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I. Circle the best option.

1. They ________ good friends.

a. is b. isnt c. be d. are

2. A: Whats your _______ name again?

B: Its Smith.
a. first b. another c. last d. Christian

3. A: Are you a student here?

B: ________________.
a. Yes, he is b. No, Im not. c. No, you arent. d. Yes,

4. ______________ Michael your classmate?

a. Is b. Are c: Do d. Be

II. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word(s).

A: Hi. 1) _______ name is Albert Brown.
B: 2) ____ 3) ________ Barbara Scott.
A: Its nice to meet 4) ________, Barbara. 5) __________ your last name again?
B: Its Scott.
A: How do you 6) _______ it? S-C-O-T?
B: No, its S-C-O-T-T.
A: And what do you (7)_______________?
B: I study (8)___________.

III. Write the most suitable question or answer.

1. Good afternoon. How are you?


2. See you later.


3. Are you Michelle Bisset?

No, ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________?

Its 576-2940.

5. Im Jake Williams.
____________________________________ you.

6. ___________________________________?



IV. Order the following sentences to form a dialogue.

a) ( ) Hi. Im Yumiko Sato.

b) ( ) Its nice to meet you.
c) ( ) Im from Beijing.
d) ( ) Nice to meet you, too!
e) ( ) Tokyo. And you?
f) ( ) Hello. My names Lynn Wan. Whats your name?
g) ( ) Where are you from?


V. Circle the word that is different from the others.

1. Robert Kimberly John Steven

2. I you his she they
3. time morning afternoon evening
4. Ms Mr Miss Friend

VI. Write the numbers in words.

0 ____________ 8 ____________ 9 ____________
4 ____________ 3 ____________



I. Look at the picture of the tower and complete the sentences using
the words in the box. There are two extra expressions.

on in in front of near under

behind next to

A) The lady is _______ the tower.

B) The cat is ________ the tower.
C) The door is _______ the window.
D) The forest is ______ the tower.
E) The lake is _______ the tower.
F) The garden is _____ the tower.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb be.

Steve: This 1) _____ Joan, my sister.

Tom: Hello, Joan. 2) _______ you a student?
Joan: No, I 3) _______ a dentist. I work in Brighton.

III. Put a or an in the gaps.

1) I buy _____ new car every year.

2. Its _____ old film.

3) Shes reading _____ interesting book.

4. They have _____ house in Spain.

5. Its ______ cheap restaurant.

IV. Put the following sentences in their most usual order.

1. keys/ are/ my/ where/ car/ ?


2. restaurant / is / new / a / this.

3. do / that / how / you / spell / ?


4. you / please / can / repeat / ?


V. Complete this conversation with one suitable word.

Conversation 1 At home

A: Is 1) __________ my camera?
B: No, its not. Its 2) _______ camera.
A: Sorry 3) ________ is my camera?
B: Its on 4) ________ desk.
A: Yes, it is. Youre 5) ____ !

Conversation 2 At the classroom

A: Excuse me teacher, how do you 6)___________ingeniero in English?

B: Its 7)______________. Now, 8)_________ to page 25 in your workbook
A: Can you 9)__________ the page number, please?


VI Circle the word that doesnt belong to each group.

1) desk earrings map blackboard

2) on in under the
3) sunglasses camera CD player electronic address book

VII. Some of these sentences are right, but most are wrong. Correct
the sentences that are wrong and put a tick () in the right ones.

1. Most of my colleagues are lawyer.


2. The supermarket is usually full of tourists.


3. I dont like mice. Im afraid of them.


4. David is married and has three childs.


5. There is an old women trying to cross the street. Lets help her.

VIII. Look at the picture and write some sentences.

1. ______________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________




III. Circle the correct response.

1. Whos that?
a) Im Yuke.
b) Hes cute.
c) Those are my brothers.
d) Shes my sister.

2. How old is he?

a) He has 12 years.
b) He has 12 years old.
c) He is 12.
d) He is 12 years.

3. What is your mother like?

a) Shes my classmate.
b) Shes nice.
c) Shes likes handsome men.
d) Shes from Oaxaca.

4. Michael, are you and Charles from the United States?

a) Yes, were.
b) Yes, we are.
c) Yes, we arent.
d) No, we isnt.

IV. Put the following words in their most usual order.

1. Korean / language / is / first / your / ?

2. think / his / I / Richard / name/ is
3. She / pretty / very / is / smart / and


V. Write the opposites.

1. Mark is very short, but Bob is ________.

2. Brian is ______, but Ralph is thin.
3. Joan is friendly, but Margaret is _______.

VI. Write the correct word.

1. ______ is the capital of Japan.

2. London is the capital of _____.
3. Rafaello is from Italy, hes ________.
4. Brigitte is from ______. Shes French.
5. My mother is __________ because shes from Texas.
6. Portugal, Sweden and Germany are in ______.

VII. In each of the following sentences there is a spelling mistake.

Find it and correct it.

1. Martha speaks Germany very well.

2. Is Espanish your first language?
3. Rome is very old and beautifull.
4. Shes from Saouth America.
5. They are my new clasmates.


VIII. Think of possible answers for the following questions and write
them down.

1. Whats your name?

2. Whats your last name?

3. How old are you?

4. Where are you from?

5. What are you like?

6. Whats your phone number?

7. Who is your best friend?

8. What is your best friend like?

Now, write a paragraph about yourself using the answers to the

previous questions. Begin like this:

My name is ____________________________________________________________






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