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First, we have to understand is that when we speak of cognitive

development, we are talking about one of the greatest theories in

the study of pedagogy. My pedagogue exponent, Jean Piaget
explains that we own mental processes that allow us to have a
better perspective on what is learning. For my part I totally agree
with him, he allows us to know how through basic mechanisms,
human beings can reach the creation or development of concepts
logicians. According to Jean Piaget three mental processes in which
the Human Being used to have a full development. Perception,
memory and learning. To which in my personal opinion could say
that children actively construct their world to interact with it .

Second, what I like about this theory on cognitivism posed by Jean

Piaget is that applies a very important concept which he calls
cognitive process. When he mentions us the word cognitive refers to
everything that the mind has the ability to perceive, in other words
he calls internal mental processes that refer to knowledge. Some of
these mental processes he mentions are the following: memory,
symbolization , fantasy , dreams, categorizing and problem solving .
What we can see is that even though Jean Piaget , gave this theory
makes more than half a century even some experts have relied on
these concepts to carry out investigations of large magnitudes.
However with the adoption of these concepts you can better
perceive the mental processes in which a person perceives from his
birth to his or her death.

Third, this great pedagogue exposes us that there are three main
stages where the person can be placed from birth and achieve an
advanced mental development in his theory. This academic
manages to divide these stages 4. In my personal opinion, I think
the last and most important stage is the stage of formal operations;
why is this where you have to work more with the person that is in
this stage where the capacity is gained to use something very
important we call logic, since according to Jean Piaget is this that we
It allows to reach abstract conclusions . We also have other stages
recognized and important knowledge that in theory play an important
role such as: sensorimotor Stage, Pre-operational, concrete
operations. I think that to the extent that these three stages are
developed fully our last stage successfully developed.
Fourth, according to our great exponent Jean Piaget , people have
different types of knowledge that allows us to classify . As a
comment I 'm sure the classification of these types of knowledge
could help us to understand; that people are not born with the same
capabilities. However l provides three types of knowledge and they
are: logician mathematician, logician physical and social Logician .
Thanks to Piaget I think this classification of knowledge, allows us to
know both internally and physically a person; that according to this
classification we can learn the skills of a person.

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