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MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2016 y o u r n e w s s o u r c e S i n c e 1 8 8 2 kinston, NC

Editors note: Due to weather conditions from Hurricane

Matthew and potential flooding, The Free Press operated under Hope and controversy
early deadlines. Check, The Free Press Facebook Military health benefits are now open
page and download the Kinston app for updates. to transgender troops and dependents. A7


Flood damage More

to come
City, county officials get
set for more flooding
By Michelle Taylor
Staff Writer
Lenoir County and Kinston city officials hosted a
press conference Sunday, about flooding hazards.
The after effects of Hurricane Matthew are expect-
ed to cause the Neuse River to rise to flood levels.
At this time we are
preparing as we have
been told our Neuse
School canceled
River could reach 30 Lenoir County Public Schools of-
feet by Friday, said ficials are canceling school and all
Lenoir County Emer- school activities for students and
gency Services Direc- staff today.
tor Roger Dail.
River levels are pro-
jected to be 3 feet more than Floyds record of 27.7
Officials are asking residents who live in flood zones
to begin preparing their property and family mem-
Shawn Joseph saws a tree limb as he and his family remove fallen limbs and debris from Hurricane Matthew on Sunday on Stockton Road. bers for flooding and evacuation.
Photo by Janet S. Carter / The Free Press This is going to be a very dangerous, life-threaten-
ing flood and homes will be damaged, Dail said.
Residents begin assessing Although some residents were not affected by Floyd
in 1999, officials ask all residents to be prepared.
Matthews consequences This is very serious, and we want to treat it as
such, said Kinston Mayor B.J. Murphy.
By Michelle Taylor Officials are advising residents to stay out of
Staff Writer flood waters, stay off roads and to be aware of their
Lenoir County residents and officials surroundings.
spent Sunday assessing the damage Hur- This flood will touch the lives of all of our citizens,
ricane Matthew left behind. Lenoir County Chairman Craig Hill said.
Weve got a mess, Lenoir County
Emergency Services Director Roger Dail Michelle Taylor may be reached at 252-559-1073
said. and You can follow her
Dail said almost storm sights on Twitter at @MTaylorKFP.
90 percent of Le-
For more pictures from
noir County was
the area as it deals with
left without power the storms aftermath, see
and 227 residents Page A6
were evacuated
to the emergency
shelter at Lenoir Community College.
Right now we are preparing for the Jamie Joseph looks around at the damage to her yard as she and her husband Shawn
flooding that will continue this week, Dail clean up after Hurricane Matthew on Sunday. Photo by Janet S. Carter / The Free Press
NCDOT officials have reported 40 wash- Personal safety should be first priority
outs in the Lenoir County area.
Right now we are just surveying the ar-
eas we know about, finding out where any
in cleaning up after storm or flooding
others might be and barricading, said Le- By Jannette Pippin Safety comes first, said Onslow
noir White, DOT accounting maintenance ENC Media County Extension Director Peggie
engineer. With the potential of damage or Garner for North Carolina Coopera-
Residents have posted photos on so- flooding in the wake of Hurricane tive Extension. Mayor BJ Murphy, right, listens intently to Lenoir County
cial media showing washouts on N.C. 55 Matthew, area residents are reminded The North Carolina Cooperative Ex- Emergency Services Director Roger Dail as the city and
and on local side roads throughout the to keep their personal safety in mind tension has a handbook with tips for pre- county discuss Neuse River flooding hazards Sunday at a
county. as they go about cleaning and making paring and recovering from disasters. special press conference at City Hall. Photo by Janet S. Carter
See DAMAGE A4 repairs to their homes. See SAFETY A2 / The Free Press

Rescues and worry after Matthew inundates North Carolina

By Martha Waggoner coast the catastrophic dam- ters of the Tar River during
and Allen Breed age once feared. Floyd, was evacuated Sunday
Associated Press The storm killed more as the river was expected to
FAYETTEVILLE | When than 500 people in Haiti rise to 17 feet above flood
Hurricane Matthew dumped and at least 18 in the U.S. stage by late Monday a
torrential rains on North nearly half of them in North level not seen since Floyd.
Carolina, thousands of people Carolina. Most were swept McCrory expected more
found themselves suddenly away by flood waters. evacuations as some rivers
trapped in homes and cars. Gov. Pat McCrory said were predicted to crest next
Rescuers in Coast Guard authorities were searching Friday.
for five people and feared David Bullocks sister
helicopters plucked some of
they may find more victims. called him as he bought lot-
them from rooftops and used
The problems were far from tery tickets to tell him po-
military vehicles to reach
over as all that rain more lice were knocking on doors
others, including a woman
saying they had to go. He
who held on to a tree for three than a foot in places flows
rebuilt his home after the
hours after her car was over- into rivers and downstream,
1999 flood.
run by flood waters. likely causing days of major
If I get flooded again, I
In another dramatic res- flooding in many of the same cant take it. I cant go back
cue, a woman with her small places devastated by a simi- and take the expense. If I
child perched on the roof of lar deluge from Hurricane get flooded again Im going
her car had to be helped to Floyd in 1999. to say, its yours, Im gone,
safety as the waters rose Hurricane Matthew is off Bullock said.
around them, underscor- the map. But it is still with More than a million people
A man walks across a road damaged by floodwaters caused by rain from Hurricane Matthew in ing how quickly Matthew us. And it is still deadly, Mc- in South Carolina and North
Fayetteville on Sunday. Hurricane Matthews torrential rains triggered severe flooding in North wreaked havoc 100 miles or Crory said. Carolina were without power,
Carolina on Sunday as the deteriorating storm made its exit to the sea, and thousands of people had more inland after sparing Princeville, a town of 2,000
to be rescued from their homes and cars. Photo by The Associated Press much of the Southeastern that disappeared in the wa- See MATTHEW A2

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