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(20 marks)

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. Last September, there _________ a storm in
Kampung Parit, Seremban.
A. is C. was
B. am D. were

2. The doctor ___________ treated you is my cousin.

A. who C. whom
B. Which D. whose

3. Please dont lean ___________ the cupboard, said

Mrs. Das.
A. to C. along
B. At D. against

4. __________ your headmistress is strict, she is kind.

A. As C. Since
B. For D. Although

5. Your sister enjoys playing squash, ____________ she?

A. do C. dont
B. does D. doesnt

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. We dont need many people to do the work. As the saying goes

A. easier said than done
B. practice makes perfect
C. too many cooks spoil the broth
D. a friend in need is a friend indeed

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Rahman likes to ____7_____ stamps. He has ___8___ album full of colourful

stamps. The stamps are __ 9_____many parts of the world. He takes good

care of his stamps.

7. A. collect 8. A.

B. collects B. a

C. collected C. an

D. collecting D. the

9. A. to

B. by

C. for

D. from

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined

10. Melinda is really proud, said Joo Ling.

A. nice

B. kind

C. humble

D. arrogant

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A. Hello may I speak to David please?

B. Hello, may I speak to David, please?

C. Hello. May I speak to David please?

D. Hello! May I speak to David. Please?

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Last Sunday, there _____12_____ a gotong royong at the park of

Taman Pelangi. The residents gathered at the ____13______ near a pond.

They brought along their ______14_____. They were given a brief

___15_____ the chairman of the residents association.

12. A. is 14. A. tools

B. are B. utensils

C. was C. weapons

D. were D. instruments

13. A. hall 15. A. by

B. hut B. for

C. stall C. with

D. stage D. from

Questions 16 20

Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that


The fishermen of Bachok, Kelantan mainly live along Pantai Irama.

There are many villages, with wooden and zinc houses, all along Pantai Irama.

Many of the fishermen still live in poor living conditions without

modern facilities. Some of the houses do not have good water and electricity
supply too.

Last year, I was in Bachok for a short vacation. I was rather

saddened to see the living conditions and to a certain extent, poverty of the

Unlike the fishermen of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, the

fishermen of Bachok still need a lot of help in order to improve their standard
of living.

16. The writer was in Bachok _____________ .

A. for a holiday

B. to catch fish

C. to see the fishermen

D. to help the fishermen

17. The meaning of the word facilities in the passage is ____________ .

A. attire

B. goods

C. devices

D. amenities

18. From the passage, we know that ________________ .

A. the writer lives in Bachok.

B. Bachok is a fishing village.

C. Pantai Irama is on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia.

D. all the houses in Bachok do not have water and electricity supply.

19. Why do you think the writer was sad ?

A. The fishermen of Bachok are bad.

B. The stay at Bachok was too short.

C. The fishermen need help from others.

D. There are poor living standards in Bachok.

20. Which of the following statements is true about the fishermen of Bachok ?

A. They are sad.

B. Their standard of living has improved.

C. They live in wooden and zinc houses.

D. They received help from the fishermen of the west coast.


Question 21

Based on the pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences.

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Answer :
No, I prefer
coffee to tea. _________________________


( 2 marks )

(b) Answer :
Sungai Rejang ___________________________
is in Sarawak.


( 2 marks)

( c) Answer :
How many colours
are there in a


( 2 marks)

Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.

Alan celebrated his twelfth birthday a week ago. His parents had
a grand party for him. Many of his relatives and friends came to the party.
Three of his teachers attended the function too.

A few days before the celebration, Alans brother, Kelvin and his
friends cleaned and decorated the house with coloured lights, streamers and

The party began at 7.00 p.m. but the guests were there as early
as 6.00 p.m. Kelvin played some music to entertain the guests. Alan was very
happy. He welcomed all the guests and shook hands with them. He was
dressed in his new clothes which his father bought for him.

Alan cut the birthday cake at 7.00 p.m. The cake had twelve
candles on it. The guests sang the Happy Birthday song and gave him
presents. Then, they ate the delicious food and enjoyed playing games. The
party ended at 9.00 p.m.

Question 22

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

(a) The birthday party is for _______ .

Alans teachers
( 1 mark )

(b) The word presents in the story has the same meaning as _______ .

rewards. ( 1 mark )

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(c) Why was the party held?


( 2 marks )

(d) Do you think Alan is a well mannered boy? Why?


( 2 marks )

(e) Do you think Alans brother and his friends are good? Why?


( 2 marks )

Read the brochure below and answer the questions that follow.


RM 80.00
RM 30.00
* train ride
* ride through the forest in the air
* Dracula show
* panoramic view of mountains
* marine world
* safety precautions provided
* roller coaster

EUROPE WORLD Please call us to confirm your

RM 50.00
Early birds ( before 15 July)
* castle from all over Europe
will get a travelling bag for
* cultural shows from European countries free!

* variety of food from European countries TEL : 03-56781233

FAX : 03-56781234

Question 23

Tick ( /) the correct answer.

(a) If Eric wanted to have a ride in a roller coaster, he would choose _____ .

Amazing Theme Park.

Europe World.
Enjoyable Ride.
( 1 mark )

(b)Suzanna is at the Europe World. She can see
Dracula show. the following except _______.
cultural shows.

( 1 mark )

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is

given below.

List A
The entrance fee for the
Amazing Theme Park
We can get a panoramic view of List B
There is a variety of food if we take a ride in a cable car.
is eighty ringgit.

at the Europe World.

( 2 marks )

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(d) What do you think you can see at the marine world ?


( 2 marks )

(e) What should you do if you want to get a travelling bag ?


( 2 marks)

Study the advertisement below. Answer the questions that follow.


10, Jalan Segambut,

41150 Kuala Lumpur

Year- end Sale!

Discounts up to 70% Discounts up to 50%

* all food items * electrical items

* mens wear * beverages

* ladies wear * car accessories

* childrens wear * toys

* books and stationery

Free pencil box for children aged 12 and below.

Free gifts for purchase of RM 100.00 and above in a single receipt.

Opens daily : 9.00 a.m. 10.00 p.m.

Questions 24 and 25

Tick ( / ) the correct answer.

24. (a) The year end sale will be on for ___________ .

a month.
two days.
two weeks. ( 1 mark )

(b) Which one of the following is sold at half price ?

Exercise book.
( 1 mark )


Free pencil box for children aged 12 and below.

(a) Why do you think Family Hypermarket is doing so ?

( 2 marks)
(b) Khatijah wants to celebrate her birthday on 5 December. She wants to buy a
lot of food items. Why do you think she should go to Family Hypermarket ? Give
reasons to support your answer.


( 2 marks)

(c) Why do you think Family Hypermarket gives away free gifts for every
purchase of RM 100.00 and above in a single receipt ? Give reasons to support
your answer.

(2 marks)



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