Decision Support Systems: Yabing Jiang, Abraham Seidmann

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Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142

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Capacity planning and performance contracting for service facilities

Yabing Jiang , Abraham Seidmann
Lutgert College of Business, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL 33928 USA
Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627 USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 16 January 2013 Market demand uncertainty and time-based competition make capacity investment and managerial incentive
decisions for service facilities such as high-end diagnostic medical imaging centers, modern IT services, or
Keywords: contract manufacturing shops particularly challenging. These facilities compete on service quality, short
Cost allocation queuing times and speed. Therefore, having insufcient capacity can be economically devastating for them.
Capacity planning Given the high up-front costs involved, rms want to make sure that they neither over- nor under-invest in
Franchise contract
service capacity. These problems get exasperated by the fact that typically rms are unfamiliar with the local
Information asymmetry
Mechanism design
market conditions and do not closely observe the demand-generating efforts of the hired managers. Most
Service center prior studies of cost allocation methodologies, contract design, and service resource management tend to
address these aspects of the problem separately. They ignore the interaction effects between the capacity
decisions and the managerial adverse selection and moral hazard issues, which are crucial elements for successfully
running services with xed capacity, random arrivals, and stochastic service times. Our paper instead focuses on
the development of an integrated-approach to the simultaneous design of efcient managerial contracts and of
capacity planning for capital intensive service facilities. We derive optimal linear contracting structures under
information asymmetry between the rms and management, and analyze their impact on capacity decisions,
service levels, service volumes, and the allocations of costs. Surprisingly, we prove that even though a franchise
(charge-back) contract induces the rst-best effort from the manager, it is not always the best choice for the
rms as it may lead to inferior prots for them. In fact, our results explain why a rm's eventual contract choice
should be a function of its prior on the probability distribution of the local market demand. We also explain
when it may be optimal (for both the rm and the manager) to charge the manager up front a xed franchising
fee that is even greater than the total costs of capacity. Our study applies to many capital-intensive and
congestion-prone service systems, where the success of signicant up-front capacity investments also hinges on
the daily operations of those facilities run by hired managerswho typically possess specic knowledgethat
gives them a signicant information advantage.
2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction efforts. For example, we have seen that at most free-standing radiol-
ogy facilities that are run by the national networks in the US (such
Effectively managing service centers such as call centers, computer- as Insight Imaging and Radnet Inc.), the local managers are responsible
ized diagnostic imaging facilities, data centers, SaaS businesses, and for stafng, scheduling, marketing, and other demand-generating
telecommunication networks has always been a challenging task. activities in their territory.
Owners of the centers (rms) are responsible for investing in capacity, What makes the issue complicated is that managers, as the agents
which is often capital intensive and involves signicant up-front xed running the service centers, often possess private information about
costs for equipment, software, and installation. While high utilization is local market conditions, referral patterns, demographic preferences,
a critical protability driver, facing uncertain market demand, rms and their own demand-generating efforts, and they may not willingly
also have to maintain an acceptable service level and relatively short or truthfully share that information with their rms. Working with
waiting times in order to compete in the market successfully. Managers a national rm that operates high-end diagnostic medical imaging
of these centers are often contracted to run them as prot centers. centers in various states, we had to make the correct capacity invest-
As such, they are usually responsible for directing daily activities and ments in each market and to obtain the true market demand informa-
generating demand through additional marketing or service quality tion from the local managers who are typically being incentivized by
the patient volume at their center. If the local managers overestimate
Corresponding author.
the demand, to allow ample capacity and fast turnaround times for all
E-mail addresses: (Y. Jiang), exams, the rm will nd itself over-investing in capacity, such as MRI,
(A. Seidmann). CT, or PET-CT equipment. On the other hand, if the local managers

0167-9236/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
32 Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142

underestimate the demand, in order to have a lower service quota in times and local managers possess valuable private information on
their contract, the rm will under-invest in capacity, resulting in long market demand. These managers can inuence market demand by
lines and lost prot opportunities. exerting demand-generating effort, such as marketing promotions
In this paper, we outline the solution to this problem that has been or by providing an outstanding customer service experience. Second,
motivated by our practical experience and by the latest research we optimally integrate rms' operations capacity decision with
on optimal mechanism design. In our model, the manager (agent) their incentive contract decision for a business environment with sto-
possesses private information regarding the local market and the chastic arrivals of customers and randomly distributed service times
level of his own demand-generating effort; facing uncertain market per customer. We investigate three practical mechanisms and show
demand and the combined agency issues, the rm has to make up- that two of them can successfully solicit the manager's market infor-
front capacity investment decisions and design incentive contracts to mation. Third, we demonstrate the value of the local manager's
motive the manager to truthfully share his specic market knowledge private information and prove that the rm's optimal contract choice
and to exert the desired level of effort to generate demand. Several is a function of the market demand distribution. As expected, we show
studies [4,10,22,27] have pointed out that optimal mechanisms predi- that the cost of the manager's private information is associated with
cated by economic theory are often sophisticated and rarely used in market demand variance, with a higher demand variance correspond-
the real world, whereas linear contracts are commonly used in practice. ing to a higher information cost. However, the manager's market
Our focus is on evaluating three effective linear performance-based knowledge is more valuable when there is a low demand variance.
incentive contracts under information asymmetry: a uniform contract, Overall, this research provides guidelines for rms that deal with
a variable-rate contract, and a charge-back contract. We show that the congestion-prone systems and sheds light on how to effectively manage
uniform contract, which offers the same contract terms regardless of service facilities with combined moral hazard and adverse selection
market conditions, fails to elicit market information from the manager issues.
and leads to a distorted capacity investment decision. The variable-rate The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We rst review the
and charge-back (franchise) contracts, on the other hand, can success- relevant literature in Section 2. Then we present the model setting
fully elicit true market information from the manager. We show that in Section 3 and analyze the benchmark case with full information in
the latter even induces the rst-best (full-information) effort level Section 4. In Section 5, we derive three contracts for the information
from the manager and hence leads to the optimal capacity investment, asymmetry case in which the manager's effort is not observable
the same as the full-information level. and the manager has private information regarding local market
We embed a queuing model within the principal-agent frame- condition. We explain why two of these contracts can effectively
work because most service rms are constrained by a nite installed solicit true market information from the manager. We then analyze
capacity, yet they have to deliver reasonably fast turnaround times the rm's optimal contract choice and evaluate the factors affecting
when both demand and service rates could be random and outside the installed capacity, the average throughput rates, and the expected
their control in the short run. Integrating the capacity decision waiting times in Section 6 and conclude the paper with practice
with the incentive contract design and the service level constraints, guidelines for cost allocation and incentive design for service systems
therefore, enables us to address a complicated and yet practical in Section 7.
problem that has not been fully studied before. We not only derive
analytical solutions for this intricate problem but also nd some 2. Literature review
interesting results. For example, we show that if the rm selects the
proper xed and variable charge terms, its franchise contract can This paper is related to research that applies agency theory as well
induce the rst-best demand-generating effort and it will successfully as the service resource management and accounting cost allocation
elicit truthful market information from the manager; however literature. Prior research on IT resource management has modeled
franchise contracting fails to produce the rst-best prot and it may IT service centers as queuing systems and mostly focused on capacity
not always be the best choice for the rm. The xed charge term in allocation within a rm through an internal pricing scheme [6,7,18].
the franchise contract is naturally associated with the classical xed In these works, demand is exogenous and there is no agency issue.
cost allocation. It has been shown in managerial accounting that Clearly, this model setting does not apply to many modern IT service
rms can benet from xed cost allocation because the allocation centers that provide services to external clients because external
may inuence agents' consumption of perquisites or serve as a random demand cannot by controlled by the proposed internal transfer
proxy for the difcult-to-calculate opportunity costs [28]. Overall, pricing scheme, and it fails for any service centers that do experience
the accounting literature tends to emphasize the role of xed cost agency issues.
allocation as an effective cost control to hold agents accountable so Marketing literature that applies the principal-agent framework, for
that they will not over-consume resources at the expense of the example, Basu et al. [3] and Lal and Srinivasan [14], often focuses on the
rm [2,15,27]. We extend that literature and show here in a service compensation contract design of a sales force selling a commodity good
queuing setting rms should also use cost allocation as a way to pre- with an unlimited supply and does not work for a service environment.
vent the managers from under-consuming resources. A high capacity Harris et al. [8] study effective resource allocation in a manufacturing
request is associated with a high xed charge, and the managers have setting under incomplete information. This is one of the early works
a natural incentive to request low capacity when they privately on mechanism design. In their model, agents have private information
observe a high-demand market. By doing so, they can shirk in on their productivity and effort levels. The objective of the rm is to
their demand-generating effort and gain greater utility. But, under- minimize the costs of producing a given level of output by designing
consuming resources can be harmful to the rms as well, because an efcient mechanism. However, since the output level is given there
low capacity restricts the imaging center from serving more patients, is no demand uncertainty in their model.
for instance, and also causes long patients' waiting times, which Among recent research that combines queuing models with agency
translate to high delay costs and potential losses in future revenue theory, Jiang and Seidmann [12] model the capacity management and
due to a degraded service-level reputation. We show that with proper contract design issue of a service organization with a nite capacity.
xed cost allocations rms can avoid both over-investing and under- In their model, the service demand can be affected by the agent's
investing in capacity. marketing effort, and the agent is both risk and effort averse. They
Our work contributes to the literature in multiple ways. First, extend prior agency theory literature by introducing delay costs and
we develop and analyze a new contracting problem in a service the capacity decision into the model and taking an integrated approach
environment in which rms compete on meeting certain response to derive the optimal incentive contract and capacity investment for the
Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142 33

principal. Plambeck and Zenios [20] study dynamic incentive contracts planning decisions combined with adverse selection and moral hazard
for make-to-stock production systems. They deal with a moral hazard issues in an uncertain service environment characterized by time-
problem in which the agent dynamically controls the production rate based competition, whereas prior studies on cost allocation methodolo-
and has no inuence on market demand. Kim et al. [13] analyze and gies, contract design, and service resource management tend to address
compare two contractsa material contract and a performance-based these aspects of the problem separately.
contractin the after-sales product support context in which a multi-
tasking agent is responsible for service part inventory and product 3. The model
reliability decisions. They focus on a moral hazard problem only, and
in their model the agent has no inuence on demand. Baiman et al. Consider a service facility with random demand, such as a data
[1] also introduce a queuing model in the principal-agent framework, center or a computerized diagnostic imaging center. We model
but they model a manufacturing environment, and the agent's effort the service center as an M/M/1 queuing system, where the arrivals
affects the throughput rate of production, not the demand arrival rate. of service requests are independent and follow a Poisson process
Porteus and Whang [21] study a similar multiple agent problem in with a rate of requests per unit time, and the service time has an
a manufacturing setting as in Harris et al. [8], but they introduce exponential distribution with a service rate . The rm is responsible
demand uncertainty and stochastic capacity and focus on the for investing in capacity, and the hired manager is responsible for
moral hazard issue (agents' efforts) without information asymmetry managing the center's daily activities and exerting additional effort
(no hidden productivity). They propose two incentive contracts; to boost the center's service demand.
one of them is a franchising plan that achieves the rst-best Let be the expected local base demand, which is the center's
outcomes. Hasija et al. [9] study call-center outsourcing contracts. In expected service demand affected by pricing, general advertising,
their model, the call-center vendor has private information on its and other decisions made by the rm but without the inuence
staff's efciency (i.e., the service rate). The client offers outsourcing of the manager's demand-generating effort. Different from prior
contracts that specify nancial and service quality terms. In their researches [6,7,18], here service demand can be inuenced by the
work, the vendor makes a stafng decision that affects the call manager's marketing and service effort , where R+. In
center's service quality, but it has no inuence on market demand. particular, = + (), i.e., when the manager invests in marketing
While we also embed a queuing model in the principal-agent and service effort , the expected demand increases by (), which
framework, our research differs from these papers because we study measures managerial effectiveness. Thus the center's service demand
a combined moral hazard (hidden action) and adverse selection N is a random variable with an expected value , which is a function
(hidden information) problem in a service environment. The agent of the base demand and the manager's effort .
possesses private information on market demand, and the agent's Because the manager is usually responsible for managing the daily
effort can also inuence market demand. In a service queuing setting, operations of the service center, prior research that utilizes a queuing
the principal needs to make a capacity investment decision while model in the principal-agent framework only considers how the
facing uncertain market demand and service standard constraints agent's effort affects service rate [1] or product availability [13] and
and design proper incentive contracts to motivate the agent to take often ignores the fact that the manager can inuence service demand
desired actions. We propose a charge-back contract that is similar to by exerting marketing and service effort. For instance, the manager
the franchise contract in [21], and we show that the contract can can ease patient anxiety and provide patients with a pleasant service
induce the rst-best effort from the agent, but unlike that in [21], it environment in a digital imaging center or provide additional value-
cannot produce the rst-best prot and may not even produce the added features in a data center. Clearly, such service efforts as well
highest prot for the principal. as the manager's direct marketing efforts can help the center attract
Our paper is also related to Chen [5], in which the agent (a sales additional demand. Here, we focus on the manager's responsibility
agent with a negative exponential utility function) has private for generating demand.
information on market conditions and exerts selling effort that is not Let r be the revenue from processing a service request. We assume
observable by the principal. The principal makes an inventory stocking that the marginal cost of processing a request is constant, and it
decision and designs a compensation scheme (linear contract) to is normalized to zero. Because of demand uncertainty, stochastic
induce the agent to truthfully reveal market conditions so that it can arrivals of service requests, and random service times, the service
better match supply with demand. The focus of [5], however, is to center often experience queuing delays. Let W be the expected time
derive the corresponding Gonik's scheme and compare it with a menu in the system for a service request. Here, W includes waiting time in
of linear contracts. We also study a combined moral hazard and adverse queue and service time. In order to compete in the market, the service
selection problem, but in a service setting, and we focus on evaluating center has to meet a service standard: W W0, which means that the
different incentive contracts and recommending the optimal contracting center promises to its clients that a service request's expected time in
choice for the principal. the system is no longer than W0. We can think of W0 as an industry-
This research is also connected to accounting cost allocation liter- wide service standard. Here, the rm's capacity investment decision
ature [2,15,19,25,26,28]. These papers all provide justications for the directly affects the center's service quality, measured by the user
allocation of xed costs to agents, but they either do not consider waiting time W. For the service industry, long waiting times reduce
agency issue or only consider the cases in which the agents possess users' satisfaction and negatively affect a center's reputation and its
private information on the efciency of resources or their own types future referrals. Thus to ensure the center's long-term protability
or productivity, and they do not model a service environment and and competitiveness in the market, the rm needs to make a corre-
the impact of capacity investment and agents' effort on service sponding capacity investment so that the center will meet the service
quality. Our paper instead models a practical service environment standard. Let c be the marginal capacity cost. We assume a linear
with complicated agency issues, and we further demonstrate that capacity cost function in the form of c0 + c. The linear capacity cost
incentive contracts that involve xed cost allocation terms can function may not capture the exact cost structure of service facilities,
effectively motivate the agent to communicate his private market infor- which often have a stepwise cost feature, but it is a reasonable
mation to the principal so that he will not over-demand or under- model for approximating IT costs and costs of other service centers;
request capacity from the principal. see [6,18,24,26,28], among others.
Overall, we extend the literature by considering incentive contract We assume that the managerial effectiveness is linear (() =
design together with operations resource management. Our work k), since any nonlinear increasing managerial effectiveness function
provides a complete solution for rms dealing with xed capacity can be renormalized to be linear [3]. In addition, the expected local
34 Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142

base demand is a random variable, which could be h and l (h > l) design the contract that compensates the manager only when he
with probability q and 1 q, respectively. This setting better captures exerts the desired effort level. Given the optimal contract, the (IR)
the characteristics of many modern service centers, and it creates two constraint will be binding, since the rm will not offer the manager
management challenges for the rm. more than what is required to make him do the job. In this case, the
First, the manager running the center often has better knowledge compensation si will be a xed amount (M + V(i)), independent of
about the realized local base demand , whereas the rm only the number of requests processed. That means by paying the manager
observes the distribution of . Thus the rm would like to solicit market a xed amount the rm is bearing all of the market uncertainty risk,
information from the manager in order to make the proper capacity since the market demand N and hence revenue are random variables.
investment to meet the service requirement. However, the manager, We know that for the M/M/1 queue in steady state the expected time
with his own agenda, may not truthfully share the market information in the system is given by Wi = 1/(i i). Because capacity is costly,
with the rm. the rm will also only invest in the minimum capacity required to
Second, the rm may be able to observe advertisement spending satisfy the service standard. Thus, the service standard constraint
and some marketing and service activities conducted by the manager, will be binding as well (i.e., i = i + 1/W0).
but it cannot observe or verify the exact level of the manager's Taking the two binding constraints back into Eq. (1), the rm will
demand-generating effort. While the rm would like the manager determine the optimal effort level to maximize Eq. (2):
to exert the optimal managerial effort to maximize its net benet,
the manager is effort-averse and incurs a disutility V() = 2/2 for i max i k i rci k i 1=W 0 V i M : 2
an effort level . Because given the same compensation the manager
always prefers to exert less effort (i.e., shirking), the rm has to
design proper incentive contracts to induce the manager to reveal the Since Eq. (2) is concave in effort, solving the rst-order condition
true market demand information and exert the desired level of effort, (FOC), we have the optimal effort i = (r c)k, which is independent
and the compensation contracts should be based on observable of the market condition i. Given the optimal effort level, we can solve
variables such as the number of service requests processed. for the optimal capacity through the binding service constraint and
Following the general principal-agent adverse selection model the optimal compensation through the binding (IR) constraint. If
[2,8,9,11,22], we also assume that both the principal and the agent the manager exerts the optimal effort level (r c)k, the rm will
are risk neutral. Let s be the compensation contract and s(N) be the compensate the manager a xed amount sl = sh = M + (r c) 2 k 2,
compensation to the manager at N service requests. In addition, let the second term of which is the manager's disutility of effort V(i).
M be the manager's net utility from an outside alternative. Thus, the The rm can enforce this contract by penalizing the manager if he
manager will choose an optimal effort level to maximize his net does not exert the desired effort level, and the manager will accept
utility given by his expected compensation minus his disutility of the offer. The optimal capacity is given by i + (r c)k2 + 1/W0, which
effort EN[s(N)] V(), and he will accept the contract s only when varies for different market conditions. In the full-information case,
his expected net utility is no less than M. Here, because the manager with the optimal contract, effort, and capacity, the rm's net prot can
is protected by limited liability, the agent utility assumption is be written as i =ri ci si = (r c)i c/W0 M + (r c) 2 k 2.
economically similar to risk aversion [22]. If the rm chooses to The rst three terms (r c)i c/W0 M represent the rm's net prot
compensate the manager M, then it is only paying the manager for when it does not induce the manager's demand-generating effort.
managing the daily operations of the center without seeking his The last term (rc)2 k2 represents the additional prot for the rm
demand-generating effort and local market knowledge. Introducing (net of the compensation to the manager) from inducing the manager's
the marketing aspect of the agent into the model enables us to better demand-generating effort. We assume that the parameters satisfy
understand the impact of contract design in a service environment in the condition (rc)l c/W0 M>0, which means that the rm
which the manager has an information advantage and can inuence can make a prot even without the manager's demand-generating input.
market demand. Next, we analyze the model to provide an integrated The result of the full-information case is also called the rst-best
solution of operation resource management and compensation contract result, which is often used as a benchmark for the case of information
design for rms dealing with market uncertainty and with combined asymmetry. Next, we consider the case in which the manager privately
moral hazard and adverse selection issues. observes the local market condition and his own effort level .

4. Full-information case 5. Information asymmetry case

Suppose for now the rm can perfectly observe the expected local In reality, the rm often cannot directly verify the manager's effort
base demand and the manager's effort level . Hence the rm will level, which is known only to the manager. In addition, the manager
determine the optimal capacity , the manager's effort , and the often observes the realized local base demand, whereas the rm only
compensation to the manager s to maximize its net benet given by knows its distribution. Both parties can observe the realized demand
revenue minus costs of capacity and compensation to the manager, N. In this section, we analyze three contracts: a uniform contract, a
subject to the service standard (SS) constraint and the manager's variable-rate contract, and a charge-back contract. We focus on linear
individual rationality (IR) constraint. Suppose the realized expected contracts in the form of a xed payment (or charge) plus a per-unit
local base demand is i (i=l, h); then the rm's problem is characterized payment term. We choose linear contracts for their simplicity and
in Eq. (1): popularity in practice and also because a restriction to linear contracts
is standard in the literature [4,22]. We show that by designing incentive
i max i rc i si 1 contracts that reward the manager based on the realized demand, the
i ; i ;si
rm can solicit true market information and induce a desired level of
subject to : W i W 0 i l; h SS demand-generating effort from the manager.

si V i M: IR 5.1. Uniform contract

We exclude the xed capacity cost term (c0) since only the We rst consider a uniform contract; that is, the rm offers a
variable capacity cost term is relevant for the capacity decision. single contract sU(N)=fU +bUN regardless of the realized market condi-
Because the rm can verify exactly the manager's effort level, it will tion. This contract does not seek market information from the manager,
Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142 35

but it can be used to induce the manager to exert demand-generating since the uniform contract only induces demand-generating effort from
effort. While the full-information case offers the benchmark with the the manager, the rm actually reduces capacity investment when q in-
highest prot that can be achieved, this uniform contract offers another creases. This is because the expected demand i decreases as the rm re-
benchmark, with the prot's lower bound. It can be used to evaluate duces the per-unit payment bU to reduce the overpayment to the
the value of incentive contracts that solicit market information from the manager. In fact, when q approaches 1 (the center most likely will have
manager. a high expected local base demand), the capacity U is close to lF, the
The rm's problem is captured in Eq. (3): full-information capacity level in the low-demand market, and when q
h     i approaches 0 (the center most likely will have a low expected local
max q rh b h 1q rl b l c f 3 base demand), the capacity U is close to hF, the full-information capacity
f U ;bU ; U
level in the high-demand market, where the superscripts represent full
information (F) and the uniform contract (U). That is, the uniform contract
subject to : W i W 0 i l; h SS
severely distorts the center's capacity investment decision. Comparing with
U U the full-information case, we nd the following relationships: lF b U b hF,
f b i V i M IR iU b iF, and iU b iF (i=l, h). In general, the uniform contract induces less
h  i demand-generating effort from the manager, and as a result, the center
i arg max f b i V i : IC processes fewer service requests and realizes less prot.
The value of information is thus clear. First, precise market
information leads to an accurate capacity decision. The rm can
Here, in addition to the service standard and the manager's (IR)
avoid excess capacity costs while still satisfying the service standard
constraints, the rm also needs to consider the manager's incentive
in the low-demand market and process more service requests in the
compatibility (IC) constraint, since the manager's effort level is his
high-demand market with a higher capacity level. Second, having
private information. The (IC) constraint indicates that the manager
the ability to verify the manager's exact effort level enables the
will exert an effort level i = b Uk, which maximizes his net utility.
rm to induce a desired level of demand-generating effort from the
Thus, the expected demand satises h = h + k 2b U > l = l + k 2b U.
manager without overcompensating him and not to be constrained
Since the uniform contract does not seek market information from
by the manager's (IC) constraint.
the manager, the rm has to consider demand uncertainty when
The uniform contract can motivate the manager to invest in
making its capacity decision. In fact, the rm will invest in a capacity
demand-generating effort (subject to his (IC) and (IR) constraints),
level such that the service standard constraint is binding in the
but it fails to seek market information from the manager. For the
high-demand market. Hence the service standard constraint is not
rm, a common solution for the adverse selection problem is to
binding in the low-demand market, which means that if the realized
offer a menu of contracts to the manager; each contract is designed
local market demand is low the center has more capacity than what
for an expected local base demand i. By observing the contract
is required to satisfy the service standard. In addition, the (IR)
selected by the manager, the rm is able to infer the true market
constraint is not binding in the high-demand case, which means that
information and invest in an appropriate capacity level. Next, we
the rm compensates the manager more than what he can get from
analyze two incentive contracts that can successfully solicit market
an alternative job.
information from the manager; we continue to focus on the simple
Proposition 1. The optimal uniform contract is given by bU = max{0, linear contract form.
r c q(h l)/k 2} and fU = M bUl (bU) 2k2/2; under this contract
the manager will exert an effort level l = h = bUk, and the rm will 5.2. Variable-rate contract
install a capacity level U = h + bUk 2 + 1/W0.
Instead of offering a uniform contract, the rm can design a menu
When this uniform contract is offered, the manager exerts the of contracts, again in the form of a xed payment plus a commission
same level of demand-generating effort in both markets since the term: si(N) = fi + biN. Note that the xed payment term can be nega-
per-unit incentive is the same. However, the expected compensation tive, which indicates a charge for the manager. The decision timeline
differs. Specically, when the expected local base demand is h, the is as follows: First, the rm announces a set of contracts; each
manager gets paid (h l)bU more. It is also possible that the rm contract (si(N)) corresponds to an expected local base demand (i).
optimally sets b U =0 and only offers a xed payment M when the We call this a variable-rate contract because generally the unit rate
market uncertainty (h l) is high, in which case it is only compensating bl bh. Second, the manager observes the realized local base demand
the manager for directing the center's daily activities without seeking and reports to the rm (or selects a contract). Note that the manager
his demand-generating effort. Next, we limit to the case of bU >0, may or may not report truthfully to the rm. Third, the rm, based
i.e., assuming k2(rc)>q(h l). on the manager's report (or the contract selected by the manager),
invests in capacity. Fourth, the manager exerts demand-generating
Corollary 1. The per-unit rate in the uniform contract is decreasing in effort. Lastly, the nal demand is realized, and both parties observe
q (the probability of having a high expected local base demand), the the realized demand N. The rm compensates the manager according
xed term in the contract is increasing in q, and the capacity under to the selected contract, and it incurs a penalty if the service standard
the uniform contract is decreasing in q. is not met. Since the demand N is a random variable, the rm cannot
infer the value of even after learning the expected local base
When q is low, it is less likely that there will be a high expected local demand and observing the realized value of N. The challenge for
base demand. However, the center still needs to invest in enough capacity the rm is to design a menu of contracts so as to solicit true market
to satisfy the service standard should the realized local base demand be information and induce the desired level of effort from the manager
high. Thus, if the realized local base demand is low, with ample capacity and thereby maximize its net benet.
on hand the rm would like the manager to work hard to generate addi- Following the revelation principle [16], we only need to search for the
tional demand, and it induces more effort from the manager by offering a optimal menu of contracts from the class of truth-telling contracts. Under
higher per-unit payment. However, if the realized demand is high, the such contracts, it is in the manager's interest to truthfully reveal the
rm will overpay the manager by (h l)bU. When the probability of expected local base demand information to the rm. Assume the cost
having a high expected local base demand increases (i.e., q increases), of not satisfying the service standard is high such that the rm always in-
naturally, the rm should increase its capacity investment. However, vests in sufcient capacity to meet the service standard. The rm
36 Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142

therefore needs to solve Eq. (4) for the optimal contracts and capacities, invests less in capacity, provides less compensation to the manager, and
subject to a series of constraints: in the end realizes less prot.
Here, the incentive contract serves two purposes: (1) it elicits true
max 1ql rc l f l bl l qh rc h f h bh h ; i l:h: local market information from the manager so that the rm can make
i ;f i ;bi
the correct capacity investment decision; (2) it induces demand-
generating effort from the manager so that the rm can realize a
higher prot. The rm accomplishes the rst purpose by adjusting
First, in order for the manager to accept it, the contract si(N) (i =l, h) both the xed term (fi) and the per-unit rate (bi) in the contract so
has to satisfy the manager's individual rationality (IR) constraint: that it is in the manager's interest to reveal market information. The
rm accomplishes the second purpose mostly by offering the manager
EN si NV i M; IR
a per-unit payment bi, which motivates the manager to exert effort
i = bik to increase the demand for the center's services, and the rm
where EN[si(N)]= fi + bii. Second, because the rm cannot observe and
shares the prots generated by the manager's effort with the manager
verify the manager's effort level, the manager will choose the effort
through the xed term in the contract (the bi2k 2/2 term in fi).
level that maximizes his own net utility. This gives the manager's incen-
tive compatibility (IC) constraint: Corollary 2. i) The per-unit rate bl (when bl > 0) in the variable-rate

 contract is decreasing and concave in q (the probability of having a

i arg max EN si NV i : IC high expected local base demand), the xed term fl in the contract
is increasing in q, and the capacity l is decreasing and concave in q.
ii) The per-unit rate bh and capacity h are independent of q, but the
These constraints are for the case in which the manager reports xed term fh in the contract is decreasing in q.
truthfully about the realized market condition to the rm. In order
for the manager to report truthfully, the optimal contracts also need By offering different contract terms for different market conditions,
to satisfy the following two incentive compatibility constraints: the rm is able to elicit true market information from the manager
and make corresponding capacity decisions. However, because of infor-
EN sl N=l V l EN sh N=l V l IC  LH mation asymmetry the rm has to pay a price to obtain this information.
In this case, the manager is able to keep an information rent in
EN sh N=h V h EN sl N=h V h ; IC  HL the high-demand market. This information rent, which comes as the
overpayment term bl(h l), is increasing in (h l) and bl. When q
where i refers to the optimal effort level when the manager observes
increases, the probability of having a high expected local base demand
i but reports j (i, j = l, h and i j). The left-hand sides of these two
increases, and so does the chance of overpaying the manager. Thus, to
constraints represent the manager's net utility if he truthfully reports
counter the overpayment effect, the rm will reduce the per-unit rate
the realized local market condition, and the right-hand sides represent
bl and accordingly increase the xed payment term fl. As a result, the
the manager's net utility if he misreports the market condition. These
manager incurs less effort when the expected local base demand is
two constraints ensure that it is in the manager's interest to report
low, the center's expected demand decreases, and the rm invests
truthfully to the rm about the realized local market condition. In addi-
less in capacity. When (h l) is sufciently large, the benet from
tion, the rm also needs to choose the optimal capacity to satisfy the
inducing the manager's demand-generating effort in the low-demand
service standard constraints: Wi W0 (i =l, h).
market cannot offset the overpayment to the manager in the high-
Proposition 2. Following the decision timeline outlined above, this demand market. Thus, it is optimal to set bl = 0; i.e., the rm induces
combined adverse selection and moral hazard problem has a unique no demand-generating effort in the low-demand market. As a result,
solution of the optimal capacity and the menu of variable-rate it does not have to over-compensate the manager and is still able to
contracts that solicit truthful market information from the manager: elicit true market information and induce the rst-best effort level in
(i) the optimal menu of contracts are given by sl(N) = fl + blN with the high-demand market. Thus, when bl =0, the rm can achieve the
fl = M bll bl2k 2/2 and bl = max{0, r c q(h l)/(k 2(1 q))} same prot level as that in the full-information case in the high-
and sh(N) = fh + bhN with fh = M hbh bh2k 2/2 + bl(h l) and demand market.
bh = r c; under these contracts the manager will exert the optimal To summarize, with the proposed variable-rate linear contracts in
efforts h = kbh and l = kbl; (ii) the optimal capacity levels are Proposition 2 the rm is able to elicit true market information from the
given by h = h + bhk 2 + 1/W0 and l = l + blk 2 + 1/W0. manager, but this comes at a cost because of information asymmetry.
Compared with the full-information case, the rm will realize less
Comparing the contract terms for different market conditions, expected prot, even though the expected compensation to the manager
we see that the rm offers a higher xed payment (fl > fh) in the is lower (since (1q)(fl +bll)+q(fh +bhh)b M+(rc)2 k2 =full-
low-demand market so that the manager will not misreport. In the information compensation). The manager, on the other hand, realizes a
high-demand market, to counter the manager's misreporting tenden- higher expected net benet, since in the high-demand market his net
cy since fl > fh, the rm offers a higher per-unit payment (bh > bl) in utility satises fh +bhh (rc)2 k2 >M.
the contract. The proposed contracts in Proposition 2 ensure that
the manager will accept the contracts and truthfully reveal the real- 5.3. Charge-back contract
ized local market condition to the rm. When the expected local
base demand is h, the contract sh(N) can in fact induce the same We now consider an alternative contracting approach that not
level of effort as that in the full-information case, and the rm will only elicits true market information but also induces the rst-best
accordingly invest in the same level of capacity. However, because effort level from the manager. Suppose the rm offers a uniform
of information asymmetry the rm has to compensate the manager per-unit rate to the manager and delegates the capacity investment
more than in the full-information case in order to elicit his market decision to the manager by letting him select a capacity level. In re-
information. Thus, the rm realizes less prot when the expected local turn, it charges the manager a xed fee for using capacity and sharing
base demand is h. On the other hand, when the expected base demand prot, and this xed charge term is like a franchise fee. The decision
is l, the contract sl(N) provides a lower incentive (bl b rc) and therefore timeline is as follows: First, the rm announces a menu of contracts;
induces less effort than in the full-information case. Accordingly, the rm each contract corresponds to a capacity level i and includes a
Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142 37

uniform per-unit payment to the manager (p), a xed charge (Fi), and doing so the service standard is met when he observes h but asks
a penalty term (Ti) if the service standard Wi W0 is not met. In the for capacity l, and he still can realize a higher net utility
second stage, the manager observes the realized local market condi- ^ h F l > pl V l F l M, since V
pl V ^ h bV l . To prevent
tion and asks the rm for a specic capacity level; i.e., the manager the manager from shirking and under-requesting capacity, the
selects a contract. Here, the manager is subjected to the service stan- rm has to adjust the xed charge term to induce him to share
dard constraint directly, and he is penalized if the service standard is market information truthfully and exert the rst-best effort level.
not met. Third, the rm delivers the capacity level selected by the
manager. Fourth, given the capacity provided by the rm, the manag- Proposition 3. When the parameters satisfy k 2(r c) > 2(h l), the
er then invests in demand-generating effort. Fifth, the nal demand is following menu of contracts with a uniform unit rate plus a capacity
realized. The manager is compensated at the given unit rate, and he charge and a service standard penalty term will solicit true market in-
also pays the rm the pre-specied xed amount for using capacity, formation and induce the rst-best effort levels from the manager:
and possibly a penalty. This is equivalent to delegating all the decision The rm offers a uniform per-unit rate p=rc to the manager and in
rights to the manager, and the rm then can subtract a fee to extract return charges the manager Fl =(rc)l +(rc)2k2/2M for capacity
all surpluses. level l =l +k2(rc)+1/W0 and Fh =Fl +(h l)2/(2 k2) for capacity
Suppose for now that the rm sets a penalty term such that the level h =h +k2(rc)+1/W0. In addition, there is a penalty term at-
manager will always choose to satisfy the service standard. We can tached to the capacity selection i: the manager has to pay a ne Tl =
then omit the penalty term in both parties' objective functions. The (rc)(h l)+ and Th =>0 if the service standard Wi W0 is not
rm's prot function is given by Fi ci + (r p)i. Its problem is to met.
determine the contract terms, which include the uniform per-unit
payment rate (p) and the capacity charge (Fi). The rm will select Given the proposed charge-back contracts in Proposition 3, the
the contract terms {p, Fi} to ensure that the manager will participate, manager nds it is in his best interest to report local market conditions
report truthfully regarding the local market conditions, and exert truthfully and exert the rst-best effort level. This charge-back contract
the rst-best effort level. The manager's problem is to determine is equivalent to a franchise contract with Fi as the franchise fee and r p
the optimal effort level and capacity choice to maximize his net as the royalty rate. That is, in order to run the center and retain the
utility, given by pi V(i) Fi, subject to the service standard con- center's revenue, the manager has to pay the rm the xed franchise
straint. As the manager maximizes his net utility, clearly, he prefers fee and a per-unit royalty (c). Similar to the variable-rate contracts
the optimal effort level i = pk (derived from the FOC). Thus, the described in Section 5.2, when there is market information asymmetry,
rm can set p = r c, which equals the per-unit prot, to induce the manager is able to reserve an information rent for the high-demand
the rst-best effort level from the manager. The rm can then market under the proposed charge-back contracts. The two contracts
extract all surpluses while ensuring that the manager will partic- both have a per-unit payment and a xed term, but the variable-rate
ipate (i.e., pi V(i) Fi = M) by setting Fi = pi V(i) M. Given contract offers different per-unit rates for different markets, and the
that the manager exerts the optimal effort level i = pk, and suppose xed term could be a payment, whereas it is always a charge in the
for now that he also reports truthfully, the optimal capacity choices charge-back contract. Also, the manager is not explicitly subject to
should be l = l + k 2p + 1/W0 and h = h + k 2p + 1/W0. Thus, the rm the service standard constraint and the rm makes the capacity deci-
can offer the capacity and contract set {p, Fi, i} from which the manager sion under the variable-rate contract. In addition, although both kinds
will choose. of contract can induce the manager to reveal the true local market
We next check whether this proposed menu of contracts {p, Fi, i} condition, the charge-back contracts can induce the rst-best effort
can induce the manager to reveal market information truthfully and levels in both markets, whereas the variable-rate contracts only induce
invest in the rst-best effort level. First, suppose the expected local the rst-best effort in the high-demand market. The two contracts also
base demand is l. Even at a higher capacity level, the manager still differ in that the variable-rate contract terms and capacity are a function
invests in the optimal effort level l = pk, since effort is costly. Because of the probability distribution of the expected local base demand, but
the capacity charge term satises Fh > Fl, the manager will truthfully the charge-back contract terms and capacity are independent of the
reveal his private information about the realized local market demand probability distribution of the expected local base demand.
l, ask for capacity l, and pay Fl. In this case, the service standard can
be met even with the penalty term Tl = 0. 6. Contract analysis
However, if the realized expected local base demand is h, with a
zero penalty term the manager would prefer the contract {p, Fl, l} In this section, we rst illustrate the operational and nancial out-
over {p, Fh, h}, since the former charge for capacity is lower. In that comes of the center in a simple numerical example. We then analyze
case, the manager would ask for capacity l and still prefer to invest the results under the three contracts with information asymmetry,
in the same effort level = pk, and the center cannot meet the service recommend the contract choice for the rm, and evaluate the cost and
standard, since the capacity level is too low. One quick x is to include value of the manager's private information.
a high penalty term in the contract. To prevent the manager from
choosing l when he observes h, the rm can set a high enough 6.1. Numerical example
penalty term Tl, which leads to a negative net utility for the manager
if he does not comply with the service standard. This, however, still Consider a service center such as a computerized medical imaging
does not solve the problem, because given l, the manager can either center characterized by the following parameter values: r = $100, c =
invest in no managerial effort or invest less in managerial effort ( ^ h) $30, W0 = 0.1, M = $100, k = 0.7, l = 30, h = 45, and q = 0.6. Table 1
with h k ^ h l such that the center meets the service constraint, summarizes the optimal contracts, the manager's effort, the center's
assuming k 2(r c) > (h l), which indicates h b l. operational performance, the costs of capacity, and the center's
First, we rule out the case in which misreporting and incurring no prots in the full-information case and the information asymmetry
managerial effort are a viable choice. We assume the parameters case with uniform, variable-rate, and charge-back contracts. The
satisfy k 2(r c) > 2(h l), which implies that if the manager example in Table 1 illustrates that the manager's market knowledge
observes h but asks for capacity l, without incurring demand- is valuable for the rm, since both contracts that solicit the manager's
generating effort his net utility is less than M, since ph Fl = market information outperform the uniform contract in the informa-
M + (r c)(h l) k 2(r c) 2/2 b M. The manager still has a sec- tion asymmetry case. Even with information asymmetry, the charge-
ond option, which is to incur effort ^ h such that h k ^ h l . By back contract is able to induce effort levels identical to those in the
38 Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142

full-information case, and it therefore generates the same volume contract for the rm facing an effort-averse manager who also pos-
levels and the rm is able to invest in the same capacity levels as in sesses private information regarding local market conditions. Unlike
the full-information case. However, the rm realizes less prot [21], which shows that a franchising plan achieves the rst-best
when there is information asymmetry, even with the charge-back con- outcome in terms of agents' effort and the principal's prot, we nd
tract, mostly because the manager is able to keep an information rent. that a similar franchising (charge-back) contract can induce the
Moreover, while the charge-back contract seems to be superior to the rst-best effort and truthful local market information from the manager
variable-rate contract in terms of the center's operational outcome, and lead to the rst-best capacity investment, but it fails to produce the
the variable-rate contract in this case outperforms the charge-back rst-best prot and may not even produce the highest prot for the rm
contract because it generates more prots for the rm. in a service environment with a combined moral hazard and adverse
Under the charge-back contract, the per-unit payment to the selection problem.
manager equals the center's per-unit prot margin (r c). Hence
the manager is equivalently reserving all the revenues of the center 6.2. Contract choice
by paying the variable cost of the consumed capacity (ci out of ci)
and the xed charge term (or franchise fee), which is naturally associat- We now compare the variable-rate and charge-back contracts to
ed with the xed cost of operations, with a higher charge for a higher determine the optimal choice for the rm. While both can solicit
capacity installation. In this numerical example, the franchise fee is true market information from the manager, only the charge-back
much higher than the cost of capacity buffer (c/W0 = ci ci), and, contract can induce the rst-best effort levels from the manager
combining that with the variable charges, it means the manager is under both market conditions. When the expected local base demand
paying much more than the total variable cost of capacity. One may is low, the variable-rate contract offers a lower per-unit payment than
wonder why the manager would need the rm. This can be explained the charge-back contract, so the manager invests less in demand-
by examining what each party contributes to the business. In this generating effort than that under the charge-back contract. The xed
service setting, the manager and the rm each brings two unique assets payment fl in the variable-rate contract can be positive or negative
to the operation. The former possesses knowledge of local market depending on parameter values. Since paying the manager the xed
demand and can help the center increase service demand by managing payment fl is equivalent to charging the manager fl, we can compare
day-to-day operations and exerting demand-generating efforts, and the the xed charge fl with Fl. It is straightforward to show that Fl > fl
latter provides capital for capacity and brings in base demand through when bl > 0. The expected prots have the following relationship:
its brand name, reputation, and promotional efforts. Thus to reserve lF = lC > lV, where the superscript represents full information (F),
the whole revenues of the center the manager not only needs to pay charge-back contract (C), and variable-rate contract (V).
the rm for capacity but also for the base demand brought by the rm's When the expected local base demand is high, both contracts offer
reputation and effort. The charge-back contract is designed to motivate the same per-unit payment (bh = p = r c) and can induce the
the manager to share his assets and help the rm recoup the values of rst-best effort level from the manager. Comparing the xed term
assets that it contributes to the center and extract all surpluses. Paying in the contract, we nd that Fh > fh when q b 1/3. Thus, the expected
the manager the full prot margin per unit effectively motivates him prots have the following relationship: hF > hC hV when q 1/3 and
to exert the rst-best demand-generating effort. The rm's prot hF > hV > hC when q > 1/3. That is, which contract generates higher
is driven by the xed franchise fee only. This xed charge serves two expected prots depends on the probability distribution of the local
purposes: it elicits market information from the manager and recoups base demand.
reputation value and extracts all surpluses for the rm. Because part
of the center's demand (local base demand) is generated by the rm's Proposition 4. As only the manager can privately observe the
reputation and effort, not by the manager, the latter has to pay a realized expected local base demand and his own demand-generating
reputation premium (the (r c)i term) through the franchise fee. effort, and the rm only knows the distribution of the former, when
The analysis of the charge-back contract conrms the positive the parameters satisfy k 2(r c) >2(h l): (1) it is optimal for the
theory of cost allocation proposed by [28] that cost allocations are rm to offer the charge-back contract when the probability of having
often used to solve certain organizational problems, here, in particu- a high expected local base demand satises q b ; (2) it is optimal for
lar, incentive and information asymmetry agency issues. It is also the rm to offer the variable-rate contract when q > .
consistent with the franchise contract literature that the franchising
fee structure is driven by factors such as moral hazard, franchisor Recall that the parameter condition in Proposition 4 ensures that
services, and risk sharing between the two parties [17,23]. We did misreporting when observing h and incurring no demand-generating
not model the double-sided moral hazard issue that commonly effort are not a viable choice for the manager. Proposition 4 can be de-
appears in the franchising network, but we derive the optimal incentive rived by comparing the rm's prot under the two contracts. In general,

Table 1
Summary of contract terms and corresponding operational/nancial results of the center.

Full-information contract Information asymmetry

Uniform contract Variable-rate contract Charge-back contract

Optimal contracts sl = sh = $1301 s(N) = $2102 + $51.63 N sl(N) = $765 + $24.1 N sl(N) = $3201 + $70 N
sh(N) = $3889 + $70 N sh(N) = $3430 + $70 N
Manager's effort l = h = 49 l = h = 36.14 l = 16.86; h = 49 l = h = 49
Center's expected l = 64.3 l = 55.3 l = 41.8 l = 64.3
volume (patients/day) h = 79.3 h = 70.3 h = 79.3 h = 79.3
Capacity (patients/day) l = 74.3 = 80.3 l = 51.8 l = 74.3
h = 89.3 h = 89.3 h = 89.3
Capacity utilization l = 86.5% l = 68.9% l = 80.7% l = 86.5%
h = 88.8% h = 87.5% h = 88.8% h = 88.8%
Costs of capacity cl = $2229 c = $2409 cl = $1554 cl = $2229
ch = $2679 ch = $2679 ch = $2679
Center's prots $3530 $2803 $3107 $3038
Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142 39

Percentage of Full-Information Profit

the rm realizes less expected prot when the manager possesses
private information on market demand and his effort. However, the
rm can improve its prot by selecting which contract to offer based variable-rate contract
96% charge-back contract
on the probability distribution of the local base demand. Proposition 4
uniform contract
states that when the probability of having a low local base demand is
higher than that of a high local base demand (i.e., q b ), the rm can 91%
realize a higher expected prot level by offering the charge-back
contract. This is mostly because the charge-back contract achieves the 86%
same prot level as in the full-information case when the expected
local base demand is low. When the probability of having a high local 81%
base demand is greater than , the rm is better off to offer the
variable-rate contract. This is because the variable-rate contract leads 76%
to a higher prot level in the high-demand market, and this prot 0.15 0.05 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95
improvement can offset the prot shortage in the low-demand market, Probability of Having a High Expected Local Base Demand (q)
especially as the probability of having a low-demand market is relatively
Fig. 1. The percentage of the full-information prot under the uniform, variable-rate, and
low. charge-back contracts with q varying from 0.05 to 0.95.

6.3. Cost and value of the manager's private information variance of the local base demand is low. In this example, the rm
can realize 17.72% more prot by obtaining such information with
The prot difference between the full-information and information the charge-back contract than with the uniform contract when q=
asymmetry cases can be used as a measure for the overall costs of infor- 0.05 and 24.4% more prot by offering the variable-rate contract rather
mation or agency costs for the rm. Here information includes the than the uniform contract when q =0.95. In comparison, the two
manager's information regarding local market and his effort. Even information-eliciting contracts only generate 10.38% more prot when
though the variable-rate and charge-back contracts can elicit market q=0.5. In addition, the prot gap between the full-information case
information from the manager, because of information asymmetry the and the charge-back or uniform contract is increasing in q. However,
manager is able to reserve an information rent, which represents part when q is higher than the bound q^ the prot gap is actually decreas-
of the costs of information. Since the rm can improve her prot by ing under the variable-rate contract (Corollary 3). That is, the value
offering appropriate contracts based on the distribution of local base de- of the optimal contract choice is increasing, since the center's
mand, we can use F C as the measure for the agency costs when protability is improved with the variable-rate contract when the
q b and F V when q > . probability of having a high-demand market is relatively high.
Corollary 3. Given that the parameters satisfy k 2(r c) > 2(h l):
(1) the prot difference F C is increasing in the prot margin 7. Conclusions
(r c), the local market uncertainty (h l), and the probability of
having a high local base demand (q); (2) the prot difference F Market demand uncertainty and time-based competition, make
V is increasing in (r c); it is increasing in (h l) when bl > 0 capacity investment and managerial incentives decisions for service
and independent of (h l) when bl = 0; it is, however, decreasing facilities such as high-end diagnostic medical imaging centers, modern
in q when bl = 0; for bl > 0 it increases in q rst, reaches its maxi- IT services, or contract manufacturing shops particularly challenging.
mum at q = q^ and then decreases in q where q^ satises These facilities compete on service quality, short queuing times and
q^ 2q^ =1q^ 2k rc=h l .
speed. Therefore, having insufcient capacity can be economically
devastating for them. Given the high up-front costs involved, rms
Corollary 3 states that the manager's information becomes more want to make sure that they neither over- nor under-invest in service
costly for higher prot margins (r c) or higher local market uncer- capacity. These problems get exasperated by the fact that typically
tainty (h l). In addition, it is more costly for moderate q values, rms are unfamiliar with the local market demand and do not closely
which correspond to higher base demand variance, rather than ex- observe the demand-generating efforts of the hired managers. Most
treme q values, since as q approaches 0 (or 1) the charge-back (or of prior studies of cost allocation methodologies, contract design, and
variable-rate) contract leads to a near rst-best prot level. Note service resource management tend to address these aspects of the prob-
that the variance of local base demand is given by q(1 q)(h l) 2, lem separately. They ignore the interaction effects between the capacity
which is increasing in q for q b and decreasing in q for q > . Thus decisions and the managerial adverse selection and moral hazard issues
it is high for moderate q values. which are crucial elements for successfully running services with xed
We compute the rm's expected prots when offering the capacity, random arrivals and stochastic service times. We contribute
uniform contract, the variable-rate contract, and the charge-back to literature by developing an integrated approach that simulta-
contract and compare them with the prot in the full-information neously determines the design of managerial incentive contracts
case using the numerical example from Section 6.1 but with q varying and the optimal capacity planning for capital intensive service
from 0.05 to 0.95. Fig. 1 illustrates the percentage of full-information facilities, facing a combined moral hazard and adverse selection
prot that can be achieved by offering the three contracts. Clearly, agency issue, and providing a complete solution to the complicated
both the variable-rate and charge-back contracts outperform the uni- practical problem.
form contract since the latter does not elicit market information from We derive the closed-form solutions for three incentive contracts
the manager. Similarly, we can use the prot differences C U and under information asymmetry between the rm and management,
V U as a measure for the value of the manager's market informa- and analyze their impact on capacity decisions, service levels, service
tion, since the uniform contract that does not elicit such information volumes, and the allocations of costs. We nd that the uniform
distorts the capacity decision. In this example, the prot difference contract, which offers the same payment terms regardless of market
C U (when q b ) is bigger when q is low and the difference conditions, is able to induce the desired demand-generating effort
V U (when q > ) is bigger when q is high. Thus, effectively from the manager but fails to elicit the manager's market knowledge
eliciting the manager's local market information through contract de- and greatly distorts the rm's capacity decision. To effectively elicit
sign is more valuable for the rm for extreme q values or when the market information from the manager, the rm needs to design a
40 Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142

menu of incentive contracts. Two contracting approaches that are typically possess specic-knowledgethat give them a signicant
simple to implement in practice can elicit this information. The rst information advantage.
is to offer a menu of variable-rate linear contracts in which the
per-request payments are modied for different market conditions. Appendix A. Derivation of the full-information contract and capacity
Under this contracting mode, the manager is induced to report the re-
alized local market demand and the rm is responsible for investing Following the discussion in Section 4, the constrained problem (1)
in capacity and meeting the service standard, based on the manager's can be reduced to solving the optimal effort from Eq. (2). The rst-
report of market information. Under the second approach, the rm order condition (FOC) and second-order condition (SOC) are given by:
charges the manager a differential franchise fee for using the
installed capacity and pays the manager a uniform per-request i = i krc i 0 FOC
fee regardless of the market conditions. Here the manager is
2 2
explicitly responsible for capacity selection and for meeting the i = i 1b0: SOC
service standard. We prove that the rm can elicit true market in-
formation by properly setting the xed franchise fee, and this ap- Solving the FOC, we have the optimal effort, i = k(r c). Hence
proach (of charge-back contracting) can also induce the rst-best the optimal expected demand is i = i + ki = i + k 2(r c). The
(full-information) demand-generating effort from the manager. optimal capacity can be derived from the binding service standard
As we demonstrate in the numerical example, the manager's mar- constraint: i = i + 1/W0 = i + k 2(r c) + 1/W0. The compensation
ket knowledge is valuable to the rm. By eliciting this market to the manager can be derived from the binding (IR) constraint:
information from the manager with the proposed variable-rate si = M + V(i) = M + (r c) 2 k 2.
or charge-back contracts, the investing rm can make accurate
capacity decisions and realize 10.38% to 24.4% more prots than Proof of Proposition 1. The uniform contract problem is described
offering the uniform contract. in Eq. (3). Solving the FOC of the manager's net utility function ((IC)
While both the variable-rate and charge-back contracts can help the constraint) we know that the manager will exert an effort level
rm successfully elicit the manager's local market information, the i = b Uk, which maximizes his net utility. Thus, the expected demand
rm's eventual optimal contract choice depends on the probability satises h = h + k 2b U > l = l + k 2b U. To satisfy the service standard
distribution of the local base demand. Surprisingly, the charge-back constraint, the rm will invest in a capacity level such that the service
(franchise) contract, which produces the rst-best operational results standard constraint is binding in the high-demand market because
across the board, may not always maximize the rm's prot when the Wl b Wh. Next, we check the (IR) constraint. Since h > l and h = l,
manager also has private information about the local market. In partic- f U + b Uh V(h) > f U + b Ul V(l) M. The (IR) constraint will be
ular, this franchise approach only dominates the variable-rate contract binding for the low-demand case but not for the high-demand
when the probability of having a low local base demand is high (qb ). case. From the binding service standard constraint in the high-
This contrasts with and extends results in [21] that a franchising plan demand case and the binding (IR) constraint in the low-demand case
achieves the rst-best outcome in terms of both the agents' effort and we have =h +1/W0 =h +k2bU +1/W0 and f U =M+V(l)bUl.
the principal's prot. In our setting, the franchising contract not only
fails to produce the rst-best prots for the rm, it can also be inferior Taking i, , and f U into Eq. (3), which is now a concave function of bU,
to the variable-rate contract. and solving the FOC, we have the per-unit rate bU =max{0, rc
In our service setting, the manager and the rm each brings two q(h l)/k2}. We then can derive the optimal effort, capacity, and xed
unique assets to the operation. The former possesses knowledge of payment from bU. Here, depending on the parameter values, it maybe
local market demand and can help the center increase service demand optimal for the rm to set bU =0 and only offer a xed payment M, and
by managing day-to-day operations and exerting demand-generating in that case it is only paying the manager for running the center without
efforts, and the latter provides capital for capacity and brings in base- seeking his demand-generating effort.
demand through its brand name, reputation, and promotional efforts.
Proof of Corollary 1. When bU >0, bU/q = (h l)/k2 b 0, U/
The charge-back contract is designed to motivate the manager to
q = (h l)b 0, and fU/q = (l +k 2bU)bU/q >0.
share his assets and help the rm recoup the values of assets that it con-
tributes to the center and extract all surpluses. Thus it may be optimal Proof of Proposition 2. The rm's problem of capacity investment
(for both the rm and the manager) to charge the manager more than and variable-rate contract design is describe in Eq. (4) subject to a
the costs of capacity as the rm needs to recoup its reputation values series of constraints: (IR), truth-telling (IC), (IC-LH), (IC-HL), and ser-
and extract all surpluses through the franchise fee. The accounting liter- vice standard constraints. First, we simplify the constraints described
ature tends to focus on the role of xed cost allocation as an effective cost in Section 5.2. Because the manager's net utility function is concave in
control to hold agents accountable so that they will not over-consume re- effort, we can replace the (IC) constraint with the FOC of the manager,
sources at the expense of the rm. However, in a service queueing setting, which gives the optimal effort level i = bik when the manager
under-consuming resources can be harmful to the rm as well, because reports truthfully. Similarly, i bj k (i, j = l, h and i j). We then
low capacity restricts the center from serving more customers and also can simplify the (IR), (IC-LH) and (IC-HL) constraints:
causes long customer waiting times. We show that when properly
designed, the franchise fee in the charge-back contract can prevent the 2 2
f l bl l bl k =2M IR  L
manager from both over-using and under-using service capacity.
In summary, we solve a practical capital budgeting and managerial 2 2
f h bh h bh k =2M IR  H
incentive contracting problem in a service setting and extend prior liter-
ature on cost allocation, contract design, and service resource manage- 2 2 2 2
ment. We show that by integrating service resource investment f l bl l bl k =2f h bh l bh k =2 IC  LH
and incentive contract design, rms can optimize their capacity in-
2 2 2 2
vestments to better cope with market uncertainty and signicantly f h bh h bh k =2f l bl h bl k =2: IC  HL
improve their protability. Our study applies to many capital-
intensive and congestion-prone service systems, where the success Further comparison of the (IC-HL) and (IR-L) constraints shows
b2 k2 b2 k2
of signicant up-front capacity investments also hinges on the that f h bh h h2 > f l bl l l2 M. Thus, the (IR-L) constraint
daily operations of those facilities run by hired managerswho should be binding, and we can omit the (IR-H) constraint. The
Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142 41

(IC-HL) constraint should be binding as well because the rm from the parameter condition for bl =0. Hence in general whether
does not need to compensate the manager more than what is re- bl >0 or bl =0 we have C b V if q>.
quired. Next, from the binding (IC-HL) constraint we can show
that the (IC-LH) constraint can be further simplied as bh bl. Proof of Corollary 3. The prot difference between the full-
Because capacity is costly, the service standard constraints will information contract and the charge-back contract in the information
be binding so the optimal capacity is given by i = i + 1/W0 = asymmetry case is given by F C = q(h l)(r c (h l)/2k2).
i + bik 2 + 1/W0. For bl >0, the prot difference between the full-information contract
and the variable-rate contract in the information asymmetry case is
The rm's problem can now be reduced to solving:
given by F V =q(h l)(rcq(h l)/2k2(1q)), and when
bl =0, we have F V =(1q)(rc)2k2/2. Accordingly, we can show
n h   i h   io
2 2
1q rcbl l bl k f l c=W 0 q rcbh h bh k f h c=W 0 that for the charge-back contract (F C)/(rc)>0, (F C)/
f l ;bl ;f h ;bh
(h l)>0, and (F C)/q>0.

For the variable-rate contract, ( F V)/ (r c) > 0 with bl 0;

2 2
subject to : f l bl l bl k =2 M IR  L ( F V)/ (h l) > 0 for bl > 0, and F V is independent of
(h l) for bl = 0. Furthermore, for bl > 0, 2( F V)/ q 2 b 0 and
2 2
f h bh h bh k =2 f l bl h bl k =2
2 2
IC  HL ( F V)/ q = (h l)(r c q(h l)(2 q)/2k 2(1 q) 2). Thus,
the prot difference is at its maximum at q = q^ , and it increases in q
bh bl 0: IC  LH for q b q^ and decreases in q for q > q^ , where ( F V)/ q = 0 at q =
q^ . For bl = 0, we have ( F V)/ q b 0.
From the binding (IR-L) and (IC-HL) constraints, we can represent fl as
Mbll +bl2k2/2 and fh as fl +blh +bl2k2/2bhh bh2k2/2. Taking these
fl and fh into Eq. (4), we can then derive bl and bh by solving the corre- References
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42 Y. Jiang, A. Seidmann / Decision Support Systems 58 (2014) 3142

[27] F. Zhang, Procurement mechanism design in a two-echelon inventory system Abraham Seidmann is Xerox Professor of Computers and Information Systems and
with price-sensitive demand, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Operations Management at the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administra-
12 (2010) 608626. tion, University of Rochester. He is the author of over 100 research articles, which appear in
[28] J.L. Zimmerman, The costs and benets of cost allocations, The Accounting Review many of the leading scientic journals, and has been the founding department editor on
54 (1979) 504521. interdisciplinary management research and applications in Management Science for
10 years. He is also an associate or area editor for IIE Transactions, the International Journal
of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Controls, the Journal of Intelligent
Yabing Jiang is Assistant Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management
Manufacturing, the Journal of Management Information Systems, and Production and
at the Lutgert College of Business, Florida Gulf Coast University. She holds a Ph.D.
Operations Management.
in Computers Information Systems from the William E. Simon Graduate School of
Business Administration, University of Rochester. Her research interests focus on
employing economic theories and methodologies to study IT-related topics such as new
business models and pricing strategies in electronic commerce, incentive contracting in
service facilities, outsourcing contract design, and the role of IT in corporate governance.
Her research appears in Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, the Journal
of Management Information Systems, the Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management, the
Information Resources Management Journal, and Information Systems Management.

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