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Further Practice on 'Key' Word Transformation

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words including the word given.

1 Tom last called me about a month ago.

HEARD I.Tom for about a month.
2 Karen failed to persuade the landlord to change the locks.
SUCCEED Karen.the landlord to change the locks.
3 I haven't seen my sister since she left for university.
LAST The .my sister was before she left for university.
4 The professor said that his assistant had given away the secret formula.
ACCUSED The professor.away the secret formula.
5 How long have you been studying French?
DID When .French?
They are too young to stay out late.
ENOUGH stay out late.
Car workers have refused to work for two days.
STRIKE Car workers.for two days.
8 You don,t seem to realise the risk involved.
AWARE You don't seem to.the risk involved.
9 They say a multinational company owns this mine.
SAID The a multinational company.
10 The company relocated to France six years ago.
SINCE It .the company relocated to France.
11 He felt happy after getting his exam results.
MOOD He was ...after getting his exam results.
12 You should remove this old settee.
RID You should.this old settee.
13 My parents said I could go to the graduation party.
PERMISSION My parents.go to the graduation party.
14 His doctor advised him to reduce the amount of caffeine he consumed.
DOWN He was advised.the amount of caffeine he consumed.
15 It,s the nicest gift I've ever been given.
SUCH I,ve.nice gift.
1 Perhaps they went the wrong way and got lost.
MAY They .the wrong way and got lost.
17 I don't want to lend him any money.
RATHER I .him any money.
18 I'm certain they didn,t plan this.
HAVE They...this.
19 1 don't feel like working today.
20 They are blaming the weather for the delay.
IS The weather.for the delay.
21 She has a good relationship with her assistant.
WELL She.with her assistant.
22 Her employer won't tolerate her tardiness any longer.
PUT Her employer won't .her tardiness any longer.
23 He'll probably win the race.
LIKELY He.the race.

Further Practice on Word Formation

Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap.

1 The author's first ........................... of title for the book was not accepted. CHOOSE
2 The most ........................... item on show today is a Louis XIV armchair. VALUE
3 I've tried to call her ........................... times but she isn't picking up. COUNT
4 Her visit was totally ................... ........ and I had nothing to offer her to drink. EXPECT
5 Carmel never stops working. She is the most ........................... girl I've ever met. ENERGY
6 ........................... , I couldn't go to my son's birthday party yesterday. FORTUNE
7 Mary and Liz have always had a great ........................... . RELATE
8 Many elderly people suffer from ........................... . LONELY
9 The country offers a great variety of ........................... and wildlife. SCENE
10 We usually get our physical ........................... from our parents. CHARACTER
11 The students carried out an ........................... study of local geography. EXTEND
12 We all have a ........................... to exaggerate sometimes. TEND
13 Laura hung colourful ........................... from the walls and ceiling. DECORATE
14 Apart from her dyed hair, Ann has remained ........................... since I last saw
her all those years ago. CHANGE
15 The authorities have warned the ........................... not to drink the water. INHABIT
16 Almost two ........................... of the students passed the exams. THREE
17 They think he is the most ........................... person for the job. SUIT
18 Some people ........................... believe that cats see better in the dark. MISTAKE
19 I've always had great ................. .......... for people who speak several languages. ADMIRE
20 A degree is the minimum ........................... for this job. REQUIRE
21 My uncle has a ........................... collection of old coins. REMARK
22 It gave me a great feeling of ........................... to see my book published. SATISFY
23 It's always good to have a ........................... guide when visiting a new place. KNOW
24 They never seem to be in ........................... about anything. AGREE
25 Matt has such ........................... talent and energy. He's great! BELIEVE
26 We can ........................... our minds by trying to understand other cultures. BROAD
27 Sara was always very ........................... of her sister's success. ENVY
28 Everyone has been so ........................... to me since I had the accident. SYMPATHY
29 Belinda bought a lovely dress in a ........................... at a boutique in Oxford Street. SELL
30 The president's ........................... continues to rise. POPULAR
31 There are ........................... two types of carbohydrates. BASIC
32 ........................... of speech is the most fundamental of human rights. FREE
33 The closure of the factory will lead to a ........................... of hundreds of jobs. LOSE
34 There are ........................... few cafes in this town. RELATIVE
35 My aunt made all the ........................... for my parents' golden wedding
anniversary party. ARRANGE
36 The group's aim is to raise people's ........................... of endangered species. AWARE
37 Certain ........................... don't actually believe that pollution is the cause of
global warming. SCIENCE
38 My dad says there are no problems; only ........................... . SOLVE
39 If you dislike someone it is difficult to be fair in your ........................... of
their work. JUDGE
40 Most educators agree that it is not ........................... to stay up all night
studying before an exam. ADVISE
41 They were having an ........................... about the weather. How silly! ARGUE
42 It's quite ........................... to think that he may be making the whole story up. REASON
43 She had a very ........................... career in the textile industry. SUCCEED


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