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The following is part of a budget plan that I took part in writing for the 2016-17 school


State Programs Allocation

Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) School Allocation-

Budget 419
X Purpose: To provide flexibility in the use of state and local $ 176,108
funds by LEAs and schools and for targeted disadvantaged

Total amount of state funds allocated to this school

Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) Carryover Only-

Budget 436
Purpose: Categorical Funds are available for use in performing $ 0
various specified measures to improve academic instruction and
pupil academic achievement

Total amount of State Categorical Funds allocated to this school $ 0

Federal Programs Allocation

Title I, Part A: Allocation-Budget 501

X Purpose: To improve basic programs operated by local
educational agencies (LEAs)

Title I, Part A: Parental Involvement- Budget 501

(if applicable under Section 1118[a][3][c] of the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act)
Purpose: Ensure that parents have information
they need to make well-informed choices for their
X $ 2,176
children, more effectively share responsibility with
their childrens schools, and help schools develop
effective and successful academic programs (this
is a 1% reservation from the district total Title I,
Part A allocation).

For Program Improvement Schools only-Budget

501: Title I, Part A Program Improvement (PI) $
X Professional Development (10% minimum 10,516
reservation from the Title I, Part A reservation)

Total amount of federal categorical funds allocated to this school
Total amount of state and federal funds allocated to this school

Academic Priorities for Title I and LCAP

Programs/Positions 2016-2017
Priority Expenditure for Priority Budget #/
Est. Cost

Increase reading 1.Resource 1. Resource

proficiency including teacher/Program teacher/Program
fluency, vocabulary Facilitator/Support Teacher Facilitator/Support
development and 2.Professional Teacher-
comprehension for Development relating to 501: $ 73,380
students On Watch, Instructional Rounds, RCD 419: $8,215
Intervention and Urgent unit strategic planning, 2. P.D. including subs-
Intervention levels as student engagement and 501 $11,707
measured by the Reading math skills and 419 $0
district benchmark interventions; including the 3. Supplemental
assessment. cost of subs resources-
Increase math proficiency 3. Supplemental resources 501: $2,776 + $3,000 +
for students On Watch, such as: AR, novels, $3464= $8,540
Intervention and Urgent printing, technology 419: $2,407
Intervention levels as 4. Interns will provide 4. Interns - 501: $7,300
measured by the Math support services for 5.Maintenance Agreements
district assessment. differentiation 501: $2,531; 419: $938
5. Maintenance 6.RSPTutor-addl hrs 419:
Agreements for $2,475
supplemental materials
6. Additional hours for
RSP Tutor to service
students before & after

Increase English Learners 7. EAIII in learning center 7. EAIII - 419: $25,412

English language (1 four hour) 8. Instructional Aides - 419:
proficiency through 8. Instructional Aides (2 $59,668
Learning Center and small six hours, 1 four hour)
group instruction, tutoring
services, and differentiated

Provide strategies and 9. Bilingual Clerk for 9. Bilingual Clerk - 419:

support to parents by translation (4 hours) $28,401
assisting them with 10. Postage 10. Postage - $1,000
translation during school 11. Catering
meetings. and providing
resources at trainings 11. Catering - 419:

Increase the use of 12. Micro Computer 12. Micro Computer

technology within the Specialist (Part time 4 Specialist 419: $22,190.
classroom during ELA and hours, two days per week).

Increase student 13. Attendance Verifier (4 13. Attendance Verifier -

attendance by providing hours) 419: $21,678
home visits, personal 14. Car Allowance to allow 14. Car Allowance - 419:
phone calls and resources the attendance verifier to $750.00
to parents. make home visits

Provide additional support 15. Health Aide 15. Health Aide - 419:
to students attending (additional 2 hours) $2,475
before and after school

Increase writing 16. Professional 16. Resource

proficiency to improve development relating to Teacher/Program
writing conventions and instructional rounds, Facilitator/Suppport
organization. writing strategies, student Teacher.
engagement, and Professional Development
intervention. including substitutes

17. Supplemental 17. Supplemental

resources and materials resources
such as: printing.

18. Interns will provide 18. Interns

support services for
19. RSP Tutor
19. Additional hours for
RSP tutor to service
students before and after
Academic Priorities for Title I and LCAP
Possible Future Expenditures
Priority Expenditure for Priority Budget #/
Est. Cost

Maintain a safe and orderly 1. Rec Aides to assist in 1. Rec

environment and reinforce PBiS monitoring students, and Aides-
Skills reinforcing PBiS skills, and 419:
recreational activities as funds $5000

Provide other academic opportunities 2. Field trip fees and transportation 2. 501
such as field trips and assemblies Guest speakers and/or

Increase teacher capacity through 3. Professional Development cost 3. 501

professional development in areas including the cost of subs and/or
such as: Writing Strategies, AVID, 419
GLAD, GATE, and Math strategies $10,000

Supplemental Math and Reading 4. Supplemental mathematics 4. 501

materials materials and/or

Possible Future Expenditures Estimated Cost $30,000

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