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Federation of Swiss Military Transport Associations

l E
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Reduces fuel consumption

Prolongs service life

How did Lubegard come about?

History of Lubegard
rb // The concept of additives or supplements in motor oils, lubricants,
and fuels often evokes a slightly negative image in the mind of the consu-
mer first, because the user is not an expert in petrochemicals nor a spe-
cialist in combustion, and has little comprehension of that fields infinitely
complex materials, and second, because advertising would have us believe
that nothing works nowadays without the right additives.

As a rule, additives provide a basic Magic formula: the LXE

product with features that the pro- molecule
duct lacks for its basic functionality.
As a consequence it used to be that Dr. Phillip S. Landis, who developed
you were not allowed to mix diffe- the Liquid Wax Ester (LXE) Tech-
rent types of oil (this still applies nology was also intimately invol- Lubegard is produced in
today to certain components), be- ved in the development of Mobil 1. reactors like these
cause the brand-specific additives LXE Technology optimizes existing
would interfere with one another, brand name products with all of the first entered the market, no flaw has
either canceling their effect, or in the additives that they already conta- been found in Lubegard. Certain top
worst case scenario even reversing in: it raises the resistance to both vehicle manufacturers even prescri-
it. Older readers may still remember pressure and heat and achieves be Lubegard in their repair manuals,
what used to happen to an engine significantly better heat dissipati- and most of the other manufactur-
that was accustomed only to single on. Admittedly, magic formulas ers have long given their approval.
viscosity oil when multiviscosity have existed since the beginning of
oil was suddenly used for topping the age of machine technology and
The wide-spread problems with
up or an oil change. All too often, some have even enjoyed some re-
catastrophic engine damage was markable least in the
automatic transmissions
the result. beginning. The drawbacks came to Lubegard first made history in the
light only later, with many products US, the birthplace of automatic
silently disappearing from the mar- transmissions for passenger cars,
ket. As of today, thirty years after it when sperm whale derivatives were
no longer available for use in lubri-
cants and hydraulic oils for the en-
gine industry due to the Convention
on Endangered Species of 1972.
Sperm oil had lent the petroleum-
based oils the qualities they lacked
in terms of resistance to both pres-
sure and heat. This was not known,
of course, to the general public.
Transmission failures went from less
than one million prior to 1972 to over
eight million by 1975. The cause:
overheating. 9 out of 10 transmis-
sions fail due to heat! Like others,
Philip Landis therefore directed his
efforts at fundamentally optimizing
hydraulic oil for automatic transmis-
sions by developing a new compo-

Dr. Phillip Landis was involved in the development of Lubegard

and Mobil 1.

nent. The heat resistance and heat
conductivity of hydraulic oil first had
desired LXE molecule from the car-
bon chain of simple rapeseed oil is
to be improved radically. Landis had much more complicated; but meets
already created a motor oil additive the same quality standard. Moreo-
from plant extracts called Lubegard ver, it is biodegradable, which is an Dear Readers,
which exhibited the aforementioned extremely important criterion today.
qualities; all that was needed was to  This special edition of Swiss-
adapt his product to hydraulic oils motor reports on a petroche-
sufficiently to enable a marriage. mical product with a unique
Liquid Wax Ester
It took another five years, however,
mode of action: Lubegard.
before Landis genius developed, ex- Botanical, polar, high-tech mono-
haustively tested, and patented such ester LXE wax Known up to now only in the
an additive so that he could bring it United States, this unique
onto the market successfully. Temperature-resistant up to 300 supplement has also begun to
C (572 F) (currently the most heat conquer the European market.
resistant lubricating ester on the And it is coming at just the
Rapeseed instead of jojoba oil
market) right time. Apart from econo-
Landis, an experienced petrochemi- Increases the heat stability and
mical diesel engines, the
cal specialist, focused his research oxidation stability of every lubri-
exclusively on oils and waxes of bo- cant motor vehicle industry has
Lowers the elevated lubricant almost nothing to counteract
temperature (protecting it from skyrocketing gas prices.
The composition of the liquid ester wax LXE
(non-binding example) overheating) Beware of several various
Up to 50% less component wear alternative fuel substitutes:
Up to 30% less oxidation

the consequential costs could

Carbonic acid Up to 60% less pentane insolubles

(sludge) be far greater than the suppo-
Long ester chain
20-22 carbonic acid atoms
20 carbon alcohol atoms
Temperature-stable to 300
C (572 F)
Dual bond
Oxidation stability
Lubricating ability in combination Composite bond
Oxygen (polarized)
sed savings. In its diverse
areas of use, in our opinion,
with oil

Lubegard appears to be the
In all areas of application, Lube- only way to save not only
gard is not a lubricant substitute. substantial amounts of fuel
tanical or biological origin, because In order to make use of its sen-
and oil, but also to extend the
the spermaceti derivative formerly sational properties, Lubegard al-
mixed with lubricants had yielded ways needs a base oil. Lubegard life of all mechanical compo-
the desired result. Landis found an does not repair any mechanical nents significantly. Lubegard
ideal substitute in jojoba oil. Unfor- damage, but it can successfully is not an additive in the
tunately, it turned out that jojoba oil prevent it. conventional sense of the
(which is actually not oil at all, but word. It merely optimizes the
liquid wax) was in extremely short Sole agency for Europe
existing lubricants. But it does
supply, because the jojoba plant Importers for the whole range of
was difficult to cultivate in artificial Lubegard products: so with truly sensational
settings. It preferred the habitat of Roten Trading AG results, as scientific tests have
the Sonora desert of Mexico, Arizo- Keltenstrasse 13 confirmed. Moreover, Swiss-
na and California over all industrial CH-2563 Ipsach, Switzerland motor has never endorsed a
farming methods. Moreover, the Telefone: +41 (0)32 355 38 24 product that has not first been
cosmetic industry had already long Fax: +41 (0)32 355 38 25 tested for years both in-house
displayed an almost overwhelming E-Mail:
interest in jojoba oil. Jojoba oil pos- Website:
and in the field. You can put
sesses the rather unique property of your complete faith in the
neither easily oxidizing nor forming In Switzerland, Lubegard is sold reports and descriptions that
sludge or varnish. But by then Lan- at retail by Derendinger AG and follow, because our name
dis had found a synthetic basis for Technomag AG. stands behind them.
Lubegard that was plentiful, and For a location near you contact
neither endangered nor burdened
Warmest regards,
by any sort of ethnic (or other) legal
restrictions. The reaction process Ruedi Baumann
for extracting and esterizing the Editor-in-Chief, Swissmotor

Significantly reduces fuel consumption and more!!

Lubegard Bio/Tech
Engine Oil Protectant 30902
earlier annoying diesel knocking
BIO/TECH ENGINE OIL had been replaced by a powerful,
idling hum. We then had everyo-
PROTECTANT 30902 ne who had objected to the noise
earlier test drive the vehicle again.
Have you installed additional noi-
Swissmotor has been testing a wide range of products intensively se reduction mats under the hood
for many years. Products, of course, that have to do with cars, en- since the last time? everybody
gines and machines. These tests are only published after indis- wanted to know. Since we were
putable results have been obtained, and are guaranteed never to having Siberia-like temperatures
be PR reports. After we stumbled across the Lubegard transmis- at the time, we were pleasantly
sion fluid additive at Automaten-Meyer, we discovered and tested surprised by another feature: now
other products from the same manufacturer first the motor oil the engine started right away even
additive Lubegard Bio/Tech Engine Oil Protectant, then other ad- after having been turned off for
ditives. long periods of time, which hadnt
always been the case before. We
We first used the Bio/Tech Engi- begard into the motor oil according immediately persuaded other die-
ne Oil Protectant product, which to the motto: even if its of no use, sel owners to add Lubegard. The
is also based on the unique LXE it certainly cant hurt either. Becau- result was the same in every case.
technology, in diesel engines, so- se the oil level had to be checked And as a bonus, fuel consumpti-
mewhat by chance. This was in again very precisely, we let the en- on was down significantly.
test vehicles, in which all co-tes- gine idle for a while.
ters objected to the obtrusive en-
Problems with the emergency
gine noise. Not when starting cold,
Diesels no longer diesel power system
because all diesel engines make an
audible knocking sound then, but It took a couple of minutes until Because Lubegard engine protec-
at driving speeds of about 80 kph everyone standing around noticed tant is described as having a wide
(50 mph) and up. As with the auto- that the engine suddenly was run- array of problem solutions at its
matic transmission, we mixed Lu- ning perceptibly more quietly. The disposal, the author took on the

Bio/Tech Engine Oil

Protectant not only
reduces wear by up
to 70 %, fuel con-
sumption also drops
Thanks to Lubegard,
there is no longer a
risk of insufficient
lubrication in cold

next problem child, a gasoline-pow-
ered emergency power system. The
unit, which has to work for hours at
just slightly greater than idle speed,
tended toward disproportionab-
ly high plug fouling. Periodic visits
to the shop after a ridiculously low
number of operating hours were the
rule. Only after a vigorous cleaning
with compressed air and new spark
plugs was the engine ready to start
again. But lubricating oil consumpti-
on soon increased dramatically due
to carbon deposits on the piston
rings, causing the fouling to cripple
the engine at even shorter intervals.
Two tablespoons of Lubegard ad-
ded to the oil were able to prevent
the troublesome soot buildup only
Old-timers present real challenges for their owners. They simply cannot handle new multivis-
partially; but the engine now ran cosity oils. Strange as it may sound, Lubegard fulfills the same purpose here as it does with
about an hour and a half longer per highly tuned engines, because the supplement significantly optimizes the existing base oil.
tankfull! We had precisely the same
experience with a second engine of Moreover, the engine does not have quently avoiding the gradual over-
almost identical construction. This to deliver any significant amount of acidification and oxidation of the
was clearly attributable to one of power during the entire operating motor oil.
Lubegards main features: the sen- period, which leads to unclean com-
sational reduction of friction losses. bustion.
Getting to the essence of gasoli-
(A more permeable air filter then
also ended the fouling of the spark
ne waste
A must for turbocharged engi-
plugs). For the car test, Swissmotor inten-
nes tionally and specifically selected
Turbo diesel engines that are insu- well-known gas guzzlers. Purely
Not a cure-all after all?
lated from structure-borne noise hypothetically, this is where one
The same sort of power increase and therefore completely packed could expect the largest measu-
or an equally striking decline in fuel in are particularly susceptible to rable difference. However, a con-
production could not be expected in mechanical damage. The lack of sistent driving style through the
cars, however, where different fac- cooling air leads to serious pro- various driving cycles would be
tors determine fuel consumption. It blems here. The oil gets too hot required in order to determine the
is not by chance that top name oil very quickly in the turbocharger and measurable differences before and
manufacturers conduct represen- subsequently ruins the healthy oil after Lubegard in the shortest time
tative fuel consumption and dura- in the engine. The better an engine possible. The results obtained were
bility tests predominantly with big is encased, the greater the heat blo- consistently positive, although the
city transport systems, because the ckage, especially in the vicinity of reports from the non-professional
different driving styles of the indivi- the turbocharger. Most affected are drivers about the amount of gas
dual drivers do not play a decisive chip-tuned turbo engines. Oil that
role there. In the emergency power has become too hot behaves just
units the engine speed was always like butter in a frying pan: when the
the same, and because of the rec- butter gets too hot it first assumes
tifier the power demand was also the familiar brown color, and as the
always about the same. Thus identi- heat increases it carbonizes. Butter
cal results were likewise obtained in that has turned brown stays brown
the knocking test with the second even when cooled, and as a result
emergency power unit. It is relatively is unusable. The same thing hap-
easy to explain why Lubegard could pens with motor oil. Lubegard En-
not stop the carbon deposits in the gine Protection lends a significantly
With Lubegard in the motor oil, this
engine: soot buildup in the com- higher level of heat resistance to the generator runs about an hour and a
bustion chamber is a by-product of base oil, thus preventing burning half longer per tankfull (when used
the constant low operating speed. in the turbocharger and conse- as an emergency power unit).

they saved were too vague. In the
car used by our staff, however, we
were able to keep precise track of
driving behavior and style and the
kilometers driven by means of the
calibrated trip recorder.

After 2000 kilometers (1243 miles) we
couldnt deny it any longer: before,
we could never manage to get the
fuel consumption of the 3.2 liter en-
gine below fifteen liters (four gallons) Highly tuned engines are particularly susceptible. Here Lubegard has a significant
effect on the life of the engine. Experienced car tuners have long known about the
per 100 km (62 miles) (fifteen liters
effect of the sensational LXE molecule.
was already an economy record).
With Lubegard in the motor oil and named KOOL-IT Supreme Coolant If one considers how many milli-
with the same driving style, the engi- Treatment promised significantly ons are invested in development
ne got by with only thirteen liters. A better heat transfer.) projects by vehicle manufacturers
look into the engine with the help of to increase engine power and at
a rod light revealed bright clean cy- the same reduce fuel consump-
The proof
linder walls, where before there had tion, and then compares that
been a hard, blackish-brown resi- We had already done as much as amount to the ridiculous costs of
nous coating. A slightly light-brown, we could short of mechanical in- adding Lubegard, one can only
but still minimal coating on the pis- terventions to reduce mechanical shake ones head in disbelief. Es-
ton floor, the valves and the spark friction loss by significant factors. pecially since Lubegard also sig-
plugs testified to optimal combusti- The results obtained through this nificantly prolongs the operating
on. In addition, all of the mechanics radical treatment were truly incre- life of any mechanism. 
praised the extremely quiet running dible: now the gas consumption
of the six-cylinder in-line engine. for 100 kilometers (62 miles) was a
Heres what Lubegard BIO/TECH
laughable 10.1 liters (2.67 gallons)!
Of course, the super economy dri-
Nails with heads
ving style utilized in such tests was Reduces friction loss in the motor
Due to the fact that our staff car absolutely no fun, and may have an- by up to 29% (saving fuel)
with its full-time all-wheel drive had noyed other drivers on the road, but Provides outstanding cold start
other gas guzzling impediments in it was definitely worth the effort. A properties through polar behavior
the power train, it received a radi- surprising side effect truly amazed Improves oxidation stability (the
cal treatment: in brief, all its oil was all Lubegard users (most noticeable main factor in oil aging)
removed, replaced, and the pre- with all-wheel drive): the braking re- Lowers oil consumption (especially
scribed amount of Lubegard was sponse of the entire drive train when with long-life oils)
added. Automatic Transmission taking the foot off the gas pedal was Reduces wear by up to 70%
Fluid Protectant was used for the significantly lower. So it is necessa- Lowers the oil temperature
automatic transmission and transfer ry to step on the brake more often. Improves oils compressive
case, and Gear Fluid Supplement There could hardly be better proof strength
for the differential. We even inclu- of reduced friction loss... Excellent for supercharged or
ded the power steering protectant high-performance engines (tuning)
and the radiator treatment (parti- Audibly and significantly reduces
An ideal solution
cularly since the Lubegard product the noises that arise through inner

Application Instructions:
Boat motors rarely overhe- Add one bottle per car engine
at because the efficacy of (diesel or gasoline) with every oil
water cooling is guaranteed; change.
but oil still gets too hot in the
turbocharger. And certainly
nobody has any objections to
saving fuel.

Intertek Caleb Brett (Switzerland) AG, 8952 Schlieren

Test Report No. 160275/06

The temperature problems that oc- The test results speak for
cur in todays modern, small volume, themselves. The red line
maximally supercharged turbo engi- shows the aging process of
a brand name oil. The blue
nes and power plants (due to engine line shows the oil mixed with
compartment encapsulation) may Lubegard 1/10. The graph
exceed the 250 degree Celsius (482 depicts the amount of aging
F) mark. Permissible oil temperatures residue insoluble in hexane at
are greatly exceeded, primarily at the 290 C (554 F).
bearing points of a turbo superchar-
ger that require lubrication. But eve-
ry normal oil molecule breaks down
(cracks) into its component parts at due buildup, the lower the tempera- Total aging is the sum of all the aging
temperatures greater than 250 C ture stability. factors. These are influenced in turn
(482 F). The resulting residue may by the measured parameters and
cause engine damage or total des- technical equipment conditions.
Physical and chemical back-
truction of the components.
The current trend towards thriftier
Evaluation of the aging
and at the same time higher perfor- The hot tube test (HTT) accelerates
mance engines inevitably leads to the aging of the test substance The following points may be used
temperature-related problems, even through: as criteria for the aging :
with so-called high-performance the increased temperature Visual evaluation of the glass tube
oils. In a test of Lubegard Bio/Tech the lesser coating thickness of the (index based on the color scale)
Engine Oil Protectant 30902 con- substance in the glass tube Quantitative measurement of the
ducted by the testing institute In- direct contact with the air. aging products (stated in mg)
tertek Caleb Brett (Switzerland) AG, Temperature and/or time elapsed
artificial aging processes were cre- before the aging tube becomes
Aging process
ated in order to come as close as blocked (block point)
possible to real conditions, given The aging process occurs in different Chemical and physical examinati-
these prerequisites, and to obtain stages that cannot be isolated from on of the aged test substance (for
conclusive results. In order to simu- one another: example, tribological properties)
late the oils long-term behavior and Thermal aging
aging process within the brief testing Through thermally-induced decom- Measurements were performed
time available, oxygen and nitrogen position of the oil sample (that is to with the following parameters:
(air) were carefully added to the test say, through the application of heat) Maximum of 92 hours of testing
substance. The amount of residue (e.g., cracking of the oil molecules), time or until the block point of the
from this process shows how long an unstoppable and in this case in- aging tube
that is to say, to what temperature tentional destruction of the chemical 0.2 ml/hr (3.33 l/min) of oil
the oil can endure without marked structure takes place. 10 ml/min of air
decomposition. The greater the resi- Oxidative aging Gravimetric determination after
Through the influence of the oxy- cleansing with hexane
Brand name oil (left) after the tests and
gen (about 20% by volume) present Gravimetric determination after
the same oil (right), this time however
with Lubegard Bio/Tech Engine Oil Pro-
in the pressurized air, the chemical cleansing with toluene and ace-
tectant 30902. bonds in the oil sample are oxidized. tone
This process is dependent in part on The fresh oil (brand name oil)
the measured temperature (the hot- became blocked after about 80 to
ter, the faster). 90 hours; in other words, so many
Photo: Intertek Caleb Brett (Switzerland) AG

Catalytic effects aging products were produced that

One may assume that the aging the glass tube became complete-
products that arise through this ly filled and no longer permeable
process exert an influence on the (block point).
(total) aging of the freshly introdu-
ced oil sample. Read the complete test report at
Total aging
In German only

Lubegard Automatic Transmission Fluid Protectant 60902/63010
A transmission fluid supplement
that performs miracles
overheating nor resulting damage.
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID During a fluid change performed by
PROTECTANT 60902 a top professional (which is highly
recommended), the professional will
immediately recognize any signs of
wear and can offer a precise pro-
rb // The service life of an automatic transmission is limited, regar- gnosis on the condition of the trans-
dless of whether it is in a car, a truck, or a construction machine. mission. Consequently, your local
In manual transmissions the clutch wears out sooner or later, be- professional transmission repair
cause this device has the task of gradually converting the engines facility is also the best choice for a
power into propulsion, just like an automatic transmission. Auto- simple fluid change, all the more so
matic transmissions also have clutches, sometimes even many of because they have all of the special
them. Although they run in oil, wear nevertheless occurs. Drivers apparatus for changing the entire
can influence and reduce wear with their driving style, but the ab- fluid content, even in torque con-
solute mortal enemy of automatic transmissions is the oil tempe- verter transmissions without bleed
rature. When it gets too high, which happens very quickly, and not screws (most cars today).
only when pulling a trailer, the automatic transmission quickly gi-
ves up the ghost. Then it costs you a small fortune.
Lubegard instead of repairs
Lubegard Automatic Transmissi- Transmission fluid changes, cool- Swissmotor stumbled across Lu-
on Fluid Protectant mixed with the ers and Lubegard begard a few years ago, quite by
transmission fluid prescribed by chance. At the time, the author was
the manufacturer decisively incre- Automaten-Meyer in Littau LU, driving an automatic Mercedes,
ases the heat resistance of the base Switzerlands number 1 automatic which sometimes literally lost the
oil, among other things, and at the transmission specialist, unhesita- corresponding gears when starting
same time provides better heat dis- tingly recommends two things for up from a stop into gears D and
sipation, thus preventing the plastic long automatic transmission life: R. The kickdown was also no lon-
parts in the transmission from mel- first, a complete fluid change eve- ger working right, most of the time
ting. At the same time, Lubegard ry 50,000 kilometers (31,068 miles), there was only a rumbling in the
makes the valves, pistons and slide and second, the installation of a transmission. At first, Automaten-
valves run more smoothly, which separate fluid cooler. The second Meyer found no wear particles in
the driver comes to notice after a point applies primarily to vehicles excess of allowable levels in the
few kilometers of more precise, in- with trailers (including campers!). transmission fluid, and they claimed
cisive and faster gear shifting. Inte- Also adding Lubegard to the auto- this was due to pressure valves,
restingly enough, the individual gear matic transmission fluid practical- pistons, or valves that were stuck
shifts become gentler. ly guarantees that there will be no due to low tolerances and gum-
Photo: Ruedi Baumann

The founder of Automaten-Meyer, Werner Meyer, adds CEO Adrian Marty tests an overhauled automatic transmis-
Lubegard to the automatic transmission fluid. sion on the test bench.

could hardly be shifted any more, Heres what Lubegard Automatic
or to automatic transmissions that Transmission Fluid Protectant
vibrated and shook intolerably. The does:
same surprising result everywhere:
as long as there was no purely me- Provides smoother gear shifting
chanical damage, broken converter Improves gear shifting perfor-
blades, melted plastic parts due mance
to overheating, or pipes or pistons Reduces the fluid temperature in
clogged as a result, and so forth, all the automatic transmission
An automatic transmission with heat automatic transmissions suddenly Extends the life of the fluid
damage and melted plastic parts. functioned perfectly again! Loosens gummed valves
Suppresses clutch and torque
converter vibrations
A super investment
Optimizes oxidation stability (the
Automaten-Meyer, as well as me- main cause of fluid aging)
chanics less burdened with expert Indispensable for vehicles that pull
knowledge, have since sworn by trailers
Lubegard. The experience, know- Approved and recommended by
ledge, and results were continuo- manufacturers, and successfully
usly discussed and compared. Here employed for over 20 years.
Lubegard (red) is designed for use with
we certainly must mention that
Dexron III automatic transmission fluid.
many top auto names expressly Application Instructions:
ming. Result: a partial overhaul or recommend Lubegard, and written Add 1 ounce (29.6mL) per quart
at least a replacement of the cont- approval has been issued by mul- (Liter) of ATF fluid being replaced
rol unit. Here Adrian Marty, CEO of tiple leading car manufacturers on with motor idling in park.
Automaten-Meyer, suddenly had an its use. If we compare the price of
idea: instead of replacing the cont- a fluid change and adding Lube- Important tip: If your not sure
rol unit, only fresh fluid was added gard to an overhaul of the automa- what type of fluid a transmissi-
and supplemented with the approp- tic transmission, we come to a price on takes contact your supplier
riate amount of Lubegard Automatic difference ranging between 4500 to obtain your copy of the FREE
Transmission Fluid Protectant. Mar- and 6000 Swiss Francs ($3,600 and Lubegard ATF Conversion & Refill
ty and the firms founder, Werner $4,800 USD), depending on the type Chart.
Meyer, were rather skeptical, since of transmission.
the US-produced miracle cure Lu-
begard was still quite new to them.
Unwanted sales branch
Both of them knew only the specifi-
cations, but they knew them in gre- There are four different types of Lube
at detail. If its of no use, at least it gard automatic transmission fluid
wont cause any damage, both of products available. The fourth type,
them thought. We can always still Lubegard Platinum Universal Auto-
install a new control unit if the ex- matic Transmission Fluid Protectant
periment goes awry. That would of eliminates all automatic transmissi-
course cost the price of a bottle of on fluid confusion and the need for
Lubegard many times over. the other three Lubegard automatic
transmission fluid products. Until
now, Automaten-Meyer had to get
Even the expert was amazed
all Lubegard products directly from
The miracle occurred: after just a few the US, and since the stunning suc-
miles the gear shifting underwent a cesses (including according to our
highly perceptible change, the kick- publications) found itself having to
down kicked in powerfully, and the ship Lubegard products halfway
transmission no longer lost indivi- around the world. Of course, only
dual gears from then on, about ano- after a detailed telephone consul-
ther 150,000 kilometers (93,206 mi- tation, which did not necessarily
les). For 2 years we conducted very match the companys original intent
thorough field tests with Lube- in Littau. 
gard, had numerous mechanics add Lubegard Platinum is suitable for all types
it to transmissions, some of which of automatic transmission fluids.

For standard transmissions and differentials

Gear Fluid Supplement 30903

and Limited Slip Supplement 31904
A fluid change when adding Lubegard
GEAR FLUID SUPPLEMENT is not urgently necessary, but it cant
hurt. Careful, though: use the special
30903 Limited Slip Supplement in rear axle
differentials with automatic limited slip
Optimizes the lubricating properties of
all GL 5 and GL 4 oils
Improves shifting performance
Optimizes the transmission of power
Reduces bearing and gear friction
Improves temperature stability
Prevents heat damage
For standard transmission and rear
axle/ drive shaft combinations
Gear Supplement application instructions: Add 3
ounces (88.7 mL) to each quart (Liter) of gear fluid.

Limited Slip Supplement application instructions:

Avoid overflow. Add entire contents of supplement to

Power Steering Fluid with LXE for new power steering fill-ups or as a protectant

Power Steering Fluid 20902/20404


Meets specific manufacturer criteria

(including Honda)
Replaces all special fluids for power
Reduces noise in power steering
Cleans and loosens clogged nozzles
and pumps
Extends the life of components and Power Steering Fluid Protectant
fluid 20404 as an additive to existing
Loosens tight steering valves power steering fluid
Provides you with a long-running and
problem-free system
Power Steering Fluid application instructions:
Fill per manufacturers instructions
Power Steering Fluid 20902 for
Power Steering Fluid Protectant application instruc-
tions: Avoid overflow. For best results flush out old
new power steering fluid fill-ups
fluid. Refill with power steering fluid leaving 4 oz. short
and add entire contents of protectant.

Coolant additive with added benefits
Lubegard KOOL-IT
Treatment 96001
Specialty Magazine for Consumers

Federation of Swiss Military Transport Associations

Eleventh year rb // Our experiences up to now, as well as those of others, have shown us
EditorinChief that all Lubegard products are full of pleasant surprises. Another additive,
Ruedi Baumann (member of the European KOOL-IT, has been known much longer in this country than oil or fluid addi-
Military Press Association) tives. It is designed for use with coolants.
Editorial Offices
Swissmotor (Swissmotor-Online) The coolant does not necessarily The mode of operation and the
Ruedi Baumann
need to be replaced or exchanged composition of KOOL-IT are very
Florastrasse 10 / Bahnhof
CH-8134 Adliswil for a new fill-up to add KOOL-IT. complex. Here is the technical de-
Telephone: +41 (0) 44 710 45 46 Suctioning the approximate amount scription for those who would like
Cell: +41 (0) 79 700 45 46 of the bottle contents of the addi- more details:
tive from the expansion container
Editorial staff and replacing it with the supple-
Christian Matthys (Zurich Country Police), KOOL-IT Supreme Coolant
ment fulfills the goal. The mix lasts
Markus Hofmann (Shell Oil Switzerland), Manuel
a certain length of time, but the user
Gemperle (Author), Heinz Suchy (Technical
support) will notice a markedly shorter warm Problems in a cars cooling system
VSMMV (Verband Schweizerischer up period for the engine as early as circuit and the mode of operation
Militr-Motorfahrer-Vereine) the next day, especially in the colder of KOOL-IT (KOOL-IT Supreme
(Association of the Swiss military drivers) months. Clearly, the heater and the Radiator Treatment 96001)
First lieutenant Camille Meier
Emil Klti-Strasse 6 defroster will also deliver warm air
CH-8406 Winterthur faster than before as a result.
Enemy number 1: cavitation
Swiss Army General Staff / Logistics
directorate, movement and transportation Interestingly enough, the cooling The coolant briefly exceeds boi-
division system is also less likely to overhe- ling temperatures on the very hot
4 Lieutenant colonel Markus Oeggerli
Competence center for army driving
at. This can be readily heard in the
radiator fans, which do not come on
outsides of the cylinder liners. The
resulting air bubbles are then implo-
education (CCADE) as soon. This also results in consi- ded by the vibrations of the cylin-
Staff warrant officer Martin Plattner
derable fuel savings, because the der liners. This process tears very
Swissmotor Editorial Offices Germany fans, regardless of whether they small metal parts from the surfaces.
Holger Werner Volk
Stettinerstrasse 3 are electric or viscous-coupled fans This continuous process, building
D-71254 Ditzingen powered by the fan belt, are ener- up small deposit cavities, is called
Telephone. 0049 715 617 0670 gy guzzlers. KOOL-IT thus not only cavitation erosion. The now unpro-
provides significantly better heat tected areas are exposed to increa-
Swissmotor Webmaster transfer in the cooling system, but sing corrosion.
Marianne Braun
also provides tangible fuel savings
(like all other Lubegard products).
Publisher Enemy number 2: electrolysis
Florastrasse 10 / PO Box The Lubegard research and deve- Erosion of the metal surfaces takes
CH-8134 Adliswil lopment team gave the additive one place due to the additional electroly-
Telephone: +41 (0) 44 710 45 46 more additional feature: KOOL-IT sis that occurs through water pump
contains a pH indicator. For use recirculation of the coolant (friction).
Publication and Printing only in straight water applications This same electrolysis generates
Vogt-Schild Druck AG
Gutenbergstrasse 1, 4552 Derendingen
this allows easy visual determina- galvanic currents in the cooling sys-
tion of straight water coolant pH tem, which, among other things,
Reprint only with the written consent of the
conditions. Coolant within a safe causes gradual destruction of the
publisher. The contributions made by the
authors only express the opinions of those range is pink, but changes to clear nonferrous metal parts.
authors. The procurement of the original copies if the coolant pH falls dangerously
of the photos printed here is normally not low, indicating another pint should
possible. No liability on the part of the publisher
and the editorial staff for unsolicited material be added.
sent to their offices.
swissmotor webpage: 11
Enemy number 3: overheating

The air bubbles contained in the

foam reduce the cooling surface
and contact surface of the radiator
by the area of their surface. This not
only slows down heat transfer, but
also significantly reduces the heat
exchange between the engine, coo- oxylate provides long-term protec- Because borate is very expensive, it
lant, and radiator. tion against corrosion. is often replaced with phosphates
in coolant additives. Phosphates
can cause problems by setting off
Enemy number 4: crystallization Additional properties
dangerous reactions. Borate is an
Glycolic acid is generated by high For use only in straight water ap- outstanding heat transfer enhancer,
operating temperatures, and it par- plications, phenolphthalein is used however. KOOL-IT Supreme Coo-
tially crystallizes and forms proble- as a pH indicator to indicate acid lant Treatment contains the optimal
matic deposits. formation that can cause engine mix of these components and, as
damage to head gaskets and intake a result, significantly increases the
manifold gaskets. When the pH is efficiency of any cooling circuit. At
Substances and their mode of
safe the coolant is pink and when the same time, the entire system
action the coolant is unsafe the coolant is superbly protected and its life is
A variety of substances, some of turns clear. For all applications the lengthened.
them very expensive, are added to neon pink color also makes any pos-
KOOL-IT Supreme Coolant Treat- sible leak sites visible (simplified di- Application Instructions: Add 1
ment in order to prevent or even agnosis). Borate acts as a pH buffer. bottle every year or 30,000 mi-
eliminate these destructive pro- les, whichever comes first. After
cesses. 5th consecutive year, drain, flush
& refill cooling system including
(1) A special nitrate forms a protec- coolant. For complete instructions
tive coating on metal surfaces and refer to product package.
serves as a very efficient means of
protection against corrosion as a
shield, so to speak. Cavitation ero- Suitable for every coolant
sion is thus prevented. Optimizes the cooling performance
of the entire cooling system
(2) Molybdate works as an anode Increases heat transfer/ reduces
(an anode is a collector of electrons) the engine coolant temperature
which functions on a principle of Prevents cooling system corrosion
self-sacrifice. Electrolysis is neu- Prevents deposits that can lead to
tralized by molybdate, and corrosi- overheating
on due to electrolytic leakage cur- Protects all metals from electroly-
rent is thus prevented. In addition, sis
molybdate forms a very thin (mo- Reduces the buildup of corrosion
lecule-sized) coating on aluminum on the cylinder cooling walls
surfaces, which counteracts the Prevents heat damage (for exam-
transfer of electrons. ple, of the head gasket)
Extends the life of the coolant
(3) Polymer dispersants prevent the
foaming of the coolant that occurs
due to water pump recirculation and
they also lubricate the water pump
for enhanced durability. Cooling
performance is thus improved sig-
nificantly (up to 30%).

(4) Sodium hydroxide breaks down

glycolic acid. In addition, carbon-
LUBEGARD is manufactured by: International Lubricants, Inc.
7930 Occidental South; Seattle WA 98166
206-762-5343 800-333-LUBE(5823)
Printed in the U.S.A.
12 Lubegard, Kool-It, LXE, etc., are registered trademarks of
International Lubricants, Inc.

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