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Sex Trafficking

Ryon Mkkan

e3 Civic High


Currently in third world countries there is no doubt that it has been hard for the young and old

people living there but there are some that suffer even more than the third world problems they

have to bear and endor, that is sex trafficking. Some are kidnapped or violently taken away at

birth, others have no choice but to join the sex trafficking ring to help care their children and

loved ones with no other choice. This is one of the many things people in developing countries

have to do, forcibly or without a choice. Not many people know this but this has impacted a lot

of places one of them being the U.S and with Mexico right next to us it can be hard to control

and stopping this devastating thing known as sex trafficking. Overall, it may be said that if

people would help out in foundations or if people in third world countries would have access to

education this can drastically change statistics nationwide.

Keywords: sex trafficking. U.S. developing countries.people


Sex trafficking is a horrible thing no doubt about it and this has lead to some serious

problems now and will continue to move forward and this is devastating to people in third world

countries who have very few resources to help them through this type of abuse and the people

who suffer the most are the women. Out of the five topics in the book half the sky the topic that

concerned me the most was sex trafficking because it is one of the worst ones. These five topic

are only the tip of the iceberg when talking about violence in the world, especially third world

countries. Although some people think that gender based violence is a horrible thing now a days

because it affects only men and women, The worse part is sex trafficking because this can

happen to any race, gender, age etc. No matter what you do or say. People in third world

countries like Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Asia have very few opportunities then and

now but hopefully not in the near future.

In a world filled with 7.4 billion people and out of those billions 1.2 billion are living in

Africa. A third world country that can barely survive on its own without help of major

organizations from around the globe now have major food shortages, with all this in mind there

is people getting abused on top of all this problems and these are mainly the women in this

country. Women in these places have much more to worry about especially surviving and taking

care of their children, but how do these single mothers survive? And most importantly how do

they help their loved ones out? Well without any jobs and really nothing to sell due to the

weather and very limited water women are forced to sell their body for sex to help themself or /

and their children out. Now at this point she is prostituting, which is another form of sex

trafficking. Although that may be seem horrible there is still other forms of sex trafficking others

harsher than a few, Some women have to give up on their children so they have to sell their

children due to the mother being so deep in poverty and incapable of taking care of them and this

is more seen single mothers in third world countries with multiple children while other women

who are already in the sex trafficking ring have to give up their children and have them taken

away by force and into the sex trafficking ring by a master. One other way sex trafficking can get

another victim is by kidnapping. This is called forced sex or more formally called compulsory

labor and This happens very often due to the acording facts and statistics brought by the UNODC

(United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime) says that about 59% of the 20.9 million people

estimated from the International Labour Organization Global Estimate of Forced Labour (ILO

Global Estimate of Forced Labour) who are victims of sex trafficking / forced labor globally are

Women and 17 percent are girls under the age of seventeen. Males are also part of the sex

trafficking but they have a very small percentage compared to the female percentage of sex

trafficking. 14 percent are grown men who are being trafficked and 10 percent are kids

seventeen and younger.

Although there are some things women can do to reduce the attacks on themself by going

to school to acquire an education women can still be possibly attacked as they are seen as

vulnerable especially the younger girls but attending school is hard itself due to it costing money

and that is one of the main reason why people join the sex trafficking ring is for money. Look at

this from a different perspective, this now leads to an almost inescapable cycle in where the

victim wants to get out of poverty by going to school but now you need money to attend school

in the first place so what happens? If that is the case something just like that can happen to

someone and can be forced into the sex trafficking ring it is that easy to get involved and even

easier if you are kidnapped and that is why it is very dangerous: Its simple. Once the victim is in

the sex trafficking ring it is very difficult to get out because the predator will say that he/she has

to pay an unreasonable debt and the only way to pay it back is by doing sexual acts.There is now

nowhere to go and the culprit could be constantly saying things that can make the victims afraid

of leaving like blackmailing their family members or saying that they will torture them until

death. One of the most riskiest thing a victim could do once they escape is go to the police

because they could go to jail for prostitution and if they are illegal they can be deported to

another even worse place where they are most vulnerable.

There are a lot of organizations out there that help people out of poverty like building

schools and helping out neighborhoods by donating food in third world countries. Others help

victims one-on-one by talking to them and helping them with social services and housing if they

are in a first world country. The thing about sex trafficking in first world countries is that they

attack very vulnerable people like prostitutes or emotionally broken people or even physically

vulnerable people like homeless people and people on drugs, this happens in our hometown: San

diego. As a community everyone needs to give their support to these people then once a safe

environment is created by adding schools and other helpful buildings like a police station sex

trafficking will go down significantly and there would be no need for prostitution. This will not

only help women and children living in horrible locations such as third world countries but also

men as it makes it harder for someone to get targeted.

Counter argument

Yes, sex trafficking, prostitution and forced labor is a horrible thing. Yes, this disgusting

thing should be stopped as soon as possible but this problem is not the only thing keeping many

people from sleeping tonight. People are saying funding and raising money for this cause is not

really an issue to be resolved at the moment instead many people are saying that the funds should

go into other things such as education in third world countries. Funding this would be way more

helpful as it could lead people in developing countries too poor to go to school a chance as

everything is payed for them and getting an education can help the students drive into a whole

other direction full of hope instead of being trafficked and this could possibly reduce sex

trafficking as a whole. Another reason why helping women get an education is that they are way

more vulnerable when they are poor and uneducated so giving them an education can reduce the

amount of money that the International Labour Office estimates that forced labour generates

$150bn (96 bn) in illegal profits every year. Two thirds ($99bn; 63 bn) comes from sexual

exploitation (Human trafficking: The lives bought and sold, 2015, Para. 2 ) significantly.

Sending poor and uneducated kids to school can not only teach females but also teach the males

about sex trafficking and how to avoid it and not get involved in it and teach them values and

also maybe talk about certain viruses that could be spread by doing sexual acts. Usually in some

parts of the world such as iran women are seen less than any man and they are restricted to do

very limited things such as attending to school. With these type of strict boundaries it would be

almost useless to fund schools if only a few guys went and not including women, people from

those counties need to see women as equal as men, as well as the entire globe, this would help

significantly and poverty and prostitution levels would be at its low.


In the end putting a stop to this sex trafficking, prostitution and forced labor would be a

major accomplishment at the moment even if it may not sound so big. That may sound very

vague but putting an end to what is now estimated 10,000 kids (17 and under)sold for sex each

year is kind of a really big deal(Why Do We Lock Up Survivors of Sex Trafficking?, 2016, para.

2). One thing everyone could do right at this very moment to help the cause is to donate money

to help build schools in developing countries that could help refuge kids and / or also be on the

lookout on suspicious activities. We need to know that we are all in this together no matter what

race or gender and we should all help one another out especially in developing countries and

think about equity.

Annotated Bibliography

Kristof, N. D., & WuDunn, S. (2009). Half the sky: Turning oppression into opportunity for

women worldwide. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

In this book Half the sky: Turning oppression into opportunity for women worldwide it

talks about women around the world and how they are treated by not only looking at the

people but also talking to the victims and people to hear their side of what cruel things

they have to face. The book tells about what the cause of women's death are in many third

world countries.with the help of both the help of Sheryl WuDunn who is a news reporter

and her husband Kristof Nicholas who is a New York Times writer . The reason why you

should trust this source is because it has been written by many people around the world

and also has pictures about and it has a movie too. I will use this source because it is

related to my topic and also a very good book that not only talks about my topic but also

about many other cuel things that women have to face in third world countries.

Rodgers, L , Bailey, D, & Fletcher G.,(2015).Human trafficking: The lives bought and sold


In this article called Human trafficking: The lives bought and sold from the BBC they

talk about another form of sex trafficking, with bribery and offers that sound too good to

be true that at the end they won't get. Some of the victims have talk about their

experience with more depth .This site talks about three people who have managed to

escape the sex trafficking business but out of the three women only one of them is from a

third world country, proving that this can happen anywhere. The reason why I trust this

source is because it is part of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) a news site that

millions of people use in Britain like we use the New York Times. I will use this source

because it talks about my topic goes a little bit more in depth about the sex trafficking


UN data (2006). Afghanistan. (1986) Gender Info

The UN (United Nations) data is a place where many records of sex trafficking and other

illegal actions are recorded from as early as of 1985. The UN data records data from all

over the globe, the most recent one is from is from Afghanistan 2006. The UN data shows

units and percentages of the given location about sex trafficking and numerous other

illegal things. This a source that I find trustworthy because it gives a lot of source of

many different places in very good detail and that would be hard to fake it is also a .org

meaning only an organization could have made this with hard proof unlike a .com which

anyone can use to fake news. Acquiring and using this source is helpful because it is

related to my topic and it has many areas that sex trafficking happens it also has many

statistics and numbers about the each and every location listed on the site.

Sanders,S.J. (2015) Sex Trafficking Prevention. Arizona: Unhooked Books, Scottsdale.

This booked called Sex Trafficking Prevention talks about sex trafficking but unlike the

other resources instead of the others talking about sex trafficking crimes and survivors it talks

about how to prevent sex trafficking and sexual harassment them from happening to you. This

book helps people who have dealt with sex trafficking or any other form of prostitution. This

book is amined for both kids and parents as it has info on how children can protect himself in

public and how parents can talk to their children about abuse and sexual harassment. The reason

why I trust this source is because the author himself has been a victim of abuse and trafficking

and works at Sandra Day O'Connor Institute as a Training Coordinator for the SAFE

(Safeguarding Adolescents From Exploitation) Action Project which aims at Civic Engagement

and Education. I will use this source because it is part of my topic sex trafficking and I will also

use this resource because it talks about how to stay safe about and how to talk to victims of sex


Powell, A. (2016, September, 28). Why Do We Lock Up Survivors of Sex Trafficking?-The New

York Times. From


This New York Times article talks about what happens after a person has been rescued from the

sex trafficking ring and may be charged for prostitution and become registered sex offenders.

The article talks about how afraid girls can get when they are in police custody and undergoing

questioning and being afraid they might go to jail for prostitution they do not say anything to the

police officials. When someone gets jail time for prostitution it may be hard for them to get a job

or attend certain schools such as teaching and/or attending because they are registered sex

offenders and it stains their record forever. The reason I trust this source The New York Times is

because many million other people use this site to read there daily news and also use it to site

essays thus I am using this source and also The New York Times issues newspapers across the

U.S. I will use this source to inform myself on how victims of sex trafficking are attended and

treated after being rescued from being in the prostitution industry and also in the sex trafficking


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