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EXPERIMENTAL WORKS FOR DETERMINE MANNING'S COEFFECIENT ROUGHNESS IN OPEN CHANNELS ZOHUL Abdul Hadi, AHMED N. A. HAMDAN. Civil Engineering Dep. , College of Engineering , University of Basrah Keywords: Manning's roughness experimental work, open channels Abstract A Laboratory study was conducted in 0 tilting flume,0.6 m wide and 3.0 m tong to study the effect of regular and irregular bed material on the resistance to the flow of different bed material. The results show that the maximunt increase in Manning's roughness coefficient happens when the bed is regutar and the maximum reduction in Manning roughness coofficlent happens when the bed is irregular. Ad giball CN iB pH clits falas clean Eilat gp lad fas taal ual wal plgd yo das shalt Lt pig pst cfs Bly clay Aa glial CL pill JJ ale falas dat yal pith ci fat pitta pill 95 Ms ph ihe alan ob Balyj Mia Gf itil ay ily. Lal) hese wll cad + olin 8 yal pS in gpl Ae lala pb heal A Basrah Journal for Enineering Science /2008 200s Ayal! p all 5 asd Ane 0 1: Introduction The design and executing of icrigation projects need to spend a high cost and a big fatiguing in accomplishing the part of open channel work which is almost built in or overlaid by concrete that have a high cost . . Open channel flow is defined as flow in any channel where the liquid flows with a fice surface, Open channel flow is not under pressure ; gravity is the only force that can cause flow in open channels and a progressive decline in water surface elevation always occurs as the flow moves downstream. It is divided into :- 1. Naturally open channel which include + rivers streams, creeks . Gischarzes from tailings ponds , and other uncovered conduits. The naturally open channel is distinguished by its non uniform hydsaulic characteristics. 2. Artificial open channel such as navigational channels , electrical channels, drainage channels, adits, tunnels and ventilation shafts, can be treated as open channels when flowing partially full end not vunder pressure, The hydraulic characteristics of this type of channels is governed by design requirements, Tho artificial channels shape is different in its Section ,that it can be rectangular, triangular or tsaperoidal The increasing requirements to ‘water resources require to search and find the economical easy way © build icrigation systems which Basrah Journa‘ for Engineering Science /2008 is easy in design, execution, maintenance and management . Water flow in natural or amtificial open channel is expescd to losses in energy due to friction Detwean water and channels’ bed or walls, In bed rivers, when the bed forms ate ripples or dunes, resistance to flow is mainly due to shape ofthese toughness clements, However, in rivers whose beds exe composed of different materials will cause main effects on the roughness resistance to flow in the latter type of river which have been studied by many researchers, such as Arcement [1], Coffins [4], Dowas {6} , Leopold {8}, and Ringman [22]. ‘The basic parameters which affect the manning roughness coefficient are shape and spacing of roughness .the channel shape, alignment and stage, Many researchers have found out theoretical relations that connect between various flow parameters and velocity of flow such as: Dingman [SJ Motgomery 19), Naiman 110} and Rogen (11). In this study , the offect of bed material will be considered The experimental work conducted 10 test the roughness coefficient of open channel bed simulate what happened in rivers. ‘That is done by replacing channel ded materials by many ypes of 2008/ aig pl 5h lp materials, Also, the section of the channel was changed by being contrasted. This was done by purting an obstacle in one or both sides. ‘The sims of this study is to do an experimental study to calculate Manning coefficients and measure the discharge in the chanocl by changing the type of the bed material, 2: Experimental procedure The experimental programming ‘was conducted in a tilting flume 3 m long, 0.6 m wide. Fig.(1) The equipment consists of a reciroulating rectangular open flume, ‘There are three main parts of the flume: the inlet tank, the working section and the discharge reservoir tank. A drop — tight adjustable overshot weir with upstream sand trap is accommodated within the discharge tank, The inlet tank incorporates a perforated baffle plate which spteads the flow evenly across the width of the channel. A. pair of adjustable instrument rails are fitted to the top flange of the channel and they extend over the full length of the working section. One rail also caries a positioning scale, A depth gauge is used to measure the woter level. The flow of water is provided by a centyifugal pump. The flow tate is measured by a water meter. Different materials were used to the bed flume. ‘Thirty six experimental runs were performed. In each three of them there were the same bed materials whereas both the dept of water and the discharge were varied, when the material were fed to the system . Uniform flow was achieved when both the warer depth and discharge Basrah Journal for Engineering Science /2008 aL became constant along major portion of the flumes length. At this point, depth of weter at different sections and discherge were recorded After the collection of pertinent data the flow of water was stopped, the toed wns cleared out completely and the flume was set ready for another run, ‘Measured and calculated variables ate given in Table (1). procedure of work 1. Maintain a desired discharge in the channel, 2. Measure the depth of flow at three cross-sections a long the length of the channel by using the depth gauge. Also measure at each cross-section the depth of flow al three places. (teansversely), 3, Note the inifial and final ‘eadings in the water meter and the time taken for this volume of water, 4, Determine the bed slope of the channel by finding the difference in the depth to the known length of the chaanel.. 5. Repeat the procedure of the experiment for a different discharge, ‘The method used to calculate the discharge in an open channel was a Manning's equation 200K! Fysrigl » pall bpaoet ne a ‘Manning's equation used to calculate the average velocity of flow (V) through the channel section is:- ERPS oe cecal And by using the equation of cominuity :- GVA thus, 2 ERs? A. Where :~ Q : discharge through channel section (me) Te equivalent roughness coefficient (m!) Hydraulic radius of channel section (m) S. : channel bed slope in longitudinal direction, A: Area of cross section of the channel (ry 4 Results and discussion Roughness coefficient represents the resistance to flood flows in channels and flood plain management , in flood insurance studies and in the design of bridge and highway across flood plains. Suggested values for Manning's n.. tabulated according 10 factors that affected roughness are found in Chow [3} and Grant [7]. Roughness characteristics of natural channels are given by Bamers [2]. In this work we attempt to ‘broaden the scope of that work by doing many experiments to find snanning’s coefficient, The variation of Manning's roughness coefficient and the discharge are shown in Figs.(2-7) The resistence of flow seems to continuously increase as the discharge was increased if the bed is regular es shown in figs (2),5) because surge waves are formed and propagated upstream and downstream of the obstruction. A positive surge is one which results in an increase in the depth of the stream, The resisianee of flow seems to continuously decrease as the discharge was increased if the bbed is irregular as shown in figs. @), ©. In this case negative surge ‘waves cause a decrease in depth of the stream in spite of the occurence of a surge in an utsteady flow phenomenon, Figs.(4), (2) show that the resistance to flow in a different bed can become more than two fimes stoother if there is enough patticle to fill the spacing between its roughness elements, 5-Conclusions When the watershed of a river, whose bed is formed of different size of materials, such as gravel or sand, is subjected to a major storm a large in flow of sand and gravel size sediment to the river can result. This is especialy true in semi-arid and arid region of the world. The sand and gravel size sediment gradually fill the spaces between the large roughness elements and may submerge them —_ completely. Eventually, the river behaves as a sand bed river. As ¢ result , the resistance to flow can be changed EERIE Basrah Journel for Engineering Science /2008 2008) Aarigh p giall 6 pall ee According to the results of the study , the conclusions can be’ summarized os the following > 1. It-was noticed that the Manning's roughness cotfficient increases whenever the bed of the channel is regular. 2. It was noticed that the Manning's roughness coefficient decreases whenever the bed of the channel is imeguler. 3. Manning's incotporates many physical factors including the channe) roughness, irregularity of the channel cross section , channél “aligiment and’ beds, ‘vegetation, sedimentation, scouring and channel obstructions. 4. A general knowledge of water discharge disuibutions is extremely important in evaluating and selecting a method of flow measurement. References 1, Arcement, G.J., In, and V.R. Schneider. 1989. Guide for selecting matming’s roughness coefficients for naturel channels and flood plains. US. Geological Survey, Water- Supply Paper 2339, Washington, D.C. . 2 Bames, HH. Jr. 1967. Roughness Characteristics of nataral channels in Arizona. U.S. Geological Survey Report. 3. Chow, V.T. 1959, Open — channel hydraulics, Mc Grew Hill, New York, New York. 4. Collins, B.D., and T. Dunne, 1990, Assessing the effects of gravel harresting on srdiment ‘transport and channel 43 morphology: A guide for planters, State of California Division of Mines and Geology, sacamento, California, 3. Ding man S.C Physical Hydrology 2™ ed, Prentic Hall upper Saddle River, N.3,2002, 6, Down,P.W.1995, River Channel Classification for channel management purposes, PP, 347-315 in :A. Gurnell and GPetts (eds). Changing river channel John Wiley end Sons, Chichester, England. 7. Grant GETE Duvat GJ. Koerper, and iL. Fogg.1992.XSPRO:A channel cross-section analyzer US. Deparment of Interior Technical Note 387, Denrer, Colorado. 8. Leopold, L.B.1994. A view of the river, Harvard University press, Cambridge, Massachaisttes. 9. Montgomery , D.R., and JM. Buffingtor.1993. Channe! olass Picotwn, Prediction of chante] response and assessinent of channel condition ,Washington state Deparment of natural Resources ,TFW-SH10-93-002 , Olympia, Washington. 10. Naiman, RJ, DG Lonzanch TJ. Beechie, and S.C, Ralph, 1992. General principles of classification and assessment of conservation Potential in rivers pp. 93-123 in :P, J. Boon, P. Carlow , and GE pes’ (eds) River conservation and management Joba Wiley and sons, Chichester England, 1. Rosgen, DL. 1994. A classification of natural rivers. Catena 22:169-199, 12, Ringman , D.T.Soudersang C.W Him flow science in Best ee Basrah Journal for Engineering Science 2008 20081 Aig psa Syrah lp practice Guide fine Labow- Based open channel flow technology, April 2004. First edition of CIB document 1026, Modeling Roughness Effect in Open Channel Flows , D.T. soudersang C.W Hirt Flow Science Ine. a fasrah Journal for Engineering Science /2008 2008 Epastg gl 5 aml ne 45, Fig. 1: Plan view of open channel 2008! Aesiel g hlbS poll Uae A ie mpeg ne Ta ‘Table (1): Collected data and Computed parameters No. of g | vcr | oa | we | R | So me Type of the bed experiment | (em"is0e} tem) | (oxy | em 1 ee 38 ne) | at | may a Uniform se 2 as a2 ro | eo | so | esr a x 1389 4a ar | as | so | tome » ‘ oa a | a | se | om | or ” Now anlfora sand 9 a8 ao | oo | am | et as ns 300 pe | ees | oaas | met a 7 a7 aoe | ame | ase | 20 | oor “za | ore oad wih ‘ sw 338 ws | aes | a9 | z batt 6 saa | seen | cae | 30s | saat 4 a0 7229 am | ame fas [om a roa mis 8 a aor fra” [ede [27] ama | ate obstrtion 2 36 as | oa | aa | or a 3 ea aa | tas | tae | zon | oat a Nn uno sand « ma aa | aos | cane | see | oe a7 | ihe oberon 1" rats saz) na | erst | ams | ams a 6 on ta | wea | a | aus] 6 Ww on zor | asa | esse | 260 | 16 “ ts as a | ans | exe | set | one a s ao [wea | cca] ary | aot ° ‘ealerm grovel ™ sur as | sea | cae | am | one ” a” was ast am | au | 396 | ase 2 2 wa ata at) seas | 2m | oe “B6| Now enform geaet B a3 as we | om | aa) on o 4 84 aos | tas | os | og | 2 3s 78 aoe | tats | ote ‘wasn | woos | olor gravel with # 64 an ms | Om m ova ene oberat te m 184 473 m | o« ams os 8 os 3 wr {oa | 27 | sons 2 Usifore greet with » 7 as | was | os | 30s | 086 at fre hatracten x» 2 34 | mae} ons |] 303 | ots s a S86 a ae) oa | an | oe tat | Nop aalfrm gravel = 4 “a sa | os | ae | 000 a1 | Witbonectairuedes 2 aut “a na | oe | ate | ou a 4 oa 292 as | asa | 260 | ares at | Nas usiform gre! s aa zp) rma | ee | zor | 1s ap | 7Rh (we oberseron 2% asa a ass) sa | ost | tote) 8 | Basrah Journal for Engineering Science /2008 2008/ Syigl ¢ ll set Hae ar im Regutar cand with one: obstacle ae Regutarsand with 2 obstacles n) marning’s cosffcent roughness 50 390 0 (Wtereischarge (em5)] Fig.2h The ration hetween Manni’ cooticient roughness anowater ascharge | sees regular sand I 1 | te tegular sand withone | onstacle de regular sand with? obstacles Ta) Manning’: cocflicent roughness 50 ‘490 Water discharge feavs}} fig {a)cThe relation between Manning's coofficlont coughneasand water dincharge Basrah Journal tor Engineering Science /2008 20081 Asie ppl! 5 po Ane — . = ‘, g 02 ty g os = me Regular send 8 Tene mo ~lregular sand » OL 1° . r 3 00 — | eo t— oe 220 40 DD 10020240 2 (Water discharge (Cvs eteyThersietlonbateveonsianalnt's cotTiient rovetnens andweter deharen 2 os we tegulargravelth one : obstoce E os me reziarrovl wih? a obstacles oa 3 02 : ° oO 80 80, 100 12000140 . 40 x ‘axWater discharge {cm fh rig): Thereltion between Wanaing's coe Meters evens} and wetet Secharge asrah journal for Engineering Science /2008 2008! Apis! ps 5 pail! Mla 48 oe Weguiarsrove! tae ivegetar gravel with 2 obstacle ar regular grovel with one ‘obstacle Tri Manning scoethcene roughness oan so 80 apa Water dscharge em As) Fig6): The relation between Manning coeficient roughness and water cischarge + Regular grave egular gravel Tia Manning's cooicent roughness a (vrater dizenange (em £9) Fig {7):The relation berween Manaing's coefficient roughness and water discharge —EE aan ‘Basra Journal for Engineering Science /2008 2O0R iyag gl ne

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