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Clinical Practicum Physician Interaction Log

Students Name: Valencia McClora Clinical Site: Baptist Memphis

Instructions for Use:
Complete an entry for each interaction you have with a physician that day.
Identify the physician interaction type as either: Patient Focused, Tutorial, or Small or Large Group.
Identify the first and last name of the physician with whom you interacted.
Document key points learned during this physician interaction and the length of time of the interaction.
Identify and explain 3 key things that were introduced, learned, or reinforced to include in the summary

Type of Physician
Date/Time Physician Name Topic
1/24/17 / 1400 Dr. Micheal Smith Small Group Case Presentations
Brief Summary of Interaction
In this session of physician interaction, Dr. Smith listened in as the cohort presented case presentations. Dr.
Smith focused in on the use of saline as an irritant to induce a cough, reminding us that the higher the percent of
saline in the solution, the irritable the airways become. He also told us that sodium acts a pseudoantibiotic for
bacterial infections like staph. During this session, the physician verbally quizzed the students on stridor as a
breath sound and what it indicates (airway edema). He went further to say that when the lumen of the trachea
decreases in size, the amount of dead space tidal volume increases. The physician then went on to say that
practitioners often mistake stridor for muscus plugging because they ultimately present the same way.

Type of Physician
Date/Time Physician Name Topic
1/31/17 Dr. Ajay Wagh Small Group Case Presentations
Brief Summary of Interaction
During this case presentation, the physician listened to case presentations. Because each of our cases was related
to terminal illness, he spoke on the role of respiratory therapist and pulmonologist in making patients
comfortable. He expressed that a lot to what the profession deals with is chronic lung diseases that are not
curable, but are manageable. He expressed that our jobs as professions is to do whatever we have to do to
improve our patients quality of life. Although it may not be ideal, the best quality of life for some patients is being
on 2-4 liters of supplemental oxygen simply because it helps them breathe easier while allowing them to watch
their grandchild grow. Much of the respiratory care profession in the adult work is more palliative, and making
patients feel better rather than preventative efforts.

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RCP303: Activity and PI Log: Revised 5/2016

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