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Green Building

A Guide to Sustainable Building Materials

and Methods in Santa Cruz County

Funded through waste reduction grants from the City and County of Santa Cruz
Departments of Public Works, and in cooperation with Ecology Action.
Green Building: A Guide to Sustainable Building Table of Contents
Materials and Methods in Santa Cruz County General Requirements
© 2004, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz Introduction to Green Building 2
Principal Authors: Barry Hooper & Karsten Mueller, Ecology Action Construction Waste Reduction 4
Editor & Kiosk/Graphic Designer: Jenny Shelton, Shelton Design Recycled Content Materials 5
Reusable, Recyclable,
& Biodegradable Materials 6
Deconstruction 7
This booklet, which offers a broad introduction to green building ma-
terials and waste reduction methods, was funded through waste reduc- Sitework
tion grants from the County and City of Santa Cruz Departments of Grading & Paving 8
Public Works. A basic overview of environmental considerations and Resource Efficient Landscapes 9

an outline of environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional Structural Elements

techniques are included, as well as resources for further investigation.
Earthen Building Materials 10
For additional information, and to see samples of many of the sus- Straw Bale Construction 11
tainable building materials and methods found in the guide, visit our Concrete 12
Concrete Formwork 12
area planning departments and browse the informational kiosks on Pervious Concrete 13
Insulated Structural Systems 14
display there. Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) 14
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) 15
Advanced Framing Techniques 16
This project was made possible through generous contributions of Lumber & Engineered Wood 17
funding, time and materials from many organizations, most impor- FSC Certified Wood 17

tantly the County of Santa Cruz Departments of Public Works and Exterior Elements
Planning, City of Santa Cruz Departments of Public Works and Plan-
Decks & Fencing 19
ning & Community Development, and Ecology Action. Many thanks Recycled Plastic Lumber 19
to Ana Maria Rebelo, Dick Stubendorff, Mary Arman, and Virginia Roofing 20
Metal Roofing 21
Johnson. Recycled-Content Roofing 21
Green (“Living”) Roofs 24
Siding 25
Thank you, reader, for your attention. We hope to inspire your interest Reclaimed Wood Siding 25
Fiber Cement Siding 25
and collaboration to support green building in our region, conserve Insulation 26
our environment, strengthen our economy, and create a healthy com- Windows 27
Interior Elements
Gypsum Wall Board 28
Homasote 28
Tile 29
Bamboo 30
Reclaimed Hardwood 30
Carpet 31
Linoleum 32
Cork 33
Earthen Flooring 34
Paint 35
Natural Wallcovering 35
Vinyl 36
Maintenance & Cleaning Products 37
Adhesives, Stains & Sealants 38

Equipment and Plumbing

Appliances & Office Equipment 39
Water-Efficient Fixtures 40
Solar Photovoltaics 41
Passive Solar Design 41

Green Building Checklist 42
Illustrated Building Section of Materials 22

Online access to this material is available at

Introduction to Green Building
Green Building What is a Green Building Material?
Techniques and
The ideal building material would have no negative environmental impacts, and
Materials are might even have positive environmental impacts, including air, land, and water
Resource Efficient: purification. Such a material would be infinitely reusable or recyclable.1 “Perfect”
• Durable materials are rare, but in practice, there are a growing number of green materials that
reduce or eliminate negative impacts on people and the environment. As manufac-
• Salvaged for reuse, refur- turers, building professionals, and owners constantly strive for better buildings, we
bished, remanufactured, or encourage others in the supply chain to join us in pursuit of a better world.
Incorporating green products into a project does not imply sacrifice in performance,
• Easily recyclable or reusable
or aesthetics, and does not necessarily entail higher cost. While one can spend con-
when no longer needed siderably more for green materials, careful shoppers will find cost-competitive envi-
• Manufactured from a waste ronmentally-preferable options. For example, a joint US EPA/Army study of more
material (such as straw or than 2200 paints showed environmentally preferable options cost an average of $1.76 less
fly ash) or a waste-reducing gallon 2
per gallon.
• Sustainably harvested from Considerations
renewable resources
This booklet offers simple suggestions to help select greener options for a wide array
• Minimally packaged and/or of common materials, and provides references to resources for more detailed infor-
wrapped with recyclable mation. For materials not included in this document, the checklist in the appendix
packaging and the sidebars of pages 2-3 can help you to organize your analysis.
• Able to reduce or eliminate
The evaluation of materials is based upon three questions:
the need for another material
(e.g., panel construction, or • Is the material renewable and resource efficient in its manufacture, installation,
finished concrete flooring) use, and disposal?
• Locally extracted and pro-
cessed • Does the material support the health and well being of occupants, construction
personnel, the public, and the environment?
• Energy efficient in use
• Use less energy in extrac- The most critical question is left to you:
tion, processing, and trans-
• What materials are appropriate for the application, and what are the environ-
port to the job site (low
mental and economic trade-offs among alternatives?
embodied energy)
• Generate renewable energy Research is required to evaluate alternatives and select the best material for a project.
Material selection ideally considers the impacts of a product throughout its life cycle
• Water-efficient (from raw material extraction, to use, and then to reuse, recycling, or disposal). Areas
• Manufactured with a water- of impact to consider at each stage in the life cycle of a material include:
efficient process
Resources: Natural Resource Depletion; Air and Water Pollution; Hazardous and
Solid Waste Disposal; Durability.
Energy: Energy required for Extraction, Manufacturing, and Transport of Materi-
als; Energy Performance in Useful Life of Material; Durability.
Health: Effect on Indoor Air Quality; Exposure of Occupant, Manufacturer, or In-
staller to Harmful Substances; Moisture and Mold Resistance; Cleaning and Main-
tenance Methods.

1 Inspired by language from GreenBlue, a non-profit promoting cradle-to-cradle design.

2 USEPA Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (1999) Painting the Town Green - Aberdeen Proving Ground’s Pilot Paint
Tools for Selecting Green Construction Materials Green Building
Techniques and
Life Cycle Analysis and Costing Materials are
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the systematic evaluation of the environmental
impacts of every stage in the life of a material, from extraction/harvest, to use, to Healthy:
recycling or disposal. LCA is information-intensive, so the most time and cost-ef- • Zero or low emissions of toxic
fective way to capture the benefits of the life cycle perspective is through the use of or irritating chemicals
LCA software, such as the free BEES (Building for Environmental and Economic
Sustainability) software package available from the National Institute of Standards • Moisture and mold resistant
and Technology ( • Low maintenance and require
no toxic cleansers
Related to LCA, life cycle costing (LCC) is the systematic evaluation of financial
implications of a material, a design decision, or a whole building. LCC tools can • Filter indoor pollutants
help calculate payback, cash flow, present value, internal rate of return, and other • Emit no volatile organic com-
financial measures. Such criteria are helpful in understanding how a modest up-front pounds (VOCs), particularly
cost for environmentally preferable materials or design features can be a very sound indoors
investment over the life of a building.
• Monitor for indoor pollutants
Free LCC tools available online include:
or poor ventilation (e.g. radon
• eVALUATOR from Energy Design Resources and carbon monoxide detec- tors)
• BLCC (developed by the Federal Energy Management Program)
• Manufactured with a low-pol-
lution process and from non-
toxic components
Third Party Certification
Third party testing and certification provides an independent analysis of manu- • Free of toxic materials such as
facturers’ environmental performance claims, based upon established standards chlorine, lead, mercury, and
(similar, for example, to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) evaluation of electrical arsenic
product safety). Making choices based on third party analysis is simpler than Life
Cycle Analysis, but care should be taken to evaluate the independence, credibility, • Not ozone depleting (free of
and testing protocols of the third party certifiers. HCFCs and halons)

Summaries Technology Third Party Certification
EPA Environmentally Preferable
Environmental Building News (2000)
Purchasing Forest Stewardship Council
‘What Makes a Product Green?’
Oikos Green Guard
City of Seattle (2000) “Primer on
Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable
California Integrated Waste Green Seal
Management Board Green Building
sustainablebuilding/Leeds/docs/ Scientific Certification Systems
Material Lists and Monterey Bay Area Green Building
Databases Directory
available at local planning counters
Green Spec (Fee-based) or
Alameda County Waste Management
Center for Resourceful Building Authority Green Building Materials
Resource Guide 3
Construction Waste Reduction
Avoiding Waste Design Considerations
• Smaller projects use less material, reducing both solid waste and operating costs.
• Design assemblies to match the standard dimensions of the materials to be used.
Environmentally and finan-
cially, avoiding generating • Consider designing for disassembly, so materials can be readily reused or re-
waste in the first place is a far cycled.
better practice than recycling. • Use clips and stops to support drywall or wood paneling at top plates, end walls,
Waste reduction has the bene- and corners. Clips can provide the potential for two-stud corners, reducing wood
fits of minimizing energy use, use, easing electrical and plumbing rough-in, and improving thermal perfor-
conserving resources, and mance.
easing pressure on landfill ca- • Materials attached with removable fasteners are generally quicker, cheaper, and
pacity. The suggestions found more feasible to deconstruct than materials installed with adhesives. However,
throughout this guide will aid adhesives distribute loads over larger areas rather than fasteners alone.
in reducing construction and • Remodel to make use of existing foundations and structures in good condition,
demolition waste. reducing waste, material requirements, and (frequently) labor costs.
• Design for flexibility and changing use of spaces.
• Specify materials such as structural insulated panels, panelized wood framing,

RESOURCES and precast concrete, that can be delivered pre-cut for rapid, nearly waste-free
King County Contractors’ • For wood construction, consider 24” on center framing with insulated headers
Guide to Preventing Waste and (i.e. ‘advanced framing’), trusses for roofs and floors, finger-jointed studs, and
Recycling engineered wood framing and sheathing materials.
swd/bizprog/sus_build/ • Specify materials with high recycled-content.

Alameda County Waste

Construction Practices
Management Board Builder’s • Basic but true: Measure twice and cut once. Protect materials from the elements.
Guide to Reuse & Recycling • Consider deconstructing and salvaging existing materials.
2003bg.pdf • Develop a waste reduction plan, including waste prevention, then assign respon-
sibility for implementing the plan to a motivated individual on the construction
Santa Cruz County Department team. Post the plan and set up on-site locations for recycling, with color coding
of Public Works for separation. Be sure to include time in the schedule for salvage and recycling. Require participation of all team members, including subcontractors.
• Delineate and limit the construction footprint (building, hardscape, and staging),
California Integrated Waste and coordinate construction with a landscape professional to minimize grading
Management Board and retain native soils and vegetation.
ConDemo/ • Use drywall clips to fasten drywall. Recycled-content polyethylene clips are avail-
able as an alternative to metal.
Monterey Bay Area Green
Building Directory
• Donate surplus materials to organizations like Habitat for Humanity.
available at local planning
counters or www.thegreenar Purchasing Considerations
• Materials that are durable, locally made, non-toxic, and/or have low embodied
Environmental Building News energy help reduce solid waste, minimize air and water pollution, and support the local economy.
Oikos Library • Choose products with little or no packaging, or seek suppliers who will reuse or recycle the packaging.
• Confirm that estimating methods result in the delivery of the correct quantity of
Center for Resourceful Building material to the job site.
Technology • Seek high-quality, used building materials early in the purchasing process to en-
sure availability, reduced materials cost and waste.
• Rent infrequently used tools.
Recycled-Content Materials
Overview When selecting a
Waste has a cost, and we all bear it. The extraction, manufacture/transport, and
building material:
disposal of building materials clogs our landfills, pollutes air and water, depletes
resources, and damages natural habitats. According to the California Integrated • Choose the highest recycled
Waste Management Board (CIWMB), construction and demolition (C&D) are content available. Some
responsible for 28% of California’s solid waste stream. More than 85% of that ma- recycled products may only
terial, from flooring to roofing, is reusable or recyclable. In addition to C&D waste, be 10% recycled and 90%
the material in our recycling bins, our used bottles, paper, cans, and cardboard, are virgin material.
also the raw materials for recycled content products. • Seek high post-consumer
recycled content. Some
Keeping a substance out of the landfill is only the first step to putting “waste” “recycled” content is waste
back into productive use. The material must be processed into a new, high-quality from manufacturing process-
item, and that product must be sold to a builder or homeowner who recognizes it’s es. Reducing manufacturing
benefits. By mining our “waste” as the raw material for new products, we increase waste is the first step, but
demand for recycling, and convince manufacturers to use more recycled material, recycling post-consumer ma-
continuously strengthening this cycle. terial is neccessary to close
the loop.
Benefits of recycled content materials include reduced solid waste, reduced energy • Evaluate materials carefully;
and water use, reduced pollution, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and a health- are they appropriate for your
ier economy. Yes, a healthier economy: Every 15,000 tons of solid waste recycled application? Are they du-
creates nine jobs, while sending that same amount of waste to a landfill provides rable?
only one job, according to the CIWMB. Using recycled content materials also sup-
ports companies that make environmentally preferable products. • Salvaging (reusing) whole
materials is even better than
Recycled-content building materials include, but are not limited to: recycling. Reuse all but
• Plastic and wood-plastic composite lumber from plastic and wood chips, ideal for eliminates waste, energy and
outdoor decking and railings. water use, and pollution.
• Insulation, such as cotton made from denim, newspaper processed into cellulose, • Look for materials that are
or fiberglass with some recycled glass content. not only recycled, but recy-
• Carpet made of plastic bottles (or sometimes from used carpet). Up to half of all clable or biodegradable at
polyester carpet made in the U.S. contains recycled plastic. the end of their useful life.
• Tile containing recycled glass. Ideally, a material may be re-
• Concrete containing ground up concrete as aggregate, or fly ash - a cementious cycled again and again back
waste product from coal-burningpower plants. into the same product.
• Countertops made with everything from recycled glass to sunflower seed shells
• Drywall made with recycled gypsum, and Homasote wall board made from re-
cycled paper.

EPA Environmentally Preferable Center for Resourceful Building Technology • C&D Recycling
Purchasing • Technical Manual for Material Choices in
Monterey Bay Area Green Building Sustainable Construction
Alameda County Waste Management Directory
Authority Green Building Materials at local planning counters or pubs.htm
Resource Guide • Annual Recycled Products Tradeshow
From the California Integrated Waste events/tradeshow/
Green Spec (Fee-based) Management Board: • Resource List
• Recycled Content Products Database Resources/Products.htm
Reusable, Recyclable, & Biodegradable Materials
What types of Overview
Reuse is the salvage and reinstallation of materials in their original form. Recycling
Salvaging materials from is the collection and remanufacture of materials into a new material or product,
renovation projects, and typically different from the original. Biodegradable materials are those which break
incorporating reusable, down organically and may be returned to the earth with none of the damage associ-
recyclable, and biodegradable ated with the generation of typical waste materials.
building materials in your
project can reduce waste, Reusing materials slated for the landfill is one of the most environmentally sound
pollution, and energy use. ways to build because the extraction, manufacture/transport, and disposal of virgin
Some examples of reusable building materials pollutes air and water, depletes resources, and damages natural
habitats. Construction and demolition are responsible for roughly 30% of the U.S.
(RU), recyclable (RC) and
solid waste stream. Real-world case studies by the Alameda County Waste Manage-
biodegradable (B) building ment Authority have demonstrated that more than 85% of that material, from floor-
materials include: ing to roofing to packaging, is reusable or recyclable.

Salvage and Reuse

• Asphalt (RC) By salvaging materials from renovation projects and specifying salvaged materials,
• Earthen materials (RU, B) material costs can be reduced while adding character to projects and maximizing
environmental benefits, which include: reduced landfill waste, reduced embodied
• Bricks (RU, RC) energy, and reduced impacts from harvest/mining of virgin materials (e.g., logging
• Steel, aluminum, iron, cop- old-growth or tropical hardwood trees, mining metals, etc.)
per (RU, RC)
Be aware, however, that some materials require remediation or should not be reused
• Wood and dimensional lum- at all. Materials contaminated by hazardous substances such as asbestos, arsenic and
ber, including beams, studs, lead paint must be treated and/or disposed of properly. Avoiding materials that will
plywood, and trusses (RU, cause future problems is critical to long-term waste reduction, as well as the health of
RC, B) our community and the planet.
• Concrete (ground and used
as aggregate) (RC) Considerations for Selecting Reusable Building Materials
• The reuse of existing building shells, when appropriate, can yield the greatest over-
• Gypsum wall board1 (RU, B) all reduction in project impacts. Also, for remodels/renovations, materials may be
• Straw bales (B) reused on site.
• For remodels and redevelopment, allow time in the construction schedule for de-
• Wool carpet (B) construction and recycling.
• Linoleum flooring (B) • Avoid reuse of inefficient fixtures, components, and appliances (e.g. toilets using
more than 1.6 gallons per flush, single-pane windows, and refrigerators or other
• Doors & windows (RU) appliances over 5 years old).
• Plumbing & lighting fixtures • Products containing hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead, or arsenic should
(RU) either be disposed of properly or remediated prior to reuse.
• Unique and antique • Note that salvaged materials can vary in availability, quality and uniformity. Be
products that may no sure that you can get materials to satisfy your project needs before specifying them.
longer be available, such Don’t be overwhelmed by the offerings at salvage yards; ask for what you want and
as rare woods, cabinetry, be creative with what is available.
and architectural elements • Building materials composed of one substance (e.g., steel, concrete, wood, etc.), or
(RU) that are readily disassembled are generally easiest to reuse or recycle.
• Materials composed of many ingredients, such as vinyl siding, OSB, or particle-
boardare typically not recyclable or biodegradable.
• Evaluate materials carefully. Are they the best choice for the application? Are they
durable? Can they be readily disassembled for reuse, recycling, or biodegrading at
the end of the useful life of the building?

6 1 Gypsum off cuts are an excellent soil amendment, but gypsum contaminated with paints or adhesives should not be applied to soils
Deconstruction is the
dismantling of a building to
preserve the useful value of its
component materials. Consider
requesting bids to deconstruct
rather than demolishing; the
combination of tax breaks,
new tools, and increasing local
expertise are making it easier to
keep materials out of the landfill,
and money in owner’s wallets.

• Reduces or eliminates unnec-

Photo courtesy of Deconstruction Industries, Inc. essary waste – extending the
Above: Reusable ma- life of our landfill and reduc-
Deconstruction Demolition terials are sorted and ing material costs.
Physical lowering of house $13,238 $6,000 stacked prior to trans-
Disposal of Trash & Debris $4,100 $4,100 port to a retail materi- • Older structures may contain
Appraisal of Salvaged Materials $3,000 $0 als warehouse. hardwoods and dimensional
Total Costs $20,338 $10,100 Left: A comparison of
lumber that are superior in
the economic advan- size or quality to virgin mate-
Donation Value* $84,000 $0 tage of deconstruction rials.
Tax Savings* (after tax value of donated $29,400 $0 over conventional
demo and dump prac- • The tax deduction from donat-
materials) tices. Costs shown are
Total Cost $20,338 $10,100 ing deconstructed materials to
for a typical 2000 sf, 3
After Tax Benefit/(Out of Pocket Cost) $9,062 ($10,100) bdrm, 2 bath home a non-profit organization can
with hardwood floors, be more valuable than the ad-
The after tax difference between the two methods is $19,162. crawl space, and ditional labor cost.
*Total materials (lumber, plywood, cabinets, plumbing and electrical fixtures, doors,
composition shingle
windows, etc.) would generally appraise for $84,000 to $112,000 in good usable condition. roofing. Actual costs • Deconstruction takes longer
will vary from one
Assuming a combined tax bracket of 35%, the after-tax cash value, based on the lower
project to the next.
and initially cost more than
appraisal value of $84,000, is $29,400. Source: The Reuse People.
demolition, but can reduce
the overall project cost.

Monterey Bay Area Green Building Directory Alameda County Waste Management Authority Builder’s Guide
Available at local planning counters or online to Reuse and Recycling

Promax - A local materials exchange web site where anyone may Deconstruction Institute
post “wanted” or “available” ads for all types of materials
Used Building Materials Association
City of San Jose Deconstruction Recovery & Reuse Listings
The Reuse People
Bay Area Build It Green Materials Database
Whole House Building Supply
California Integrated Waste Management Board Construction and
Demolition Debris Recycling Ohmega Salvage: Bay Area Salvage Yards -
CIWMB Recycled-Content Product Directory

Grading & Paving
Suggestions for Overview
Greener Grading &
Paving Dirt, rock, and fines, primarily from grading, makes up 11% of Santa Cruz County’s
construction and demolition waste stream, and is one of the largest single sources
of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste in California. Prior to construction,
• Delineate and limit the con- building sites are generally cleared of vegetation and the topsoil is removed. When
struction footprint (building, construction is complete, areas to be landscaped frequently receive sod laid on
hardscape, and staging), and amended subsoil. Subsoil lacks the nutrients and biota to maintain soil health, ini-
coordinate construction with tiating a cycle of chemical and water dependency. Soil underlying areas to be paved
a landscape professional to is compacted, covered with engineered fill as necessary, and concrete or asphalt is
minimize grading and retain installed. Potential groundwater recharge and soil permeability are lost, and the flow
native soils and vegetation. of water to stormwater infrastructure increases. The potential for flooding in vulner-
• Where grading is necessary, able areas is increased, as is stormwater flow, water pollution, and negative impacts
store native topsoil during to riparian species.
construction in areas to be
paved. When construction is With thoughtful planning and material selection, each of these impacts can be miti-
complete, redistribute with gated or eliminated. Successful, reduced-maintenance landscaping is facilitated by
compost amendments. storing topsoil from areas that must be graded on sites to be paved, and re-spreading
the soil when construction is complete. This retains soil nutrients and biota on-site,
• Help preserve existing trees
while keeping the skin of the earth (a living resource,) out of the landfill. The practi-
by keeping potential sources
cal benefits of such care include reduced: stormwater runoff, fertilizer needs, pest
of compaction (such as ve-
problems, and irrigation requirements.
hicles) away from the rooting
zone (the area under the tree
canopy.) Pervious Paving
• Manage stormwater respon- Pervious paving material (which allows water to pass through into the ground below)
sibly. reduces runoff, contributes to stormwater quality, facilitates groundwater recharge
(if underlying soils are not overly compacted), and can help reduce irrigation re-
- Keep sediment out of the quirements if carefully designed. In addition to familiar options such as grass pavers
storm drainage system by and sand-grouted brick, pervious concrete and asphalt have been proven effective
protecting drain inlets with and equally durable to traditional materials through decades of use in demanding
biodegradable filter fabrics. environments. Pervious pavements have open void structures (15-25% by volume)
- Protect hazardous materials that reduce heat capacity and allow air and heat exchange with underlying soil, keep-
from the weather, and dis- ing paved surfaces (and surrounding air temperatures) cooler and more comfortable
pose of containers properly. in hot weather. The surface area of the voids acts as a filter, helping to catch and
- Consider using pervious ma- degrade oils and chemical pollutants, reducing contamination of local waters.
terials such as sand-bedded
brick pavers, grass pavers, Unit pavers are
and pervious concrete or often used in porous
pavement systems.
asphalt for paved areas. Some unit pavers
contain recycled
• Consider salvaged and content or are made
recycled-content materials, from salvaged
such as used brick, post- material, such as
cobblestone or
consumer glass beads, and brick. They are
plastic lumber for walkways, available in a variety
patios, small garden walls, of shapes, sizes, and
colors, and some
and edging. are interlocking.

Photo courtesy of
EP Henry Corporation

Resource-Efficient Landscapes

Overview The benefits of

environmentally friendly
Resource-efficient landscaping, permaculture, and xeriscape are techniques tha re- landscapes include:
duce or eliminate the burden that many conventional landscaping practices place on
our water supply, local ecosystems, landfills, and even our health. Resource-efficient
• Reduced irrigation, saving
landscaping matches local resources, native/appropriate species, soil, and climate
money and conserving for our
with the aesthetic and environmental goals of the owner.
common water needs.
Landscaping choices can have long-term positive or negative environmental impacts. • Reduced maintenance and
Standard landscaping typically includes “exotic” non-native plants not adapted to green waste, saving time,
the local climate; such plants often require expensive, thirsty irrigation systems and money, and energy.
may be invasive as well. • Reduced or eliminated ex-
pense of piping and trenching
Many landscape designs also include impermeable pavement, which prevents water for irrigation.
from percolating into and recharging underground aquifers while also increasing
flooding and overloading wastewater treatment plants during heavy rains. Minimiz-
• Reduced air and water pollu-
ing pavement and using permeable pavement where paving is necessary offers, envi-
tion, because well-designed
ronmental benefits and saves money.
permaculture does not use
synthetic pesticides or fertil-
Suggested Techniques izer.
• Improved habitat for native
• A moisture sensor will help you to water only when necessary, saving water and fauna like bees, butterflies
improving the health of plants and soil. and hummingbirds.
• Minimize paving for your project, or choose permeable options that help water to
percolate into underground aquifers rather than running into storm drains.
• Deciduous trees (which lose their leaves in winter) allow sun into your home or
yard, helping reduce heating requirements and energy use in winter.
• Composting yard waste and food scraps is a great way to retain nutrients in local
soils and reduce waste.
• Alternate water sources (such as roof rainwater collection or greywater) combined
with efficient irrigation (such as drip systems and soaker hoses) can efficiently
provide water for edible or other desirable plants that many not be ideal for your
local microclimate.
• Avoid invasive exotics, which can spread quickly, crowd out native species, and are
often difficult to remove. Common examples include most ivy varieties, Bermuda
or crab grass, acacia trees, pampas grass, French or Scotch broom, and ice plant.
Contact the local California Native Plant Society chapter for details.

California Native Plant Society, Santa Cruz City of Santa Cruz Water Department Water Saving - Extensive water
Chapter - A statewide non-profit promoting - Provides an array of excellent booklets conservation information funded by local
the understanding, appreciation, and preser- on the design and maintenance of water ef- water agencies in Santa Cruz and North
vation of California’s native plants. ficient landscapes. Visit the Water Conserva- Monterey Counties tion Office, or call 420-5230 for copies. A list
of available titles is online.
Santa Cruz Permaculture Guild - A group Pacific Institute report (2003) “Waste Not,
dedicated to teaching and implementing the tips.html Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water
conscious design of harmonious, integrated, Conservation in California”
sustainable landscapes. Native Revival Nursery - Soquel nursery specializing in native California plants

Earthen Building Materials
Benefits of Earthen Overview
Materials include:
Beautiful, sculptural and durable, common earthen building materials include:
adobe bricks - made from clay, sand, and straw; rammed earth - compressed with fly
• Minimal environmental im- ash and/or fibers for stabilization; and cob - clay, sand and straw that is stacked and
pacts, provided the materials shaped while wet.
come from local sources.
• Low-maintenance and likely Provided they are obtained locally, earthen building materials can reduce or elimi-
to last for centuries nate many of the environmental problems posed by conventional building materials
• Thermal mass helps keep since they are plentiful, non-toxic, reusable, and biodegradable. Pollution of all types
indoor temperatures stable, is reduced (or potentially eliminated by the rugged souls who do all labor by hand).
particularly in the mild to By substituting earth for all or part of the wood, concrete, gypsum board (drywall),
warm climates of coastal fiberglass, and other materials, local and global environmental effects from the har-
California vest, processing, transportation, and waste of these materials are reduced .

• Biodegradable or reusable Though labor intensive, well-built earthen buildings last indefinitely with little
• Can be easy to build with, maintenance. For thousands of years, people throughout the world have crafted
requiring few special skills cozy homes and communities with earthen materials that provide excellent shelter
or tools after centuries of use. A key element of American architectural vernacular, the
Great Plains are home to sod and straw bale construction, and in the Southwest,
• Can be affordable to build
adobe construction provides protection from extremes in summer and winter. The
because materials are in-
Adobe Santa Cruz Mission near downtown Santa Cruz, survived both the 1906
expensive and labor may
and the 1989 earthquakes. Though the domestic popularity of earthen materials
include owner/builders and
waned during the 20th century, a revival has emerged since the 1970s. By contrast,
modern “stick-frame” construction, which requires specialized skills and tools, has
• Unique, pleasant aesthetics been standard practice in the U.S. only since the end of World War II and remains
• Highly resistant to fire and uncommon in many parts of the world.
• Require no toxic treatments, Considerations in Earthen Construction:
and do not offgas hazardous • Thick walls may comprise a high percentage of floor area on a small site.
fumes; good for chemically- • Construction is labor-intensive, although minimal skill is required.
sensitive individuals • Multi-story and cob structures require post-and-beam designs.
• May be more difficult to obtain necessary permits - but the necessary code recogni-
• May be used for new con- tion, structural testing, etc. is available
struction, and, with planning, • Travel may be required for training
in additions and remodels as • If labor is done primarily by building professionals, the square-foot cost of earthen
well construction may be equivalent to conventional building methods.

BOOKS (many available at local libraries) ONLINE TRAINING IN CALIFORNIA
The Rammed Earth House ; David Easton Ecological Building Network Solar Living Institute
Building with Earth; John Norton
The Cob Builders Handbook; Becky Bee
Alternative Building Sourcebook: Tradi- Sustainable Building Sourcebook: Earth Ecological Design Institute
tional, Natural and Sustainable Building Materials
Products and Services; Steve Chappell.
The Art of Natural Building; Joseph F. EarthMaterials.html
Buildings of Earth and Straw: Structural Dirt Cheap Builder
Design for Rammed Earth and Straw Bale
Architecture; Bruce King

Straw Bale Construction

Overview Benefits of Straw Bale

Construction include:
Straw bale construction is the use of compressed blocks (bales) of straw, either as
fill for a wall cavity (non-load bearing) or as a structural component of a wall (load
• Excellent thermal and acous-
bearing.) The interior and exterior sides of the bale wall are covered by stucco, plas-
tic insulation - enhances com-
ter, clay, or other treatment. This sandwich of straw and plaster can offer structural
fort throughout the year.
properties superior to the sum of its parts. Both load- and non-load bearing straw
bale design divert agricultural waste from the landfill for use as a building material • Reduced construction waste:
with many exceptional qualities. the main building material is
a ‘waste’ and excess straw can
Growing in popularity since the 1970s, there are now thousands of straw bale homes be used on-site in compost
in the U.S., including several locally. The method was invented more than a century or as soil-protecting ground
ago on the Nebraska plains. Load bearing, or “Nebraska-style,” straw bale construc- cover.
tion, is limited by the California Health and Safety Code to a single story in the • Biodegradable or reusable at
absence of supporting engineering calculations. The greater familiarity and adapt- the end of its useful life.
ability of non-load bearing straw bale construction, which involves post-and-beam
support for the roof and the use of bales as a fill that insulates and defines the shape • Potential for major reduction
of the wall cavity, has made this method far more common than “Nebraska-style”. in wood and cement use, par-
ticularly in load-bearing straw
Standard wood-frame residential construction practices require specialized skills bale designs.
and tools, as well as large quantities of wood, concrete, gypsum board (drywall), fi- • Requires no toxic treatments;
berglass, and other building materials which have significant environmental impacts can be good for chemically-
during extraction, processing, and disposal. Some standard building materials such sensitive individuals.
as toxic adhesives, binders and sealants are also potential problems during applica- • Highly resistant to vermin
tion and use. Straw bales are one ‘alternative’ building material that helps to reduce (including termites).
or eliminate many environmental problems because they use plentiful, non-toxic,
reusable, and biodegradable elements to build durable, comfortable, healthy places • Can be economical. Straw
to live and work. bales are inexpensive, (or
free), and owner/builders and
Considerations in Straw Bale Construction volunteers can contribute
• Thick walls may comprise a high percentage of floor area on a small site.
significantly to labor.
• Straw bales may be plastered inside and out to provide thermal mass and, like stan- • Aesthetic flexibility - from
dard construction, the walls must be protected from moisture. conventional linearity to or-
• Straw bale can be more resistant to termites and vermin than stick construction, but ganic undulation.
(as with any type of construction), elimination of cracks and holes is key. • Usable in new construction,
• If labor is done primarily by building professionals, the square-foot cost of straw additions, and remodels.
bale construction may be equivalent to conventional building methods.
• Because straw bales do not hold nails as well as wood, nailing surfaces must be

BOOKS (many available at local libraries) ONLINE
The New Straw Bale Home; Catherine Wanek California Straw Building Association
Buildings of Earth and Straw: Structural Design for Rammed Earth
and Straw Bale Architecture; Bruce King California Health and Safety Codes - Including codes relating to
straw bale construction
Straw Bale Building: How to Plan, Design, and Build with Straw;
Chris Magwood and Peter Mack
Greenbuilder Sourcebook
The Straw Bale House; Athena and Bill Steen bale.html

Build It With Bales: A Step-by-Step Guide to Straw Bale Construc- Ecological Design Institute
tion; Matts Myhrman and S.O. MacDonald
Concrete Formwork Overview
Poured-in-place applications Concrete is a mixture of aggregate (usually sand and crushed stone,) paste (typically
require on-site formwork to Portland cement,) and water. Strong, inexpensive, and durable, it is the most widely
give shape to walls and slabs. used structural building material in the United States.
Plywood and milled lumber
are the most common form Due to the vast scale of concrete demand, the impacts of its manufacture, use, and
materials, contributing to demolition are widespread: habitat disturbance from materials extraction; energy use
construction waste, and the in extraction, production, and shipping of cement; and toxic air and water emissions
impacts of timber harvest and from cement manufacturing. Cement manufacture is particularly energy intensive.
processing. Wooden formwork Approximately one ton of carbon dioxide is released per ton of cement produced,
can be made from salvaged totaling 7-8% of man-made CO2 emissions. Concrete is typically only 9-13% cement,
wood and typically be disas- yet cement accounts for 92% of concrete’s embodied energy. Cement dust contains
sembled and reused several free silicon dioxide crystals, the trace element chromium, and lime, all of which
times. Consider disassembling- impact worker health. Mixing concrete requires a great deal of water, and generates
construction-grade lumber and alkaline waste water and run-off that can contaminate waterways and vegetation.
exterior-grade plywood forms,
for reuse within the project Minimizing Environmental Effects
(after approval by the proj- Incorporating local and/or recycled aggregate (such as ground concrete from demo-
ect engineer and/or building lition) is an excellent way to reduce the impacts of solid waste, transit emissions, and
inspector). habitat disturbance.

Low- and zero-VOC water- Substituting alternative pozzolans1 (industrial by-products such as fly ash, silica
based form release compounds fume, rice husk ash, furnace slag, and volcanic tuff) for Portland cement signifi-
that incorporate biologi- cantly reduces environmental impacts. Fly ash, the residue from coal combustion,
cally-derived oils dramati- is a widely available cement substitute that generally decreases porosity, increases
cally reduce the health risks to durability, and improves workability and compressive strength, though at the cost of
construction staff and occu- increased curing time. Fly ash often makes up 10-15% of standard mixes, but it can
pants that are associated with substitute for 35-60% of cement in many applications, and certain types of fly ash
conventional petroleum-based (Class C) can completely replace cement for some projects.
oils. Many plant-based options
are less expensive and often Concrete use may be reduced in non-structural applications by trapping air in the
make it easier to apply finishes finished product or through the use of low-density aggregates. On site or local meth-
or sealants. ods of air entrainment include the addition of chemical foaming agents (Neopor
blocks); heat and steam [autoclaved aerated blocks (AAC)]; or mechanical systems
Insulating Concrete Forms (AirCrete). Trapped air displaces concrete, enhances insulation value, and reduces
(ICFs) are an excellent alterna- weight and material costs, while retaining the durability and fire-resistance of stan-
tive, eliminating the waste of
form materials, adding insula-
tion, and eliminating the use of
toxic release agents. RESOURCES
Green Spec CIWMB Recycled Content Providers w w w. c i w m b . c a . g o v / R C P /
David Hertz “A Material for a Finite
Planet” Debris Recyclers Database
w w w. s y n d e s i s i n c . c o m / c r e t e / w w w. c i w m b. c a . g o v / C o n D e m o /
concrete.html Recyclers/

Concrete Network Santa Cruz County Buena Vista Landfill - Accepts clean and sorted concrete, asphalt,
brick, base rock, and porcelain for recycling
Center for Resourceful Building Technology w w w. d p w. c o . s a n t a - c r u z . c a . u s / swdispose.htm
dard concrete. Low-density aggregates such as pumice, vermiculite, perlite, shale, Pervious/Porous
polystyrene beads or mineral fiber, provide similar insulation and weight-reduction
benefits. Concrete
Considerations for Cast-In-Place or Precast Concrete, and Con- Up to 75% of urban surface
crete Masonry Units (CMU) area is covered by imperme-
• Design for the reuse of portions of existing structures, such as slabs or walls in able pavement, which inhibits
suitable condition. groundwater recharge, contrib-
• Recycle demolished concrete on site for use as aggregate or fill material for new utes to erosion and flooding,
projects, or recycle at our local landfills. conveys pollution to local wa-
• Incorporate the maximum amount of fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume, and/ ters, and increases the complex-
or rice husk slag appropriate to the project, reducing cement use by 15-100%. ity and expense of stormwater
• Install precast systems to minimize the waste of forming material and the impact treatment. Pervious paving
of wash water on soils. contains voids that allow water
• Consider whether other materials can be incorporated or substituted for concrete: to percolate through to the base
- Insulating concrete forms (ICF) reduce waste, enhance thermal performance and materials below.
may reduce construction schedules.
- Cellular, foamed, autoclaved aerated (AAC) and other lightweight concretes add • Reduces peak storm water
insulation value while reducing weight and concrete required. flow and water pollution and
- Earthen and rapidly renewable materials, such as rammed earth, cob, or straw promotes groundwater re-
bale reduce the need for insulation and finish materials in both residential and charge.
commercial projects.
• May incorporate recycled ag-
- Salvaged or locally quarried stone may be used in place of CMUs.
gregate and fly ash, reducing
• Leave stamped, textured or colored concrete exposed, using it as a finish material.
waste and embodied energy.
Relatively benign concrete stains like iron (ferrous) sulphate, a common plant
fertilizer, can create tones ranging from yellow to rusted umber. Integral color is • Compressive strength (up to
the most durable finish option, reducing long-term waste or maintenance. When 4000 psi) is suitable for park-
sealants are required, use a low- or zero-VOC product. ing and access.
• Use non-toxic form-release agents. • Reduces problems with
• Minimize waste by carefully planning concrete material quantities. tree roots; percolation area
• Suppliers may use excess ready-mix returned from job sites in cast products for encourages roots to grow
non-structural applications such as planters and benches. deeper.
• For footings, consider fabric-based form systems for fast installation and wood
savings • Enhanced heat exchange
• Reduce wood waste by using steel or aluminum concrete forms, which can be re- with the underlying soil can
used many more times than wood forms, reducing waste and material costs. decrease summer ambient air
1 Substances that act like cement when they react with alkaline materials. The term pozzolanic comes from Greek and Roman use of a temperature by 2-4°F.
mixture of lime and fine volcanic ash from Pozzuoli, Italy, which was used to build the Coliseum, the Pantheon, the Appian Way, and the
Roman baths. In those times, animal fat, milk, and blood were also incorporated in the mix.

City of Santa Cruz Resource Recovery

(831) 420-5545
ISG Resources
USGS “Recycled Aggregates - Profitable
Resource Conservation”
Fly Ash Resource Center
Silica Fume Association
Green Home w w w. s i l i c a f u m e . o r g / g e n e r a l -
w w w. g r e e n h o m e b u i l d i n g . c o m / concrete.html

Glass Mountain Pumice

FOAMED CONCRETE Photo courtesy of Ecology Action.
w w w. g l a s s m t n p u m i c e. c o m / a g g / Used concrete may be ground and
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Products As-
index.htm used as fill or aggregate.
Insulated Structural Systems
When building with Overview
Insulated Concrete
Insulated structural systems integrate a building’s structure and insulation into
Forms: a single component. They can reduce construction waste through factory built
components, reduce or eliminate structural wood use, and provide structural,
• Specify ICFs with high thermal, and acoustic performance superior to conventional framing. Rastra and
post-consumer polystyrene Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) consist of a hollow shell that acts both as insulation
content, if any. and a permanent form for concrete. Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are factory-
• Build with an ICF system built walls/roof panels consisting of rigid foam insulation sandwiched between two
such as Rastra that would not layers of structural facing.
necessarily require addition-
al finish materials. Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs)
Insulated Concrete Forms (ICFs) use an insulating material as permanent formwork
• Consider ICFs that incorpo- that becomes a part of the finished wall. All ICFs can be considered ‘green’ materi-
rate mineral fiber rather than als; they are durable, produce little or no waste during construction, and dramati-
polystyrene to eliminate a cally improve the thermal performance of concrete walls.
(small) potential source of
toxic emissions during fires. Standard concrete is a dense material with a high heat capacity, which can be used
as thermal mass, reducing the energy required to maintain comfortable interior tem-
peratures. However, concrete is not a good insulator, standard formwork is waste-
intensive, and toxic materials are frequently used to separate formwork from the
hardened product. ICF address each of these weaknesses, reducing solid waste, air
and water pollution, and potentially reducing construction cost. Thermally superior,
ICF wall systems are useful for passive heating and cooling; comfort is enhanced
and energy costs are reduced while first costs can be minimized through reduced
heating/cooling system size.

Many types of materials may be used in ICF systems, such as lightweight foamed
concrete panels, rigid foams like expanded polystyrene, and composites that com-
bine concrete with mineral wool, wood waste, paper pulp, or expanded polystyrene
beads. There are also ICF systems, such as BaleBlock and Faswall, that substitute
straw bales or fiber-cement for polystyrene. Rigid foams used in ICFs generally do
not have significant recycled content and are less likely to be recyclable at the end of
their life, but may be reused in fill or other composite concrete products.
Photo courtesy of Insulating Concrete Form Association
ICFs are set in place. Rebar will be in- ICFs offer the structural and fire-resistance benefits of reinforced concrete; structural
stalled prior to pouring concrete between
the layers of foam. failure due to fire is rare to nonexistent. Due to the addition of flame-retardant ad-

Structural Insulated Panel Association

RESOURCES Oak Ridge National Laboratory Moisture Control Handbook w w w. o r n l . g o v / s c i / r o o f s + wa l l s / f a c t s / m o i s t u r e /
“Structural Insulated Panels - Strength and Energy Efficiency
Through Structural Panel Construction”; Morley Insulated Concrete Form Association
At local libraries

U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Building Granite Rock
Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential
Construction Center for Resourceful Building Technology

ditives, polystyrene ICFs tend to melt rather than burn, and interior ICF walls tend When building with
to contain fires much better than wood frame walls, improving fire safety overall.
Rastra may be the most fire resistant among ICFs because the polystyrene in Rastra Structural Insulating
blocks is encapsulated in cement. Panels (SIPs):
As with any heated structure, moisture control is a key design consideration for ICF • Design to minimize waste:
walls. Solid concrete walls sandwiched in polystyrene blocks tend to be very well - Order SIP panels precut
sealed (enhancing energy efficiency), but they consequently also tend to seal water for your project, including
vapor within the structure. Potential mold growth and impaired indoor air quality window and door open-
are serious health concerns, so (as with any well sealed construction technique) me- ings.
chanical ventilation is often necessary. Systems such as straw bale and Rastra tend to - Design to standardized
be more vapor permeable, reducing this concern. Consult with your building official panel dimensions.
and design professional to determine requirements for your ICF structure.
• Ask if your SIP supplier or
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) manufacturer will take back
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are manufactured panels that consist of two
any off-cuts for recycling.
sheets of rigid structural facing [oriented strand board (OSB) or plywood] bonded • Consider the thermal perfor-
to an insulating core, commonly polystyrene foam, that is 4 or more inches thick. mance of SIPs when sizing
SIPs offer excellent insulation, airtight assembly, noise attenuation, and superior your heating system to save
structural strength. Though SIP panels cost more per square foot of wall, floor, or money up front and energy
ceiling than conventional construction, total construction costs are often minimized over time. Oversized heating
due to reduced labor and accelerated construction schedules. and cooling systems are inef-
SIPs reduce construction waste; they can be delivered precut to the precise dimen- • SIP roofs do not necessarily
sions required, and each panel contains the structure, insulation, and moisture bar- require ventilation, making
rier of the wall system. OSB is the most common sheathing and facing material in them appropriate for low-
SIPs, reducing wood use by as much as 35% and reducing pressure on mature forests slope roofs. If your local
by allowing the use of smaller farm-grown trees for structural applications. The exte- jurisdiction mandates ven-
rior grade plywood used in some products requires more mature timber. tilated roofs, consider SIPs
with integrated air channels,
SIP wall assemblies tend to be well sealed, enhancing energy efficiency. As with or upgrading from composi-
any tightly sealed structure, moisture control and well designed ventilation are tion roofing.
critical. SIP construction can contribute to very good indoor air quality; the plastic
insulating foams (expanded polystyrene or polyurethane/polyisocyanurate) are very • Some SIP manufacturers will
chemically stable, and OSB is a low-emitting material. provide SIP’s with finish ma-
terials pre-attached, particu-
SIP Core Materials larly for non-structural use.
Straw Core SIPs are made from waste agricultural straw. They are renewable and
recyclable, and the pressed straw core does not require a binder. On the other hand,
straw-core SIPs offer less insulation per inch of thickness and are considerably
heavier than other options; energy use in shipping is a significant consideration.

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is the most common SIP core material. It requires less
energy to manufacture than other options, and is more recyclable than polyurethane
or polyisocyanurate. Many products offer a one-hour fire rating when installed with
5/8” or thicker gypsum sheathing. EPS foam is expanded with pentane, which does
Photo courtesy of Insulspan

not contribute to ozone depletion or global warming, and is often recaptured at the
factory for reuse.

Polyurethane or Polyisocyanurate offer greater insulation per inch of foam than

EPS, and are more resistant to thermal breakdown. However, polyurethane and
polyisocyanurate are unlikely to be recycled. Polyurethane and polyisocyanurate use
SIPs are factory built to custom
HCFC blowing agents, which contribute to global warming and ozone depletion specifications, are quick to
(though to a lesser degree than CFCs.) New polyurethane/polyisocyanurate resins assemble, and have excellent
derived from soy are not yet available in SIPs. energy performance.
Advanced Framing Techniques
Advanced Framing Overview
Techniques Include:
Advanced framing techniques reduce construction waste and the lumber required for
wood-framed houses, while increasing energy efficiency through increased space for
• Framing with 2x6 studs on insulation. The extraction, manufacture, transport, and disposal of lumber deplete
24” centers (in lieu of 2x4 resources, damage natural habitats, and pollute air and water. Dimensional lumber
on 16” centers) and two-stud supplies depend upon larger trees that require decades to mature.
• Stacking roof rafters directly Conventional framing is frequently structurally redundant, using wood unnecessar-
over studs and floor mem- ily, for convenience. According to the US Department of Energy’s Office of Building
bers, to transfer loads direct- Technology, advanced framing techniques can save $500 in material costs per 1200
ly downward. square feet of house, shave 3-5% off of labor costs, and reduce annual heating and
• Using single top plates, sin- cooling costs by 5%. While advanced framing is more wood-efficient than conven-
gle-studs around windows, tional framing, keep in mind that alternative structural technologies such as insulat-
and eliminating window ed structural systems, straw bale or earthen construction, and high-recycled content
cripples. steel framing with thermal breaks, place fewer demands on our forest resources than
stick framing.
• Using framed-in and insu-
lated headers in lieu of solid Considerations
dimensional lumber. • Insulation values are enhanced (whole-wall R-value) because fewer studs means the
• Using prefabricated trusses insulated wall area is maximized, the deeper wall cavity allows for thicker insula-
or wall-units. tion, and thermal bridging (conduction of heat through framing) is reduced.
• Sustainability can be further enhanced with FSC certified dimensional lumber.
• Designing on 24” or 48”
• Most advanced framing techniques must be considered early in the design process.
modules optimized for com-
• Contractors may be unfamiliar with some techniques, requiring extra training or
mon lumber and sheet sizes,
consultation with experienced installers. Installing drywall clips can be more la-
reducing waste, minimizing
bor-intensive than nailers.
cutting, and reducing labor
• Techniques may leave little tolerance for stud grade, and, in most cases, structural
use of salvaged wood is not appropriate.
• Use of drywall clips (recy- • When windows and doors make up more than 10 percent of wall area, 2x6 24”OC
cled polyethelene is avail- framing may require as much lumber as conventional framing.
able) or scrap lumber for
drywall nailers.
Advanced framing techniques reduce wood usage, minimize labor costs, and increase
the area available for insulation.

Illustration © Building Science Corp. Used with permission.

US Dept. of Energy Building Technologies Program: Wood Framing

Energy Star Builder Guides

Building Science Corporation

BOOKS (available through local Public Libraries)

“Builder’s Essentials: Advanced Framing Methods”; Scott Simpson
Lumber & Engineered Wood
Overview To Minimize Wood
Usage and Waste:
Wood is a renewable material, and requires less energy than most materials to pro-
cess into finished products. However, logging, manufacture, transport, and disposal
of wood products have substantial environmental impacts. Standard logging prac- • Use alternate materials or
tices cause erosion, pollute streams and waterways with sediments, damage sensitive building systems, like earthen
ecosystems, reduce biodiversity, and lead to loss of soil carbon. The key to reducing or straw bale construction, or
these impacts is the minimization of wood use by: substituting preferable materi- recycled plastic lumber.
als or building systems; reusing of salvaged wood; selecting wood from responsibly • Consider materials uch as
managed forests; controlling waste; and minimizing redundant components. panelized wood framing and
structural insulated panels,
Certified Forest Products that can be delivered pre-cut
Where salvaged or reclaimed wood is not available or applicable (i.e. structural ap- for rapid, nearly waste-free
plications,) specify “FSC certified” wood. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certifi- installation.
cation is a widely recognized and respected standard for responsible forest manage-
• Design for common material
ment. The term, ‘responsibly managed,’ is used rather than ‘sustainably managed’
dimensions, and order ma-
because sustainability in forestry is a complex, site-specific endeavor that is difficult
terials accordingly, to mini-
to define or attain. FSC is an international, non-profit association whose member-
mize on-site cutting. Measure
ship comprises environmental and social groups and progressive forestry and wood
twice and cut once.
retail companies working in partnership to improve forest management worldwide.
• Consider salvaged or re-
Engineered Wood Products claimed wood for non-load-
Engineered lumber consists of oriented bearing walls, finish carpen-
strips of wood pressed or laminated to- try, and wood flooring.
gether with a binding agent. The superior • Consider steel studs with
strength and durability of engineered high-recycled content or
lumber allows it to displace the use of finger-jointed wood studs for
large (and increasingly unavailable), framing interior walls.
mature timber. Using engineered lum-
ber instead of large dimension rafters,
• Use advanced framing tech-
joists, trusses and posts can save money
and reduce total wood use by as much • Design for disassembly, so
as 35%. The wider spacing of members materials can be readily re-
possible with engineered lumber also has used or recycled.
the advantage of increasing the insulated • Consider OSB as an alterna-
Photo courtesy of the Engineered Wood Association
portion of walls. Builders like engineered . tive to plywood sheathing.
products because they are economical, Exterior-grade plywood subfloor is installed
typically longer, stronger, straighter, over engineered I-joists. The FSC Logo
identifies prod-
more durable, and lighter than compa- ucts which con-
rable solid lumber. tain wood from
well managed
forests certified
Structural Sheathing in accordance
Sheathing is the structural covering [most commonly plywood or oriented strand the rules of the
Forest Steward-
board (OSB)] applied to studs and roof/floor joists, providing shear strength and ship Council
serving as a base for finish flooring or a building’s weatherproof exterior. OSB relies (FSC).
on smaller (aspen and poplar) trees, which are a more rapidly renewable resource © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council
than the mature timber required for plywood. Nonetheless, sheathing is the second
most wood-intensive element of wood-frame construction.

Engineered wood sheathing materials do have some environmental trade-offs because

the wood fibers are typically bound with formaldehyde-based resins. Interior grade
plywood contains urea formaldehyde (UF), which is less chemically stable than the
phenol formaldehyde (PF) found in water-resistant exterior grade plywood and OSB.
This actually makes exterior grade plywood preferable for indoor applications, as it
Lumber & Engineered Wood, continued
emits fewer toxic and suspected carcinogenic compounds.

R E S O U RCES There are alternatives to these wood-intensive conventional and engineered materials.
Fiberboard products rated for structural applications (such as Homasote’s 100%
Forest Certification Resource
Center recycled nailable structural board) are alternatives to plywood and OSB. Structural- grade fiber cement siding combines sheathing and cladding, providing shear strength
and protection from the elements, while reducing labor costs for installation. Under
Forest Stewardship Council brick and stucco exterior finishes, water-resistant exterior-grade gypsum is an option.
Designs that combine bracing with non-structural sheathing can provide necessary
Resource Conservation Alliance strength while enhancing insulation and reducing wood requirements. Structural insulated panel construction provides interior and exterior sheathing as well as
alts/agfibers.html insulation, in pre-cut, factory-made panels. And by designing for disassembly,
sheathing materials can be readily reused or recycled. Materials attached with
Natural Resources Defense
removable fasteners are more readily deconstructed than materials installed with
Council “Efficient Wood Use
in Residential Construction: A adhesives (but adhesives distribute loads over larger areas than fasteners alone).
Practical Guide to Saving Wood,
Money, and Forests” Other Wood Panels and Agricultural “Ag” Boards
Medium density fiberboard (MDF), typically made from sawdust and urea
formaldehyde resins (UF), is common in furnishings, doors and trim. MDF with
CIWMB Recycled Construction diphenyl methane diisocyanate (MDI) binders is preferable to UF [MDI is highly
Products Guide toxic to manufacture, but does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in use.].
Bay Area Build It Green Materi-
als Database For interior walls and partitions, there are a number of alternatives to plywood, OSB and MDF. Examples include “Ag” boards made from waste wheat or rice straw1,
which are aesthetically pleasing, often stronger than MDF, and just as functional.
ACWMA Green Building Materi- Under heat and pressure, microscopic ‘hooks’ on the straws link together, reducing
als Resource Guide
or eliminating the need for binders. Homasote, made of 100% recycled newspaper
fsbuild.html fiber, has actually been in production longer than plywood and OSB. It’s potential
applications include structural roof decking, paintable interior panels, and concrete
PROMAX Local Materials forms.
Exchange 1 At the time of writing, agricultural straw panels are difficult to find due to a combination of intense demand, lack of supply, and the time required to bring a manufacturing facility online. However, the market is hot. One manufacturer surveyed for this document indicated the
entire capacity of their factory (currently under construction) had already been pre-purchased - 15 years out!

CalMAX Materials Exchange OSB sheathing, which uses fewer timber
CALMAX/ resources, may be substituted for plywood
on roofs or walls.
Big Creek Lumber
(831) 722-7137 / (831) 476- Photo courtesy of the Engineered Wood Association.

Hayward Lumber
(831) 373-1326 / (831) 755-

Decks and Fencing
Overview Recycled Plastic
and Plastic-Wood
Decks are a great way to enjoy the fresh air and our temperate climate, but demand
for common decking materials such as redwood, cedar, and some hardwoods Composite Lumber:
has a significant impact on our forest resources. The extraction, manufacture
and transport, and disposal of timber pollutes air and water, depletes resources, Polyethylene grocery bags, soda
and damages natural habitats. Some of the most decay-resistant trees (cedar and bottles, and pallet wrap are re-
redwood) require decades to centuries to mature. Old growth forests develop their manufactured into dimensional
biodiversity over millennia; remaining old-growth stands should be preserved for the “lumber” products. These may
benefit of all. be pure plastic, or incorporate
wood fibers to form a compos-
Incorporating environmentally preferable decking, railing, and fencing materials in ite. Both are widely available
construction projects can reduce habitat destruction, waste, pollution, energy use, alternatives to wood for outdoor
and can mean a lasting, low- or even zero-maintenance finished product. Plastic projects, such as decks.
lumber helps reduce solid waste, reduce impacts from harvest or mining of virgin
materials, and provide greater durability and low- to no-maintenance. • Very durable, immune to
insects and rot, and UV resis-
Pressure Treated Lumber tant.
Pressure treated lumber has been popular for decades for its resistance to rot and • High recycled content, re-
insects. The familiar copper chromated arsenate (CCA) was largely phased out in ducing waste and embodied
a cooperative effort between manufacturers and the US Environmental Protection energy.
Agency. Because arsenic is acutely toxic and carcinogenic, and was shown to be • Reduces logging of mature
leaching into surrounding soils, production for residential use ceased at the end of trees, particularly redwoods.
2003. These problems arguably should have been predicted before it was put into
widespread use. • Requires virtually no main-
tenance, eliminating the re-
Existing CCA-treated lumber poses a challenge. It remains resistant to rot and peated use of solvent-based
insects, and its reuse would help conserve forest resources and keep a potentially sealants commonly applied
useful resource out of landfills. However, it would also continue to leach arsenic into to wood.
soils if reused. CCA-treated wood should not be composted or disposed of in green • Composites are not biode-
waste or wood waste bins. Burning CCA-treated wood is highly toxic. Disposal is gradable or currently recycla-
now mandated in a lined landfill or as class I hazardous waste. The newer, much less- ble, though remanufacturing
toxic wood treatments (C-A: Copper Azole and ACQ: Alkaline Copper Quaternary) options may be developed.
are more corrosive than CCA. Be sure to use manufacturer-recommended fasteners
• Structural options are limited.
to minimize rust and prevent staining.
• Higher first cost, but lower
Considerations life-cycle cost.
• Repair and/or refinish existing decks, railing, or fencing.
• Reuse wood in good condition.
• Build with durable materials such as plastic lumber (see side bar).
• For structural elements that will be in contact with soil and water,
consider: Green Resource Center: Recycled Plastic Lumber
- Heartwood from decay-resistant species such as redwood or cedar w w w. g r e e n r e s o u r c e c e n t e r. o r g /
which has been FSC Certified as harvested from a responsibly MaterialsSheets/RecycledPlasticLumber.php
managed forest Alternatives to CCA-Treated Wood
- If you choose pressure-treated lumber, the two water-resistant w w w. g r e e n r e s o u r c e c e n t e r. o r g /
preservatives in current use (C-A and ACQ) are significantly less MaterialsSheets/AltTreatedWood.php
toxic than CCA.
-Avoid the few remaining stocks of CCA. Tools of the Trade “Pressure Treated Lumber
• For fencing, consider a living fence of bushes, shrubs, live bamboo in
urban settings, or fencing made of cut bamboo (which grows much e.asp?articleID=2115&position=1&type=artic
more rapidly than wood). Avoid highly invasive shrub and bamboo le&partID=1
varieties, particularly in areas adjacent to wildlands.

Residential Roofing Overview
Charged with the critical role of keeping the weather outside a structure and protect-
ing the structural members and interior materials from deterioration and moisture,
• Clay or cement tiles - very dependability and durability are the most essential features of roofing materials.
durable and made from abun- The extraction, manufacture, transport, and disposal of roofing materials pollutes
dant materials, but heavy and air and water, depletes resources, and damages natural habitats. Roofing materials
expensive. comprise 12 to 15% of construction and demolition waste, which makes up 28% of
• Recycled plastic, rubber, or California’s solid waste stream.
wood composite shingles-
durable, lightweight, and An environmentally preferable roof must first be durable and long-lasting, but may
sometimes recyclable, but not also contain recycled or low-impact materials. Environmentally preferable roofing
biodegradable . provides aesthetically pleasing design options, reduced life cycle costs and environ-
mental benefits such as reduced landfill waste, energy use, and impacts from harvest
• Composition shingles -
or mining of virgin materials. It takes roughly the same materials, energy, and labor
50-year are better than 20
to manufacture and install a 50-year warranted roof as a 30-year roof, yet disposal
to 40 year products. Can
and replacement is delayed, A well-installed 50+ year rated roof can reduce roofing
be recycled, but typically
waste by 80 to 90% over its lifetime, relative to a roof warranted for 20 years.
• Fiber cement - durable, The mild climate of the Central Coast is well suited for passive temperature control
fire- and insect-proof, but that reduces winter heating and reduces or eliminates the need for mechanical
heavy and not renewable or cooling. Few homes in the area are air-conditioned, because operable windows and
biodegradable. May be ground skylights can easily provide ventilation and cooling for a small building. Larger,
up and used as inert fill at non-residential buildings can also be effectively cooled without air conditioning in
demolition. our area, but more careful design is required, and roofing that minimizes heat gain
• Metal - durable, fire- and is a key consideration. Since few local commercial buildings are designed for passive
insect-proof, recyclable cooling, roofing that reduces cooling loads will provide direct financial payback.
and typically contain
recycled-content. However, Considerations
manufacture is energy • Color: Better reflection of solar radiation with high reflectivity (lighter color) re-
intensive and causes pollution duces heat gain and improves summertime comfort.
and habitat destruction. • Weight: Heavier roofing requires a more substantial structure, and larger or more
numerous rafters increase resource use and cost.
• Built-up roofing - durability
• Recycled content: The resistance to water, sun, pests, and chemical breakdown
is strongly dependent on the
that make tires, rubber, and many plastics poor candidates for disposal in our
structure, installation, flashing,
landfills also make them exceptional roofing materials.
and membrane chosen. Most
• Recyclability: Even the most durable roofing will eventually need to be replaced.
membranes are not made from
Asphalt composition shingles and some plastic products, for example, can be
renewable resources, but some
ground up and recycled into new roofing, or into asphalt pavement (ideally keep-
may contain recycled content.
ing the material out of the landfill).
High-VOC products emit air
• Water quality: Sediment or noxious trace chemicals released by many petroleum-
pollution during installation.
derived roofing products are undesirable in rainwater collection systems.
• Vegetated green or “living”
roofs - any slope up to Low Slope Commercial Roofing
90° (vertical), but are most
commonly installed on slopes Ideally, roofing should renew our natural resources. For example, the potential
less than 30°. habitat for birds and native plants on a green or living roof can be an island of
• Wood shakes - biodegradable, safety in the urban environment, and can help provide pathways for migration
but flammable, not very through fragmented ecosystems. Similarly, electricity from solar photovoltaic panels
durable and typically not a displaces demand for fossil fuels. Cool roofing does not renew resources, but is often
“green” option for fire-prone a highly cost-effective way to conserve them.
Reduce waste, liability and frustration by pursuing roofing with a proven track
record - the most durable roofing material that will fit your budget. Some options
that are not yet locally common have been extensively tested elsewhere, often in Metal Roofing
more challenging climates.
• Extremely durable.
Choose cool roofs or systems that :
• Reflect sunlight and re-emit surface heat. Cool roofs can reduce cooling loads and • Recyclable, typically with
urban heat-island effects while providing longer roof life. However, beware of high post-consumer recycled
“magic in a bucket.” Reflective coatings are not a panacea, particularly if a roof content.
is weathered or in poor condition. • Low maintenance costs.
• Resist the flow of heat from the roof into the interior, whether through insulation,
radiant barriers, or both. • Lightweight – useful for
• Reduce ambient roof air temperatures through evaporation and shading, as in the retrofits and seismic safety.
case of vegetated green roofs. • Galvanized, painted, and
• Are recyclable or reusable, reducing waste, pollution, and resource use. Look for powder-coated options are
options with high post-consumer recycled content- 30% is a good starting point, appropriate for rainwater
and the CIWMB Recycled Products Database is an excellent free resource. collection systems or
growing edible plants near
Look for non-halogenated roofing membranes (i.e. materials that do not contain downspouts.
bromine or chlorine.) In the event of fire, burning polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and • Excellent fire resistance.
thermoplastic olefin (TPO) produce strong acids and toxic persistent organic
pollution, including dioxin. Protective ballast such as concrete tile may be necessary
• Higher initial cost, but
to comply with fire codes. Existing PVC and TPO roofing membranes, as well as
typically offers favorable life
underlying polystyrene insulation, can sometimes be recycled, and this practice is
cycle cost.
expected to get more common as Federal construction specification requirements • Manufacture is energy
generate increased demand. intensive (but partially offset
by durability/recyclability).

RESOURCES Recycled-Content
Bay Area Build It Green Materials Roofing
Database • Durable, available with a
50-year warranty.
Oikos • Contains recycled post-
industrial (typically not
Center for Resourceful Building Technology post-consumer) rubber and
California Energy Commission: Cool Savings • Attractive appearance
with Cool Roofs of slate or wood shakes/
w w w. c o n s u m e r e n e r g y c e n t e r. o r g / photo courtesy of Carlisle Eco Star
shingles, and with integral
Recycled roofing materials can take the color, will retain its
appearance of slate or wood shakes, com-
Lawrence Berkeley Labs: Heat Island Group plementing any architectural style. appearance over time.
• Lightweight, potentially
Professional Roofing “Sustainability and reducing the size of roof
Roofing: Its Time has Arrived” (2004) rafters.
DOE Federal Energy Management Program • Products made from a mix
“Greening Federal Facilities” 2nd Edition of plastic and rubber may not be recyclable.
• Some recycled rubber
Asphalt Roofing Shingle Recycling: Introduc- products made from tires are
tion - CIWMB fact sheet not desirable for rainwater
w w w. c i w m b . c a . g o v / C o n D e m o / collection or growing edible
plants near a downspout.

Green (“Living”) Roofing
Benefits of a Overview
“Living” or Green Roof
Green or “living” roofing is the use of vegetation as the weathering surface for a roof.
It reduces extremes in rooftop temperature, saves energy, and extends the useful life
• Enhanced insulation and of the roof. High temperatures shorten the life of a roof (leading to increased C&D
more moderate rooftop tem- waste), and increase summer cooling costs. On a typical low-slope black-surfaced
peratures, which reduce cool- roof, summer roof surface temperatures will fluctuate daily by more than 80° F.
ing and heating requirements,
saving energy and money. Green roofing is effective for three reasons: the large surface area of soil and plants
• Filtration and detention of helps to re-radiate heat; it provides shade and insulation for the waterproof roof
stormwater, reducing pollu- membrane, and the plants’ transpiration provides cooling. The net result is a 25 to
tion and the cost of new and 80 degree decrease in peak roof temperature, and up to 75% reduction in cooling
expanded infrastructure as energy demand.
paved areas increase.
• Absorption of dust and Green roofs provide additional environmental and aesthetic benefits. The soil and
airborne pollutants (like a vegetation in many common extensive designs can detain up to 75% of a 1-inch
house-plant, but outdoors). rainfall event and will filter the remainder. This on site stormwater management
helps reduce demand on stormwater infrastructure, saving resources and money for
• Reduced ambient air temper- the entire community. Green roofs provide urban wildlife micro-habitat. Although
atures, reducing urban heat- not a replacement for wildlands, a vegetated roof accommodates birds, beneficial
island effects and helping to insects, and native plants far better than tar and gravel. Cooler roof temperatures
keep surrounding areas more also reduce the urban heat island effect, helping to reduce the cooling load for
comfortable. surrounding buildings. It can also benefit local property values.
• Extended life of roof mem-
branes, which are protected
from ultraviolet radiation,
extreme temperatures, and
Two classes of green roofs:
Extensive and Intensive RESOURCES
Extensive green roofs have layer of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
mechanical damage. (Plant soil media that is relatively thin (2
species, soil depth, and root- to 6 inches), and lightweight (10 to
resistant layers are carefully 50 lbs. per square foot for the entire Green
matched to ensure the roof
system when saturated with water).
membrane is not damaged by Lightweight, relatively easy-to- Local workshops: Green Roof Innovations
the roots themselves.). install, durable, and cost-effective
• Lightweight extensive systems green roof options are available (831) 625-5625
can be designed with dead for virtually any building type or
“Making Green Roofs Simple” Markham and
loads comparable to standard location. Walles
low-slope roofing ballast. w w w. e d c m a g . c o m / C DA /
Structural reinforcement may Intensive green roofs are designed Ar ticleInfor mation/features/BNP__
not be necessary, and cost to accommodate trees and gardens. Features__Item/0,4120,107506,00.html
can be comparable to con- Soil can be as deep as is needed to
“Green Roofs: Stormwater Management from
ventional high accommodate the Top Down”, Scholz-Barth
quality roofing Illustration Courtesy of
American Wick Drain Corp.
the desired tree or w w w. e d c m a g . c o m / C DA /
options. plant species, but Ar ticleInfor mation/features/BNP__
deeper, denser Features__Item/0,4120,18769,00.html
soil dramatically
“The Green House Effect”, Moore
increases dead w w w. m o n t e r e y h e r a l d . c o m / m l d /
load, requiring montereyherald/entertainment/
a stronger and 10653554.htm
more expensive
structure, greater National Research Council of Canada “Energy
Efficiency and Environmental Benefits of
maintenance, and Rooftop Gardens”
either terracing
or a relatively flat nrcc45345/nrcc45345.pdf
Overview When Selecting Siding
Siding protects wall systems from moisture and the heat and ultraviolet radiation
of the sun. Selecting siding that is reclaimed, recyclable, or incorporates recycled • Select the most durable
material will reduce waste and pollution. However, there is no universal best option; product available. Siding
environmental impacts of siding products vary considerably. Select siding that is failures that allow water
durable and provides the environmental benefits you value the most. into the wall cavity can lead
to expensive repairs, the
Considerations waste of damaged compo-
Earth or lime plasters last a long time with relatively little maintenance (inevitable nents, and the environmen-
small cracks are repairable). Cement or lime is commonly added for improved hard- tal costs of replacement
ening and durability, but the relatively (or zero) overall cement content of natural materials. Fire resistance
plasters means the material requires relatively small amounts of pollution and en- similarly helps reduce the
ergy use to prepare and install. Deep eaves or overhangs that protect the siding from financial and environmental
extended moisture exposure are critical to the longevity of natural plasters. impact of rebuilding, par-
ticularly in high-risk areas.
Fiber-cement siding is very durable, with many products backed by 50 year or life-
time warranties. It is fire and pest-resistant, and emits no pollutants in use. However, • For existing buildings,
it has a high embodied energy because of its cement content and because it is manu- consider refinishing existing
factured with wood fiber from overseas. siding to minimize waste,
pollution, and energy use.
Cement stucco is extremely durable, minimizing long-term waste, but cement is
energy intensive to manufacture. Cement substitutes such as fly ash or rice hull ash • Select materials that are
can reduce the environmental cost of stuccos. In the coastal zone, salt spray can ac- biodegradable, have re-
celerate corrosion of reinforcing meshes. cycled-content and/or are
Metal siding is very durable, recyclable, and typically contains significant post-con-
sumer recycled content. It is energy intensive to manufacture, but recycled steel and • Use reclaimed or remilled
aluminium require far less energy than virgin ore. wood siding to minimize
demand for virgin wood
Composite siding (hardboard), is made of newspaper or wood fiber mixed with re- and reduce waste (painted
cycled plastic or binding agents. It is highly durable, resists moisture and decay, often wood should be tested for
has significant recycled content, and does not warp or crack like wood. Composites lead contamination prior to
require less frequent repainting and some need not be painted at all, saving waste use).
and resources.
• If you use new wood sid-
Wood requires more maintenance than most other siding options, but it is renew- ing, look for FSC certified
able and it requires relatively little energy to harvest and process. If it is not well products.
maintained, wood can easily be the least durable option, generating significant
waste. Unfortunately, the most durable solid wood siding comes from old growth • Vinyl is somewhat durable,
and tropical forests. but it is not a green build-
ing material. Strikes against
it include pollution gener-
RESOURCES ated in manufacturing, air
emissions, human health
Bay Area Build It Green USGBC PVC Task Group - Detailed analysis hazards of manufacturing of the relative impact of PVC and other and installation, the release
common options in siding, drain pipes, of dioxin and other toxic
Oikos flooring, and windows. w w w. u s g b c . o r g / L E E D / t s a c /
persistent organic pollutants
pvcvinyl.asp in the event of fire, and the
Green Spec unlikelihood that it will be Blue Vinyl - award winning documentary recycled. (See the vinyl sec- tion on page 36 for greater
Center for Resourceful Building Technology

Preferable Insulation Well-insulated building envelopes are primary considerations in comfort and
sustainability. Insulation helps to protect people inside a building from heat, cold,
Options: and noise, and conserves the energy (and reduces pollution) required to heat and cool
a building. Environmentally preferable insulation options offer additional benefits,
• Recycled cotton insulation such as reduced waste and pollution in manufacture and installation, more efficient
insulates as well as fiberglass resource use, recyclability, enhanced R-value, and reduced or eliminated health risks
and offers superior noise for installers and occupants.
reduction. Cotton insulation
poses no health risk and The comfort and energy efficiency of your home depends on the R-value of the entire
is not irritating during wall, roof, or floor (i.e. “Whole-Wall R-value”), not just the R-value of the insulation.
installation. For example, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found the whole-wall R-value
of 2x6 wood frame walls with R-19 fiberglass batts and paper facer fastened to the
• Cellulose (recycled newspa-
inside surface of each stud to be only R-11. Techniques such as Advanced Framing in-
per) insulation, sprayed in wet
crease the wall area covered by insulation, increasing whole-wall effectiveness. Fram-
or dry, poses no health risk
ing conducts far more heat than insulation, much as most window frames conduct
and offers superior R-value
more heat than double-paned glass. An additional layer of rigid insulation between
per inch. (Both cotton and
framing and exterior sheathing (or insulating sheathing) helps improve whole-wall R-
cellulose are treated with
value by insulating the entire wall, not just clear space. In non-”breathable” wall de-
borate, which is not toxic
signs, closed-cell rigid foam with taped seams can provide an effective vapor barrier.
to humans, and makes both
materials more resistant to fire
and insects than fiberglass). Fiberglass: the Conventional Choice
For economic reasons, fiberglass is frequently the insulation of choice. When pur-
• Sprayed polyurethane foams chasing fiberglass insulation ask for formaldehyde-free products with a minimum
expand to fill cracks, provid- 50% total recycled content (minimum 25% post-consumer). Some products are man-
ing insulation, vapor barrier, ufactured with heavier, intertwined glass fibers to reduce airborne fibers and reduce
and additional shear strength. the fraction of fibers that can enter the lungs. Like all glass products, fiberglass insula-
Sprayed cementious foams tion is made primarily from silica heated to high temperatures, requiring significant
such as Air-Krete have similar energy and releasing formaldehyde. Short term effects include irritation to eyes, nose,
properties. throat, lungs, and skin during installation or other contact. Longer term effects are
• Structural insulating systems controversial, but OSHA requires fiberglass insulation to carry a cancer warning la-
integrate a building’s bel. Binders in most fiberglass batts contain toxic formaldehyde that is slowly emitted
structure and insulation into for months or years after installation, potentially contaminating indoor air.
a single component. They
produce little or no waste

during construction, and
provide excellent thermal
Home Energy Magazine “Calculating Whole Bay Area Build It Green Materials Database
Wall R-Values on the Net” (1999) by Jeffrey
Christian and Jan Kosny. Oikos

Greenbuilder Sourcebook: Insulation Green Spec
Center for Resourceful Building Technology
Home Energy Saver - Easy online calculator
Photo courtesy Can-Cel Industries.
determines how much insulation you should
Spray in cellulose insulation contains have and annual energy savings Environmental Building News “Insulation
approximately 85% post-consumer recycled Materials: Environmental Comparisons”
Green Resource Center: Fact Sheets

Overview NFRC (National
Windows provide ventilation, light, views, and a connection to the outside world. Fenestration Rating
Drafty, old, poorly insulated, or simply poorly chosen windows can compromise the Council) Ratings
energy efficiency of a building envelope. As with any manufactured product, the
fabrication of windows requires energy, generating primarily air pollution. Energy
efficiency is the primary consideration in reducing the environmental impacts of
a window, followed by waste generated in manufacturing and general durability. • U-Factor summarizes the
Older, single pane windows are very unlikely to perform comparably with new ability of a window to keep
windows, and should be reused only in unheated structures such as greenhouses. heat inside or outside a
building. The lower the U-
Residential window frames are typically made from wood, vinyl, aluminum, or factor, the better its insulating
fiberglass, or a combinations of wood and aluminum or vinyl (i.e. “clad” ). Each has value; look for values of 0.4
different cost, insulating ability, and durability: or lower.
• Wood requires maintenance for durability. Consider the source of the wood and • Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
seek FSC certified products. (SHGC) summarizes how
• Fiberglass is energy intensive to manufacture, but is strong, durable, and has well a window blocks heat
excellent insulating value. from sunlight. Low SHGC
• Aluminum and steel are poor insulators, and very energy intensive to manufacture. values are best for our
When using metal-framed windows, look for recycled content and seek frames climate; look for SHGC
with ‘thermal breaks’ to limit the loss of heat to outdoors. values less than 0.4. (If one
• Vinyl offers good insulation, but is highly toxic in its manufacture, and if burned. is designing for passive solar
High-efficiency windows typically utilize dual or triple panes with low-e (low heating with the help of a
emissivity) coatings and gas fill (typically argon) between panes to help control heat knowledgeable professional,
gain and loss, keeping your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Factory- higher values may be
applied Low-E coatings on internal glass surfaces are more durable and effective desirable.)
than films. • Visible Light Transmittance
(VLT) is a measure of how
High-quality, efficient windows are widely available from local retailers. To make much light gets through a
an informed choice, consider only windows that have NFRC ratings (see sidebar). window. Desired VLT varies
The EPA Energy Star ® label for windows can be a useful summary of these factors. with taste and application.
For the California’s climate region, Energy Star ® qualified windows must have a • Low values for Air Leakage
U-factor of 0.40 or less and a SHGC of 0.40 or less. are best.
Operable skylights can enhance ventilation in warm weather, improving comfort. • The higher the Condensation
Energy Star ® skylights must have a U-factor of 0.60 or less and a SHGC of 0.40 Resistance, the better;
or less. Skylights are the interface between the roof and ceiling, where convection values range from 0 to 100.
creates the warmest air, so ideally Condensation can contribute
skylights would be designed to mold growth, but new,
to have a lower U-factor than high quality windows (with
windows. low U-Factor) will generally
resist condensation
Low-e and/or solar
far better than older
control coating
Inert Gas fill windows. In Santa
Double panes Cruz County’s mild
EPA Energy Star ® -- Window and door climate, Condensation
selection criteria Resistance is generally the least important
doors.pr_tips_windows concern of these
Oikos factors.
Center for Resourceful Building Technology
Sill Stool
Gypsum Wall Board
Due to its ease of installation, familiarity, fire resistance, non-toxicity, and sound
• Homasote panels consist of attenuation, gypsum wall board, known by it’s proprietary names Dywall ® and
100% recycled newspaper Sheetrock® is ubiquitous in construction. Gypsum wall board is a benign substance
combined with a paraffin (basically paper-covered calcium sulfate,) but it has significant environmental impacts
binder for water resistance. because it is used on a vast scale; domestic construction uses 30 billion square feet per
• Primarily used as an
acoustical barrier behind The primary environmental impacts of gypsum are habitat disruption from mining,
gypsum board or under floor energy use and associated emissions in processing and shipment, and solid waste from
finishes, but can also be used disposal. Using ‘synthetic’ or recycled gypsum board significantly reduces several of
for vertical sheathing. Other these impacts. Synthetic gypsum, which accounts for 20% of U.S. raw gypsum use, is
Homasote fiberboards are made from the by-product of manufacturing and energy-generating processes, primar-
used as an insulating nail ily from desulfurization of coal power plant exhaust gases. More than 80% of coal fly
base for roofing, roof decking, ash sold in the U.S. is used in gypsum board.
and sub flooring. Prefinished
panels with decorative Though synthetic gypsum board use is growing, diverting drywall from the waste
cork or fabric coverings stream is proving more challenging. Reclaimed gypsum board can be recycled into
are a suitable interior wall new gypsum panels that meet the same quality standards as natural and synthetic
paneling. gypsum, but gypsum is an inexpensive material that can require significant labor to
• Effective acoustical barrier, separate for recycling. Gypsum board face paper is commonly 100% recycled, from
and can add shear strength to newsprint, cardboard, and other post-consumer waste streams, but most recycled
a structure. gypsum in wallboard products is post-industrial from gypsum board manufacture. Ex-
• 100% recycled, and ceptional deconstruction operations have successfully reclaimed used gypsum board
recyclable (except when in good condition for reuse. Purchase
coated by paints or gypsum board in sizes that minimize
• Non-toxic; contains no
the need for trimming (saving time
and waste) RESOURCES
asbestos, formaldehyde, or California Integrated Waste Management
Raw gypsum is benign and is regularly Board Recycled Products Database
fiberglass. consumed as a calcium supplement
• Resists termites, rot, and as well as in many foods and prod-
fungi. ucts, including toothpaste, wine, beer, CIWMB Drywall Recycling Fact Sheet
cheeses, and bread. Clean pulverized
• Reduces solid waste, helps Wallboard/
off-cuts are a safe soil amendment.
conserve trees.
Working crushed gypsum off cuts
(that have not been painted, glued, EPA Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
or otherwise contaminated) into soil
helps reduce waste while improving
Green Spec
the workability and calcium availabil-
ity of many soils.

Center for Resourceful Building Technology

Drywall Composting: Korcak, R.F., R.

Meininger and P.A. Yost. 2000. Beneficial
reuse of aggregate mineral fines and scrap new
construction wallboard. pp. 583-603. In J.F.
Photo courtesy Taylor Recycling Power and W.A. Dick (eds.) Land Application
Clean gypsum board may be ground and of Agricultural, Industrial and Municipal By-
returned to manufacturers to be recycled Products, Soil Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, WI
into new wall board or other consumer
28 products.
Overview Considerations in
Tile, made primarily from fired clay (porcelain and other ceramics), glass, or Selecting Tile
stone, is an option for flooring, countertops, and wall applications whose principle
environmental benefit is durability. Tile can last indefinitely even in high-traffic • To maximize durability:
areas, eliminating the waste and expense of replacements. Tile production is energy
- Choose tile with the
intensive. However, tile from recycled glass requires less energy than tile from virgin
appropriate surface
materials. Tiles do not burn, will not retain liquids, and do not absorb fumes, odors,
hardness for the expected
or smoke and, when installed with low- or zero-VOC mortar, can contribute to good
amount of foot traffic.
indoor air quality.
- Keep the tile free of grit
Tile can only offer such performance if it has the appropriate surface hardness for the and sand with regular
location. Hardness is measured on the PEI (Porcelain Enamel Institute) scale of 0 sweeping and mopping
to 5, with 0 indicating a tile should not be used as flooring and 5 signifying a surface - Use appropriate subfloor
designed for very heavy foot traffic and abrasion. Kept relatively free of sand and and proficient installation.
grit, floor tile can easily last as long as the building it is in.
- A classic look will
The impacts of mining, producing and delivering a unit of tile are important aesthetically wear longer
considerations. The 650 million of square feet of ceramic tile produced by than trendy tile choices.
U.S. factories each year, together with the billions of square feet manufactured • Look for tiles with high post-
throughout the world, requires mining millions of tons of clay and other minerals, consumer recycled content
and substantial energy to fire material into hardened tile. Stone requires relatively to reduce waste. Recycled
little energy to process, but significant energy to quarry and ship. Selecting tile glass tiles are most common,
made locally regionally may dramatically reduce the energy use and pollution of putting our old bottles and
transport. windshields back to beautiful
and productive use.
Beautiful and durable glass and ceramic tiles can also be made from up to 100%
recycled glass - literally bottles and windshields - reducing energy use and eliminating
• Natural stone tile requires
the need to mine virgin materials.
relatively little energy to
process, but significant
energy to quarry and ship.
Glazed vs. Unglazed Tiles
Glazing ceramic tile requires a layer of liquid glass solution or enamel. Tile in low- • When no longer wanted,
traffic areas, particularly roofing, may use lower-impact water-based glazes. Though tile can be deconstructed/
they can be more slippery, glazed tiles are practically stain-proof. In addition to their salvaged for reuse in other
slip-resistance, the integral color and generally greater thickness of unglazed tiles tend areas or projects.
to make them more durable than glazed tiles. However, unglazed tiles may require a • Larger tiles reduce quantities
sealant (factory-sealed tiles can help minimize or eliminate a source of indoor VOC of exposed grout, which can
emissions). Glass floor tile can also offer a non-skid surface appropriate for ADA stain or harbor mold.
compliance. When installing stone tile, especially for countertop applications, use a
• Imported tiles should be
non-toxic sealer for the grout and tile surface.
tested for lead-based glazes,
which are still in use outside

the United States.
• Installation is labor intensive,
GreenBuilder Sustainable Building California 1350 Special Environmental but experience and skill help
Sourcebook: Flooring - Intro Requirements - Emissions standards for an reduce the risk, waste, and array of materials, developed by the state of aggravation of repairing an
FloorCoverings.html California unsuccessful installation.
Oikos CHPS_1350_summary.pdf • Tile can increase thermal mass in passive solar designs.
Fireclay - San Jose manufacturer of
Center for Resourceful Building recycled glass tile

Another Alternative to Overview
Conventional Hardwood :
Bamboo, a perennial grass, has several varieties that produce hard, strong,
Reclaimed Hardwood dimensionally stable wood which have been used as a building material for millennia.
In Asia, bamboo has been used both decoratively and structurally for thousands of
Reclaimed wood may be used for years, but bamboo flooring is relatively new in the U.S. The swift growth, strength, and
flooring, trim, siding, furniture, durability of bamboo make it an environmentally superior alternative to conventional
or, in some cases, as structural hardwood flooring.
members. Consider reusing
wood from an existing building While some hardwood trees require a century to reach maturity, some bamboo
on site, or look to salvage yards varieties can be harvested in as little as one year. Most commonly, bamboo is harvested
and on-site deconstruction sales on a four or five year cycle, and the mature forest will continue to send up new shoots
for a portion of your materials. for decades. Pine forests have the most rapid growth among tree species, but bamboo
grass species used in flooring can grow more than three feet per day and produce
Reclaimed Wood Flooring is almost twice as much harvestable fiber per year. Though bamboo grows rapidly, it
made from timbers salvaged can nonetheless yield a product that is 13% harder than rock maple, with durability
from old buildings, bridges, or comparable to red oak.
other timber structures. It may
also be manufactured from logs Bamboo may also be used for panelling, furnishings and cabinetry. Vertically laminated
salvaged from river bottoms, or flooring and plywood products consist of layers of bamboo compressed with a binder,
from trees being removed in creating a durable, resilient finish material.
urban and suburban areas.
• Character and aesthetic of Considerations
reclaimed flooring can be • Bamboo floors can last decades when well maintained. As with all flooring, mini-
exceptionally beautiful. mizing grit is the best defense against wear. It can be sanded and refinished when
• Salvaging or reusing wood necessary. The deeper wear pattern of vertical grain bamboo will allow more cycles
reduces solid waste, saves of refinishing, providing greater longevity.
forest resources, and can save • The installed cost can be high, but good quality bamboo is often less expensive than
money. comparable hardwoods.
• Bamboo is primarily harvested and processed overseas; its embodied energy is
• Reclaimed wood is frequently
lower than many materials, but shipping does consume non-renewable petroleum
available in dimensions,
species, and with old-growth-
• To minimize VOC emissions, prefinished flooring is preferable. Like most interior-
quality that is no longer
grade hardwood plywoods, bamboo flooring is typically made with a urea formalde-
obtainable from virgin forests
hyde binder, which can emit tiny amounts of formaldehyde. Choosing high quality
at any price.
products, particularly from manufacturers that provide independent air-quality test-
• Planning and research ing data, can help to minimize this source of indoor air pollution.
are necessary as available
species, dimensions, and
lumber quality can vary
Oikos Environmental Design & Construction A “Bamboo Future (2001) - The properties
and applications of bamboo, in flooring and
Center for Resourceful Building Technology beyond “

Greenspec Green Resource Center: Bamboo Fact Sheet
Photo courtesy of Duluth Timber Co. MaterialsSheets/BambooFlooring.php
Many popular wood species are available Greenguard - Independent indoor
as reclaimed flooring. emissions testing

Carpet manufacture, use, and disposal have significant environmental and health im- RESOURCES
plications. Most carpet is synthetic, made of non-renewable petroleum; its manufac- Green Seal Choose Green Report:
ture requires substantial energy and water, and creates harmful air and solid/liquid Carpet (2001)
w w w. g r e e n s e a l . o r g / c g r s /
waste. Most carpet is landfilled at the end of its life; in 1999, roughly 2.4 million Carpet_CGR.pdf
tons of carpet was discarded, enough to completely cover New York City (Green
Seal, 2001). Selecting classic styles and colors, which are unlikely to quickly go out California Integrated Waste
of style, helps to lengthen useful the life of carpet, as can neutral colors that tend to Management Board
show fewer stains.

A small but growing number of carpet manufacturers are refurbishing and recycling Carpet and Rug Institute
used carpets into new carpet. Leasing arrangements in which the manufacturer will
recycle worn or stained carpets, reducing waste significantly. Keep in mind, resourc-
es are required for recycling and, unless it can be recycled indefinitely, the carpet will EPA Environmentally Preferable
end up in a landfill after a finite number of uses. Carpet tiles limit waste because only
worn or stained tiles need to be replaced and are available for both commercial and
residential applications. California 1350 Special Environ-
mental Requirements - Emissions
Solution dyeing, in which fibers are dyed prior to extrusion, requires less water and standards
w w w. h e a l t h y b u i l d i n g. n e t /
generates less hazardous waste than traditional wet dyeing. Synthetic carpets, back- healthcare/CHPS_1350_
ings, and adhesives typically off-gas volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which pol- summary.pdf
lute indoor and outdoor air. Redesigned carpets, new adhesives, and natural fibers
are available that emit few or zero VOCs. To improve indoor air quality, select carpet Sustainable Building Sourcebook
and adhesives that meet a third party standard, such as the Carpet and Rug Institute w w w. g r e e n b u i l d e r. c o m /
(CRI) Green Label or the State of California’s Indoor Air Emission Standard 1350.
Oikos -
Natural fibers are an environmentally preferable carpeting option because they are
renewable and biodegradable. Options include jute, sisal, coir and wool floor cover-
ings. Biodegradable carpets made from plant extracts and plant-derived chemicals Green Spec - “Carpeting, Indoor Air
Quality, and the Environment”
are also available. However, all materials have some impacts, including land, wa-
ter and energy use, so designs that minimize or do not require carpet are usually
environmentally preferable. Carpets also tend to harbor more dust, allergens and Center for Resourceful Building
contaminants than other materials. Durable flooring, such as a concrete finish floor, Technology
linoleum, cork, or reclaimed hardwoods can help to improve indoor air quality.

Area rugs harbor fewer

allergens and may be
cleaned more easily than
wall-to-wall carpets.

When installing a rug or

carpet, look for low-emit-
ting products, like those
with the Carpet and Rug
Institute’s “Green Label.”
Carpet and Rug Institute
Photos courtesy of the

Sisal and Jute are natural alternatives

to petroleum-based carpets.
Features of Linoleum Overview
• Very durable and usually Linoleum is highly durable resilient flooring made from natural materials, a mixture
lasts many decades, which of linseed oil, wood flour, powdered cork, and pine resin, which is pressed onto a jute-
reduces waste associated with fiber backing. Invented
I in England in 1863, the name comes from the Latin words for
the frequent replacement of flax (linum),
( and oil (oleum). Once considered old fashioned, the popularity of this
flexible vinyl flooring. colorful, comfortable, sound dampening, and easy to clean flooring is blossoming once
• Quiet and comfortable. again.

• Made from natural, non-toxic Flexible vinyl flooring displaced linoleum from the marketplace in the 1960s, and is
components - does not con- often incorrectly referred to as ‘linoleum’. The two materials are quite different. First
tain formaldehyde, asbestos, costs of linoleum are higher, but linoleum offers performance that is in many ways
or plasticizers. superior to vinyl: it lasts for decades (reducing cost and waste), is inherently anti-static
• Biodegradable at the end of (inhibiting dust accumulation), and is anti-bacterial. All-natural, linoleum requires less
its useful life. energy and creates less waste in its manufacture, and can be chipped and composted
at the end of its useful life. Maintenance of linoleum is less labor intensive and less
• Easy to maintain, linoleum
costly because it does not need to be sealed, waxed, or polished as frequently as vinyl.
should be cleaned with mini-
In comparison, flexible vinyl flooring generates far more solid waste because is manu-
mal water and gentle deter-
factured from toxic materials, typically lasts less than 10 years, and is neither biode-
gradable nor recyclable. Linoleum emits far fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
• Resistant to temporary water when installed with a low-VOC adhesive than flexible vinyl, and does not exude the
exposure, linoleum is a tried phthalate plasticizers which are an increasing concern for human health. Fashion
and true option for kitchens. made vinyl more popular than linoleum, not value.
However, its sensitivity to
standing water can be a con- The durability of hard vinyl composition tile (VCT) is comparable to linoleum, but
cern in bathrooms. recycling it is impractical; VCT tile will ultimately be sent to a landfill. All vinyl prod-
• Naturally anti-static, helps ucts involve toxic manufacturing chemistry which generates hazardous wastes and air
control dust. pollution, and vinyl manufacturing also consumes petroleum. Vinyl flooring manufac-
tured before 1986 may contain asbestos.
• Linoleum has very low VOC
emissions when installed
with appropriate adhesives
- although the scent of curing
linseed oil may not agree with
the chemically sensitive. Oikos
• Square foot cost can be com-
parable to high quality flex- Center for Resourceful Building Technol-
ible vinyl flooring. (However, ogy
flexible vinyl is commonly
replaced within 10 years, is
Photos courtesy of Marmoleum.
toxic to manufacture, and Greenspec
is neither biodegradable or
Bay Area Build-It Green Database
• Linoleum is the same color
all the way through, allow-
ing gouges and scratches Berkeley Green Resource Center: Lino-
to be buffed out - reducing leum
long term costs, hassles, and w w w. g r e e n r e s o u r c e c e n t
waste. e r. o r g / M a t e r i a l s S h e e t s /
Flax, jute and wood flour are combined with
dry pigments and resins to create linoleum.

Overview Features of Cork
Cork, the bark of a Mediterranean oak tree variety, has been used as flooring for • Comes from a renewable
a century. Cork’s popularity is growing due to its unique combination of beauty, resource: Cork bark can be
durability, insulation, and renewability. Modern cork floors are typically covered harvested from a tree once
with acrylic finish, but may be covered with polyurethane for bathroom or kitchen per decade without harm.
applications. Cork floors can last for decades and the material is biodegradable at the
• Contributes to indoor
end of its useful life.
air quality - naturally
hypoallergenic and mold-
By contrast, the extraction, manufacture and transport, and disposal of synthetic
flooring materials pollutes air and water, depletes resources, damages natural
habitats, and can have negative health impacts. Hardwood flooring requires logging • Provides excellent thermal
slow-maturing trees that require decades to centuries to mature. The majority of and acoustic insulation.
carpet is made from petroleum, may off-gas, develops static charges that attract dust • Resilient: resists the dents
and pollen, and is typically recyclable or biodegradable. Vinyl flooring is made from and groove marks common
petroleum, produces toxic waste during manufacture, has a short useful life, is not to wood flooring.
biodegradable or recyclable, and has been linked to negative health effects.
• Durable, lightweight, and
While cork may most commonly be considered as a resilient flooring option, cork practical: can be installed on
is also a natural alternative to carpet. While carpet can attract and hold indoor pol- almost any subfloor.
lutants in its fibers, cork is easier to thoroughly clean, inherently resistant to mold • Provides a high friction
and mildew, sheds no dust or fibers, and is naturally antistatic. These hypoallergenic surface (e.g. not slippery)
properties, combined with thermal and acoustic insulation, allow cork floors to pro- - the hollow cork cells form
vide the majority of the benefits of carpet, without its liabilities. microscopic ‘cups’ when the
material is cut in manufac-
The benefits of cork extend beyond human health; they include reduced landfill turing.
waste, low embodied energy, local availability for many products, excellent aesthet- • Resistant to water and oils in
ics, and reduced impacts from the harvest or mining of virgin materials. The bark use, while biodegradable at
of a cork oak can be harvested once per decade without harm to the tree, helping to the end of its useful life.
encourage long-term management of this renewable resource.
• Highly attractive surface,
available in a wide range

grain patterns and shades
running from rich, deep
brown to natural tan tones.
• Relatively expensive per
Ask the Builder square foot.
EBook.shtml • Though resilient, cork can
be gouged, and unsealed
Demesne cork may stain.
w w w. d e m e s n e. i n f o / I m p r ove - Yo u r -

Sustainable Building Sourcebook


Oikos -
Cork flooring may
be laid in creative
patterns. The ma- Green Spec - “Carpeting, Indoor Air Quality,
terial comes from and the Environment”
the sustainably har-
vested bark of Cork
Oak trees.
Center for Resourceful Building Technology
Photos courtesy of Expanko.
Earthen Flooring

Earthen flooring is a durable, inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and uniquely
ONLINE aesthetic complement to a home or office. Because “dirt” is plentiful and locally avail-
Natural Home Magazine (May
2003) “Feet on the Ground” - able, earthen flooring virtually eliminates the waste, pollution, and energy necessary to
w w w. n a t u r a l h o m e m a ga z manufacture a floor, and can save money.
i n e. c o m / c u r r e n t - i s s u e s /
archive/2003/mayjun03/ Few local contractors are experienced with earthen floors, but owners can make their
feetground.htm own floor with a little training, practice, and experimentation. One key to a good earth-
en floor is the proper mixture of dirt, clay, and straw. (Stabilizers such as starch paste,
Greenbuilder Sustainable Build- casein, glues, or Portland cement may be added for a harder floor.) Earthen floors are
ing Sourcebook: Earth Materials usually sealed with an oxidizing oil such as linseed or hemp oil.
w w w. g r e e n b u i l d e r. c o m /
s o u r c e b o o k /
EarthMaterials.html Considerations
• Eliminates construction waste - excess earth can be reincorporated into the
Oikos landscape. • Attractive, comfortable, slightly spongy surface, sometimes compared to leather.
• Inexpensive materials.
Center for Resourceful Building • Minimal to zero pollution - Earthen materials require only simple processing and
Technology little or no transport. Even when produced by a machine, a finished earthen slab is estimated to have 90% lower embodied energy than finished concrete.
• Durable with proper care, and repairable.
TRAINING • Low maintenance, able to be swept or moist-mopped; properly sealed, stabilized
Solar Living Institute earthen flooring is not dusty.
w w w. s o l a r l i v i n g . o r g / • Labor intensive to instal.l
• High traffic areas such as entries or work spaces may require flagstones or other pro-
Canelo Project - Training and tective materials.
literature from Bill and Athena • More vulnerable to scratching and gouging than hard tile or cement - but earthen
Steen flooring is more durable than vinyl because it is repairable. • Few local contractors are experienced with earthen flooring.

Earthen Floors (1996) by Bill
and Athena Steen

The New Straw Bale Home

(2003), by Catherine Wanek

Buildings of Earth and Straw:

Structural Design for Rammed
Earth and Straw-bale Architec-
ture (1996), by Bruce King

Straw bale Building: How to

Plan, Design, and Build with
Straw (2000) by Chris Magwood Owner-builders can easily install their own Earthen floor, which should be
and Peter Mack sealed after installation.

The Straw Bale House (1994) by

Athena and Bill Steen

Overview Natural Wallcoverings
Paint has significant environmental and health implications in its manufacture, appli-
Common vinyl-based wall cov-
cation, and disposal. Most paint, even water-based “latex”, is derived from petroleum.
ering (e.g. “wallpaper”) can be
Its manufacture requires substantial energy and water, and creates air pollution and
a significant source of volatile
solid/liquid waste. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are typically the pollutants
organic compounds (VOCs),
of greatest concern in paints. VOCs from the solvents found in most paints (including
will produce both dioxin and
latex paints) are released into the atmosphere during manufacture, application, and for
hydrochloric acid in the event of
weeks or months after application.
a fire, and can leach phthalate
plasticizers, which can disrupt
VOCs emitted from paint and other building materials are associated with eye, lung,
hormonal function. Natural wall
and skin irritation, headaches, nausea, respiratory problems and liver and kidney dam-
coverings, composed primar-
age. Exposure to solvents emitted by finish products can be significant. Americans
ily of plant-derived fibers, are a
spend an average of 90% of their lives indoors, and the U.S. E.P.A. has found that
beautiful alternative.
indoor VOC concentrations are often 10 times higher than outdoor levels. Emissions
of VOCs also contribute to tropospheric ozone pollution, which irritates the nose and
throat, can cause coughing and painful or difficult breathing, and damages crops in • Durable and generally readily
affected areas. cleaned with non-toxic
Renewable alternatives, such as milk paint, address many of these concerns, but of-
ten at a premium price and some products are only suitable for indoor applications. • Breathable and low or no
Reformulated low- and zero-VOC latex paints with excellent performance in both emissions, reducing the
indoor and outdoor applications are now available at the same or lower price than likelihood of mold, and
older high-VOC products. GreenSeal, an independent non-profit organization that contributing to good indoor
evaluates the impacts of materials, has generated a detailed standard for certification air quality when applied
of environmentally preferable paint, called GS-11. Paints that meet GS-11 standard with appropriate low-VOC
are low in VOCs and aromatic solvents, do not contain heavy metals, formaldehyde, or adhesive or natural paste.
chlorinated solvents, and meet stringent performance criteria. • Made from non-toxic
components, and typically
Silicate paints are a solvent-free alternative to conventional paints that may be used biodegradable at the end of
on concrete, stone and stucco. Silicate paint is odorless, nontoxic, vapor-permeable, their useful life.
naturally resistant to fungi and algae, noncombustible, colorfast, light-reflective, and • More expensive than vinyl,
even resists acid rain. These paints cannot spall or flake off, and will only crack if the but better indoor air quality
substrate cracks. Though silicate paints are expensive, their extraordinary durability can potentially yield a much
can be a significant compensation.
lower life-cycle cost.
In addition to new paints, a number of manufacturers and some municipalities repro-
cess surplus paint into like-new recycled latex paint, which typically comes in white,
beige, gray, or black.

CIWMB Recycled Paint Fact Sheet EPA Environmentally Preferable FREE SURPLUS PAINT - Not repro-
and list of providers Purchasing cessed, but sorted and judged to be in
w w w. c i w m b. c a . g o v / C o n D e m o / useful condition:
California Integrated Waste Management Santa Cruz County Second Chance Store
h t t p : / / w w w. c i w m b . c a . g o v / Board (831) 454-2606
publications/BuyRecycled/ w w w. d p w. c o. s a n t a - c r u z . c a . u s /
43197034.doc FactSheets/Paint.htm hazwaste.htm

Green Seal California Green Building Special Environ- Santa Clara County Household Hazardous mental Requirements (Section 1350) Waste Program (408) 299-7300
Vinyl / PVC
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC - often referred to as ‘vinyl’) deserves special attention be-
Preferable cause it accounts for almost 50% of total plastic use in construction, and because it
Alternatives to Vinyl is increasingly recognized as problematic. PVC is common in flooring, pipes, siding,
wire insulation, conduit, window frames, wallcovering, and roofing, among other
Carefully weigh the advan- areas.
tages and disadvantages of
vinyl products. For many Vinyl is pervasive because of its benefits: good strength relative to its weight, durabil-
applications, particularly ity, water resistance, and adaptability. Vinyl tends to be inexpensive, in part because
indoors where occupants vinyl production typically requires roughly half the energy required to produce other
can be directly exposed plastics. Products made from vinyl can be resistant to biodegradation and weather,
to off-gassing plasticizers, and are effective insulators. The physical properties of vinyl can be tailored for a
substitution for the sake of wide variety of applications. However, the dramatic environmental liabilities of vinyl
health is clearly preferable. argue for the conscientious search for substitutes.
Substitutes may cost more
or require different mainte-
nance, but many will also
Environmental Concerns
• Like other common plastics, vinyl is derived from petroleum, so its manufacture
outlast plastics with proper
is energy-intensive, produces emissions of toxic air pollutants and carbon dioxide,
care. Simple, significant
and generates hazardous liquid and solid wastes.
ideas include:
• Unlike other common plastics, chlorine is a key component of vinyl resin, account-
ing for nearly half its weight. Chlorine makes PVC more fire resistant than other
• Windows framed with plastics, but PVC eventually burns and its smoke contains dioxins, among the most
fiberglass, FSC certified toxic chemicals known to man. Health effects of dioxin, even in minute quantities,
wood, or possibly wood- include cancer and birth defects.
based composites utilizing • Polyvinyl chloride is produced from vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) and ethylene
formaldehyde-free bind- dichloride (EDC), which are carcinogens and acutely toxic. PVC production
ers. The energy savings releases VCM and EDC to the environment, and there is no safe vinyl chloride
of installing dual-glazed exposure level. Clean air regulation and liability concerns have been effective in
windows probably make reducing total VCM releases since 1980, while PVC use has roughly tripled. None-
even vinyl framed win- theless, leaks and accidental releases continue, totaling 335 tons in 2002.1 Five
dows preferable to obso- employees of a Formosa Plastics plant in Illinois were killed in April 2004 when an
lete single-glazing. apparent vinyl chloride release ignited.2 The explosion destroyed most of the plant
• Stucco, lime plaster, and forced evacuation of the surrounding community.
reclaimed wood, fiber-ce- • PVC resin is inert in normal use, but older PVC products are often contaminated
ment, and FSC certified with traces of VCM, which can leach into the surrounding environment and con-
wood siding. taminate drinking water.
• Pure PVC resin is rigid and brittle; plasticizers (such as phthalates) are required to
• Flooring made from make PVC useful. Over time, phthalates can leach out or offgas, exposing build-
natural linoleum, cork, ing occupants to materials linked to reproductive system damage, and cancer in
tile, finished concrete, or laboratory animals.
earth. • Lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals are also used in some PVC products.
• Glass shower doors in-
stead of vinyl curtains. A Note About Terminology
• Natural fiber furniture. Vinyl chloride -CH2CHCl- is a monomer - a simple chemical unit that is repeated
to create a polymer. In other words, each bit of vinyl chloride is bonded to identical
• Natural wallcoverings
units of vinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride products consist primarily of vinyl chlo-
instead of vinyl wallpaper.
ride monomers with some additives that give the material necessary physical proper-
ties for a particular use, such as strength or flexibility. Note that in this document the
term “vinyl” is used as shorthand for “polyvinyl chloride” for the sake of readability.
This simplification is common in construction terminology.

1 USEPA (2004) Toxics Release Inventory report for 2002.

2 US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (2004) Incident Description.

Maintenance & Cleaning Products
Overview Minimize Toxins in your
Environmentally preferable cleaning methods and products can reduce indoor air
pollution and solid/liquid waste generation. Safe cleansers are among the easiest to
find and most competitively priced environmentally friendly materials. • Select durable finish materials
that do not require frequent
Improper use and disposal of many common cleaning and maintenance products stripping, waxing, or oiling
contributes to indoor air contamination, water pollution, and toxic waste. At home, (such as colored concrete, lino-
cleaning products are the most common cause of poisoning; nearly one million chil- leum, or cork.)
dren are exposed to harmful household chemicals and medicines each year. Vapors • Select biodegradable, non-
and solids from cleansers can be more difficult to disperse indoors than outdoors. As toxic cleansers. Other positive
a result, concentrations of toxic chemicals are commonly far higher inside the home features to look for include
or office than outdoors. neutral pH, vegetable-based
surfactants (if any), and con-
Biodegradability is a key factor for surfactants, the active ingredients in cleaners. centrates.
Even low surfactant concentrations in runoff can increase the ability of harmful
chemicals to penetrate plant and animal tissues. Ingredients that break down slowly • Read labels - Select cleansers,
or incompletely pose greater risks to the environment. Generally, petroleum-derived waxes, and oils not labeled as
surfactants break down more slowly than vegetable oil-derived fatty acids; some ma- toxic or highly toxic, poison-
terials are even resistant to municipal sewage treatment. Look for terms like “readily ous, harmful or fatal if swal-
biodegradable” on product labels. lowed, corrosive, flammable,
explosive, volatile, causing
cancer or reproductive harm,
When using materials that are hazardous: or which require “adequate
• Purchase only the amount needed and store it outside the building envelope.
ventilation” or safety equip-
• Take all recommended safety precautions. Goggles, gloves, and respirators are all
far more pleasant than injury and less expensive than health care.
• Dispose of the remainder and containers properly. Call (831) 454-2606 for in- • Consider substituting a mate-
formation about household hazardous waste disposal in Santa Cruz County, or rial with lower maintenance requirements.
• Select products that are certi-
RESOURCES fied by a third party or a gov-
ernment agency:
Vinyl Cleaning Products - Green Seal
Environmental Building News (2001) Green Seal Choose Green Report:
- Scientific Certification Sys-
“Plastics in Construction: Performance and
Affordability at What Cost?” CGR=GPCleaners.pdf tems (SCS) - US EPA Environmentally
m?fileName=100701a.xml “Safe & Effective Use of Floor Finish Strip- Preferable Purchasing Program
pers” - Western Regional Pollution Preven-
Environmental Building News (1994) tion Network fact sheet - General Services Agency
“Should we phase out PVC?” - CIWMB Recycled Content floor.htm Product Directory
US EPA Factsheet: Vinyl Chloride Safe, Simple, Effective Homemade Cleaning • To minimize stripper use: Supplies -Place mats at all building
vinylchl.html entrances and clean them
Healthy “Environmental
Impacts of Polyvinyl Chloride Building EPA Environmentally Preferable Purchasing -Dust mop and/or vacuum
Materials” frequently, and wet mop with a liquid cleaner.
California Integrated Waste Management
US Green Building Council Technical and Board - Refinish only areas where
Scientific Advisory Committee the finish surface is wearing.
Adhesives, Finishes & Sealants
RESOURCES Sealants enhance the resistance of materials to water or other chemical exposure,
Bay Area Build It Green while caulks and other adhesives can help control vibration and strengthen assem-
Materials Database blies by spreading loads beyond the immediate vicinity of fasteners. Both properties enhance durability of surfaces and structures, but at a cost - these products are gener-
ally hazardous in manufacture and application. Many construction adhesives formu-
Monterey Bay Area Green las contain more than 30% volatile petroleum-derived solvents, such as hexane, to
Building Directory
maintain liquidity until application. Not only are workers exposed to toxic solvents,
Green Builder Sustainable the materials continue to outgas during curing, potentially exposing occupants to
Building Sourcebook emissions for extended periods.
sourcebook/ Water-based adhesives are available from a number of different manufacturers. In-
FinishesAdhesives.html dustry tests indicate that these products work as well as or better than solvent-based
adhesives, pass all relevant ASTM and APA performance tests, and available at com-
Healthy Home Designs parable costs to common solvent-based adhesives. When adhesives are purchased in
www.healthyhomedesigns. bulk, larger containers can often be returned to vendors for refill. A pump or other
com tools are required to distribute the material, but the disposal of caulk tubes containing
potentially hazardous material is eliminated.
Green Spec
Stains and sealants also commonly emit potentially toxic volatile organic compounds
Oikos (VOCs) into indoor air. The simplest way to manage this problem is to use materials that do not require additional sealing, such as stone, ceramic and glass tile, and clay
plasters. The toxicity, and the air and water pollution generated in the manufacture
Center for Resourceful Building of chlorinated hydrocarbons such as methylene chloride, argues strongly for the use
Technology of responsible, effective alternatives, such as plant-based, non-toxic, or low-toxicity sealant formulations.
EPA Environmentally Preferable
Purchasing Database Finishes, Stains and Sealants • Consider materials that require no sealants, eliminating this source of indoor VOC
database.htm emissions.
• Petroleum-derived solvents, particularly products containing chlorinated hydrocar-
California Integrated Waste bons, are a serious concern for interior applications. Find substitutes for products
Management Board with ingredients or warnings containing the prefix ‘chlor-’, or the word ‘chloride,’ as many are probable human carcinogens.
• Architectural details, such as eaves and flashing, can help minimize sealant require-
Santa Cruz County Department
of Public Works (831) 454-2606 ments.
w w w. d p w. c o . s a n t a - • For low-traffic areas, consider using stains without additional sealants. • Consider plant-based, non-toxic, or low-toxicity sealant formulations.

City of Santa Cruz Department Adhesives

of Public Works •Consider water-based low- or zero-VOC construction adhesives. • Consider whether an adhesive is necessary for the application - materials joined by
nails, screws, and other appropriate fasteners are more readily deconstructed for
recycling, while adhesives distribute loads over larger areas rather than concentrat-
ing them at fasteners.
• Purchase adhesives in bulk, which is cheaper and eliminates disposal of empty tubes
with potentially hazardous residue.

For adhesives, stains, and sealants that are not water-based:

• Purchase only the amount needed.
• Dispose of the remainder and containers properly. Call (831) 454-2606 for infor-
mation about free household hazardous waste disposal in Santa Cruz County, or
Appliances and Office Equipment
Overview When Selecting
The cost of energy to power an appliance is typically many times the original price
Equipment, Consider:
of the equipment. By choosing the most energy efficient models available, you can
have a positive environmental impact and save money. • Appliances and equipment
that use the least energy and
The energy and water that appliances and office equipment consume translates water
directly into more fuel burned at power plants, which contributes to air pollution, • Appliances and equipment
global climate change, and waste of our limited natural resources. The good news is that use the least water
that efficient new appliances and office equipment can use only 1/2 to 1/3 as much
energy as those over 10 years old. Remember that home energy savings save after-tax • Appliances and equipment
dollars; the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory reports that replacing of older refrigera- that have the Energy Star ®
tors, clothes washers, dishwashers, thermostats, heating equipment, and incandes- label, which is a good simple
cent lighting with Energy Star equipment can save enough energy and water to pro- indicator of energy use
vide an average after-tax return on investment over 16%, significantly better than the • Durable appliances and
stock market. When appliances are well maintained and in good condition, one must equipment that meet your
weigh the waste, energy, and pollution required to make a new piece of equipment long-term needs.
against gains in efficiency. Of course, there are no savings or environmental benefits
• Natural gas appliances for
if older appliances remain in use, as is common with refrigerators.
space and water heating; gas
is often more cost-effective
Most retailers carry efficient, durable appliances and office equipment. Ask for the
and can reduce overall energy
most efficient models that meet your needs. For a simpler option, look for appliances
use. But natural gas, like other
and equipment with the Energy Star ® label - these are not necessarily the most ef-
fossil fuels, is not a renewable
ficient of all available models, but Energy Star ® products must perform significantly
better than federal minimum efficiency standards. Be sure to ask your retailer about
rebates or incentives for the purchase of energy and water saving appliances. • Sealed combustion and direct
vent furnaces and water heat-
ers increase in-
door air quality.
Based on standard U.S. Government tests
model number
• In offices, con-
and appliance type sider occupancy
American Council for an Energy Ef-
sensors to mini-
Refrigerator-Freezer XYZ Corporation ficient Economy - ACEEE produces
With Automatic Defrost Model ABC-N
Information about
unbiased guides with ratings of the mize unneces-
With Side-Mounted Freezer Capacity: 23 Cubic Feet features, capacity
Without Through-the-Door-Ice Service and size, so you can most efficient appliances and office sary lighting, as
Compare the Energy Use of this Refrigerator compare models.
equipment available well as “smart”
with Others Before You Buy Estimates of power-strips
the appliance’s that combine
This Model Uses annual energy
750 kWh/year use. The lower the
Home Energy Saver - A web-based an occupancy
number, the more do-it yourself energy audit tool from sensor with a
energy-efficient the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories surge protector.
Energy Use (kWh/year) range of all similar models appliance, and the Sensing that an
Uses Most less it costs to run.
Uses Least
Energy Energy
United States Environmental Protec-
area is unoc-
742 836 The range of ratings cupied, a smart
for models with tion Agency ENERGY STAR ®
kWh/year (kilowatt-hours per year) is a measure of energy (electricity) use.
Your utility company uses it to compute your bill. Only models with 22.5 to 24.4 cubic feet similar features and power-strip will
and the above features are used in this scale. capacity. shut down de-
Refrigerators using more energy cost more to operate. An estimate of the Purchasing Advisor: Smart Power vices that can be
This model’s estimated yearly operating cost is: annual cost to run Strips safely turned off
this model, based when not in use,
$58 on a national aver-
age. Californians
business/customer_connections/ such as moni-
Based on a 2000 U.S. Government national average cost of 8.24¢ per kWh for typically pay up PA_3.html tors, task lights,
electricity. Your actual operating cost will vary depending on your local utility to 50% more, on
rates and your use of the product.
average. space heaters,
and printers.

Water-Efficient Fixtures
Benefits of Water Overview
Conservation California’s urban water use can be reduced by a full 39% -- cost effectively and with
existing, proven technology. Water conservation programs are tapping into this op-
• More water available for portunity in new construction, saving 700,000 acre-feet (AF) per year in 2000. An acre
our common needs and foot is the amount of water that would cover an acre of land one foot deep (approx.
to support healthy eco- 326,000 gallons). An additional 890,000 AF per year could be saved by replacing
systems, now and in the existing inefficient fixtures and appliances, and reducing leaks. Such savings from
future. existing technologies - not including some of the more novel ideas below - would be
• Individuals save money sufficient to supply the needs of 17 million additional water-efficient Californians ac-
through reduced water cording to the Pacific Institute. Capturing those savings would reduce the appeal of
bills, and collectively we more expensive and energy-intensive water sources, such as desalinated ocean water.
save by delaying or elimi-
nating the need to expand Considerations
water infrastructure. • Toilets, clothes washers, and showers account for three-quarters of indoor residential
water demand, and efficient, effective fixtures are widely available, often supported
• The energy used to pump
by rebate programs.
and treat freshwater and
• For homes, a water audit is an excellent way to spot costly leaks, which are very com-
wastewater is conserved.
mon: read your water meter, wait two hours without using any water, and read the
• Conserving hot water saves meter again. The difference is leakage, and it adds up.
even more energy. • Adding aerators with flow restrictors is an inexpensive way to save water from the
• Most water customers pay tap, while keeping existing fixtures in use.
a monthly base fee ac- • Make sure your shower heads are less than 2 gallons per minute (gpm). Shower
cording to the size of their heads using 1.5 - 1.8 gpm can be quiet, comfortable and effective.
incoming water line; ag- • Composting uses little or no water, while garbage disposals require a great deal of
gressive conservation may water to work well. Food waste eliminated with a garbage disposal can also account
reduce the size of the inlet for as much as 50% of home wastewater solids - increasing water treatment costs, or
that a business or home requiring septic tanks to be pumped more frequently.
needs, further increasing • Insulating water pipes not only saves energy, it helps hot water reach the tap or
monthly savings. shower faster, wasting less water while it warms up.
• Energy Star ® labeled dishwashers and clothes washers save water and energy.
• Investigate waterless urinals for businesses, and dual-flush toilets for businesses and
• The water lost while waiting for hot water to reach a tap adds up to an average of
10,000 gallons per year per household. Two techniques

RESOURCES can eliminate this problem. On-demand systems, which

heat water instantly as needed save energy and water.
Hot water recirculators can also eliminate this waste by
Water Saving -conservation information and rebates by pumping hot water in a loop from the heater to the far-
local water agencies thest fixture in the system. However, constant recircu- lation systems can use more energy than they conserve
by losing heat to pipes throughout the building. Recir-
City of Santa Cruz Water Department 831-420-5230
culation systems are best suited to new construction
A list of available titles is online at
wt/wtcon/tips.html plumbed for recirculation.
• In new construction, heat-exchangers transfer heat
Building “Hot Water on Demand - and no Energy from greywater (e.g., showers, sinks, washers) to incom-
Penalty” (1995) ing cold water, reducing hot water demand by as much as 50%.
• Consider roof rainwater collection and/or greywater
Pacific Institute report (2003) “Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for uses such as yard watering, car washing, and toilet
for Urban Water Conservation in California” flushing.

Solar Photovoltaics
Overview Passive Solar Design
Photovoltaic (PV) materials convert sunlight into useful, clean electricity. By adding Passive solar design is an ef-
PV to your home or office, you can generate renewable energy, reduce your own fective method of heating and
environmental impact, enjoy protection from rising utility costs, and reduce green- cooling through utilization of
house gas emissions. Electricity is only one of many uses for solar energy. The sun sunlight. Proper building orien-
of course is essential to your garden, and it can heat water very cost-effectively, but tation, thermal mass, and insu-
the most fundamental use of solar energy is in overall building design. Good design lation are specified in conjunc-
uses solar radiation to passively and/or actively heat your building, and to help keep tion with careful placement of
it cool. windows and shading. Thermal
mass absorbs heat during the
Building integrated photovoltaic systems (BIPV) offer additional design options, al- day and radiates it back into the
lowing electricity to be generated by windows, shades and awnings, roofing shingles, room at night. The effect is a qui-
and PV-laminated metal roofing, for example. BIPV options can be used in retrofits et, comfortable, energy efficient
or new construction. space with stable year-round
Considerations • At little or no cost, passive
• Photovoltaic panels (PV) capture freely available, dependable energy that would solar design can easily
otherwise just heat up your roof and go to waste. be designed into new
• Even in California, most of our electricity comes from fossil fuels that pollute the construction, and can be
air and contribute to greenhouse warming. Solar panels are, ironically, generally retrofitted into existing
manufactured with fossil-energy, but produce zero additional pollution over de- buildings in some cases.
cades of operation, for a dramatic net benefit to the earth.
• The price of solar panels has been declining for decades, and substantial rebates are
• It pays dividends over the
available to further reduce the cost.
life of the building through
• Solar electricity for residential use still costs more in the short term than energy
reduced or eliminated heating
from a utility company, but its price is fixed at the time of installation, while the
and cooling costs.
price of other energy sources rises with inflation, policy, and long-term demand. • Indoor air quality is improved
• The combination of tax breaks, accelerated depreciation, and rebates can make PV through elimination of forced
very cost effective for businesses. air systems.
• PV panels can provide most or all of the electricity needed for a home, often even • Retrofitting is rarely as effec-
in fairly foggy local microclimates tive as initially designing for
• Solar electric panels are durable - many panels installed in the 1970’s are still in use this method.
today - and panels shade your roof, helping to keep your building cooler in sum-
mer and extend • Sites with
the life of the roof
• Excess electric- Million Solar Roofs
CAL-SEIA: California Solar Home Passive Solar Design
ity produced by a Energy Industries Association Factsheet may be less
PV system can be w w w. e e r e. e n e r g y. g o v / suitable.
fed back into the DSIRE - Database of State In- consumerinfo/factsheets/
grid; utilities only centives for Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Policy passive_solar.html
bills for the net Project Passive Solar Heating, Cooling
amount of power
RESNET - Energy efficient and Daylighting
used each year. mortgage information Sustainable Building
• Numerous op- w w w. n a t r e s n e t . o r g / Sourcebook solar_passive.html
portunities exist lenders/ www.g
to finance a PV sourcebook/PassiveSol.html National Renewable Energy
system at below- Northern California Solar Laboratory: Solar Radiation
market rates, or Energy Association CEC Consumer Energy Center Data Manual
increase lending www.consumerenergycent
limits for a given bluebook/
rate in consid- Solar Living Institute
eration of lower
energy costs. 41
Green Building Checklist
No. Item Applicable
P Building Types
Goal: Create a more sustainable community

1 Build mixed-use developments and provide public amenities such as open space c t m s
2 Cluster development to minimize paving and utilities, and to preserve open space c t m s
3 Reuse a brownfield or previously occupied site c t m s
4 Design for easy pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access c t m s

Goal: Respect your site

5 Design and landscape to create comfortable micro-climates and reduce heat island effects c t m s
6 Optimize building orientation for heat gain, shading, daylighting, and natural ventilation c t m s
7 Reduce building footprint - smaller is better c t m s
8 Limit site impacts, balance cut and fill, preserve existing vegetation and protect soil during con- c t m s
Site & Landscape

9 Use native plants that are drought-resistant, create habitat for indigenous species, and do not re- c t m s
quire pesticides for maintenance
10 Use recycled rubble for backfill drain rock c t m s

Goal: Save water and reduce local water impacts

11 Maximize onsite stormwater management through landscaping and permeable pavement c t m s
12 Use rainwater harvesting c t m s
13 Use water-conserving landscape technologies such as drip irrigation, moisture sensors, and water- c t m s
ing zones
Goal: Reduce, reuse, recycle
Waste Reduction
& Management

14 Reuse a building (renovate) instead of tearing down and rebuilding c t m s

15 Deconstruct old buildings for materials reuse (salvage) c t m s
16 Recycle construction & demolition waste c t m s
17 Design for durability and eventual reuse c t m s
18 Provide adequate space for storing and handling recyclables c t m s

Goal: Make concrete with sustainable materials


19 Use flyash in concrete c t m s

20 Use recycled aggregate in non-structural concrete c t m s
21 Use prefabricated forms or save and reuse wood form boards c t m s

Goal: Design to save wood and labor

Wood Framing

22 Use spacings, sizes, and modular dimensions that minimize lumber use and optimize performance c t m s
23 Use engineered lumber or metal stud framing to replace solid-sawn lumber c t m s

Goal: Support sustainable forests

24 Use sustainably harvested lumber (FSC certified) for wood framing c t m s
25 Use reclaimed or salvaged lumber c t m s

Goal: Make a sustainable roof

Exterior Treatments,
Siding & Roofing

26 Use durable roofing materials c t m s

27 Use a cool roof c t m s
28 Use a green or living roof c t m s

Goal: Support healthy environments and sustainable forests

29 Use sustainable siding materials c t m s
30 Use sustainable decking materials c t m s

KEY c=Commercial/Industrial t=Tenant Improvement m=Multi-family Housing s=Single-family Home

No. Item Applicable
P Building Types
Goal: Save energy through passive design
Windows &

31 Provide shading on east, west and south windows with overhangs, awnings, or deciduous trees c t m s

32 Plan windows and skylights, light shelves, and window treatments to provide daylight that im- c t m s
proves indoor environments
33 Choose window sizes, frame materials, and glass coatings to optimize energy performance c t m s
34 Stop air leakage at doors and windows c t m s

Goal: Save water and energy in plumbing systems

35 Use water-conserving plumbing fixtures c t m s
36 Use water-saving appliances and equipment c t m s

37 Insulate hot and cold water pipes c t m s

38 Use heat recovery equipment, tankless water heaters and/or on-demand hot water circulation c t m s
39 Pre-plumb for future graywater use for toilet flushing and landscape irrigation c t m s

Goal: Reduce environmental impacts from materials production

40 Use sustainable materials for pipes c t m s

Goal: Save energy in lighting

41 Design lighting levels for actual use, and use task lighting to reduce general lighting levels c t m s

42 Use energy-efficient lamps and lighting fixtures c t m s

43 Use lighting controls that save energy such as occupancy sensors c t m s

Goal: Save energy in equipment use

44 Use ENERGY STAR® appliances c t m s
45 Use a building energy management system c t m s

Goal: Save energy through passive design

46 Use passive solar design, thermal mass, and insulation to reduce space heating needs c t m s
47 Replace air conditioning with natural ventilation and passive cooling c t m s
48 Use ceiling fans for comfort cooling, and use a whole-building fan for night-time cooling c t m s
49 Upgrade wall, floor, and ceiling insulation to exceed minimum State requirements c t m s

Goal: Save energy in equipment use

Heating & Cooling

50 Use high-efficiency equipment including furnaces, boilers, fans, and pumps c t m s

51 Use heat recovery equipment c t m s
52 Use geothermal systems, cogeneration, or other alternatives for heating and cooling c t m s
53 Place ductwork within conditioned space, seal joints properly, and clean before occupancy c t m s
54 Zone mechanical systems for more efficient heating and cooling c t m s
55 Use radiant and hydronic systems for increased efficiency, health, and comfort c t m s
56 Use equipment without ozone-depleting refrigerants c t m s

Goal: Create healthy indoor environments

57 Use recycled-content, formaldehyde-free fiberglass, cellulose, or cotton insulation, or other green c t m s
insulation products
58 Separate ventilation for indoor pollutant sources and provide advanced filtration to improve indoor c t m s
air quality
59 Use clean and efficient alternatives to wood-burning fireplaces c t m s
Green Building Checklist, cont.
No. Item Applicable
P Building Types
Goal: Replace fossil fuel use with alternatives
Renewable Power

60 Generate clean electricity onsite using solar photovoltaics c t m s

61 Generate clean electricity onsite using wind turbines c t m s
62 Use solar hot-water systems for domestic use and swimming pools c t m s
63 Use solar hot-water systems for space heating c t m s
64 Pre-plumb for a solar hot-water system c t m s

Goal: Create healthy indoor environments

65 Use low- or no-VOC, formaldehyde-free paints, stains, and adhesives c t m s
66 Use low- or no-VOC carpets, furniture, particleboard, and cabinetry c t m s
Interior Materials

67 Use exposed concrete as a finished floor c t m s

68 Use natural materials such as wool and sisal for carpets and wallcoverings c t m s
69 Use sustainable materials for flooring, trim, and interior surfaces c t m s

Goal: Support the market for recycled materials

70 Use recycled-content floor tile, carpets and pads, cabinets, and countertops c t m s

Goal: Support sustainable forests

71 Use reclaimed / salvaged, sustainably harvested (FSC certified), or engineered wood for flooring c t m s
and trim, or use wood alternatives such as bamboo and cork
Goal: Use creativity and innovation to build more sustainable environments
Other Green

72 Use insulated concrete forms c t m s

73 Use structural insulated panels to replace wood-framed walls c t m s
74 Use natural building materials and techniques, such as earth, clay, and straw c t m s
75 Other sustainable methods or materials c t m s

KEY c=Commercial/Industrial t=Tenant Improvement m=Multi-family Housing s=Single-family Home

New and existing residential projects

San Mateo County

Alameda County Waste Management Authority

For More

Non-residential projects
US Green Building Council’s LEED Rating System
Ultimate Green Checklist
Hosted by local architect, Marilyn Crenshaw

44 Checklist adapted, with permission, from the San Mateo Countywide Sustainable Buildings Guide and Checklist
© 2004, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz.
Content may be modified or reproduced by the County of Santa Cruz and the City of Santa Cruz.
Content may be reproduced by others, with permission.
Printed on recycled paper. Cover printed with vegetable oil-based inks.

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