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Block Scheduling: A form of scheduling in which classes meet

for longer than the traditional period of time daily.

o Classes typically meet for 90+ minutes
o Types
Alternate Day
Class Periods: A form of scheduling in which a student attends
six, seven, or sometimes even eight classes every day whether for the

entirety of the semester or a full year.

o Class length is usually around 50 minutes.
Time Management: A major theme across many of the studies
reviewed is that the amount of instructional time is not so important as

how that time is spent.

o National Commission on Excellence in Education published a report,

A Nation at Risk, which made Americans question our educational

effectiveness. Administrators and teachers have been criticized for

inefficient and ineffective use of school time.

Curriculum: Class time during the different scheduling formats is

the time in which the curriculum is implemented.

o Whether the time is used effectively or ineffectively is more

dependent on the interaction between the teacher and their

students, not necessarily the curriculum it

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