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Brainstorm/Quote Assignment

Brainstorm Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, use a brainstorming technique to help you
figure out what you will write about. You can make lists, map out your ideas, free write, or
brainstorm in another way. Pick what works for you. What to brainstorm:
Who or what you blame for Romeo and Juliets deaths
Reasons this person or thing can be blamed for their deaths
Another person or thing to blame for Romeo and Juliets deaths
Reasons this other person or thing can be blamed

Quote Assignment Directions: Find quotes in Romeo and Juliet and at least one of the three
articles to support your argument. You will need quotes that help you prove that the person/thing
you identify is to blame for Romeo and Juliets deaths. You will need 6 quotes total for full

Romeo and Juliet quotes: Write down the act, scene, and line numbers and the page number

Article quotes: Write down the authors last name and page number

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