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A a /

Car , far , half , jar , star , large :

Cat , fat , hat , jam , stab , land :

Ahmed , Arabic , angry , alone , advise () :

( -)
Lake , play , rate , save , make , take ,
( )e/y .

( )o ( )l ()ll
Ball , tall , wall , fall , all , hall

( )o ()w
Water , war , awful , awl , want , wash

/ B b
Book , by , boy , banana
() :

Cc /
City , bicycle , center , place y, e , ( ()
. )i
Come , cut , coffee , cat , caml
() -

D d /
Door , do , deep , dinner , doctor , drive . ()

Soldier , education , gradual , schedule , procedure , . ()

graduate , individual.

E e
Ten , pen , then , well , when , :

Eat , even , egg , east , expect , ()

Take , cake , care , live , come :

F f /
For , feel , football , friend , beef , famous
) (

G g /
Good , goal , go , give , glass , great , big . ()

Lgentle , germ , Germany , George , religion ()

)e /i(

H h /
He , hotel , hospital , help , have , hot , how , Honda

I i
Tin , pin , hill , fill , will , swim , him :

It , is , if , in , inside , ill , inch , inter ()

Five , like , ice , drive , tie , pipe , tie , site , File , tile , ()
. )e(

J j
Keep , kid , kingdom , key , kind , kilo

L l /
Long , like , leave , lazy , little , Lebanon , lady , line

M m /
Me , man , come , market , make , mother

N n /
No , not , number , nice , November , need

O o
On , of , October , open , office , old , oxygen ()

Love , not , come , Monday , body , blood )^( -

P p ) (
Paper , pepper , people , pepsi , pen , put

Q q (kw) /
Queen , quite , quiet , quickly , quarter
) ua( ()
) ue( ()
. )ui(

R r /
Read , Riyadh , red , remember , road : ()

Return , modern , doctor , teacher , turn

)a- e- i- o- u(

Ss /
See , stop , sit , sun , small , say , speak ()

Please , easy , use , disease () -


Books , students , cups

)p, t, k(

Trees , fees , seas , boys , girls , glassesi


Assure , pressure , fissure , issue , tissue , sure

. )u( ()

T t /

Tea , teacher , ten , tell , two , telephone , team ,

U u
Under , up , understand , uncle , until , umbrella ()

Cut , cup , hut , luck , Sunday , but )^(

Cute , mute , beautiful , Europe , music , fuse , use , ()

amuse , abuse , tube , huge , due )e(

V v
Visa , Volvo , video , virus , vitamin

W w /
What , we , wait , want , went , west , will :) (

Few , new , dew , view , news , mew ()

X x
Box , taxi , explain , exercise , expect ()

Y y /
Yes , you , your , year , yemen , yellow , young : ()

By , buy , try , fry , cry , why , fly , july , my . ()

.) () (
May , day , play , pray , bay , tray

Z z /
Zoo , size , dizzy , zero , prize , frozen . ()
Aw / au /ou / al (o)

Daughter , fault , saw , paull , caught , bought , ()

fought , brought , chalk , walk , talk ,

Ch ) (

Chair , chicken , cheap , cheat , cheese :) (-

School , mechanic , stomach , headache , chemistry

() -
, cholera , schedule , cholesterol , chronic , ache ,
echo , character

Machine , Michigan , Chicago , brochure , chef ,

moustache , parachute , chalet , chagrin , : () -

Tu /ture (ch) ) (/
Future , picture , furniture , lecture , nature , :) (
misfortune , fortunate , feature , culture , fracture

Cia / tia /
Special , social , official , appreciate , financial , () ()
artificial , racial , crucial , commercial , patricia ,
essential , partial , initial , credentials , martial,
negotiate , substantiate ,

Musician , politician , electrician , physician ,

magician , residential .


Cool , fool , wool , food , root , pool :

Foot , wood , blood , stood , cook , shook , took , )o(

book , look

She , show , shop , fish , sheep , finish , ship , shirt

Bell , fell , gentle , pen , set , ten , well , tell

Bill , fill , ginger , pin , sit , tin , will , till

Ck (k)
Back , luck , jack , track , trick , brick , sick , tick ) (

Dg (j)
Bridge , judge , fridge , edge sledge ) (

Ea / ee
Sea , see , tea , tree , free , bean , been ()

Ai / ei
Explain , spain , remain , brain , contain , wait , eight ()
, nail

Example , examination , exit , exile )a/I /e( ()

Explain , expect , extra , express a ( ()

)/i/ e
Right , night , light , eight , neighbor , caught , )t(
taught , bought , brought , fought , sought , thought
, ought to ,

Enough , tough , laugh , rough , cough , draught ()

Ph (f)
Telephone , elephant , pharmacy , photo , :) (

Sion /
Television , decision , occasion , religion , () -
division )a- e- o u -i(

Expression , extension , impression , omission , : ()

Sure (j)
Measure , treasure , pleasure , leisure : ()

Th /
The , this , that , these , those , their , there , () -
then , weather , whether

Thank you , think , thobe , thief , thin , : ()


The apple , the orange , the umbrella , the egg ,

the book , the car , the door ,

Question , examination , relation , section : ) (

Anxious , spacious , conscious , delicious , ()

Obvious , glorious , curious , furious , serious ()

present & past form

) (he she it
Watch : he watches tv .
Accuse , cause , mix , change , recognize , ( )iz
advise , manage
Enjoy : he enjoys reading
Admire , avoid , control , aim , believe , cry , ()z ()he she -it
enter , appear , clean , fail , approve , compare :
, die , need , deserve
Expect : he expects their visit.
Accept , check , point , complete , print , speak ( )s ()he she -it
, cut :
Want : he wanted to see you ( )d /t
Need , end ,fit , hunt ( )id

Agree : he agreed to come. ( )d

Play , learn , pay , circle , explain , refuse , beg
, fill
Paced , backed , banked , stopped , passed , ( )t
pushed , fixed
( ce ck k nk p ss
)sh x

a list of words with silent

b ch

Bomb Yacht

Comb / g

Climb Assign

Debt Design

Dumb Feign

Lamb ( ) Sign /

Numb Resign

Plumber Feign

Subtle Foreign

Thumb h

tomb Exhibit

doubt Exhort

d Ghost

Adjective Graham

Handkerchief Hour

Handsome / Herb

Wednesday Heir

width Honor /

k Honest /

asked John

kneel Rhyme

Knife Rhythm

Knight Theresa

Knit Thomas

Knob When /

Knock Where /

Knot Which /

Know Why

Knowledge What /

n Whisper

Autumn Vehicle

Column Spaghettis

Environment I

Government Alms /

s Calm

Aisle Could /

Island Folk

Debris Palm

Arkansas Should ()

Lllinois Talk

th Walk

Asthma Would /

months / p

Legths Corps

Widths Receipt /

depths Pneumatic

u Psychology

Buy Cupboard

Guess Raspberry

Guide Pneumonia

Guilt t

guitar Ballet

w Bustle

Answer Castle /

Sword Chalet

Toward Chestnut

Two Christmas

Who Depot//() /

Whose Fasten ()

Whole Fillet

Whoever Mortgege ()

Whom Mustn't / ()

wrap Often

Wreck Rustle /

Wrench Soften /

Wrinkles Whistle /

Write Wrestle

Wrong Valet



Cat Car Take Tail
Fat Far Make Mail
Hat Half Pay Pain
Pass Past Face Fail
match march Wake Wait
A A A A (o)
At Eat In Fall
about easy If / Call
And Exam Ink All
Ash End Ill Talk
After egg Index Walk

Be Debt Pen Cupboard
Bee doubt Pizza Psychology
Bad Lamb Poor Corps
Brain Climb Pick Raspberry
Box thumb Paint Receipt
C C (k) D D
City Cat Door Soldier
Center Corner Day Gradual
Civil bicycle Friend Schedule
Circle Camel Face Procedure
Cell come Wake Individual

Fit File House Where
Net Nine Hope What
Tell Tie Help Why
Bill Bite He When
Live Lite Hand Which
Ou O Oi Ei / ie
Found Fond Voice Brief
House Host Boy Thief
Mouse Most Toy Grier
South Bone Boil Believe
count son Soil Sieve
Gh () Gh Ea Ea (e)
Tough Light Bean Bread
Cough Night Beat Breast
Enough Fight Heat Head
Rough Sight Treat Tread
laugh caught Dear Death
Ex (eks) Ex (egz) U (^) U
Expect Exam Tub Tube
Exercise Example Hut Huge
Extra Exit Fund Fuse
Explain Exactly Dust Due
export exhaust Cut Cure
Ee Ea E I
Meet Mean Fell Fill
Beet Beat Bell Bill
Deep Deep Pen Pin
Feel Fear Ten Tin

seed Seal well Will

S S (z) Th Th
Glass Glaze Thin Then

Brass Please Healthy Weather

This These Third Their

Cats Cars Breath Breathe

Boss Busy through Although

Ch Ch (k) Ch (sh) Ture (ch)

Cheap Mechanic Machine Picture

Change School Chicago Departure

Check Headache Moustache Adventure

Cheese Chemistry Chef Lecture

chicken Echo brochure Future

Call Calm For Valve

Cold Could Safe Verb

Pull Palm Coffee Cave

Shoulder Should Off Of

Wall Would Gulf Give

Sh Cia (sh) / Tia (sh)/ Tion

Shop Special Initial Relation
She Social Partial Section

Show Financial Essential Caution

Shout Official Negotiate Action

Shy commercial residential Question

Ed (d) Ed (id) Ed (t) G (j)
Hoped Expected Passed Gentle
Looked Needed Backed George

Received Founded Stopped General
Saved Rented Pushed Geology

Played Acted fixed Germ

How do you do? ) (
How do you do? ) (
I am jack-nice to meet you
Nice to meet you too
What id your name?
My name is Abdullah
What is your family name?
How old are you?
I am 22 / I am 22 years old. 21
Where are you from?
I am from Saudi Arabia
What is your nationality?
I am Saudi
What is your job? What do you do?
I am student.
How much do you weigh?
I am 65 kilos / I am weigh 65 kg 65
How tall are you?
I am 160cm 161
What is your favorite hobby?
Where were you born?
I was born in Riyadh

?When were you born
I was born in 1990 1991
?Where do you live
I live in Riyadh
?What is Riyadh like
Oh , it is big and beautiful city
?How many brothers do you have
I have Tow brothers : Mohammed and Omer
Have a nice Day . I wish you the best of luck .
Same to You . Good bye.




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