Level 5 5013v1 Exemplar Assignment 2 For Website

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5013v1 Leadership Practice Use the Assessment Criteria

(AC) as headings. The

guidance notes will show if 2
A.c. 1.1 Discuss the concept of AC can be joined together
managers as effective leaders


A.c. 1.2 Discuss the concept of leaders as effective


According to the idea of transformational leadership an effective leader is a

person who does the following:
Creates an inspiring vision of the future.
Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision.
Manages delivery of the vision.
Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more Use quotes to demonstrate
effective at achieving the vision. your research.
Leadership brings together the skills needed to do these
things. By putting quotes in boxes
they stand out as referenced
Reference: Mindtools Feb 2016 work.

This compares to management which is defined as:

. A set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and

technology running smoothly. Important aspects of management include
planning, budgeting, organising, staffing, controlling and problem solving

Reference: CMI Level 7 Pathways workbook

In my opinion leadership is about inspiration, Use tables to reduce

empowerment and motivation whereas wordcount and clarify the
management is about policies, control and difference between two
measurement. concepts. If you create your
own table make it clear it is
The table I have created below illustrates the
your own work
different roles of a leader and a manager:

A leader . A manager ..
Inspires their team towards Focuses on the bottom line

organisational goals
Is focussed on providing excellent Writes protocols and policies
Establishes strategy and Measures outcomes and performance
involves/communicates the strategy to
the team
Is innovative and creative in their Ensures everyone is accountable and
approach manages their performance
Takes risks and is change orientated Controls processes and procedures
and flexible in the way they deal with
day to day challenges

To illustrate effective leadership and management I have produced the following


Example 1: I worked with a leader who naturally inspired their team to perform.
He listened to the views of everyone in the The task will show you if you
team and we would produce team objectives need to include examples.
together. He communicated the vision of the Label each example so they
organisation clearly and regularly at both team stand out to the assessor
meetings and appraisals and we all knew where
we fit in the business. He was dynamic, friendly
and supportive and we all believed in him and
wanted to follow his lead. The result was a
highly effective team which met and exceeded expectations.

Example 2: I worked with a manager who controlled their workforce effectively

through set objectives and regular measurement. Whilst they didnt display the
warmth of the leader, they were effective in as much as the staff knew what was
expected of the them and achieved their targets. However, it was not so
enjoyable working for someone who micromanaged and staff tended to do what
was expected of them out of fear as opposed to willingness.

A.C. 1.3 - Evaluate the balance needed between the demands of

management and the demands of leadership
It is essential for leaders to be able to manage and managers to use leadership
skills in order to maintain a balance. For example if a leader is given a free
range there will be a high level of risk and lots of innovation and they may find
themselves over spending on the budget or missing key targets.

Whereas if a manager does not lead the team
Here are 2 examples of how can become demotivated and uninspired and
you can reference work. One stagnation in the organisation can occur.
is within the sentence to back Towers Perrin (2005) suggests that although
up your views and the second many people would like to contribute more,
is shown in graphic form so the behaviour of their managers actively
you dont have to use up your discourages them from doing so.
wordcount by describing the
theory John Adair captures the essence of the
balance between management and
leadership in his work on Action Centred leadership. This model demonstrates
the balance required between the task, team and individuals.

Reference: http://www.businessballs.com/action.htm

The following examples demonstrate the relationship between management and


Example 1: A manager I worked with was a natural extrovert and leader. He was
dynamic and inspiring and led the team to great achievements. His leadership
style included risk taking, creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, communication and
empowerment. He openly enjoyed leading others and had to reign himself in in
order to ensure he was working within the organisations policies and targets.

The organisation he worked with was a financial institution based in the 80s so
the need to measure, monitor and follow policies was a well-established culture.
Therefore he did not always have support or respect from the Directors.

In order to redress this balance he would focus his attention on establishing

objectives and agreeing targets in line with the organisational goals, he would
also measure performance against objectives in team meetings and appraisals.
However, he did find this discipline difficult.
Whenever you see the
The advantages of his approach were:
command verb Evaluate you
Highly motivated and dedicated workers must give the advantages and
High levels of innovation within the team disadvantages and a
Outstanding achievement of change conclusion

The disadvantages included:

Risky decisions caused organisational problems for the HR and finance

Dramatic change didnt always fit with the culture of the organisation
Dissatisfaction from the Directors about his performance

Example 2: A manager I worked with was a natural introvert, theory X in

approach and a traditional leader. She was very controlling in her approach and
everything was by the book. Her team was ruled by targets and task lists and it

was a very stifling environment to work in for those staff who preferred
empowerment and freedom of choice.

She did try to empower the staff on one occasion where she invited the team to
her house for a teambuilding day. She kept asking closed questions about team
targets and then answering herself. The team felt unable to contribute as they
had not had the opportunity to think freely before so they looked to her for

The advantage of her approach was:

Safety as the department always ran in the same way and she knew
everything that happened
Control over what the team did and when they did it so she could be sure
targets would be met
For team members who liked order it was a good working environment
Budgets and targets were met

The disadvantage of her approach was:

A stagnant environment which failed to respond to the external

environment and change
Staff going through the motions rather than thinking for themselves and
creating new ways of working
High turnover of staff who were creative and forward thinking
Loss of opportunity to get the best out of the staff

In conclusion I firmly believe there needs to be a balance between leadership

and management and that this can be achieved by combining the best of both,
however, I do appreciate the difficulties faced by people who are naturally
predisposed to one or the other style. In some instances it may be the
development of skills and changing attitudes which will enable to person to
develop both management & leadership styles. For others it may mean there is
a need to work with others predisposed to the opposite style in order to maintain
an overall balance.

Widemans Leadership vs Management Skills in a Project Life Cycle is an

excellent example of the balance and marriage of these two styles in order to
achieve an excellent outcome.

Reference: http://www.maxwideman.com/papers/leader/lifecycle.htm

Always include the wordcount
at the end of the section.
Information on what is counted
can be found on the
Developing U website

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