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Rapid Fat Loss Macronutrient Timing

by Shaun Hadsall
One of the biggest fitness mistakes Ive seen people make over the years is
nutrient timing.

Understanding how to time your macro-nutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) the
proper way for fat loss or other specific fitness goals is CRITICAL in order to
achieve your desired goals.

As with most fitness topics, the contradicting information and research is

everywhere when it comes to the subject of nutrient timing, combinations, and
serving sizes.

This happens mostly because people dont differentiate between various types of

For example, somebody who is an ectomorph (skinny and has a naturally fast
metabolism) is going take a totally different approach than someone who is an
endomorph (naturally thick framed with a slow and sluggish metabolism).
I know its not your fault and its really not fair. I wish we could just rob somebody
(ethically of course) and steal their metabolism. ;-)

But we cant.

It sucks, but the skinny guy / gal can pretty much eat whatever they want and not
gain a single pound. If thats you, consider yourself lucky.

For the REST of us, life is different. The skinny guy or gal is most likely trying to
improve muscle definition, size and strength; therefore theyre going to use totally
different nutrient timing, portion sizes, and combinations than someone trying to
achieve rapid fat loss.

Just remember that success leaves clues and so does the science.

In other words, we can look to other peoples real world fat loss results, match it
up with the science and copy whats proven to work.

This Free mini Report achieves this goal and is primarily focused on RAPID Fat

If your goal is to gain muscle or to train for some type of endurance event, youll
still get a ton of benefits and great info from this report, but its primary focus is
for the individual who wants to target and lose lower abdominal, hip, and butt

Rapid Fat Loss Dieting Fundamentals

One of the dietary keys to achieving a short period of rapid fat loss is to increase
your protein intake to preserve lean muscle mass. Youll also want to consume
more leafy green vegetables to combat estrogen and provide extra fiber to help
sustain energy levels and keep you full.

You should shoot for 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body weight or 1.5
grams if youre a little more advanced and already active. This does NOT have to
be an exact science, but counting protein grams will help preserve muscle.

Additionally, youll be increasing your fat intake to help provide energy normally
achieved through higher carbohydrate intake.

If you want to achieve rapid fat loss, youll have to cut out starches and sugars
(like fruit) at specific times.
Its also crucial to add in a few re-feeds (carb loads) used with specific
foods at specific times to provide the glucose molecules necessary to
spark your metabolism and boost certain hormones.

This will prevent plateaus and help you overcome adaptation thats becomes so
dominant with most diets. More on this in the next email Im sending out.

Controversial Rapid Fat Loss:

Fasted vs. Fed Exercise Sessions
This is the great debate of the health and fitness industry that will probably
go on for years to come and theres solid science that supports both sides.

Which is better? Fasted and fed exercise sessions.

Heres my take. Nothing is more telling than real world results. After working with
literally thousands of people from all walks of life, my experience shows that
fasted exercise gets superior fat loss results.

Every. Single. Time.

As long as the intensity is high enough and the duration is short enough
even 12 minutes can get the job done. But I would never exceed more than 45
minutes while fasting.

And the leaner you get, the shorter in duration your sessions should be if youre
exercising in a fasted state. Again, the intensity MUST be high for this to
work properly. Higher intensity levels are what forces the release of hormones
that preserve muscle and help break apart and burn off stubborn fat.

And because the goal is rapid fat loss, I recommend you work out first thing in
the morning upon waking up after an overnight (or sleeping) fast. Or, if you can
only workout later in the evening, make sure to wait 3 or 4 hours AFTER a meal
before training.
This will boost fat burning hormones like HGH (human growth hormone) and
adrenaline levels. It will also give your body no choice but to use fat for fuel
(since you have very little "food energy" in your system).

Remember, you might not have as much energy as if you were training in a
fed state, but youll achieve the goal of burning fat at a much faster rate.

And because youll be limiting certain carbs and automatically increasing friendly
fat intake, youll be creating the perfect storm for fat loss inside your body by
exercising in a fasted state.

Heres one of the more recent studies that back this up:

This study (for the first time) shows that fasted training is more potent than fed
training to facilitate adaptations in muscle and to improve whole-body glucose
tolerance and insulin sensitivity during hyper-caloric fat-rich diet.

This is one reason why we raise fat intake when manipulating carbs on certain
macro-patterning days.

But wait. Theres more

The Fasted Exercise Quick Fix

I know a lot of folks are going to be concerned with a lack of energy or muscle
loss when using the fasted exercise strategy, so heres the quick fix:

Supplement with 10 grams of amino acids directly before and after your fasted
exercise sessions.

Consuming amino acids is like eating protein without the calories so they provide
fuel to ensure your body wont burn amino acids inside muscle tissue resulting in
muscle loss.

Think of it as an insurance policy against your muscle tissue.

Solid research also indicates that amino acids can help stimulate glycogenesis in
hepatocytes because of their ability to increase cell volume. Amino acids (like
leucine) have even demonstrated superior performance over pre-workout
carbohydrates. Impressive!
In other words, research is mounting in favor of amino acid balance in the
blood stream being more important than carbohydrate intake before and
during exercise for energy.

The ideal situation is to give your body aminos (through protein intake or
supplementation) combined with faster acting carbs.

But the carbs will raise insulin, which will block the release of fat burning
hormones and prevent the SNS (sympathetic nervous system) from releasing

THATS why were going to metabolically trick your body by cutting out the carbs
at specific times.

Got it? If not, the charts Ive provided below in this report will help guide you.

One last point about amino acids;

Although there is an initial cost involved, its replacing your normal food intake at
specific times, so its actually less expensive than following a plan with the
normal cost of food or a protein shake.

Next up, post workout metabolic trickery

The Hidden Post-Exercise
Metabolic Rapid Fat Loss Trick
This is another tip (or should I say trick) that will get peoples panties in a

But you know what?

I learned years ago that if you do the opposite of what 95% of the population
does, youre going to succeed and get better-faster results.

So heres my advice for rapid fat loss and post workout nutrition:

Make sure you wait at least 30 minutes, but no more than 60 minutes after
exercise before eating any food or consuming any calories after high intensity

This is great trick that Ive personally used for years to get (and stay) lean despite
what every other fitness expert or guru may tell you. And I hardly ever lose
muscle. Ever.

Although eating directly after a workout is a healthy choice, its not the best
choice for rapid fat loss. Immediately feeding your muscles and your body after
workouts will definitely burn up and store the food and calories at a much faster
rate because of insulin sensitivity and many other metabolic factors.

And if our goal were to gain muscle or we werent trying to achieve rapid fat loss I
would recommend eating proteins and certain carbs directly after exercise.

But its not.

This strategy is all about rapid fat loss, so we want to take advantage of
ANY and EVERY opportunity to trick our body into burning more fat.
And the minute you put food or calories in your system youve just instructed
your body to stop burning fat and start burning food instead.

Heres why.

If your exercise intensity is high enough (which it should be), youll force your
body to release all kinds of fat burning hormones by ramping up your SNS
(sympathetic nervous system).

This is what helps create a fat burning metabolic environment inside your body.

However, the minute you eat food, youll spike your bodys primary storage
hormone insulin, and although insulin helps shuttle nutrients to muscles
quickly, it could potentially blunt or block your growth hormone and other
hormones from working their magic.

Simply put, insulin is the antagonist of growth hormone and possibly other
hormones. And every time you eat or consume calories, you raise insulin.

In theory, the absence of insulin along with the presence of these fight or flight
hormones will also spare muscle and help you burn a lot more stubborn fat.
Thats why I recommend you ride the fat burning wave during this post workout

Ultimately, when it comes to aggressive fat loss, the solution is to get the best
of both worlds by fasting for about 30 to 45 minutes after your workout and
then consuming a post workout shake or meal so that your body can still
take advantage of the post workout metabolic window to absorb nutrients
at a much faster rate.

This is a metabolic trick. Use it as much as possible if youre trying to achieve

rapid fat loss.

How You Can Apply These Tricks To Get

Ready For Summer
So hopefully this gave you a great snapshot of fasted vs. fed exercise. If you
have some fat to lose around your lower belly, hips, and butt area this
information should get you very excited.

Now lets put it all together so you can go apply this with proper macronutrient
timing and patterning.
Below is exactly how I set up a rapid fat loss meal plan for a private client.
Its also how the meal plans are set up and structured inside my newly
updated 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss ebook.

Youll notice that carb intake is limited and restricted on interval/cardio days,
while being increased in specific amounts at specific times on resistance training

This is how you can achieve aggressive and rapid fat loss WITHOUT plateaus.

Rapid Fat Loss

Macronutrient Timing
Meal Time Interval or Cardio Day Resistance Training Day

Meal 1 A.M. P/O P/O/V

Meal 2 morning P/O/V P/O/V

Meal 3: Workout P/O/V P/S

Meal 4: Post
Workout P/V/V P/S/A

1-2 hours
Meal 5: before P/O or P/V P/O/V

S = Starch P = Protein V = Veggies

A = Fruit O = Fat / Oil
Macronutrient Timing:
The Rest of the Story

Regardless if your goal is fat loss, strength, performance, energy, improved

health or anything else, its still critical for you to understand the process of
nutrient timing.

And even though were focused on rapid fat loss, you can benefit from
comprehending how nutrient timing works for diseases prevention and your
overall health as well.

Rapid fat loss (and effective fitness) is not just about exercising
ising more and cutting
calories. Its getting your exercise and nutri tion working together synergistically at
the right times based on your goalsgoals.

For example, performing bursting or HIIT workouts on days when carbs and
calories are lower and using strength training on days where carbs and
calories are higher is going to give you more bang for your buck.

This approach will help you achieve rapid fat loss and gain
ain strength while
preserving muscle tissue

Remember, when you work out intensely enough youll set off several
powerful metabolic triggers:

Accelerated depletion of muscle glycogen

Stressing of creatine phosphate stores
Release of catecholamines (fat burning hormones)

The end result ends up being increased fat loss and something called super-
compensation through stimulation of Glut 4 (a glucose transporter)
This effect simply means storage ability thats well above normal levels,
especially when you consume your post workout nutrition.

Other benefits include increased insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and glycogen
synthesis. Again, under these conditions your body will store carbs (and other
macro-nutrients) at a much faster and higher rate than normal.

This is why I recommend consuming the majority of your carbs in your post
workout meals on resistance training days.

Im going to reveal all the details about how to use super-compensation

and Glut 4 on your cheat days in my next email so make sure youre
keeping your eyes open for it.

This knowledge will benefit you GREATLY and help you prevent and block
fat spillover when the summer barbeques hit.

I know. NICE!

Below, I put together three nutrient timing charts for you to use based on your

Youll notice that things are a little more extreme and aggressive on the Rapid
Fat Loss column. In other words, anybody (including you) can achieve massive
fat loss with short bursts of consistent effort.

Nutrient Timing Charts:

Pre Workout Macronutrient Timing
90 to 180 minutes before exercise
Goal: Maintain Performance Gain Muscle Burn Fat RAPID Fat Loss
(Sports and
endurance athletes
Baseline UP UP Down Zero
Protein: Baseline UP UP UP UP

Fats: Down Baseline Baseline Baseline Down

Pre Workout Macronutrient Timing

5 to 60 minutes after exercise
Goal: Maintain Performance Gain Muscle Burn Fat RAPID Fat Loss
(Sports and
endurance athletes
Baseline UP UP Baseline Zero or Down
Protein: Baseline UP UP UP UP

Fats: Down Baseline Down or Down UP


Pre Workout Macronutrient Timing

Other Meals
Goal: Maintain Performance Gain Muscle Burn Fat RAPID Fat Loss
(Sports and
endurance athletes
Baseline UP UP Baseline Down
Protein: Baseline UP UP UP UP

Fats: Baseline UP UP Baseline UP

Putting it all Together:
How to Achieve RAPID Fat Loss
for the Long Haul

Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

When it comes to Rapid Fat Loss, many folks set themselves up for unrealistic

So before I end this free report, I want to make sure you set yourself up for long-
term, sustained weight loss.

Although these strategies work no matter what your age, gender, or current
condition is in order to achieve success you must have the following two things
working in your favor.

Component #1 is patience.

Youll no doubt get great results applying these techniques, but you must be
patient enough to stay the course when you physically or mentally hit a wall or

We all have different genetics.

A young man between 20 and 40 is going to get fat burning results a heck
of lot faster than an aging female who has dieted for years, damaged her
metabolism and has hormones that are all out of whack.

If youre a female and this somewhat describes you, just be patient enough to
understand your metabolism is going to be a little more stubborn because you
have other factors working against you.

Keep going even if you feel stuck. Youll get your breakthrough within if you apply
this stuff and stick it out.

Component #2 is consistency.

Just like anything in life, the longest way is a short cut. Youre never going be
perfect following a plan, but do your best to be a little more anal if you want
RAPID fat loss. It will pay off.
Obviously, the ultimate goal is to be in great shape year round, but most people
set their expectations too high because they compare themselves to a swimsuit
or fitness model, Hollywood celebrities, or even professional athletes.

I know from my own personal experience of being involved in the talent and
fitness modeling industry that you can usually only hold those peak
moments shown in photographs for a few hours at a time, a day or two at

Unfortunately, after photographers capture these moments, they hand them off
to big companies, advertisers and marketers who trick us into making us feel like
we should be able to look this way all the time.

Not true, OR realistic.

Think about how many times youve seen a famous model or actor on the cover
of a magazine or on a commercial looking out of this world.

Then a day or two later while youre buying groceries you see them
caught on hidden camera with all their physical flaws exposed by some
gossip magazine or publication.

Whether its a peak moment caught on camera or airbrushing, remember to

compare yourself with yourself and your past results so that your expectations
are realistic and progressive all at the same time.
This is the only way, in my opinion, to make thi
s type of approach a rewarding
experience. Rapid fat loss is an opportunity for life changing breakthroughs to a
happen along with physical and personal growth.

If youre like most of the world, youre busy. You spend most of your time and
energy committingng to other people and responsibilities beside yourself.

Make sure you block offf time to plan ahead. S

chedule your nutrition and
exercise firstso
so you can give everybody else your very best.

This is not a selfish thing to do

do. Youll find the reward will carry over into other
areas of your life in a very positive way.

Additionally, your confidence will soar because youll end up looking great too!

On Saturday, March 17th (St. Pattys day) my daughter Jordan is officially

turning 20 so I will no longer be a father to ANY teenagers!! Yeee haw!

(oh yaforgot to mention - I also turn 41 on the 23rd, so its kinda like a two-fer.)

Time to feel old?... Nope!

Time to celebrate instead with a special sale price on my

newly updated 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss ebook.
And since youre one of my loyal readers, youll have the inside scoop on how to
get my new updated version (based on some of the philosophies inside this free
report) at a special Birthday Sale price.

This sale will be for THREE days and three days ONLY.
Friday, March 16th to Sunday March 18th

So keep a close eye on your email over the course of the next few days, because
Im going to be coming at you with the perfect cheat day and the ULTIMATE 24
hour fat loss timeline


HALF of achieving ANY goal in your life is knowing

what you have to give up in order to get it!

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