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First Name Last Name Email Date

Jovon Lauriano

Semester Year Grade Level/Subject Lesson Duration

Spring 2017 Second Grade 45 minutes

How can we use the number line to help us solve subtraction problems?

Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)

A description of the important understandings(s) and concept(s)

Big Idea: Numbers - Integers

Enduring Understanding:
Integers are the whole numbers and their opposites on the number line, where zero is its own opposite.
Each integer can be associated with a unique point on the number line, but there are many points on the number line
that cannot be named by integers.

Content Standard(s)
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III (HCPS III) that align with the central focus and
address essential understandings, concepts, and skills

Represent whole numbers as lengths from 0 on a number line diagram with equally spaced points corresponding to the numbers 0,
1, 2, ..., and represent whole-number sums and differences within 100 on a number line diagram.
Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.

Student Learning Objectives

Outcomes to be achieved by the students by the end of the lesson or by the end of the multi-lesson learning segment

Students will be able to...

demonstrate how to use a number line model to find differences without using a paper or pencil, and know when and
how to use it (Procedural Fluency)
explain clearly to peers how to use a number line model to find differences. (Conceptual Understanding / Adaptive
skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s
locate a number on the number line and represent the problem using the number line (Strategic Competence)
Rotate through multiple subtraction equations and work with a partner to solve that equation (Productive Disposition)

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) College of Education University of Hawaii at Manoa
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The procedures to gather evidence of students learning of learning objective(s) to include formative (informal) assessments applied throughout
the lesson and a summative assessment (formal) of what students learned by the end of the lesson (include any assessment tools)

Formative Assessments: I will be observing my students throughout the lesson to see how they interact with one another,
communicate, and follow directions. I will be using thumbs up and thumbs down to quickly assess understanding as well as a
checklist to assess students progress with the task. I will also be asking the students questions such as why? how? can you do it a
different way?, etc, to expand their thinking and test their understanding of the lesson objective. The students will be demonstrating
their understanding through participation and demonstration. I will keep track of their participation by keeping a check list as well as
collecting the worksheet at the end of class to be reviewed.
Summative Assessments: The students will be given the Number Line Hoping worksheet (Page 3) to complete at the end of the
lesson. The worksheet will include subtraction problems using the number line, as well as a reflection question and riddle to show
students are able to explain their understanding.

Students Prior Academic Knowledge and Assets

The students content knowledge, skills, prior academic experiences, and personal/cultural/community assets to draw upon to support learning

Skip Counting by 5s and 10s

Using the number line for addition problems
Using the number line to solve word problems

Academic Language and Language Supports

Oral and written language that the students need to learn and use to participate and engage in the content. The planned instructional supports to
help students understand, develop, and use academic language.

Students will need to know:

Skip-Counting - We will use skip counting when jumping from one number to another on the number line.
Subtraction - I will be discussing with the class that subtract means to take away and how it can be used when you
are trying to find out how much more something is.
Difference - I will be discussing with the class that when subtracting we are finding out how much the two numbers
differ from one another.
Backwards - When subtracting on a number line, we will be discussing as a class which way we need to jump to
get our answer.
During this lesson the students will be working in pairs and will need to use this vocabulary throughout the lesson to explain to one
another how they solved the equation using their number line.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A description of what the teacher will do and say and what the students will do during the lesson that 1) uses clear steps that convey the use of
multiple strategies, supports, and resources and 2) list opportunities offered for multiple modes of participation

Introduction: (5 minutes)
Teacher Will:
set up projector
have students seated at their desks
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Elementary Education Program (EEP) College of Education University of Hawaii at Manoa
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inform students that today they will be using the number line to find the difference between 2 numbers.
Ask students if they know what difference means
Ask students to raise their hand if they have used a number line before
Explain to students objectives of the lesson
Students Will:
be seated at their desks
answer question
raise hands if they have used a number line before
Number Line Hop: (10 minutes)
Teacher Will:
Draw a number line on the whiteboard
Instruct the students that you will give them a subtraction problem, and call up volunteers to be the points on the
number line and that they will be following along using their paper/whiteboard
Pass out paper/whiteboard
Write subtraction problem on the board (10 - 4)
Ask the students what number we start at and why we would start at that number?
Ask the students if there are other ways we could start?
Call up a volunteer to help
Ask the students if we have to hop backwards or forwards
Ask the students how many times does the volunteer need to hop, why and in what direction
Have the student hop according to his/her peer responses
Ask the students what the answer to the equation is
Repeat to give 2-3 examples
Ask the students, If I had 9 minus 5, should I start at 5 and hop backwards 9 times? Why or why not?
Students Will:
Listen to instructions
Raise their hand to answer questions
use paper/white board to follow along and draw their own number line
watch volunteer and give directions on which way they need to hop on the number line
Raise their hand to answer questions
Number Line Stations: (15 minutes)
Teacher Will:
Explain to students that their are 12 stations set up around the room (24 students) and they will get into pairs.
Explain that each pair will go to each station and use their worksheet to solve the subtraction problem at the station
using the number line.
Explain that they will have 1-2 minutes at each station to solve the problem
Explain that when they are done solving the problem, both partners will stand by their station quietly facing the
teacher with a thumbs up.
Explain that the worksheet is at the station and they will first put their name on their paper. Make sure you have a
Have students answer..What will you do first?
Ask the students if they understand and have any questions
Partner up the students and assign them to a station.

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Elementary Education Program (EEP) College of Education University of Hawaii at Manoa
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Once the students are at their station they may begin

Walk around the room to help struggling students
have the students go around each station to solve the subtraction problems.
Once students are finished at each station have them sit at their desk to go over each equation together
Ask each pair to explain their thinking at the station they started at (number of station will be at the top of their
Ask the class Thumbs up if you agree, thumbs down if you do not agree.
If a student does not agree..Can you explain to me why you do not agree?
Students Will:
Listen to directions
Answer question What will you do first?
Raise hands to ask questions
Get in assigned pair
Go to assigned station
Begin to work on subtraction problem
Raise hand and ask for help when needed
Give the teacher a silent thumbs up when they have completed their station
Move to next station when instructed
Complete all 12 stations with partner
Have a seat at desk
Explain to the teacher their understanding for subtraction problem at the station they started at. (number will be at the
top of their worksheet)
Thumbs up if they agree, thumbs down if they dont agree
explain if they do not agree
Assessment: (15 minutes)
Teacher Will:
Explain to the students that they can use the number line when solving addition as well as subtraction problems and
that it helps when you need to create a visual of your thinking.
Go over Assessment Worksheet directions
Instruct Students to complete the Assessment Worksheet individually or as homework if we run out of time.
Explain that when they are done they can turn in their worksheet
Students Will:
Listen to directions
Complete the backside of their worksheet individually
Turn in their worksheet when completed

Adaptations to instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or assessments to meet the needs of students who require further
support (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling, accelerated, 50/IEP, etc.)

Students who need extra support will be able to receive help from the instructor and further explanations. The students will be
partnered by the teacher so those who are challenged in this subjected will be partnered with someone who excels.
For students who are struggling, I will start by providing them with equations that are between 0-10. As an example I may ask
them to show me how they would find the difference of eight and four, or ten and three. Once mastered, I would then give equations
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Elementary Education Program (EEP) College of Education University of Hawaii at Manoa
Lesson Plan Format Form Please download a copy of this
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that involve simple numbers, such as, finding the difference of twenty and ten, or fifty and thirty. Lastly I would challenge them to use
the number line to help solve these equations and build from there.

Instructional Resources and Materials

Books, texts, and other materials needed for the lesson

Dry Erase Marker
Number Line Hopping Worksheet
Red Pen (Correction Pen)
Subtraction Problems at each station

Lesson Plan Reflection (if lesson is carried out)

An analysis of what worked, what could be changed, and the next steps for teaching
What changes would you make to your instructionfor the whole class and/or for students who needed greater support or
challengeto better support student learning?
oWhy do you think these changes would improve student learning? Support your explanation with
evidence of student learning AND principles from theory, recommended practices, and/or research.
Based on your reflection and your analysis of student learning, describe the next steps for instruction to support students

v5.01 08/24/15
Elementary Education Program (EEP) College of Education University of Hawaii at Manoa

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