os ane Tes Ee Bp arzent town Pray | OB) a 7 SP EE | Fe Tae aprane ane det gebeyiiowygees (E28) orm oon Titthyp Tet Movewsea ye FECT amonlovm GEE yn erngee | ese Aleman feces tags teass rouse) rem ® To Pinmlp | mE Ea ee supra nant ne tTretnet | Tider Trt. Ol) Hos 7 helen Hons), kienk ese wer 70 nae p0, es Ted Upagt WA) leu)ntb os itn: PURE) re 20 Hore) lnrmeo oom =a v0 henson wacacd Tay | Soren tain on ome eres oe ee abun So peevaap Geog Ces tr narag) | ute teats Yon J nl 1 Ps alvaroe) 8-2 (Lk aanaTT Ae hs dope may, ereany sia po Daanreraes 18m y™ {lama} ece)| Uap A808 9207 seme aon = 3 sme Toto, Telacrl, eau Uapot -toerrnenee bey eo ew emu) Mean t0 ee < BF Taio 82 21a om 4 | f=] oe b ar ° 'ras— al le Teenedgsvactothls pane. 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E60 Hoty [sole nertIAe we arerxs000lteirwrt}ro (al eee BY TOM) Hag OH Os ge 2: Far (asoa)aarnis Sooustroomess] Ex songn be a(n) or Peat 1.9 Necaueet 830s foobar et) 2 8 eee asec ays mn Hl es ero ere | 90 GP CO CCOOCOOO OOO OOOOOEO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO OOOOE Tae Tait covronowe me be fottinne Byte ae oe seus) thet (nccad cus 1.5805 on wnsee-HAsd oeany Fon Bebtonnseere ‘nove mao op, sara) neon henna a077 one Based ee no” Fe fairy Ug BE Yat PCH Teg mfeoaijeg eal save litanp YrvonbXt (Ea ecerras” Eeomm Se spans ~ SE = enor ae SIAR * I [co 21887 by heterde 7338] a Rumer]: tne, Yr® Ted med nee aie, He gem Tare ft psn 26] sae covuryon ur Hone Gal. F80 Yoay, GO 7S Heo mee vy Tire, Terllg Weet Uno ths [tb aya fi econ, 4 eet aypattin team a7 Biarzen ) 7 608 m/e Phere | enuere care rangans Fin, onharmls? Detddnh® tomy oli) Pyne » atiaDh Tote Bn) onlutpro (Mewes eu of gemines Be ae Tom itn t= Roa ish tat Spe img ameeh cour) Gofons jndnS nbn ements soetrr, 820, Te20 Art bn joven’) (@) daw ener Av suernce | CR be Frys 22 moreng 2 emige® eat (gate 29h tirmypilezaen) Gp tletole rosa rZou_me sesous Faonte (i) 4 vate Pooveee wk sek So ee fom Tob pa, hes Soe 2S tel ee) B07 Pea Let Ee B0 he eet) Ee ileal sYooaw\ Sree) amet geandals W 1337) Bums |) ron, edo Auren2t rare, oh Teed alt) Yan er Tita fsa Gren Te etal, G20 (Ro Btiomi = suoiae = sopmeo! fe 1) Capa o rhore sme) (cos §) ‘ dewalt Eat Tovcen sa 70 2m, ge" Sates Pete ey LA Ere me, payee E vomeane es ay -agsies ar? - Pt = 9844 me ete aan: helt one 2/8 | 13%. See Pout 1239 rt tvsne a bet): ecios efron ateestnsnnds) en Phen rosy! pmcne-antc carte? Vth) wa len te Tota one waxy | Fe by Te Pashoaimg = Foi wieaes ean o ©) teeta oe wm pe 8 J206)) Toray aeanzmy OMe tee en wine ne 6 ngrmen pad” Day ead Zo)! GE oteyrge fy ~i2e4t Meet cai iia eco 1346 lo) ie arb |) sacs cece peer C+ ance ap ce cose Heme 5 lon) esasnee ver (je home Big (oejenemnaigy gr belts -bot ar cosmen ee « BEET eet psyasuc Venue § v0 s172l§ oncas) tnovrree NE mere o.s0bNe = L161 % ! bebe apttlilt-adomrslosmeatg lima) ares 0 fr-os ons) Eres aeawrir Md] ares ge zrligle cs) 420 Aapusebn re" BO CEN em) -tzab soe: fae Sedu [S53] cecmenmeny Amero = ah seer Rg penne own snmerno eat 3 at te wees eke Hist 7 hoe Elsdon 7 ipecliiewt nth estan Ra Se7h— Prue» Bhp Bh) GEM) = ye tewls BUT Fue Pe acted stk) PoE fol): Peminzorme Se goustaet | 94 = 900 C OOOOH OOOO OOOS OOOOH O8OSO8H00O800O8OO8O SOE? (355) poe Corn Bowe Ps 12a? PePes(malen mr aes Dae den Bede apf HES) LBs a Bence! PFs fale m Bee me en aie , gle BE (o ize soe se reat Po Bh ome 2p fe wt fel tenis pst): xe $e Ss romana] 2216 ain (4) 0 4 ah fot pew ease EE eet tonal | eeacze Fat ton dye bio ae is donna en ol ob om be (Rios 8 mation? 02 pts at ee, Tag act ete tacteinwainekin fin, od ‘eracen Covent eee peta Hee Terns: orden dhe ge ee Be wetas Go Aeee mae cama were Or ey mi Ba ne ere cme Bike oR ett tc et tee St a a Be pane eee 0S Gre selaat) etoume mur te bob Plebeblisarlt ibd — Sah Cae oe Lise Dlt iumsy [A paul me omer VzTeeat $47 nares Basen ® soa stdgs Boiet oa 26 1 22) mm Beatin anki eet te atime Liew tom Boreas may ge fs j4Te Wd nia[acvafveraaiaf)= LORE S Teyetries Otani Heo rhsraed sfeemeaaiteheee FE ae Ta, eee rn TBs) carried frnrtan tooett op stare 6. Fae alan 20-10» Al(20 8) Cis) 2 4B (e) Baran sre strats Wor teh dlealafionfs we wv care. Toe bm t HPgalinitnian we fume: T0 yobebbtnlnams motes Br tomes tie ks Ha Lowel ay’s Sev onarA-o Green, Orinaer tae ganres fom s2mtedy dpantay queers aes Te weenie ose tao AF THe ean oe oe SP ye mcnecne Pose ea fasta é Ue Paes Sista als ara wats Tedeied Bag Co ee ovavens lone ay BS Ge ate ee Besloeos s we now waste: 5 By mi Fe eee Bee BB LTE ee yen! . ene BEB gf omer fiir not Trataan dra. dase ta aa Pr Ror Nea = 9649) oe = oe S$ aR a 7 3 FIST] Fe (nde gjeraylrry ee) 4 7 eo Rerferge)® — srafegeay® | OF A = ah, sder Bidens Ra ht #- e Boge ape) he AEE? Mg ts BA eed mem He Fee Bee peepigs dednghroee elie 2) eecntume maz (8 ez ne easy FE teh ohn gh tarmpefezmen) recut ¥13.79| (ay To Det Mot wnerine aan Bae ge ees ee “3 7a re FB Fis wemcanememrre — EY nprze conarmy 20 rar Yo rae 07 RE hi UnBFudt tawe me cote vega(-B) UW) kutere Brower Noe Tepe ng ee « . eae eee nm eur BEB Fx conamnme ot Ong BE mse $) since fn constrain 1 at tare Claes Bin nt? ae age, De sent) Bit mete amen Te fe PE ee 4 jhe Chap ole eas) Lire Te % ecocece 758 To Seas prvi Pets bose te ra oh (Be me E mS a) cub one yeaa) 73.85 aye td saa Foland omeg Wye bose xe | me ae Jefe rte do Ba Ten $e Eite n SBE ) eee 73: Toms yr 00/71 Man Je sa(a21)s 5M 2.0028 9h Me einact face es gee Mint Bo prise eee Simhat Mate nara an ET o- Ab 6-62 ¢leananl iw Emer 518 encecon 4, 241 “hy Ge cts aves ptt Soe ta Fema: im matt ~g Semmgaglsbot Guntime nat ym Bre (ew neon) Ber epvelisane Ign Eoteey pe winsanise Eo 1380 Milky SFE 88 esta aed “° mob, (amon s780 "renee Te ets 28 ya = we e-em nseatt)= 12271 (0) peas suse wt ty georocntonsat AB? AEs Feb /2btre e (-7Ld He) se-semnlie — aeee7a20 to BE Ele ibn toe Maren) la aersiceiznliee — seriseenelane DBT ners snmcy vm Pine 241: Swell mgt eV 2L md B mei Togs flevtt/us) Perec bounce Dirreete 1m Porern ens erwctn Tne Wat ee oe Baste I Fd- Std =eV poce onrin if Coote on Beirne Hi, Riera watey ao serv Aas 6 Pores Earners eV Bream toe, $V, AS teres? “Hevdiasy fe OF 707 Lamar Cot car reas rif lowe ze Pediveadinnarae Ceatpoines on grim Tewreres Folin stoag weasel alam Melm) srr fe vg Hoos (2) m7 bo) Plazieg rr Has \irgyt BNE Big Peter) yom Ft gene 2h) ee [ROB | cee Satuvan oF Peg EY fon nim Os tents sa ‘$loayitecn Flag o ras a ® oy dealecfuerr dean wprbiatng Geers fects) einige )erlacmen! | 1387] Se cocutm o Finn 1287 Pot Pao Gietern oe toi) nef), Hbdeie6= Hong wo ments med a lo oe cuncser oy hoe men Coen ere ri, cen) milarprmipiods) — aeten Femme “ts re 400) poateeme besten) bore Bist) eaves i seamen 780d Cecaeoot nme simet sigs iatmle 13.90, Seabee mlan}igcter Flor) oka Komen ersnmur (ioe ss fas 122)» trast edmiedwin Wrbeiblahsress Wehr 8! Popteteosayet FE Tlosapa lean) ws Brus Tae! segninnceploser seg iy aoeeneaaohe te qssented TSI nes 1 A8, Go Mh, neere ent ste a qua ctcto, oe at antenna at lay re 4 £2, are, yates a Locum Have Tac: 4 Bek Fle ttm am ob eu = (20st lieraseds GA, Pia Ter bmw epee Ay Hin 20) ag th © Pan ABE Yer $a pl eothal mn Tree hey jane 2 Late (a) somriine rt Hy aes (0 m3) 8 GE Male Be arly) ent anes oe stl IF Sane gr roa! Negrete Beam ae gam Mz DOOCOOOOOOOCEOO OOOO OOOOH OOL OOO OOEOOHOOOOOOOOOESE '3.93) (pee 1297) 1395 | (pew res «) see socom ob Fae (398 PD COCCOOOOOOHOOOOSOOEOSHOOSOOSOOCOEELOOCESOOOOLLESS a e gassre rama oser | Fon tines or eas) Pmste b) ‘Siclecemae maps | Gu o0mr : (@ sl oreeaerene Te 2 bs = 1S wh | Skene Foe sat Magny O80 Mam ile, <2i08 Teh 3K e tous (ones eecnmre arn re Fala) (ea aici arash orwnrigeirast)o Marae!» isis gee o ” foe ian nee frown oF - Ber Ch wots) Gat tne elmore amen inanot’)aereet water 1 seta a5 agacer les 200) ip Boy Babe aied) age mae! ar Foe erestmenaos rrenen 8: rrterenstet | fog Wares Mes = B88 Mary ER eee ae cnt grein adg) — (Ct 0215 ran #288 Ee Te” aimee 7 = o.0s(sheae'the 2269 welt Lom ngrteie simu? —an309 ale 129% | rma 298) axe cosmo eee 2) 2s ae eaten Pitt tat ia ‘esaF ae oI ies: Eaten eine anima gets iyi Shans eco) atime orm m oath amis lo te acnerom) carapace: | Manunazs atesansncs ao tsneing Ygxnvenite ad) S00): As PGSae (28th) aera ie ag 07 dale 1D menine tron a 878% gute si 29 Re a6 Lor yr sine a sorting zyo~ 78 1a? arco anny PROT] SR mS sereal : TI a gen ke bane : @), we ORR Ee geomet, o|% Ail m/ fF ~ ©) Lee ATH: Ar engine avr ont (Bunt Tho lye ovo c nbd 2t80 AA es Bo haihgcimrmuaboheitionde fe Mage? 010/88 Meare Tete? 2.0129 (6H 20/88 3 BP 2128 anime tern) Tenor (=) omer a . 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